Rule: Grrl abs = OMFG Civilization Fail

Uriel238 [all pronouns] to – 498 points –

Who knew the revolution would be this easy?


It takes a truly weak man to quake at the mere existence of a dommy mommy.

Goddamn I could use a dommy mommy right about now.

Facts, I mean i quake, but not like them.

Girl abs aren't anti-masculinity if your average man has better abs. You're just crying because your abs are inferior.

..if your average man has better abs. The fuck did I just read. Can't we just just appreciate someone being fit.

Your average man does not have better Abs than this absolute Queen 👏

The average man doesn't even have visible abs to begin with

I’ve got better! I’ve got a keg!

Why the monarchist insult?

😂😂 you got me, I’m a republican, I’ve got no excuse!

(Americans please note the lower case r, republican means something different in Australia)

How can abs on a woman be anti-masculinity in any way?! It makes no sense.

I can honestly say, without a shred of shame that I'm mad jealous of her abs lol

So this is why temperatures have been rising globally.

TIL girls aren't allowed to work out

Imagine being triggered by this lol. People are such snowflakes.

Oh wait, aren't that religious people who are triggered? 😅

Why does it look like plastic mannequin abs?

I'm guessing mineral oil, which is used to enhance visual definition.

but the colour, it's not like any human skin colour I've ever seen. I assumed it was a mannequin too.

Could also be weird lighting

yeah i guess a weird light balance. amazing body ngl but I had to really stare for ages to decide it wasn't a plastic model, and even then I was only 80% sure lol.

but I had to really stare for ages to decide it wasn't [...]

Mhm, yeah, sure that's the reason.

Honest question: Is it physically possible for a woman to have such low bodyfat and still retain such massive breasts?

Superfit women I see in the internet are usually quite flat-breasted. Not wanting to bodyshame anyone btw, they are beautiful either way.

But still, this picture seems like a contradiction.

What podcasts? Would be interesting to hear what they said

The usual sexist bullshit, what else?

I'm more interested in hearing how they managed with straight face to connect the photo to West falling. I'd get a kick out of that

With mental gymnastics better than what you see at the Olympics.

That would be the interesting part to hear. Did she mention what podcasts they were in the Twitter thread?

I was feeling cheeky and gave that one liner.

I haven't watched the person in the OP post

Following the screenshots, at least one of the people who talked about it calls themselves "Academic Agent". I won't go deeper down this rabbit hole for you, to find out which of the videos featured the abs image, but you do you.

That's the YouTube channel:

The screenshots I followed:

Women don't have muscles, their skeleton is held together by rubber bands and staples, well known fact.

And yes, six packs are artificial in women, just as they are in men. They require specific work and alimentation. I find it rather silly, but if they like it,they're free to spend their time as they please.

For me the most disgusting quote is "unfit for breeding". Talking like that about other people is on a level where I can't see it as just disgruntled edgy teenagers anymore.

Just looking up these people from the screenshots and you immediately find hateful stuff on YouTube etc. plainly online to see. When I first stumbled upon some incel forums online, like a decade ago, I couldn't believe my eyes. But this rhetoric is just growing and appears in other places online as well.

Implants, like, ab implants? Is that even a thing?

I assume he's not referring to breast implants, because that'd be even more ridiculous.

Eh breasts don't react to low body fat percentage by growing. And yes she's definitely in a dangerous to bordering dangerous zone when it comes to body fat, steroids I don't think so, or at least not necessarily.

Oh yeah they have muscle implants, butt implants, you name it.

That said these abs dont even look close to fake. A lot of the extra definition is the result of her having just worked out and having a pump, being sweaty and shiny, flexing, and the angle and lighting. I suspect even headon it probably would look more like a 4 pack and if she were to adjust her posture and angle it would turn into a relatively flat mildly defined belly. Thats how 6packs be tho. People chase them so hard but even when you reach the level when you can get them you're usually one flare up of gas, or drink away from them melting away. It's doesnt make it any less impressive though getting abs is hard, just like the weird reaction that shes some kind of like professional level body builder on steroids or needing implants to get that far is silly.

No those are the abs of someone who works out a lot.

I despise these incels for making me agree with rev says desu for even a moment

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