Be kind to our financially paired brethren. to Lemmy – 456 points –

Good point. I think "oligarch" is more accurate.

Also "guillotinee".

Pending fertilizer and pig-treat.

That's disgusting. Don't make pigs eat that!

After pulling their teeth, starved pigs will happilly eat a whole human body. That's what I was getting at.

Hey everybody. I am going to say the b word


(throws grandma out of the bus)

Mrs. Prager, i've done it. I've stopped classism!

Anybody else worried that PragerU is using lefty language in their propaganda?

A tale as old as time. Rightists aren’t original, which is why their media/comedians/movies/music/religions are terrible.

Fascists cannot grow without co-opting leftist language. So yes, very worried.

Edit: not related to this shitpost. People here seriously need to watch Prager’s content. They twist our shit up with their crazy.

It's also a very clever and awful propaganda strategy. They misuse words with important meanings until they become useless reactionary buzzwords. Like how woke, and politically correct before it, originally meant "to be aware of the unequal treatment of minorities in society" and "politicians should be aware of how the language they use affects people," and now they both just mean "anything that I, as a conservative, don't like."

Idk a lot of vocabulary now used by leftist too come from 4chan. Seems like everyone just takes from everyone

Nope, because they always will. Leftist language builds credibility then conservatives adapt it to spend it all. It’s a well established cycle.

Billionaires don't like being called 'billionaires 🤬', they prefer 'billionares 😍'

That person of means has a really small head.

Like idk if we'll be able to keep it in the guilloti...

I hate this stupid fucking art style so much.

It doesn't surprise me at all that pisserYou uses it

Oh I know, make the heads teeny like they can barely handle consciousness let alone be valuable intellectually at all. HEY! and make the arms and legs big, like we wanna say "you're only good for the labor you can produce". It will be a hit with this new generation , I just know it!

  • If corporations were honest
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Prager feels like The Onion, but it's not, and it's really sad, but also funny.

the fuck is that art style

"Alegria". It's super awful.

I've also heard it referred to as Corporate Memphis. Fitting, since it's a shitty, soulless appropriation of the Memphis Group's style.

Edit: god I love Memphis design. The Wikipedia article notes that it is/was compared to "a shotgun wedding between Bauhaus and Fisher-Price" which is why it's awesome. It's so fucking garish and absurd, I love it so much. It looks like you can still get new pieces made, but sadly it also looks like they're in the, "if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it" range.

Quite honestly, I would love to have a house in that style (Memphis Group)

Maybe I can do a poor man's Memphis Group with some thrift store finds and spraypaint :P

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They're calling it "financially paired" now? Republicans really will do anything to avoid calling it gay marriage...

did they delete the post from their instagram?

Not sure, but quick googling says this is at least 3 years old so it would be kinda hard to find.

My mind autofilled it as "bukkake" and didn't add in the last part

Is there a forum where billionaires interact with other citizens in a constructive way to figure out where to invest money for the benefit of all?

I believe the billionaire town hall event takes place quarterly at the Epstein Island.

It's Prageru. They are a massive piece of shit right wing propaganda tool.

PragerU has gone WOKE, you guys. Where's the 10,000 YouTube videos about this?