Trump says his criminal indictments boosted his appeal to Black voters to politics – 365 points –
Trump says his criminal indictments boosted his appeal to Black voters

Former President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his four criminal indictments have boosted his support among Black Americans because they see him as a victim of discrimination, comparing his legal jeopardy to the historic legacy of anti-Black prejudice in the U.S. legal system.

Trump argues he is the victim of political persecution, even though there is no evidence President Joe Biden or White House officials influenced the filing of 91 felony charges against him. Earlier in the week, Trump compared himself to Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top domestic rival, who died in a remote Arctic prison after being jailed by the Kremlin leader.

“I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told a black-tie event for Black conservatives in South Carolina ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary. “And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”


“And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

I may have never read a more delusional, tone-deaf, preposterous, and wholly fabricated crock of bullshit in my entire life. Does he dream these things up himself or does he somehow still have yes-men who feed these hallucinations to him?

What the fucking hell? I mean, even the most die-hard Trump-is-my-god-emporer-forever-I-will-topple-democracy-for-him maga has got to know that this is absolute horseshit, right?

Remember when Trump took out a 1 page ad in the paper calling for the death penalty for the central park 5?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Fox news told him black-voters like him because of this golden sneakers..

So in his brain right now, he thinks black-voters like him,

Thinking why that is, he knows black people historically were treated unfair by the court system, and apparently he is too,

So he thinks himself a genius with smart gene's that he linked those two thoughts together, and thinks that's another reason why black-voters must like him.

He's been spitting out everything he can hoping some victimization will stick... Jew prosecution, Navalny, etc. Dude's a moron, and I still can't believe there are people dumb enough to be fooled by such low effort manipulation.

It's been less than a week since a Fox News said black people love the idea that Trump is releasing a line of sneakers. Buckle up, this won't be the most tone deaf thing you read this year.

I don't remember where I read this, and I'm hoping someone may remind me, but it's a purity/loyalty test for fascists to say ridiculous, reality-defying things to their audience.

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It's incredible how weird their racism has gotten.

They were openly racist before.

Now they reverted to some weird form of ignorant racism.

Black people vote for us because of golden shoes.
Black people vote for us because we're criminals.

Trump just jumbles whatever the last few people he talked to told him and regurgitates it. He surrounds himself with an ever-changing mire of idiots and racists of all kinds.

Don't excuse the rest of the party, Trump is just leading the ones too stupid to keep quiet about the racism.

These groups are very insular. At mar-a-lago over cocktails or whatever, you can probably spout of classist nonsense without anyone batting an eye with polite silence greeting really overt racism. I seriously doubt anyone there would stand up and challenge you saying that kind of thing.

But I'm guessing these people go way further behind closed doors. And this is how they think what they say is acceptable. The more insular, the bigger the gap between between what real people think is ok and what the people in these privileged spaces think is ok.

What we need is for someone to leak video of Trump saying the stuff they say in backrooms. If you'll recall there is precedent for this.

Search your favorite way for "Trump leaked audio".

It's a delicate balance between courting the black vote and not alienating their base of ignorant rednecks and full on white supremacists

“Black voters don’t like Biden because he’s an old white man.”

“But trump is an old white man too.”

“Aha, but he’s an old white man with white-collar criminal indictments and a sneaker line!”

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Yes, discrimination, that's exactly why he is facing 91 counts.

Yes, discrimination, that’s exactly why he is facing 91 counts.

Trump: See? I'm being disproportionately targeted by the justice system. Just like 'the blacks.'

If you watch the videos, when they pan to the audience, there's like two or three black people and a whole bunch of white people. Strange for a black conservatives gathering.

Some of the other things he said are amazing, too:

"My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way."

“These lights are so bright in my eyes that I can’t see too many people out there. But I can only see the Black ones, I can’t see any White ones, you see, that’s how far I’ve come. That’s how far I’ve come. That’s a long way, isn’t it? These lights. We’ve come a long way together,” he said as the crowd laughed.

It's so great how racist our former president is.... god I hate Trump

Crazy thing is that he’s not even the most racist president we’ve had.

Tbf he wasn't given an opportunity. Society wouldn't have allowed him to introduce jim crow, throw 200,000 Japanese Americans into concentration camps, or commit genocide on the choctaw. I'm sure he would do all those things and more if the pesky deep state wasn't holding him back.

Every time he says some out-of-touch dumb-as-shit thing like this I get hopeful that this will be the thing that's too absurd, too stupid, too off-the-rails... and then I realize there are so many people that eat this shit up and the real despair sets in

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity” so yes, people eat this shit up and will go out in masses to vote for him.

What the fuck am I reading. It can't be real. First the shoe thing. Now this. What the fuck?

