All time cancelled/morally questionable artist playlist? to Ask – 48 points –

Listened to Billie Jean while cleaning, wondered what the all time playlist might be.

I imagine Kanye, Clapton, Pink Floyd, James Brown, Ike Turner all make the cut with MJ but I'm curious what Lemmy comes up with!


Sinnead O'Connor was absolutely right to rip up the pope's picture.

Bill Cosby's comedy albums

God, my parents have a bunch of those and I loved listening to them as a kid. I can't play then any more.

You can with a twist.

“You ever get up and go into a room… only to forget why you went in there….”

After he says “But as soon you sit down you remember… something something button”

Throw out “Unless it’s because you’ve been drugged by Cosby”

Lostphrophets. Quite a few bangers, but it was revealed that Ian Watkins is a turbo-pedo. He's now in prison, and the rest of the bandmembers formed a new band, wanting nothing to do with him or the old bandname.

A few years ago I saw a guy at a music festival with a big old Lostprophets tattoo across his upper back. Poor bastard.

One extra awful thing about Ian Watkins (from South Wales) is that the singer "H" from Steps is also called Ian Watkins and is also from South Wales and because the tabloids at the time didn't do and due diligence and the published his photo along with the story resulting in significant repercussions H, I think someone even graffitid his front door and received death threats.

And the first album is gone. Just deleted from existence. I really liked that album. But my god. The depravity of that man.

And the first album is gone. Just deleted from existence

What do you mean? It's on spotify, youtube and you can order it on amazon or ebay ...

Same with static-x

That's not the same at all. I get why you might say that, but not only was it not the singer, but the crimes involved were worlds apart in depravity, and static-x was still together after.

Seriously, comparing damn near anyone to Watkins is a tough thing. That dude was beyond fucked up and into the deep end of sheer evil. But the rest of it isn't similar enough to draw the comparison.

I guess I'm too young to know why Pink Floyd is morally questionable?

Roger Waters is a conservative antisemitic shitass, the rest are cool as far as I’m aware. I certainly havent let it stop me from enjoying pink floyd, though I have more trouble separating the art from the artist in other situations (lookin at you JK Rowling)

Conservative? I think you should check your own ass for shit since you’ve got it exactly backward.

Conservative? Last concert I saw with him he was liberal AF. On what do you base his conservatism?

PF (Gilmour et al) is conservative enough…rich old white dudes.

Sinead O'Connor got cancelled for ripping up a photo of the pope. The a wave of paedophile priest accusations hit and hasn't really stopped since.

Austrian Death Machine. The singer (Tim Lambesis) tried to hire a hitman to murder his wife.

Iced Earth: the lead guitarist (Jon Schaeffer) is a founding member of a right wing militia group and participated in the 2021 storming of the US Capitol.

It’s really interesting that you picked his meme side project as the canceled band instead of As I Lay Dying.

I love smashing pumpkins, but Billy Corgan is a real asshole
Edit: Gotta add Morrissey/the Smiths too

Burzum and skrewdriver? or is that going too far?

Why not throw in Mayhem as well?

Wait, what did Mayhem do?

Ooh where to begin? They used to play with impaled animal heads on the stage, Dead used to cut himself whilst performing, then when he killed himself with a shotgun, Euronymous’s first reaction was to rearrange his body and take a picture, which was used as the cover to a bootleg, he also made necklaces out of fragments of Dead’s skull, and sold other fragments. Varg (the same Varg from Burzum) is a neonazi and burnt down at least one church, reportedly with Euronymous. Varg also murdered Euronymous as he believed Euronymous wanted to kill him. You’ll struggle to find a more messed up band

Yeah, all that is messed up, but to me Mayhem is the current lineup with Necrobutcher and Attila. I hope those guys didn't do anything wrong, I just went to Mayhem concert last September.

They seem alright now, and Necrobutcher was disgusted by Euronymous’ response to Dead’s suicide and left the band over it if I recall correctly

Bill Cosby comedy albums count?

Came across one in a consignment bin a few weeks ago. Aww, nope, not even for $2.

R Kelly, Chris Brown, Kid Rock, and I guess Dixie, Chicks technically count.

What did the chicks do?

Opposed war after September 11th. Their careers got destroyed for it. One of them released some solo stuff a few years ago and they covered how big the backlash was for their statements.

GG Allin, Stza Crack, Sakevi Yokoyama, Seth Putnam, Varg Vikernes.

first thing came to my mind.

Can almost forgive him since he contributed to this absolute belter

He beat her to death for God's sake. Can you imagine how long it might have taken, how much of an inhuman psychopathy it would require to be able to keep hitting until a human being dies in your hands.

1 more...

I still listen to Stone Temple Pilots and Red Hot Chili Peppers

EDIT: oops, i'm tired and may have misread what OP posted. are we supposed to naming the worst POS musicians out there? Because if so, R Kelly should be on the list

Daughters. Lead singer was apparently highly abusive to his gf, who goes by Lingua Ignota

What? Oh no... I just found them :( time to Google and then un-love them

Edit oh for pity's sake... That's awful, why do people do things like that. Damn, I guess I'll just go ahead and trade in the CD I bought.

In a strange way, thank you for helping me find out sooner than later. :)

I still listen to them. I can separate the art from the artist. Hell, it's hard to find a clean soul in a good artist out there, sometimes. I can't deny that You Won't Get What You Want was one of the most visceral experiences I've ever had listening to an album. Sometimes you can listen to something with knowledge of the experiences of the artist who made it and it can change or enhance your experience. Kind of like listening to Manson's old folk music...

Regardless, yeah he's a piece of shit. Doesn't change the fact that Daughters is damn good music. At least YWGWYW. Hell Songs and Canada Songs are kind of meh for me.

The Mamas and the Papas

I really don't want to Google this one. I finally stopped getting tired of California Dreaming

Bassnectar, Datsik

Was anything confirmed, or is this another set of career-ending allegations that people are stupidly accepting without concrete proof?

Not sure. I know the STUCA allegations were proven false.

Thanks for at least admitting it.

Dream, ProJared, Johnny Depp, and I think Toby Turner all come to mind. 3 out of the 4 were punished harshly for a crime they didn't commit.

Not saying they have the best morals, but they all received punishments that did not fit what they actually did.