'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits.

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'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits

'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits.::undefined


Of course it will. Then once they have all the trans people rounded up they’ll target the gays, then the blacks, the mexicans, and so on and so forth until everyone’s in camps that isn’t white.

Republican supporters won’t wake up to this until they start coming after the stupid and obese.

You're not safe even if you're white. If nothing else they'll target people who like the color blue just to keep some "enemy" in their sights.

White people are just further down the list of easy targets. At that point they'll start by hair color and nitpick their way down from there.

Fascism requires an "other" to function. Once one "other" is a destroyed there will always be another one to take it's place.

Blonde and blue eyes only?

As long as they don't have any lefty thoughts. Don't forget that the Nazis also put unionists, socialists and communists in camps.

huge props to people that didnt blow their brains out at first opportunity going into camps

idk how i would really react but death sounds a lot nicer than concentration camps

Same. I dont do very well being hungry....and that would be the least of my worries really.

Interesting how that never gets talked about...

You mean the fact that the biggest initial source of support the Nazis got was from the emerging business class who were scared of the rising influence of labor unions? Can't imagine why that gets pushed under the bed.

Not like we had that nearly happen here in the US or anything though. Just don't look into the Business Plot or that many of the Jan 6thers turned out to be small business tyrants...

Just remember that the most dangerous Nazis aren't the skinheads on the corner but the ones on Wall Street.

Working backwards, we could reasonably expect Italian, Irish, and Polish people. Discrimination really isn't about the color of your skin if history is anything to go off of.

they'll never target the stupid, those are the people who will support them no matter what. They're already trying to demonize intelligence and education.

the bar for what counts as stupid enough will continue to lower, though.

True. The dumbification of America has been going on for years.

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"The bill – endorsed by president Joe Biden..."

Why in the world would Biden support this Heritage foundation garbage?

'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits

He's a granddad. We shouldn't have granddads who can't work a remote be president. I assume he can't work a remote.

Set maximum age for presidency at 25.

This IS Biden. He's always been a pretty bad human person. The only silver lining is that he's been better than most recently. He's a center-right politician just like most Democrats.

Are you starting to see the cracks in the foundation? Are you starting to see how the game is played?

This is actually a fantastic example of typical politics, but not in the way you're imagining. It's a classic poison pill. Write a bill with something good (protecting children's privacy online, which I think we'd all agree is good) and then put something unpalatable into it (transphobia and homophobia).

Someone votes for it, "Why do you hate LGBT people?" Someone votes against it, "Why don't you want children to have stronger privacy laws on the Internet?"

It's exhausting and a lose-lose. That said, I prefer if they don't vote for it and take heat for "being anti privacy". You don't negotiate with people's rights.

Is it protecting children? Claims need evidence and rules need tests. Until we do that its fear-based, exploitable control for the sake of control.

Yeah that's the problem with legislation like this. You'll have proponents claim it protects children without actually explaining how.

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Please explain in detail how this bill does a single good thing for children.

Section 3a of the bill is the part that would be used to target LGBTQ content.

Sections 4 talks about adding better parental controls which would give general statistics about what their kids are doing online, without parents being able to see/helicopter in on exaxrlt what their kids were looking at. It also would force sites to give children safe defaults when they create a profile, including the ability to disable personalized recommendations, placing limitations on dark patterns designed to manipulate children to stay on platforms for longer, making their information private by default, and limiting others' ability to find and message them without the consent of children. Notably, these settings would all be optional, but enabled by default for children/users suspected to be children.

I think the regulations described in section 4 would mostly be good things. They're the types of settings that I'd prefer to use on my online accounts, at least. However, the bad outweighs the good here, and the content in section 3a is completely unacceptable.

Funnily enough, I had to read through the bill twice, and only caught on to how bad section 3a was on my second time reading it.

I think the regulations described in section 4 would mostly be good things. They’re the types of settings that I’d prefer to use on my online accounts, at least.

Then put them on your accounts. Any regulation in this area is unacceptable.

I don't know that it does. If bills and the discourse around them were actually about the stated topic, it would be revolutionary to politics.

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Actually no, and furthermore I reject your ‘both sides’ rhetoric wholesale.

I legitimately can't fucking stand idiots like you.

You can agree with the overall or the majority of policy decisions of a political party while still criticizing their individual decisions as people. To think your political party is somehow 'above it' or morally just through and through is being willfully ignorant. It's a level of mental gymnastics that's outright absurd.

Again, you can still vote for these people and still believe doing so increases the quality of life. And yes, we can make a distinction that one party isn't just the 'lesser of two evils'.

