Chonkasaurus to Lemmy – 916 points –

I love stuff like this. Here are some real dinosaur/extinct creature names!

  • Sauroniops: Literally means Eye of Sauron

  • Dracorex Hogwartsia: Dragon King of Hogwarts

  • Thanos Simonattoi: after Thanos

  • Irritator Challengeri: he was hard to dig up and scientists were angry

  • Gasosaurus: discovered while a gas company was being built.

  • Gojirasaurus: self explanatory

  • Attenborosaurus: plesiosaurus named after David Attenborough.

  • Crichtonosaurus: similar to an ankylo and named after author of Jurassic Park

  • Bambiraptor sounds cute, and it's named after the deer (because it was deer sized), but it was a fierce and deadly creature.

There's so many more; I could nerd out forever. I miss when I was a little girl, and people would actually talk to me about dinosaurs...

I haven't heard of any of these and they are fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

Here’s hoping one of the scientists would be batshit crazy enough to name a new species Biggus Dickus.

I feel excited because almost all of these are new to me.

I love learning these kinds of new things that I won't use daily and get bored, they'll stay bright and shiny in a corner of my brain.

Fortunately, "Dracorex Hogwartsia" turned out to just be a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus, not a new species.

Gojirasaurus: self explanatory

Have they exposed them to radiation in an attempt to resurrect them yet?

the scientific name for gorilla is "gorilla gorilla" so i think that ship sailed before sailing was invented

And American Buffalo are "bison bison."

I don't know what it actually means but the scientific name of Indian Cobra is Naja naja and in Hindi "naja" means "Don't go", which seems very apt.

An excellent warning sign. Fuck looking at stripes, the Indians get it

This isn't actually true though. Most dinosaurs have been named in the last 100 years. In fact 85% of them have been named since Jurassic Park came out.

Correct. We are currently in a golden age for unearthing new dinosaurs. Pretty much every week there's something new that we have found.

Is it actually finding new stuff, though? Or just refining classification methods to better identify what we already had lying around?

Now advertising companies would pay to slap the name of their brand on dinosaurs:

  • Cocapteryx colacerus
  • Teslasaurus muskatus
  • Primeraptor amazonii

I think it's less that biologists stopped using Latin and more that we're running out of Latin

Well then, invent more.

People keep saying it's a dead language, but I keep seeing it around. Sounds more like a goddamn lazy language to me!

i think they do.
lots of the newer "scientific" names for stuff are made up latin sounding words.

Not to ruin the moment here or anything but this is the first properly funny comment I've seen on Lemmy. I used to spend most of my time on Reddit just hunting around for funny comments so I feel like the transition is now complete, so thanks

Case in point: Balaur bondoc was named just 13 years ago and its name literally means "chonky dragon"

Brah!ntosaurus. Or maybe Brawndosaurus? Plants got what it craves!

There's a dinosaur named after Zuul from Ghostbusters.

Full name: Zuul crurivastator, or "Zuul, Destroyer of Shins."

Didn't they just name like the most distant star ever discovered Godzilla?

Come on, that's bad ass!

i mean if you think about it godzilla is just ancient mythology except not ancient

in other words its a perfect name

👉'Attasaurus, Rex 👉


Now that's some dank strains. Someone needs to be at out critical mass and blue dream, and I think we found our man... Facelikeapotato, we don't deserve you, but we need you

Theres funny names for beetles though

Theres a beetle named after beyonce, iirc

There's funny names for everything really. There is a gene that scientists named after sonic the hedgehog.

They better name a dinosaur after Skuntank!