Everything's bigger in rule

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.website to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 267 points –

Who knew, Texas is bigger than Luxembourg

That's probably just a perspective trick, there's no way

I see you're joking but for anyone curious

Luxemburg: Total Area 2,586.4 km^2^

Texas: Total Area 695,662 km^2^

Which is crazy since Luxemburg has its own language while Texas is speaking the same as Ireland which is already bigger than Luxemburg

Europeans thinking a 2h trip is a long ass trip. Then they come visit North America thinking they can visit from coast to coast by car in two weeks.

North Americans going to Europe thinking it'll take 4 hours to go from one city to the next when they can actually cross three whole countries in that time frame.

The most culture shock I've ever experienced was being in southern France, craving some Italian, and realizing I can literally just go to Italy for dinner.

Hahahahaha right??? Ain't that crazy?


Same happened to me. Was in South West of France. Saw a board on the highway that said Barcelona was 3h away. Like what????

So we went to Barcelona for a weekend because why the fuck not.

Am European. I drove from sfo to nyc in 4.5 days. Would I do that again? No.

No we don't think 2 hours is a long ass trip. We think 2 hours is a long ass commute.

Honestly I blame American TV for this. Especially anything involving the FBI! In Hannibal they zip between states non stop like it's nothing. I assume it's all supposed to be happening over many days, but it just seems like they're going to and from work in Minnesota and home in Virginia lol

I've done LA to DC in a week. You just don't pass through many cool places along the way.

"Texas needs to shut up before we split in half and make Texas the 3rd biggest state"

  • Alaska probably

Alaska could be split into four equal states & Texas would be the fifth biggest.

As the old saying goes, "Europeans think 100 miles is a long way, Americans think 100 years is a long time."

Europeans don't know what 100 miles is.

That's a common misconception. Europeans hate standard measurements, but they aren't dumb. They can do conversions.

fair enough but we don't really have a feel for how far a mile is without converting it to kilometres first

We don't have to, because we don't live in the 3 countries that use them.

It's nice to have some quick mental conversions ready.

1 mile is roughly 1.6 km, so 100 miles is roughly 160 km

3 feet is roughly a meter

2 pounds are roughly 1 kg

1 gallon is roughly 4 liters

32 fahrenheit it 0 celcius, 100 fahrenheit is slightly over body temperature, 200 fahrenheit is almost enough to boil water... Any other value requires math to figure out...

Any other value requires math to figure out

-40° requires no math. Too cold to do math at that temp anyway.

And dogs don't know how long a human year is in dog years

So you’re saying they should secede from the Union and be an independent world superpower because they don’t need the rest of us, right? Right?

They’re welcome to attempt again. Though we were a bit too gentle last time

I grew up in Texas and moved to England. I remember my first weekend there looking at a map thinking of going to visit Cambridge. It was a couple of inches away on the map and I thought, should be an hour maybe an hour and half drive. Imagine my surprise when I arrived in Cambridge in 20 minutes. I forgot to take into consideration scale.

Yes it was a paper map, I know I'm old.

"that's not where paris is."

--any texan.

I realize it's all for jokes but I think neither the image nor comments images are adjusting for actual area, since on a projected map there will be warping outwards of center.

So big yet 0 culture besides guns...

and bbq and rodeo and jesus and warm smiles and cold daggers

also all the cultural influence from Mexico, but that doesn't count I guess

I think the cultural influences from Mexico should count. As far as food goes, Mexican food is some amazing stuff, but the American variations are different, yet amazing in their own rights. Tex-Mex, New Mexican, and Cali-Mex are some of my favorite spins on traditional Mexican food. Plus I think you're already including Mexican influences with BBQ and rodeo.

yeah there's a lot of baggage in saying there's no culture. cuz that also ties into the whiteness discussion. whiteness is the de facto cultural vacuum, the hegemony that eats other cultures, the mainstream, the default. so portraying texas as a cultural vacuum is sort of erasing everything non-white about it.

Oh! I misinterpreted the tone of your last sentence. I getcha now! Cheers!

yeah i tread carefully, i guess cuz im used to running into chuds on geography reddit. gotta remember that i wont get inbox hate for saying "whiteness" on lemmy

Tons of culture, it's just all living deep underground near the earths core, where it's still warm.

if Europe ever gets colonized it'll be crushed down to the cultural equivalent of Michigan

You people don't even know what couture is...

You got me. What's couture?

One of my favourite webcomic artists/vtubers is from Texas!

This is just a piece of the land we stole from a country that spain stole once

I expected Texas to be a lot bigger, given the memes.

Fun fact: the largest cattle station in Australia is 8x larger than the largest cattle station in the US (which is in Texas).

Except the population size

Yeah, bigass country yet despite its supposed awesomeness barely anyone wants to live there.

I wouldn't call 30 million barely anyone

Texas is utterly barren compared to the center of european population density that's depicted here (ever heard of the blue banana?). I'd say that's roughly 150 million people.