4chan daily challenge sparked deluge of explicit AI Taylor Swift images

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 158 points –
4chan daily challenge sparked deluge of explicit AI Taylor Swift images

4chan daily challenge sparked deluge of explicit AI Taylor Swift images::New AI image filters are "just another obstacle to ‘defeat,’" researcher says.


I don’t see a solution to this one and we’re just going to have to live with people making pictures of whatever they want. It’s not like TS can stop me making an oil painting of her humping a dolphin or whatever.

Hypothetically speaking how much would you charge to commission this?

I’m thinking about 60”x48” and real graphic.

Sadly I am no painter, although I could really use the money right now.

I’d probably wreck that painting pretty quick anyways.

Can you wipe stuff off oil paintings if needed?

4chan was just using Microsoft Bing AI to make the TayTay nudies if that helps.

I went and looked for it since I know the AI porn "challenge" posts are on /b/ and the theme/title of the latest one is literally "child pussy edition"...

Even for 4chan that's fucked up. I'm done with the Internet for today, I hope those pedos get shot in the head.

On the one hand, yeah, I get your point.

On the other hand, if AI art does destroy demand for non-AI content creators, here's the silver lining.

Thanks for the information. Was almost curious enough to look for myself.

I wonder if some pedo is just masquerading as a typical 4chan to crowdsource content.

Or is that place just that fucking degenerate..

I wonder if some pedo is just masquerading as a typical 4chan to crowdsource content.

Or is that place just that fucking degenerate

It really is just that degenerate. I haven't been there in close to a decade, but even back in the naughts and teens, it was full of pedo bullshit (right along side Nazi imagery). There may be good boards on chans, but the place is a shit hole overall.

This is why I stopped going to 4chan in the 00s after lurking for a few months. It became obvious the pedo shit wasn't just ironic and there was a sizeable cohort which would jump around to whichever board tolerated it at the time. The language from that era then got projected into stuff like pizzagate and Q, in a way which is extremely transparent to anyone who spent even a small amotof time on the site.

It's 4chan. It's been the worst place on the internet for decades. It just can't be topped.

Even for 4chan that's fucked up.

Oh, sweet summer child..

Yeah I remember in the 00s it was an instant ipban to post pedo shit, but also pedobear and joking about it was common. It seemed like people would post actual abuse materials to troll the site but it was quickly dealt with. I was there for "brb church" though where 4chan vigilantes lured an actual pedo and had them arrested.

Hah as if. In the early 00s the mods were in maybe once or twice a day and there was tons of CP being posted.

Worst I saw was a little girl chopped into pieces, and a many -page discussion / argument if it should be sorted as CP or Necro porn. That was the old 4chan.

Yeah I just scrolled passed that shit cause it shocked me too much to engage. Not exactly proud of my b-slur days, but also wasn't the best time in my life, and there was something oddly welcoming about the site back then. A site where everyone called each other a f*g in ironic comradery vs having it thrown at me by homophobes. Would have never associated the site with anything good though, using it was like willfully exposing yourself to something insane at the click of a button. If you were the right mix of computer nerd and socially isolated, 4chan offered something that you couldn't get anywhere else.

Almost 20 years later I actually value the experience of being on 4chan more because of how influential it became to online culture, and later how politics happens on the the internet, and the demographic who uses it becoming so identifiable. It's very rare but on a few occasions I've come across normal people in real life who were b-slurs at the same time, and it's crazy how recognizable it is.

That's disgusting. Someone please link some of these images so I can make sure to avoid them.

You can find TS NSFW images pretty easily. I searched to find some and see what the hubbub was all about and frankly it’s just the same old porn stills. It doesn’t matter that it has TS’s face on it. I guess some people get off on that sort of fantasy, but I was not impressed, but then that sort of stuff really doesn’t do much for me anyway.

E: I’m not kink shaming. IMO people getting off on the fact that it was done is pretty lame.

“I spent hours scouring the deep web for Taylor swift nudes but I def don’t get off on that. Some guys do I hear, though. Gross, right?”

This comment just shows how hilariously out of your element you are lmaooo. Imagine, first of all, thinking that the deep web is the dark web, secondly that you need to access the dark web in order to find deep fakes (Are you blind?)

I honestly couldn't care less about this and think deepfake porn is not a good thing but like... it's out there and it's incredibly easy to find.

You could literally go search "Taylor Swift deepfake porn" on Google and find it first result lmao

Little defensive there homie

Defensive for saying you're wrong? OK :)

I literally verified my comment in 22 seconds by looking up the exact search term I gave you.

What's the deep web? You seem really educated about it from your willingness to use the term.

Yes I’m talking about the deep web and not the dark web 🤣🤣🤣

Sorry if my words are too big for you to understand

Sorry if I hit a nerve, swiftie 🙃

Your secret is safe with me lol

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The ego at work, ladies and gents

A child at play, ladies and gents

You started belittling that guy as soon as you couldn't back up your accusation. That's literally what the ego does lol

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4 more...

Do people actually enjoy seeing those pictures? I can sort of understand generating them for shock value, but finding them erotic or pleasing??

Well uh, yes. Its the internet, there are sites where people devote massive time and energy to discussing the wankability but also canonical accuracy of depictions of 'what if 14 year old anime girl characters actually had penises that are canonically accurate and true to the art style as well'.

At least one person is into the weirdest shit you can imagine.

There was at one point a group of people who filmed themselves putting fleshlights in car exhausts and fucking them, then this got even more weird and people seemingly seriously said they had actual sexual attraction to vehicles, then people started fucking the exhaust pipes with no fleshlights, then someone , possibly multiple people actually seriously injured themselves this way.