But holy fuck, seriously. Both sides voted to invade the middle east, both sides vote to increase the military budget, both sides vote to increase their own congressional benefits, and both sides play the game where you need to vote on someone's bill to get them to vote on yours, both sides have issues with the legal loop holes of bribery, both sides take lobbiest money, etc.

Just because one is clearly better than the other doesn't remove them from criticism and doesn't deny the fact that they are still politicians doing political shit.

Unstick your head from your ass, ffs

Dude you are basically Hyde from That 70s Show riffing after a joint trying to dunk on “The Man”. You never have to dog far with losers like you to find the conspiracy theories and alternative facts and we all know form there it’s a Misty mountain hop to alt right malarkey.

Go sell crazy somewhere else.

Anyone that doesn't support the party is an evil right wing monster and must be destroyed by any means!

You're the crazy and dangerous one here

Anyone asserting that the party who dog-whsitles Nazis to threaten democracy is ‘just like all the others’ is a dangerous idiot. At best.

You are one of the dumbest people I have ever seen, ever. Your reading comprehension is so limited, I'm surprised you were even able to make an account here.

You went on a multi-paragraph rant about a subject you know next to nothing about

I love how you think you can gleam my understanding of a subject from a single comment

Congratulations on your poor interpolation skills

You contributed nothing to this conversation, I hope you feel useless

I don't.

Also I read multiple of your comments, including enough to know that you did not understand what support, if any, has been indicated from the white house for this bill, similar bills, or the topic as a whole.

I did, however, do such reading, and if you scroll around you'll see the actual stance by the white house - assuming you're interested in learning, which I doubt.

Lol look how pissy you get when your BS is challenged. That’s how we can tell you are immature and probably a moron.

You didn't challenge anything, you called me a conspiracy theory right winger because I said 'politicians act like politicians' (which is funny because I voted for Obama and I supported Sanders during his run)

Are you 14? You really seem like you just discovered that people have opinions other than yours and if they aren't 100% the same.then obviously they're alt right

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People suggest he supports this bill which is not strictly accurate (the bill hasn't even hit a full vote by either chamber of the legislative branch).

Here's where support is indicated for a bill, and Republicans are clearly doing what they always do and making a bill a race to the worst possible bill.

We’ve invested $1 billion to help schools hire, train — and train 14,000 new mental health counselors in schools across the country. And we’re taking steps to address the harm of social media is doing to our young people. And it is doing harm. (Applause.)

We’ve got to hold — we’ve got to hold these platforms accountable for the national experiment they’re conducting on — on our children for profit.

Later this week, senators will debate legislation to protect kids’ privacy online, which I’ve been calling for for two years. It matters. Pass it, pass it, pass it, pass it, pass it. (Laughter.)

I really mean it. Think about it. Do you ever get a chance to look at what your kids are looking at online?

Folks, the actions we’re announcing today represent a real step forward to help millions of people get mental health care they need and their insurance should be — and — and the insurance should be provided — should be provided. But there’s still so much more to do.


FWIW I wouldn't support any bill that "holds big tech accountable" for users using technology, because I think that is stupid.

Biden has hurt blacks more than any larper nazi today.

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"Trans porn must be curropting children because it's all I watch now and my mind is way stronger than a child's." -Marsha Blackburn

...and my mind is stronger than a child's...

It's not though. It really, really isn't.

I mean, at this stage you can tell that by the name.

These deplorables love children so much that they don’t even bat an eye at using child sexual abuse as a political tool while simultaneously turning a blind eye to 300,000 children raped by clergy.

Or children starving because they have to pay for shitty food at school, or children starving and having a bad life because their parents can't afford to pay for more even if they already work, or children at orphanages...

Yeah, much like with forbidding abortion (but then never caring whether the no longer-aborted child will have a proper home to live), children are just a political tool.

We should protect the children, lets start with the Catholic Church.

and the child mutilating church

It should be the parents' job to regulate what kind of content their children consume on the internet, not the government's.

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This isn't about protecting kids it's about banning LGBT persons from the internet.

Yep exactly as we all knew.

She wants to confine children like I was to the years of confusion and alienation I had to go through. That’s cruel. I should not have had to feel so alone and nobody else should either.

It is more than just cruel. It is abusive and genocidal. LGBT youth will die because of this law and the countless others being passed in certain states.

Oh absolutely and they’ll likely try to punish those who try to save them

Why is it always the Save The Children Act and not the Erradicate Trans People Act?

Kind of like Citizens United, has a better ring than "Politician pay offs".

We need to harm the children to help the children don't you understand?!!?!?!

Yeah the 1st amendment has gone out the window here. (on the other hand, why are they pushing the lgtbtq movement on kids. Kids aren't smart at all and won't understand the deeper meaning.....)

