The EU says X is the worst platform for disinformation | Just as it removes a way to report election misinformation

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 1033 points –
The EU says Twitter/X is the worst platform for disinformation

The EU says X is the worst platform for disinformation | Just as it removes a way to report election misinformation::undefined


The election misinformation seems to be the point. Why else would someone bankroll Twitter/X?

This has been my thought the whole time. In general, just to put down the effective communication of the masses in real time, that is scary to a certain small group of people.

EU should block X. See how Lonnie responds to that.

Future headline: Lonboy threatens to sue EU


I refuse to let companies take ownership of letters. They already have everything else.

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We should all keep calling it Twitter and let Elon get pissed at getting dead-named.

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"Remember, Free Speech is when I, and only I, can say whatever the hell I want!" - Elon Musk

How is twitter still standing? Mastodon is the way of the future

I sometimes wonder how much it would take to get people to leave X en masse. Maybe if Elon was posting Nazi propaganda?

Nope. I sent this article to my trumper friend and he said "yeah the eu is a horribly corrupt organization". If Elon promoted Nazi propaganda they would be excited and embrace that too.

Maybe if something else big came along and everyone was like "you're still using Xitter? Lol okay boomer" they might consider moving over. Maybe.

to be fair I don't think that there is anyone who wants these kind of people to move to mastodon

I dunno, the only people applauding nazis lately seem to be the canadian parliament

The entire division was cleared by the Canadian government in the 80s

Oh, thank you canada for pardoning nazis, then?

Not even. Remember he was funding people like Andrew Tate thousands of dollars. Nothing is gonna get these people out unless they get charged to use twitter

A lot of people don't think Andrew Tate is wrong so I don't think that's a great argument (or at least that's what appears to be on places like insta, etc)

Honestly I'm surprised it didn't become a ghost town like Tumblr did after they banned porn.

Lots of them surely will migrate to Mastodon when Elon releases that fee bs. Honestly, we should thank Elon for that. Thanks to him, Mastodon will become mainstream soon.

If lemmy didn't take over the world after the Reddit schism then I don't think twitter will ever die either. Twitter users have been given every reason to leave yet there's already lots of people paying money to the person they hate the most in the world just to use it. And most of those people aren't really people anymore, they're twitter users on every level of their being. It would be like a blobfish out of water.

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It already was prior to Musk's takeover.

It's just always been a cesspool. A complete waste of human energy and time. And it never once turned a profit. An abject failure by every metric.

It already was prior to Musk’s takeover.

It's crazy how media pretends Twitter wasn't the biggest contributor to Trump's MAGA movement, being the most followed user on the site up until his fanatic followers stormed the US capitol. I mean did people already forget these dreadful years of "Trump tweeted" headlines every single day??? Twitter has been an enemy to democracy for many years.

I don't know how you can say that was anti-democratic, though.
That level of open and direct communication from the sitting president is very democratic. Say what you will about the content of that communication, but Twitter did not act undemocratically by allowing the president to speak freely...

And it never once turned a profit.

Not true.

Twitter was profitable at the time when that Elon guy bought it (and before, and some time after).

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We watching how daft Elon is in real time, and his fan boys and girls are still trying to tell us he's smart...

One of my coworkers swears he's just the biggest troll and this is all some part of his masterplan.

It’s because he’s wanted to make X a thing since 2000. Even if he was being a troll, it’s not a joke if he’s just making everyone miserable. That’s not humour, it’s an anti-social weirdo and his dipshit followers thinking that hurting other people is funny.

A 42 billion troll. He's King Clown in a hateful circus. Masterful.

..worst platform for disinformation..

Is that a double negative, or am I hallucinating ?

English professor: It's impossible for a double positive to be negative.

Random student: Yeeeah, riiight..

When did we collectively decide techbro billionaires should be the arbiter of what is and isn't disinformation?

When we decided to gather in their websites in large masses and ignore our common sense

When we decided that freedom of speech was a core freedom, and the wealthiest people own the biggest megaphones. Musk's Twitter is just a reflection of the same system that protects the Murdochs, Chatham Asset Management, etc. The bar for "this speech is illegal" is extremely high in most first-world countries, at least unless your disinformation can be shown to harm important corporations (fraud) or rich people with really really good lawyers (defamation) or the justice system itself (perjury, filing false reports), it's basically impossible to fight. This weakness of the justice system was why everybody was happy to see amoral corporations like Twitter taking up the project pre-Musk.

Remember, the only people who managed to extract consequences for The Big Lie from the above organizations is Dominion Voting Systems, a huge corporation that could show damages.

As long as the facts of our shared reality are considered beneath protection unless they coincide with the financial interests of VIPs, shitty people with big megaphones will lie with impunity.

Well, we gave the people with the money the power to decide everything else that's important so why not that too?

Musk probably sees this as a confirmation it's working as intended.

