Why Are Trump’s Accused Co-Conspirators Smiling for Their Mug Shots?

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 272 points –
Why Are Trump’s Accused Co-Conspirators Smiling for Their Mug Shots?

The traditional mug shot is usually a grim affair: poorly lit and sullen. It is a permanent portrait of shame — the legal system’s scarlet letter.

It is, almost by definition, unsmiling.

But the booking photos emerging from the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office in Atlanta, where Donald J. Trump and 18 others are being charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 election, include several that are oddly cheerful.

Mr. Trump’s former lawyer Jenna Ellis smiles broadly, as does David Shafer, the former chairman of the Georgia Republican Party. Scott Hall, a Trump operative, fails to repress a smirk. Sidney Powell, accused of peddling debunked conspiracy theories about the election, reveals a twinkle in her eye.

The statement that all of their facial expressions convey unmistakably? Defiance.

How Mr. Trump will approach his fateful appointment with a sheriff’s photographer when he posts bail Thursday night is anyone’s guess — although he has long favored a scowl over a grin, the better to project strength.

But the way his accused co-conspirators have been composing themselves for the camera of the criminal justice system, and for the lens of history, evokes the other supporting roles they are playing, in what seems an extraordinary production of political theater — one in keeping with Mr. Trump’s oft-repeated contention that the prosecution is a farce and a joke.

In Ms. Ellis’s all-smiles mug shot, taken on Wednesday — so cheerful it could be a profile pic, but for the sheriff’s office logo over her shoulder — she appears just shy of laughing at the hilarity of where she finds herself.

Modern politics in the age of social media is, as much as anything, a battle to create, control and define visual images. And the mug shot, pioneered in 1840s Belgium as a utilitarian method of identification, is becoming a new front in that fight.

Most other defendants booked so far on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election betrayed their grave predicament, none more so than Rudolph W. Giuliani, who pursed his lips, stared icily ahead and grimaced after surrendering on Wednesday in Atlanta. Ms. Ellis, who has portrayed her indictment as an unfair political persecution to be overcome through faith and positivity, tried to take ownership of a process more often seen as intimidating or humiliating.

She posted her mug shot online, with an empowering quote from Psalms: “Shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.”

Ms. Ellis, responding to a request for comment, compared her predicament to that of a former law client, a minister who defied an order to close his church during the pandemic.

“Those who mock me, my former client, and my God want to see me break and they aren’t going to get that satisfaction,” she said. “I smiled because I am resolved to meet this process with courage and acting in faith. They cannot steal my joy.”

Ms. Powell and lawyers representing Mr. Shafer and Mr. Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Having a Fulton County mug shot may even become a marker of status among Mr. Trump’s most die-hard supporters: Amy Kremer, who helped organize the rally that preceded the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, posted a doctored photo of herself — unsmiling — in front of the Fulton County Sheriff’s sign, though she has not been charged in Georgia.

The mug shot is supposed to be a leveler, subjecting the mighty and the powerless to the same objective lens. And many Trump enemies have criticized the U.S. Marshals Service for declining to take mug shots, as they would with other defendants, when the former president was booked on federal charges in Miami and Washington.

This time will be different.

Politicians, as a general rule, have approached their bookings as political events that will ultimately influence the legal outcome.

When Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, was accused of money laundering and conspiracy charges in 2005, he donned his suit, tightened his tie and smiled from ear to ear, cannily depriving his opponents of an image they could easily use in attack ads against him. (He left Congress, but his subsequent conviction was overturned on appeal.)

John Edwards, the former North Carolina senator and 2004 Democratic vice-presidential candidate, smiled as warmly for the camera as if he were greeting a political supporter when he was booked on charges of violating campaign finance laws in 2011. Like Ms. Ellis, he sought to convey his innocence and the unfairness of the charges. (He was acquitted on one charge, and the government dropped the remaining counts.)

And in 2014, Rick Perry, then the Republican governor of Texas, offered a sly grin during his booking on charges that he had pressured the Democratic district attorney of Travis County to resign. He called the charges “a farce,” posted pictures of himself at an ice cream shop shortly after and was cleared of all charges two years later.

More often than not, a mug-shot smile has been a token of defiance.

That has been particularly true for celebrity criminals who have, in general, been nearly as attentive to their images as movie stars or politicians: Al Capone smiled in several mug shots and for his identification photo at Alcatraz. And in the sole mug shot ever taken of the drug lord Pablo Escobar, after he was arrested on drug charges in Colombia, he seemed nearly jubilant.

