The Onion Staff to Go on Strike Wednesday Barring 11th Hour Deal to Not The – 624 points –
The Onion Union Authorizes Unfair Labor Practice Strike

Now this is meta.

Technically OP is off topic, if one happens to be a pedantic asshole. Which I am.

if one happens to be a pedantic asshole. Which I am.

It felt very good to upvote this one comment, for some strange reason. :p

Any other circumstances I'd be like screw that guy, but it scans so well right here....

The guild is seeking contracts that include staffer protections in the event of the sale of the company, improved severance offerings, and basic protections from AI.

In other words they've noticed that a bunch of greedy venture capitalists bought them and aren't gonna let 'em just liquidate/automate their jobs for a quick buck.

They're also probably feeling a bit paranoid after watching Hard-Drive have the same thing happen.

Damn, I didn't know Hard-Drive died. Anyone know good alternatives?

Well, have you considered switching to solid state?

... I'll show myself out.

Is this the onion? Or not the onion? Or not not the onion?

On r/nottheonion this would be removed as "not oniony".

Wait. Is it a joke or… I feel trapped into the Opposite Day loop here.

Wait, what? $44 milion in revenue? Thats peanuts for company this size, isn't it?

I'm assuming that's just revenue from The Onion, although the wording on it leaves much to be desired.

I used to love The Onion so much. Then the state of affairs got so bad that The crap coming out of the government was worse than the stuff they made up. I get PTSD tics now wearing that someone in the government is going to take notes.

Onion also got bought out a couple times. The new videos are low effort crap; nothing like the superb clips from 10-15 years ago, which is probably the best satire ever created.

I'm honestly kind of shocked they survived the Trump administration. Could you imagine trying to outbid the government for crazy during those years?

their tiktok videos are pretty good as it makes fun of the typical tiktok videos, but peak onion may never be reached again

They should negotiate bonuses for writers who predict the future.

They turned boomer and make jokes about wokeness now, so who cares.

I haven't seen that... linky?

it's not really true, they just want to pretend to hate everything

Honestly seems like something from Babylon Bee.

I think this is an excelent criticism of white people being these "saviours" to minorities. The whole ally thing is strange to me because baing an "ally" should be the base. Youre either racist or a normal person. It also criticizes the extreme scrutiny "non minority" people get for saying stuff "they shouldnt".

That's your example?!? Okay.

White women and people trying not to be racist... They're ruining society right? Har har har \s

Maybe they should start an info graphics show about trans ideology in schools next... Because you know those wokies are the problem, am I right?

The video isn't making fun of anti-racism.

It's making fun of virtue signaling by doing something unrelated that's difficult for yourself, annoying to others and doesn't help anyone.

no, it isn't. It is 100% intending to suggest that anyone saying anything about racism is just virtue signaling. That is what comedic caricatures are for. They mock behavior by exaggeration and over simplification in order to discredit a viewpoint or people.

Nope. You're, as usual, 100% wrong.

You're ascribing intent that is not at all evident in the video.

It's a video of a silly person doing something more silly than most real people ever would, in order to promote how virtuous she is, which isn't helping anyone. That's all it is. That's the caricature.

There's no part of it that suggests that all mention of racism is virtue signaling. That's YOUR thought. Whether or not you agree with it, that originated with YOU, not the video.

You are asking too much from someone who thinks being woke is a bad thing.

Which is why I objected to declaring all anti-racist behavior by whites as virtue signaling? you've got some amazing alternative logic going on there.

So you admit that it is a caricature intended to mock anti-racist activists as nothing but virtue singling attention seekers, but think it is nothing more despite that being exactly what theater has used it for for the entirety of the Human existence. cool, cool.

Whilst I do agree that The Onion often takes something and runs with it to create an extreme situation hoping to bump into humour...

....they're still making choices about what aspects to run with. They could have just as easily taken a Ben Shapiro type conservative and made them run away with being I don't know, so unpolitically correct that they become politically correct again. I don't know, that's just off the top of my head, but the point is they are choosing who they mock.

...and they used to choose more substantial issues.

They could have just as easily taken a Ben Shapiro type conservative

Nope, you can't take something that's already exaggerated past the point of self-parody and then parody it.

they're still making choices about what aspects to run with.

Which in this case is unhelpful virtue signaling taking attention away from honest anti-racism that's actually about helping people.

Nope, you can’t take something that’s already exaggerated past the point of self-parody and then parody it.


