Man behind viral dress to stand trial charged with trying to kill wife to Lemmy – 437 points –

I hate to keep bringing this up, but I don't think it counts as a "shit post" if you're just posting an actual real thing that you found in the news

I'm pretty sure that's just a regular news post

Anything and everything goes here.

What's the point of it then? There are already like 50 news communities on here why do we need news posts here too?

I never said there was a point.

So why even bother with it then? If we're just posting "anything and everything" wherever we feel like it then I might as well be back on Reddit 🤮

You know you can block communities right? No shortage of places to get shitposts around here.

I see... So since you clearly don't understand what a "shitpost" is, I should block the entire community and go away. That's some real next level thinking right there 🤯

Make your own community then? I'm just quoting the sidebar.

The sidebar also specifies "memes, jokes, vents, and banter" which would typically all fall under "shit posting". It does not say "regular news articles you just thought were neat"

I feel like we should put a rest to the term “breaking the internet.”

Am I the only one here completely out of the loop?

Yeah nothing viral has really ever broken the internet.

Ellen Degenerate’s Oscar tweet sort of broke Twitter briefly, I can’t think of much else.

Nowadays Twitter breaks itself spontaneously, no celeb needed

Does Elon musk not count as a celeb? Because he was definitely needed to break twitter.

Definitely doesn't count. There's famous, and then there's infamous.

Ellen was also quite infamous among her crew.

Facebook fucking up their BGP 2 years ago broke the internet for like 1/3 of the world

Which is less impressive considering a gentle breeze can break Twitter now.

On the same topic, the Will Smith/Chris Rock Oscar slap pretty much saturated the internet for a few days

And Gangnam style broke the youtube view counter too, but your point stands

So black and blue, in the end, then.

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Oh, wow... this is real

Im just reading the article, and remembering the whole domestic abuse campaign the dress produced. Think this just really drove the point home for sure.

Domestic abuse campaign the dress produced? I barely pay attention, remember the dress but not that.

I think it was in South Africa.

Oh! A campaign AGAINST domestic abuse! That's better!

Hahaha what did you think?

Like a black and white infomercial,

"Have you come home without dinner being ready? Laundry piling up? Is your wife exposing too much skin?

Lucky for you, there's an easy solution!"

Fade to color...

Yeah, I thought at first it might be some kind of "mens rights" group pro-abuse because it's traditional kind of bullshit..

Still couldn't agree on the colour of it, eh?

the people seeing black and blue should use a color picker and find out for themselves

I actually did use a color picker when this was first popular about a decade ago. It's black and blue.

What's going wrong here where you seem unfamiliar with even the concept of white balance and/or color temperature being off in a photograph? You've seen it happen on your own cell phone camera.

Petite see colors differently and moods can even change how they're perceived.

Fun well supported theory: it's thought the last color humanity noticed was blue. The sky up until a certain point in history were often described as colors other than blue even on supposed clear sunny days.

I'll try to find the actual paper on it, it's actually pretty fascinating.

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