life hacks to Lemmy – 963 points –

Ok, somebody's gotta say it and it's gonna be me:

Yo dawg, we put a shower in your shower so you can shower while you shower.

How'd you solve the last 25%?


I uh... might have forgotten the terminal condition, so feel free to report me for violating Rule 2 of this community - breaking the law! (of good sense):-P

If you have finitely many problems, after purchasing finitely many copies, there should only be one problem left. If this problem isn't solved with another copy, you're out of luck and have to come up with the solution yourself.

If you have infinitely many problems then you shouldn't complain, for you'll solve infinitely many problems per copy.

You missed an opportunity to phrase that as how you may have 99 problems, but the last one is still there :-).

Template for future use: [insert popular phrase] (best if improperly applied, claiming it is for "ironic" purposes), then [follow up with cat picture].

Thank you for your service. I wasn't going to leave that un-posted, believe!

You missed the part where you zone out and replay arguments you had years ago. But this time you're smarter and always win

I don't always win, but I learn from the mistakes. Like watching football play footage lol

Make sure you use a long extension cord to a fuse without RCD for the hair dryer, though - otherwise the constant resetting of the breaker will eat up all your time savings.

I don't see how brushing your teeth in the shower saves time. Unless your brushing while you shampoo or something, you're just making your shower longer, which wastes more water.

I brush my teeth after applying the conditioner in my hair. Being done brushing signifies it is time to rinse out the conditioner

I just put my conditioner in before I wash the rest of my body, then I rinse everything off at once.

I stand there enjoying the hot water and zoning out letting my mind wander. May as well do something useful while I’m just standing there anyway.

Exactly. Plus I rather stand under the hot water instead of standing in the bathroom which is not as warm, in the cold weather.

The water takes like a minute to heat up here, so I start brushing my teeth while it's heating up and I finish in the shower

It's a habit I picked up in basic training. We had 50 girls to 12 shower heads, and we really didn't get much time for all of us to shower at all in the first couple weeks (the time constraint was relaxed after a bit though)

The tooth brushing deal though I think was because our TI would find the tiniest speck of water in the sinks after lights out and absolutely lose his shit. So we only used the sinks to wash our hands, so we didn't accidentally leave toothpaste in the bowl of the sink and miss it while cleaning up for the evening.

Either way, it's just a habit that's stuck with me through the years.

Lil flippy knob at the top of the shower head to pause the water is a great water saver. You only really need the water running for like 20% of your time in the shower. I love brushing my teeth in the shower, you can get toothpaste everywhere and then just rinse it off without making a huge mess at the sink, way easier to rinse your mouth with water angled down from above than from a sink below.

I get cold just thinking about this. Turning off the shower is my least favourite part of showering. Why repeat the experience several times in one session?

ya like what psychopath turns the water off mid shower

That other commenter! Loves edging their shower, apparently...

Do you leave the windows open? My bathroom is so steamy and hot that I don't notice it, it's hard to lotion up after with all the steam still hanging around keeping my skin wet even with repeated toweling. But I take very hot showers in a very small bathroom. It's only cold when I open the door. I do have to clean red water mold off the walls and ceiling a lot, it would probably be better to keep the place ventilated while I shower.

No exhaust fan?

Nope. My house was built in 1915 and doesn't have fancy things like exhaust fans, kitchen or bathroom. The bathroom didn't have a toilet until the 1930s, it was literally just a bath room. They had an outhouse.

in other words; you can save water by doing less. nice life hack too

brushing your teeth in the shower

I tried this. Turns out that sonicare toothbrushes are only water resistant and will fail eventually when used in the shower every day. 0/10 Don't recommend.

Otherwise, if you spend a lot of time daydreaming in the shower to begin with, this can save a few minutes.

Wasn't this a Seinfeld bit with Kramer?

Yes. Kramer even put a garage disposal in his shower.

Made a salad and stuff, served it to a table of people and mentioned that he made it while showering.

Should I check my emails while I'm taking a shower in the shower?

No, there is a limit to multi tasking

If there's no limit to monitors, there's no limit to multitasking. And there's no limit to monitors.

Now if only someone would develop the waterproof monitor...

Wonder what type of graphics card they are using. My work laptop could only handle a max of 4 external monitors.

Seriously though, brushing my teeth in the shower is the best way to get me to do it.

I've been doing it for a while and it not only saves a lot of time, I also think i'm a lot more thorough because of it.

I'm surprised some tech company hasn't put waterproof touchscreen devices in their employee locker room showers so that their employees can reply to email in there.

I'm surprised they didn't add them to the toilet stalls either

"all cameras must be uncovered during zoom meetings"

And now that you are showering while you are showering, you should brush your teeth while you are showering while you are showering.

Yo dawg I heard you like showers...

This post is dumb. Have you never seen those showers with a dozen different heads? This is super old news...

Which psychopath brushes their teeth first and then eats breakfast like he's in some kind of stupid movie

Fuck, I'd never thought about showering in the shower. So much time wasted!