And what exactly is past self-parody? What comes after that? (Besides 'plaid'.)

Because you can't exaggerate something to make it ridiculous when it's already so ridiculous.

Bad faith communicators like him already take their outrageous rhetoric and false conclusions farther than any funny parody would, effectively making them impossible to humorously satirize.

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And note the "already exaggerated past the point of self-parody" their entire point is in fact exactly that anti-racists are nothing but self aggrandizing attention seekers.

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I don't really believe in virtue signaling. It's something the rightwing made up to say they're offended without having to say they're offended.

I do however believe in the practicalities of politics.... And yes, sometimes a company is going to have a gay pride month logo everywhere but Saudi Arabia, but that's a Nationalist problem of culture, not something progressives are causing.

...yet apparently progressives are to blame for most virtue signaling?

Like I say, I don't believe in virtue signaling.

I don't really believe in virtue signaling. It's something the rightwing made up

No. Like so many things, it's a real thing that right wing people twist into something it isn't to fit their narrative or to excuse their own vices.

An example of virtue signaling would be to for example arbitrarily avoid using words that start with an n to showcase how virtuous you are.

An example of the right wing definition of virtue signaling is just..doing anything virtuous. Like when someone is legitimately doing or saying the right things for the right reasons, right wing troglodytes will call THAT virtue signaling.

Examples of real things are usually specific and real instances of those things actually occuring, I notice neither of your examples are (obe is the fiction comedy sketch, the other is just a general description you've written).

So I'm going to continue to doubt the existence of "virtue signaling".

And I'm going to cease pretending that you're receptive to reason and let you be pigheaded at someone else in stead. Have the day you deserve.

And when called out for spreading the AstroTurf, they run away crying about how unreasonable those calling it out are...

Or maybe you just couldn't come up with a genuine real world example of virtue signaling.

See, that's the thing about examples they provide substance capable of usurping reason. They're a way of saying "see for yourself".

But I get it, you're frustrating and lashing out, that's okay. Everyone's got emotions, and politics is a frustrating topic.

Difficult to do comedy on in an age of saturation (and an election year to boot).

Have a good day.

You want a genuine real world example? I'll give you two.

Remember in 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea? Actress AnnaLynne McCord reacted via a textbook virtue signaling poem about being Putin's mom.

More recently, Nancy Pelosi reacted to all American women losing their constitutional right to bodily autonomy by reciting another poem that did not help anyone and then singing about how beautiful the country is on some stairs with the Washington Voices of Virtue (vote for us) Choir.

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A very real and common place example of virtue signaling, and what the term was originally meant to show, would be going to church and asking for god's forgiveness on Sunday while being an absolute shit head the rest of the week. Now you see why right wingers co-opted and twisted it. It was originally meant to call out their bs, and they can't be having that.

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It’s making fun of people patting themselves on the back over how good allies they are for doing things no one ever asked for and isn’t helping anybody.

Like how white people informed others to use the made up gender neutral word Latinx instead of Latino/Latina, when no Hispanic has even asked for it or even want it.

Dude I think you just misunderstood it. I get it, it's a bit edgy, but so is "powerful trans person now capable of using every bathroom at once", but this is satirizing the kind of creepy virtue signaling that metropolitan liberals do in order to seem more woke than they actually are, not being anti-racist.

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Friend that's funny as fuck, thank you, I had no idea The Onion still did videos. Also, If you're interpereting satire as an attack on your beliefs, take a break from this online thing my guy.

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You uh… you realize they’re all satirists… right?

I think it's funny that they're doing comedy like this, that supports ridiculous right wing notions of politics... Issues designed to distract and mock rather than using humour for a purpose, and now they're...

checks notes

Having trouble with getting basic benefits within their workplace. Huh, maybe they should have stuck to the left a bit more.

You must be fun at parties

I hangout in the philosophy section of book stores and talk to passers by about how I once wrote a book (before my divorce) but couldn't get it published, and how I'm really quite brilliant and that's why I'm poor.

You sound like a 4chan neckbeard. Not a compliment, more of a warning.

4chan neckbeards are suprisingly more knowledgeable than this person, believe it or not.

Man the onion has always had some bad boomery takes. They get some good jabs in time to time but they are enlightened centrist epitomized.

Edit: stay mad losers

Now that I think about it, you're right. I remember when The Onion movie came out, and they had that whole "cock puncher" joke... I guess it was trying Idiocracy's type of comedy, but it felt a bit too like it was just doing the thing it was complaining about.

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