He had good reason. The charges were quickly dropped.


We're not allowed to smile for a Fucking driver's license but these twats are allowed to giggle like school children.

Where I live we are allowed to smile for a driver's license, but not a passport photo. I think it's because when you are traveling long distances you are going to look miserable so your passport has to reflect that.

It’s also because it’s the general standard around the world. I’ve always found it weird that people are allowed to smile on US driver’s licenses.

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I assume it's easier to process biometric data if the source is normalized. That's why in my country it's also important to match your eye-position with an overlay on the screen of the photo-automat.

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We can smile in driver's license photos but smiling in a mug shot is a psychological move. Whenever you see someone frowning or straight faced in a mug shot you have a perception that that person is bad because they look mean. A smiling person seems like a happy person or someone that is likeable. This is why smiling is infectious. It's seen as a positive thing. More impressionable people or easily deceived people will not think twice about it and fall for it. What matters is that you see it and not just in the mug shot but in all aspects of life.

I think it makes them look deranged. Seeing the mugshot thumbnails before reading the title, I assumed it was a story about a couple of crazy murderers.

I know with context that these people are evil trash, but I don’t think even for the Ill-informed that a smiling mugshot conveys innocence..

I would agree to a point since we are both knowers. However, for the Trump followers this may portray innocence since their perspective is different from our own. And just like us they have a bias towards these kinds of things. I agree they do look quite manic.

That’s the thing. I wasn’t a knower. I live in Australia, and can recognise one person of the nine mugshots I’ve seen today. This is the first I’m hearing about mugshots, and the thumbnail image of the knockoff Purge killers was my first impression. I’m about as unknowing as you can get.

I think it is easy to dismiss “people” as dumb or uninformed, but people generally have pretty good instincts before their news outlet of choice starts spinning.

Ok being Australian does explain a lot. I appreciate your candor and conversation thus far. I am not sure how people are politically in Australia so forgive my ignorance but in America both the Democratic and Republican party wear their party as a badge and often a staple of their personality. Unfortunately it has become a " You're with us or You're against us" mentality which helps no one when it comes to talking about issues. Right wing supporters here will go to the grave believing or too stubborn to recognize these people are indeed crooked. Just as the Left will support Hunter Biden even though he is fairly scummy too.

In short, the political bias in America is strong and people dont like to change their mind or admit they are wrong.

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They're just happy to be out of Arkham.

I love it! Real life suicide squad

God, if only

I’m against suicide. But I do hope they get locked up in a highly secure facility like the suicide squad in the movies.

And then they get released to fight in the frontlines of our war with China.

Some think-tank told them to do it. I hope it backfires.

This. It's a signal to the faithful that they haven't flipped. It's to let them know who is still in the hate ecosystem - the ones not smiling will start having the hate machine directed at them very shortly.

No one's bringing up the most plausible answer here.

It makes them look less guilty.

Who looks more guilty, the guy mean mugging the camera or the one proudly smiling?

It reflects a lack of remorse, which depending on how the evidence stacks up, could come back to bite them too.

They look happy because they are sure they did nothing wrong, or that even if they did do something highly treasonous, they are not the least bit sorry for it.

Yeah that's the psychology behind it but the average person doesn't know anything about psychology.

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It makes them look less guilty.

Or it makes them look confident that the system is corrupt and they have nothing to fear from it.

Who looks more guilty, the guy mean mugging the camera or the one proudly smiling?

Definitely the guy actively shitting his Depends mean mugging.

Next stop.

My jaded ass remains skeptical. He's shown SO MANY TIMES that he's above the law, that now that actual legal processes are unfolding, they seem surreal... like literally - they don't seem real.

None of this means jack if he isn't convicted and imprisoned. We haven't seen justice yet: stay mad.

Totally agree. But I'm definitely going to have fun at his expense here. I was expecting him to have a facade of a grin like the others. I didn't expect to see so much authentic anger and dread show through. Made my night to see him fearful of potential consequences for his actions.

He looks like the Grinch just caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, realized he’s randomly orange for some reason, and is NOT happy about it. Then shat himself. The photo was taken as he transitioned from rage to poop-face.

When I first saw it I thought maybe they did it so years down the track it could look like it's photoshoped

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Hardly the first time someone has smiled in a mugshot, guilty or innocent.

If found innocent then it takes on an 'I told you so' energy. If guilty it makes you look like an even bigger piece of shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if the severity of their situation hasn't fully set in yet. The realization will come crashing down if/when the first of them is found guilty.