This is a classic GOP move. Name a bill something like "Free Americans for Internet Freedom Act" that prevents net neutrality and idiots love the name and support it. Name a bill something like "Kids Online Safety Act" as a way to censor and control information, and idiots love the name and support it

This is great news. Hopefully this makes headlines everywhere and this abomination of an Act can be thrown out.

Which only makes sense, trans are the most sus even within the LGBT. Its a broad category of mostly nonsense identities or simply just people unable to cope with how they are born and lamenting over it and passing on that stupidity to children. There are trans who act and blend like any other human being but most are just plain psychological disaster. The unnatural spike in identity disorder proves it.

Edit: Heh, not a single reply. Just downvote for the sake of it cuz I said nothing wrong scientifically and statistically.


Listen to the facist sing

"Take hope here

War is elsewhere

You were chosen

This is Gods land

Soon we'll be free

Of blot and mixture

Seeds planted by our Forefathers hand"

A mass of promises

Begin to rupture

Like the pockets Of the new world kings

Like swollen stomachs In Appalachia

Like the priest that fucked you as he whispered holy things

A mass of tears have transform the stones now

Sharpened on suffering

And woven into the slings

Hope lies in the rubble of this rich fortress

Taking today what tomorrow never brings

Typical American to recite whatever this poem is to a non-American. Am i supposed to know or care what it means?

If you think the typical American recites poetry at all, I've got a bridge to sell you.

True, other countries have never experienced fascism. Pretty sure the Finns never even allied with actual Hitler

which is good. kids should not get influenced or make any decision at such age.

If you grew up without anything influencing you, you're either an inanimate object or a cat (those bastards don't give a fuck)

Good luck not being influenced by your surroundings. If you feel you haven't, you're blind

Ooooo totally because I (straight) was totally influenced by my gay uncle and other gay stuff I’ve seen online 🙄

While we’re at it we should get rid of cartoons because kids shouldn’t see stuff like someone slowly falling with an umbrella and trying it in real life since they’re influenced.

Just because someone is exposed to something at a young age doesn’t mean they’ll end up making decisions.

I hardly find the link with trans... same with the argument to "then ban straight content too". Gay guy doesn't pretend to be an anime girl .

trans is about mental disorder, dissociation between mind, body and frustration.

Yall also said the same thing about gay people. It was considered a mental disorder. All of these talking points are recycled, but then just slightly altered to fit trans people instead.

Yall also said the same thing about gay people

FUCK YOU, I never said that. Can't you just read what I write.

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I've always thought that about religious youth programs. How is that not indoctrination of the youth?

It is absolutely indoctrination. My youth group pastor spent many years indoctrinating us college-bound youth against the "world." Evolution, climate change, premarital sex ("ladies, do you want to be like a used piece of gum?"), abortion ("ladies, abortion will make you kill yourself"), porn ("ladies, watching porn will make you unable to ever have an orgasm"), getting pregnant ("Tina is now going to be shamed in front of all of us, let us listen to her impregnated self tearfully apologize to us for having premarital sex and getting all used up"). Fuckers.

So all straight and cis content should be banned too, right, or is it only "degenerate" (to use the word the nazis used) content that should be influencing them?

(straight cis white man speaking. I don't have a horse in this race, but I'm sure not going to let people act like they have the moral high ground without them investigating their beliefs themselves.)


Cooll so how exactly will you ban all straight content? You gonna ban stuff like Romeo and Juliet because you're too lazy to supervise your kid and they might read it?

Juliet was traditionally played by a man.

Yes, because women were not allowed to act. Another discriminatory practice. What are you suggesting by bringing that up?

Are you going to answer their questions, btw?

It was better when it was just two men, nobody corrupting the thoughts of children with sex

Was just pointing out how silly the argument is. You gonna ban stuff like because you’re too lazy to supervise your kid and they might read it? Can literally be applied to any content and doubly so when your example has a history of gender-bending.

I'm personally against banning any of the content because how can people make decisions without knowledge? Gay and trans people exist whether you like it or not, pretending they don't is just bad parenting.

How are you going to prevent children from being influenced by any/all of the romantic relationships they see in every day life? If movies/books/ect are so bad, then what would be do with real life examples?

Yall said the same thing about some of us being gay. Turns out when used all of the same talking points back then, we were still gay. I was influenced to not be gay, because gay people are disgusting pedophiles who worship Satan, and I ended up gay despite not being a pedophile or worshiping Satan.

First of all, kids will question their gender and sexuality whether you like it or not - internet or no internet. Secondly, the Internet is a safe haven for lgbtq+ kids and taking away those supportive communities is going to be nothing but harmful. What evidence do you have that exposure to lgbtq+ communities "corrupts" children? I'm guessing none because it just doesn't. Be better.

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