And also yes to shock value, now that 4chan is involved, its more or less 'this is funny because it will very likely make someone angry, and also theres no real way this sort of thing can be prevented, here, lets prove it'.

I have stared into the void, it has stared back into me, and destroyed all nearly all notions commonly assumed to define reason and humanity.

Do not do as I have done.

At least one person is into the weirdest shit you can imagine.

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe weirdest shit you can imagine is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”

(with apologies to Douglas Adams)

There was at one point a group of people who filmed themselves putting fleshlights in car exhausts and fucking them

There was another, way funnier phase when guys just taped them into the exhaust and started up the car to see them get crazy blown out. Worth a watch if you haven't seen just how stretchy these things are, but now I'm scared to search for "fleshlight in car exhaust"

Not sure of the timeline, but yes I remember that.

I would not be surprised if something like 2% of the people who saw that were aroused enough or bored enough to... take the next step, leading to the ... autophilia stuff.


Having not seen them it's difficult to judge on any grounds beyond subjective morality of their creation.

Well I've seen a few in passing. They just look like any other AI "art"/porn.

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Those disgusting ai porn sites, theres so many of them. Which one? Which one did they post it on?

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I miss the days when 4chan was good.

Okay that's not right, 4chan was never good. I miss the days when it was bad, but it wasn't a cesspit of sociopath trolls trying harder to outtroll other trolls and society at large.

When was that? I remember finding it in the early 2000s and it was awful even then. But I only spent my time there on b

Maybe it's you who changed, and graduated from sociopath troll to sociable human being?

I was a b-slur through the 00s and I dunno if anyone would say it was "good," but it was definitely less irony poisoned.

If it isn't real then what's the point? It's no longer Taylor Swift. I guess if you use your imagination real hard it might work.

if you use your imagination real hard

"Stop right there, criminal scum. You are infringing our Intellectual Property!" /s

"Me when my lovely (but sometimes forgetful) Chinese mailroom attendant hands me an unmarked box without saying who it should be given to"

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Graphika researchers—who study how communities are manipulated online—traced the fake Swift images to a 4chan message board that's "increasingly" dedicated to posting "offensive" AI-generated content, The New York Times reported.

Fans of the message board take part in daily challenges, Graphika reported, sharing tips to bypass AI image generator filters and showing no signs of stopping their game any time soon.

“While viral pornographic pictures of Taylor Swift have brought mainstream attention to the issue of AI-generated non-consensual intimate images, she is far from the only victim," López G. said.

Rather than expecting platforms to chase down the harmful content, López G. recommended that AI companies should get ahead of the problem, taking responsibility for outputs by paying attention to evolving tactics of toxic online communities reporting precisely how they're getting around safeguards.

"These images originated from a community of people motivated by the ‘challenge’ of circumventing the safeguards of generative AI products, and new restrictions are seen as just another obstacle to ‘defeat,’" López G. said.

Experts told The Times that 4chan users were likely motivated to participate in these challenges for bragging rights and to "feel connected to a wider community."

The original article contains 504 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 62%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Rather than expecting platforms to chase down the harmful content, López G. recommended that AI companies should get ahead of the problem, taking responsibility for outputs [...]

What if I want to make pornographic images of myself? What if Taylor Swift wants to?

The software is out there already, the images are life-like, and the models run offline. There's absolutely no way of recorking that bottle now.

Anyone else notice she has a rat face?

I'd love to see what you look like comparatively, I mean, she's adored and turns on millions. You post jealous comments anonymously on the Internet.

I legitimately don't even know what she looks like. 🤣

I wonder sometimes if I'm the weird one for giving zero shits about celebrities.

Edit: nvm, she's in the thumbnail.

Is all this Taylor Swift content atm a not-so-subtle response to her rigging the Superbowl so she can endorse Joe Biden?

American right wingers really do amaze me with their conspiracies.

From mind control vaccines, to Jewish space lasers, to Hillary Clinton running paedo rings in caverns underneath pizza shops, to Taylor Swift rigging some sports event in a way that (somehow) endorses Biden?

Who comes up with this stuff

Hey you leave Jewish space lasers out of this! We need more Jewish space lasers.

I don't know about that. I wouldn't want Palestine to suffer the Meridian treatment.

Well by all reporting the whole of Q-Anon started with some fool on 4Chan claiming to have top level gov clearance and knowing all the dirt. Once enough people repeat something as fact the people who might have been skeptical at first start to jump on board because 'how could that many people be wrong?'.

Massive group think from the very independent researching crowd letting things go out of control.

Of course as we all know, the Superbowl is the only place and time internationally known celebrities are able to express their political preferences.

Ya the superbowl is the only place she can endorse a politician. Totally makes sense. /s

It's quite impressive how many people seem to think you actually believe she is rigging the superbowl to endorse Biden, rather than just referring to that batshit theory to make a sane point.

I know I'm confused as I took it as being facetious. Then again there are people that believe weird stuff like that. Maybe I was just being generous and giving them the benefit of the doubt? Or maybe they're just trolling. 🤔

I mean I actually think it's an astute point behind the satire. The challenge probably did start on 4chan because of the hubbub going on around the conspiracy theory, if not by someone who actually believes it. Seems weird to downvote just because someone references that theory though.

I actually believe she’s going to announce her own candidacy and do a “Taylor’s Version” of the Constitution that technically allows each of her “eras” to serve for two terms. This is all made very clear by the Easter Eggs in her Instagram account.

That has to be one of the most hilariously dumb ideas I've read lol.