Alt: Image of Vizzini from The Princess Bride, captioned "morons."

Because they think this is all just a fucking game and that the GOP will sweep in and fix this. It’s like a sick badge of honor for them.

How Mr. Trump will approach his fateful appointment with a sheriff’s photographer when he posts bail Thursday night is anyone’s guess — although he has long favored a scowl over a grin, the better to project strength.

Crazy how this accurately called out what his mugshot would look like before it was actually taken.

It’s almost like children aren’t actually that hard to predict.

Honestly there's been such a weird obsession with getting their mugshots, that it was almost bound they were going to fuck it up unless they were forced not to.

What really matters is that we get the actual trials started so these people can get some judgements.

Trump might smile in his mugshot, but most of America will be smiling bigger.

Because they Know how much of a joke America’s legal system is and they will be bragging about how they got away with this later. Gotta smile nice for those photos they’ll be showing everyone.

Does Jenna Ellis think she has a different god than most other Americans?

I hope these are used against them in court. Something tells me that complete lack of respect for the charges and lack of remorse for the crimes is not going to go over well with a jury.

Depends on who they pick for the jury. I assume it will be full of racists that love trump.

anybody else think the mugshot of Ellis makes her look like a serial killer?

Like... Alex Forest in fatal attraction level of nutter.

Having a Fulton County mug shot may even become a marker of status among Mr. Trump's most die-hard supporters: Amy Kremer, who helped organize the rally that preceded the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, posted a doctored photo of herself -- unsmiling -- in front of the Fulton County Sheriff's sign, though she has not been charged in Georgia.

Wow. I got the impression Rudy knew what he was facing, or at least had a decent idea, cause he's been on the other side. These other clowns though...they are in for quite the shock if those steel doors ever slam shut on them.

Hopefully because they already have a nice deal that involves throwing Trump under the bus(es).

"Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows?"- Benjamin Kenobi Jedi Badass.

I'm not defending these particular people, because fuck 'em, but if I were being booked for something I'd try to be smiley in my mugshot.

That's the thing, they usually won't take it until you stop smiling. This is both unusual because they're smiling and because they were allowed to smile.

Well, we know the police system in the US is fucked up.

So maybe they were allowed to laugh since the rac*st POS police that took the picture might be a MAGA as well.

Almost every attorney yt video I watch that has a amiling mugshot says not to do it because it doesn't look good to a jury. If your being booked for something listen to your lawyer.

Waa this a pre-written article? Some of them smiled, some didn't. Some people smile for mugshots. If no one smiled the article would have been about that.

The idea that a mugshot should be universally unsmiling is a social norm, it's not a law and I wouldn't see it like some kind of rule. My psych ward mugshot from the beginning of my dark times is still visible to anyone who looks me up by name, and I am quite thankful I was smiling in it, even if the only reason I was smiling was to try to imply nothing was wrong with me. Smiling is also a form of acknowledgement.

You… just commented on a 9 month old post lol. How’d you even find this?

Sorry, habit of mine, didn't know Lemmy out of everyone wouldn't like people being communal with old posts. Found it while looking up the stuff I mentioned to see if it's area-specific (which it is, the only caveat) and the search engine for some reason has a Lemmy bias.

No worries, I just don’t think I’ve ever had someone comment on such an old post

They probably smile because they have alredy started on getting a deal: Get out for sinking Trump. At least this is my hope.

Eh, respect where respect is due - they were required to do something that's usually a humiliation and they refused to be humiliated.

How about we not respect people who supported a tyrant who attempted a coup and undermine America's democracy?

Refusing to be humiliated is not a reason to suddenly respect these PoS'es

I'll reserve my respect for people who use this kind of willpower for the betterment of society, not the people who double down on their selfishness at cost to literally all the rest of us.

I would argue that in this particular case, what they're doing does improve society (even if that's almost certainly not their motivation).

There's a trend in the USA of punishing people who have been only been accused of a crime (you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride) and this sort of attempt at public humiliation is part of that. Look how eager people were to see these mugshots, and how delighted they are by them. Is that what you would expect from a system that tried to avoid publicly humiliating people not convicted of any crime (yet)?

They are due respect because they refuse to show any humility?

Weird take.

They did something deserving of shame and decided not to be shameful over it. That’s not deserving of respect. That’s blatant arrogance and disrespect.

So that’s all it takes to get your respect huh? It’s no wonder this country is completely fucked.