He's what's called a useful idiot. The problem is a useful idiot is supposed to be a distraction. He's the gag. Turns out people are really fuckin unhappy, really fuckin poor and really fuckin desperate. And some of those people are really fuckin dumb.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity” … these people that you say are unhappy, poor and desperate are the result of previous administrations letting the rich off the hook from paying taxes, letting education deprecate (with teachers underpaid, undervalued, and each day more having their hands tied, with parents deciding what they can and cannot do…). Also let’s remember “No Child Left Behind” which was basically a way to defund education, letting kids that don’t learn keep moving forward to get out of the school system, without having to spend more to educate those who need, with the excuse of not letting them get stuck and failing. Schools are penalized if they don’t show kids progress, so they let the kids slide. Thanks George W. Bush! Now all of these people are seeing the results of poorly educated kids not able to secure jobs that pay better, while corporations, as they focus on cuts for profit and survival, get scotch free from contributing to education and infrastructure.

The unhappy, poor and desperate don’t have the capacity to see what caused all of this, and can only relate to their situation being the fault of the other party. No context, so they believe on the orange man that talks with simpler words and short phrases, cursing and disrespecting, bringing to a level they are unfortunately accustomed to.

You've got to admire his commitment to not giving a shit what he says or how it looks. Not exactly a quality I'm looking for in my president though.

Because a lot of it he honestly believes and doesn’t think it’s wrong to say if it’s true. This is probably one of those times.

Admitting that the criminal justice system discriminates against black people? Sounds an awful lot like someone has embraced CRT.

More likely he thinks a lot of black people are criminals and they'll like him because he's also a criminal.

Yes, but I was being sarcastic/pointing out that it's taboo among Republicans to acknowledge institutional racism.

I'm in disbelief. Even if he somehow makes it on the ballot, can he even run for Republicans anymore? He acknowledged the whole system is racist. 😂

Wow... That's really... Wow...

This has been the Republican Party since Civil Rights, the Media is only now pointing it out.

Well, no. If you do not see the difference between old republicans and Trampists, you are not serious.


Or are we talking pre-Southern-Strategy?

The amounts of lies per second
No commitment to peaceful transfer of power

Ah fair enough. While the behavior may be different I'm increasingly convinced the thoughts and motivations have remained the same.

I really do not think so. Trump is clinically narcistic and sociopathic and his thoughts and motivation are totally screwy, even for republican.

We'll have to agree to disagree given how unpopular it remains to this day to come out against Trump as a Republican. I know it's being done, but they supported him for years, and many still do. And yes that includes any rank and file who continued to vote R and weren't on a letter writing campaign to their representatives the entire time asking them WTF they were doing to the country.

Oh! The republican behavior is similar to the past. "Though shell not vote against republican" even if it is Trump. The Trump himself, however, is unique.

Ah we've been slightly talking past each other then. My apologies if I misconstrued prior context. 🙂

Yeah, I got this gist. I was always talking about Trump himself, since he was a topic of the original post. And it looks like you were expanding conversation to the republican party, which I did not catch. I do not think we have actual disagreements then.

And if you don't see that they are the same they've been for 50 years you are blind.

It's more like they're the same people, they just didn't realize they could still get away with it.

Imma just copy my previous comment: Next time he'll just say "Black people like me, because I'm a criminal. And they are also all criminals."

If there's one thing that black people love, it's doing crimes and overpriced sneakers.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Trump argues he is the victim of political persecution, even though there is no evidence President Joe Biden or White House officials influenced the filing of 91 felony charges against him.

Earlier in the week, Trump compared himself to Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top domestic rival, who died in a remote Arctic prison after being jailed by the Kremlin leader.

In telling a story about how he renegotiated the cost of remodeling Air Force One, Trump criticized his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, the first Black person to be elected to the White House.

Black voters who spoke with The Associated Press ahead of the gala expressed skepticism that Republicans, and Trump in particular, could persuade them to switch parties.

Isaac Williams Sr., a retired cook from Columbia and a lifelong Democrat, said he disliked both parties but found Trump to “have mobster tendencies.

In 1989, he took out full-page newspaper ads calling for New York state to reinstate the death penalty as five Black and Latino teenagers were set to stand trial for beating and raping a white woman in Central Park.

The original article contains 966 words, the summary contains 185 words. Saved 81%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

can a black person here tell me if this is true or not

Were they not claiming there was no racial discrimination in the legal system during his term?

“I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told a black-tie event for Black conservatives in South Carolina ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary. “And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

So there is nothing? The number of people you talk about equals zero? Hey you said it, not me.

Say what you like about this guy, he has a sense of humour. The only problem is his supporters don't get the joke.