Palin Says Civil War ‘Going to Happen’ After Trump’s Arrest

USA to politics – 201 points –
Palin Says Civil War ‘Going to Happen’ After Trump’s Arrest

"if we are not allowed to blatantly commit crimes then we'll try to kill all of you"

Gotta love a good Republican

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Dedication to a Trump-inspired civil war will only last as long as the batteries on their mobility scooters.

Lmao I can only imagine a bunch of old boomers and fatass GenXers starting a civil war.

Cool. Do it or shut up. Y'all threaten a civil war every time the waiter forgets your ranch.

What she really means is "there will some extra mass shootings on top of the mass shootings we were going to do anyway" but calling it a "civil war" instead gets proud Republicans throbbing.

Which is weird, since they're functionally identical to the people who lost the last one.

I think even saying that is illegal.

But let me guess, the FBI isn't going to go question her about those comments.

Not illegal. Just evidence if she's found to have actually facilitated it in any way. Just how trump was free to lie about his loss all he wanted. But the moment he entered into conspiracies to actually violate the laws etc. It all became evidence.

And she's an expert! After all, she can watch Russia's invasion of Ukraine from her front porch!

Sarah Palin and her allies have been wanting a civil war all along. There won't be one, but her kind of language will give license for extremist militia groups to do acts of terrorist violence.

Over Donald Trump? These people know they worship Donald Trump?

If only this cult was more Jonestown and less Scientology.

Eh, the GOP is more Scientology, they know exactly the game they're playing and how to manipulate their marks. The MAGAts are closer to like Westboro Baptist Church. They don't really have a clue what they're doing, but they've seen others be successful and they're trying the same grift but with none of the subtlety that gives the GOP a veneer of respectability.

Understood. This time we won't stop until we reach the coasts.

Conservatism is a plague in dire need of a cure.

I forgot this idiot existed. I hope I forget again soon.

She was one of the OG example precursors to people rising the power like Marjorie Taylor green

Wait, I thought she died fighting the moon Nazis? Was that a movie?

Iron Sky is a premium documentary, not just some movie.

Wolfenstein II The New Collosus

Nazis on the moon? Fuck you, moon.

Good to hear that absurdist comedian of Monty Python fame, Michael Palin, still is making solid jokes in his old age...

At least that's what I'll pretend to have read, in order to safe some sanity

Does that mean we’re finally getting the Obamacare death panels she promised?! Time to grow some mutton chops and rain hell on Dixie, those insurance premiums are going DOWN

Go on then, try it! Would absolutely love to see what happens when Ya'll Qaeda fucks around and finds out.

Fucking bring it.

Jan 6 it all over again only dumber.

Jan 6 won't repeat. It was a wake up call for both sides about how serious the other side was.

Progressives that didn't realize the severity of the situation learned that MAGAers mean it when they say they want their political enemies dead. But don't think that the way it ended is reason to relax.

Trump cultists learned that there is a line they can cross that will bring deadly force down on them and that if they don't win, acts they thought of as anonymous in a crowd can still be prosecuted. It might mean that they won't cross those lines again. Or it might mean that if they do cross them, they might be prepared to go all the way. Or they might be dumb and just repeat the same thing, I guess I can't rule that out completely with the caliber of people involved. But it shouldn't be assumed that they aren't learning anything. And who knows, maybe Trump will be willing to go all the way with all the legal trouble he's in that he thought he could avoid by keeping his distance the last time.

Palan finally gets called out on how stupid she is!

Right, thats where the line has been drawn. Lets not overwhelm penal system with privileged white jackasses, lets keep it for underprivileged to prevent them from getting ahead.

What happens if Trump wins in 2024 and then is sentenced to prison?

He can be president in prison. It's the old Air Bud approach - there's no rule that says a dog can't play football.

He can probably pardon himself for any federal crimes if he gets reelected.

Getting a pardon for Georgia state crimes would be very difficult though.

His sentence will be suspended for the length of his term. A state cannot prevent the President from executing his duties and the federal judiciary will see a separation of powers issue.

I just can't even imagine an America where he wins 2024.