What soups are cool enough to eat on a first date? What are bad dates soups?

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 72 points –

Any soup is cool enough to eat on a first date. If your date gives you crap about something as inconsequential as what kind of soup you're eating, your date should be discarded at your earliest convenience, because they have shown themselves to be an opinionated twat that will bitch about things that don't matter in the slightest.

+1 to this. if they're giving you shit about what type of soup you eat the rest of the relationship is not gonna be very pleasant either

And since you ordered the soup, they likely have poor taste in soup

Just don’t eat soup on a first date. Soup is a 38th date food. Soup is what you get at a little truck stop after being stuck in a blizzard together for the last 12 hours in a car with no working heater, on your way back from Christmas. Then you get some soup and empty little bags of oyster crackers into it and you look at her and smile because you’re lucky to be with her. “Ohhh that’s so good” she says, huffing the air over the soup, and tugging off her mittens.

If you had to eat soup on a first date, Pho is the way to go.

Phō. I have never had a bad date while enjoying a bowl at a Vietnamese restaurant.

And if the date is dull, at least you've enjoyed an excellent soup.

Traditionally served in the morning tho - do you do morning dates ?

Bro I'm one for culture but Pho's so delish idgaf when or where I'm having it, that's a great date for anyone with 3 connecting neurons

She's only got two ... should I still go with the Pho? or maybe some dishwater instead?

It might be a morning dish traditionally but it’s eaten at any time of the day in my part of the US at least (Midwest)

And if you're in Portland, you can always pick Pho Kim to get the sexy juices flowing.

I have a simple soup rule: if they judge you poorly for you or soup, judge them poorly as a person.

Gazpacho is chilled; if that isn’t cool enough I’ll eat my sombrero.

I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish I am a fish.... I'm going to need more paper.....

Yeah but if you're expecting an ice-cold gazpacho soup and it's room temperature, you could burn yourself!

No soup. Too dangerous to eat with a long beard, for a first date. Risk making a fool of myself

If my date had a long beard with soup in it, I'd think that she wasn't the one for me

If you are worried about ordering the "wrong" soup, you aren't mature enough to be dating yet. Discover yourself, then you can show show yourself to another person. Otherwise you are just wearing a mask.

Ask for scalding hot dishwater to show that you're hardcore. A bowl of hot sauce is also acceptable. /s

Seconding the pho, I would even say a hot pot restaurant since you guys can make your own soups which can take some of the pressure off the conversation since you're actively cooking and the experience will be memorable. 🤩✨

My first date go-to is my mom's famous 13 bean soup

I can't even name that many beans. Would you share the list of beans?

  1. Kidney bean
  2. Fava bean
  3. Brown bean
  4. Jumping bean
  5. Edemame bean
  6. Soybean
  7. Garbanzo bean
  8. Pinto bean
  9. Green bean
  10. Cocoa bean
  11. Vanilla bean
  12. Mr. Bean
  13. Howu bean

Just as long as they're not going to be around me for the beanie consequences to come to fruition, if you catch my drift.

Consomme for the first date.
Double Consomme if you really care about him.
Triple Consomme if he is taken by the King to another duchy, and you don't expect to see him for a long time.

The answer to both questions is "ball soup", but the pleasure varies between who's giving and who's receiving.

Childish jokes aside; pea and ham is a good soup for any occasion.

broccoli creme soup with ajvar is rather fancy, Kohlrabi creme soup would fit also

brassica, on a first date? you're living in a different world than me

I think that a communal dish is the way to go. Those mussels in broth that you eat and dip bread in the liquid are great- something to do with your hands, one big bowl, and small bites so no cutting and long chewing.

Are you making the soup or eating out? If you are making it - sopa de tomate y frijoles is so much better than it should be, you just take an onion, few dried peppers (Ancho are good) can of pinto beans, can of tomatoes, broth of whatever variety. Soak peppers, blend everything including the raw onion, season, cook by simmering on the stove. Tastes even better if you then refrigerate and reheat it the next day. Toppings - crumbly cheese, tortilla chips, pumpkin seeds, sliced scallion greens, pickled jalapenos.

Here I was, asking myself what could be worse than having soup on a first date, and there you come with a brilliant answer: communal mussels

I love them!

Salad is the worst date food. I love salad but it's awkward to eat.

something you cooked from the bottom of your heart, inspired by that person, improvising with seasonal ingredients, with a touch of crazy zestiness (lime, ginger, chili)? something that would taste delicious and show how inventive and thoughtful you are!

Borș de fasole (sour bean soup), cold, with mămăligă (polenta) and raw onion. 🥲

Anyone who survives this on the first date is probably your soulmate for all eternity

This is an extremely valid and important question, I am so glad you asked it. Upvoted. Twice.

Tomato soup is definitely the bad one. It sucks in general.

I would also avoid anything with 'chowder' in the name. Idk, just never sat right with me.

The broccoli cream soup @lesnout27@feddit.de mentioned is a definite winner. And any soup that incorporates coconut as a cream or flavour.

Generally I think you would aim for lighter soups, rather than heavy and hearty with tons of solid veges and meat. And it must be compatible with dipping garlic bread.

go messy – share a big bowl of Cioppino with your date