Not sure if this is the right place but I need to get off Twitter/X, I would love to use Mastodon but the hurdle feels bigger than Reddit to Lemmy. The Mastodon client feels uncomfortable to me for some reason, and I guess unlike reddit/lemmy where you have a group of people talking about specific topics, I am interested in following specific people on Twitter - a fraction of whom are on Mastodon. I don't want to support Musk or his platform but I'm struggling to find a replacement.

I guess if he starts charging for it the decision will be made for me 😅

You could also use Ivory, it’s basically tweetbot but for mastodon.

Tusky is pretty damn good for Mastodon. Better than any Lemmy client I've tried.

People say that picking a server for Mastodon isn't that important, but really I think it is. Because just a with Lemmy where you can view your Communities, Local and All it's the same on Mastodon - your server is the Local feed made up of all the people on that server. So you can just read the whole feed of everyone that way, and is it's a server based around a topic you like then it's a great place. But if you pick a server based around Crypto or Dance or Sport then you're going to have a dull time.

Yes you can find individual people, but it's a lot more fiddly to find people that aren't on your server. You kind of have to know who and where they are already.

That's why the fediverse works better for Lemmy than Mastodon IMO - because it's about whole topics than people.

People told me that I could pick any server and it wouldn't matter, but I noticed that not all the content in the communities I follow from other servers appear to me. It's confusing.

I haven't used Twitter much in years really. But after switching to Lemmy during the reddit API debacle I thought I'd give it a go and am really enjoying it. I've set up a ton of filters to block out stuff I don't want to see, and joined a couple of instances for two different personas. I'm not using the official mobile client. On Android I use Tusky and Megalodon. Tusky is my daily driver and feels like how I remember the Twitter app from 7 or 8 years ago. Megalodon is nice for cross instance discovery, but has a couple of UI quirks that prevent me from using fully. My SO uses Ice Cubes on iOS and that looks pretty sweet. Personally I found the switch comparable to Lemmy. It took me a month or two to build up a good number of active people to follow to get to the stage of having an interesting feed. It also seems to have got a lot more active in the last week. When I have dropped into Twitter it's a dumpster fire on top of a cesspit. I don't think I could go back. I'd absolutely recommend giving Mastodon a go.

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This is completely unsurprising. Under the new "free speech" regime, X has been completely deluged with antisemitic, pro-Russia, and anti-democracy propaganda. It's no wonder that advertisers don't want to be associated with that type of content.

"Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech" Noam Chomsky

I think, you miss: LGBT-Z phobic, pro-oil and even babies eaters.

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Just imagine one could complain about the last remaining posts of this dying platform!

Muskovite works in the service of Moscow.

Surely it can't be worse than Truth Social or Rumble... I'm assuming they mean mainstream platforms

Has the EU ever watched the media talking heads or read a newspaper, they contain government propaganda and intel agency talking points

if you think you're going to get actual real information off any website in the modern world...i guess...grow up? all the regulation in the world won't change it. the vast majority of internet traffic is porn and substanceless meming and shit posting. humans being human. and most of them believe they are involved in deep, important, change-producing activity while they are doing it. as they sit in their shitty apartment consuming electricity and oxygen, changing exactly nothing and helping no one. If you want to change the world for the better, get the fuck off the internet and go become something that helps people. Be a fucking paramedic or something.

the vast majority of internet traffic is porn and substanceless meming and shit posting

Don't confuse your personal experience with the general case.

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Disregarding the irony of your authoritative stance, as it is your opinion...It's not only possible but better to do both?

I'm with you on the TL;DR that equals mindfulness is more work than virtue signaling, but did you consider that internet arguments,(communication) are as intrinsic to the human experience as porn and memeing?

You can work a job that helps others, volunteer in your local community, and practice mindfulness while attempting to elevate and spread good vibes to others.

I don't recommend anyone try to do all of them at the same time, and in the case of jobs that's not even a healthy consideration in the face of modern life pragmatics. Which we should change yes, but that's another discussion.

Your observations are valid, and correct. For everyone. But it's a "some of the time" thing; It takes practice and support to become the kind of person who can actively choose to put aside those coping mechanisms.

fair enough! i shall humble myself :) and tell you that the last time I tripped on psychedelics, the idea of coming on the internet to...influence other's opinions...seemed childish and naive to the extreme. I only come on here now in the hopes that one tiny number of people might see a comment and be motivated to "get off the internet" and do something "real".

How did you come to the conclusion that people meming on the internet are trying to create a better place? They are probably only after recognition.

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I read this as "X is the platform that shares all the information that doesn't follow our authoritarian agendas".

Good. That means X is serving its purpose: informing people of all available opinions in a crazy, leftist, authoritarian world that's indicting speech.

No one owns a monopoly on the truth.

Noooo we need unelected bureaucrats to tell us what the truth is.

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