if the person who named walkie talkies named everything.

panchzila@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1327 points –

Diarrhea: Soupy Poopy.

"Maybe baby" definitely needs to be a thing.

It actually is, at least in Germany you can buy pregnany tests of a brand called "Maybe-baby".

Does it also rhyme in German?

These aren't actually German words. It's just an anglicism for a proper noun. So yes, it does rhyme in German, but only because it's pronounced the English way.

bites tongue

I GOTTA BE 'WELL ACTUALLY GUY'. I can't help it.

A defib would actually be the Hearty Less Retardy.

Edit: And if that offends you, sorry. But it's literally accurate.

Instead of pedant maybe we can say (and I don't actually mean this as an insult)... picky pricky?

Maybe... Hearty Re-Starty?

Ticker Re-jigger?

Pumper Bumper?

Despite what happens in movies, defibrillators are used to stop arrhythmia and don't jump start hearts back up. Arhythmia is when the timing/pace is out of sync, which is also known as timing retardation. Although we usually use that term for engines, it's essentially the exact same thing.

Cats would be furry purries.

Uno, dos, meow, meow, tres, cuatro!

Pretty little kitty chased a thing she saw.

Had a pouch of catnip and a feather boa

Furry purry, furry purry.

Traffic circles are "Twirly Whirlies"

To non-Americans they’re already “roundabouts”, which is close enough already really

Americans mostly call them "oh, fuck? What do I do?" We have the best drivers.

There is one for bra that's close: over the shoulder boulder holder.

When my son was really young he called them “boobie connectors“. XD

Where is that greentext when you need it?

With the british naming things?

This is actually a common pattern in urdu, though not for names.

Like "chai" means tea so :

  • "chai shai" = tea and related stuff
  • "khana wana" = food and related stuff
  • "paisay waisay" = money and related stuff


I'm actually ok with all of them.

I will be calling bumble bees fuzzy buzzys from now on. Thanks!

Although a group of hippos is a 'bloat', hippos don't float. Surely a floatie bloatie is a life vest!

What I took away from this is that we urgently need to find the person in question and let them name everything. Alternatively the person who came up with the names in the post.

Seeing this meme always remind me that they decided to translate "walkie talkie" in French to "talkie walkie"... I mean... Why?

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If you are taking enhancement requests, dropping the title of the video into the comment would be handy

I second the title enchantment request, but please continue to leave it out when it's a Rick Roll.

Another point: why when shortened do they call them “walkies”? “You got your walkie on?” That’s the less description-of-use part of the name

CRT displays: screenbox funbox

Toilet paper: whitey wipey

Doors: squeaky creaky

Chips: crispy crunchy (applies to fries too, known in the UK as chips)

Mirrors: lookie selfie

Suction cups: sucky pucky

Cellular telephones: call yer matey

Canada: super sorry

Football (this one: ⚽️): score and bore

Eurovision: singy country

Trash bin: isn't needn't

Needles: kneady needy

Nintendo DS: double trouble

Computer mice: pointy clicky

Well, acfhdzzially, Stamps aren't licked anymore, they're self adhesive. 🤓☝️

Everytime I see this meme I get Walkie Talkie Man stuck in my head

But don't defibrillators do the opposite of starting the heart?

I think the gist of it is that it alters the heart rhythm rather than starting and stopping it.

Toast: Cheesy Squeezy

Sewer: Filthy Thingy

Shoes: Runny Runny

Shroom: Trippy Weepy

NSFW Disney: Kinky Mickey

Runny Runny applies to both shoes and noses 🤨