Discord began blocking servers with information prohibited in the Russian Federation

Wilshire@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 515 points –
Discord начал блокировать серверы с запрещенной в РФ информацией

Can we just go back to personal websites and forums?

Also fuck discord use mumble

It's even worse when open source projects point you towards their discord for questions and support.

It's just a black hole for information

I hate that so much, especially when GitHub lets have your own wiki. It's just lazy devs.

Maybe the devs love keeping answering same questions over Discord? =D

Naw, they just like to see that 60-70% unanswered rate for problems and issues. Makes for the best community support.

Highest effort, lowest reward.

Fucking feel that hard, I just nope the fuck outta there.

looks around at the fediverse uh we kinda already are...

Not exactly.

but very similar

It's still more like a townsquare with everyone talking than like a bunch of thematic pubs, so - doesn't feel the same.

there are thematic pubs and even entire instances tho.

its like bb forums but interconnected

I meant - structured however you want it. Different sites, not different Lemmy instances.

Discord is trash, had issues with a KBDFans product, something as simple as a search of a forum would have given me the solution. I had to talk to a human to get the required information. They sent me a link to a firmware to download and all was good.

If I was able to search a forum it would have been a 2 minute job, but I wasted someone else's time, on the other side of the globe.

Join my discord for tutorials on how to setup your own static webpage!

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I'm surprised that the service works at all in Russia. Isn't there some sort of sanction that disallows that? I think it's time for someone to look into that.

The Russia government is probably happy to have people chatting in an unencrypted service

messages between client and server are still encrypted tho so does it really matter

No, because the MITM attack is the relevant government walking up to discord with a paper saying "I do what I want"

Man in the Middle = Government subpoena

they are not even "in the middle" but rather "at the very end", since they're just getting the data directly from the service provider instead

No, they are very much in the middle. The attack occurs in the middle between sender and receiver. It doesn't matter when the attack occurs, that is the position in the message chain that the government targets.

Since when is Discord a proper place to get information? On larger servers, anything you type is gone forever after an hour due to the volume of messages.

Its not.

but people still insist on using it as a information store house. Much to the detriment of everyone.

For someone in Russia, the impermanence might be a desirable feature. I mean, there's always still IRC but Discord is all the rage these days.

Get off my lawn.

It's not even properly impermanent because somebody else can just archive everything, ironically giving them better overview than the actual members themselves

Do you not know how to properly search in discord? Sure forums are better but a message in discord isn’t “gone forever” if you’re searching. It’s a pretty fast to search too, which is an insanely impressive feat due to the sheer amount of messages.

Yeah but the searching also kind of sucks for detailed information.

If only we had these things called search engines that indexed websites that had information on them.

Discord's search is a joke. You search for specific words and you get a load of results that are... just not that word, at all

Sure, but you also have to know to search for it.

The search bar is at the top of the screen. Click inside of it and it shows you what you can search. It's dirt easy.

Search is great for discovering known unknowns. Not so much for unknown unknowns.

Neither are normal websites or search engines. You don’t get to barbie.com/how-to-make-her-a-boat by searching “why is my Barbie orange like the Cheeto man?”

To be perfectly fair, all barbie URLs redirect to mattel.

example: barbie.com/whatthefuckdidyoujustfuckingsayaboutmeyoulittlebitchillhaveyouknowigraduatedtopofmyclassinthenavysealsandivebeeninvolvedinnumeroussecretraidsonalquaedaandihaveover300confirmedkills

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When I don't find information through a search engine, I go asking it from people themselves.

Discord is an easy solution for me to find this information at that point. Much easier than generating yet another user account in a website I might use once in my life, while I already use discord a lot.
By the way - you can search for messages you have sent and for messages that were pointed directly to you. Makes delving into old conversations much easier.

Of course Telegram and other services like that can help too.

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Is Lemmy going to be one of the only places we can go to get uncensored content? Even the mainstream UK and US news outlets are filtering things.

Lmao nah. Lemmy is just decentralized censorship. Anyone can ban or block anything else; anyone can start their own community instance and kill it on a whim. Multiple communities have already defederated in the less than a year that I've been on here.

Lemmy solves the issue of centralized censorship/echo chamber communities, by replacing them with individual personalized echo chambers that you get to censor yourself. It's a lot of work to set it up and sustain that type of situation, so it's not realistic for a rational person that does not have a severe internet addiction to waste their time and effort doing it.

replacing them with individual personalized echo chambers

Which really wouldn't be that bad if instances were more clear about how they operate. Like, on the user signup page, there should be a big ol checkbox saying "I UNDERSTAND THAT ANYTHING THATS NOT A POSITIVE POST ABOUT COMMUNISM WILL GET ME BANNED" or whatever

It's been fun abusing a Lemmy bug (or an API feature, depending on how you look at it) that lets you see what a removed comment originally said on a certain .ml instance. Unsurprisingly, they almost always were something negative about China or Russia.

absolitely agree, the lemmy.ml mods (but especially the admons) are extremely trigger happy to remove anything they don't like wjethet it breaks any rules or not

Lemmy is just decentralized censorship.

It more like the opposite. Federated instances can keep all the federated posts without ever deleting them. Then also sell and monetize it.

anyone can start their own community instance and kill it on a whim.

Shutting down an instance doesn't mean it's censorship. If a library shuts down if it can't stay up, is that censorship?

It's a lot of work to set it up and sustain that type of situation, so it's not realistic for a rational person that does not have a severe internet addiction to waste their time and effort doing it.

Lol, freeloader says what?

what are the symptoms of internet addiction, and can it be treated with alcohol?

Yes. It's basically required. Weed helps too, though many experts claim that you don't need to smoke it and simply touching grass will suffice but idk man. Better to play it safe and just take rips between sips.

We know that spending several billions of dollars on a social media site is NOT one of them.

You always have the option of changing instances if you don’t like what the admins are doing, or creating accounts on those defederated instances to see what they’re up to.

Lemmy isn't a place. Lemmy is just the software you use to access the Fediverse. Lemmy is not censored or uncensored - only specific instances can be censored or uncensored.

Lemmy is massively censored. I just got another ban recently for taking about .ml bans in a .world thread.

It's wrong to say that Lemmy is censored. Certain Lemmy instances censor more than others. Go to instances you like that don't censor the stuff you don't want censored.

The issue is that right now about a third to a half of the content is on instances which will ban you for random shit without notification. The only way to tell is to search that instance's modlog, so you can effectively get shadow banned from half of Lemmy even while participating in the "free" half.

I agree that what you say is the longer term ideal, but it's not how things currently are. I also don't trust the .ml devs to not keep their thumb on the scale in various shady ways. They have shown themselves to be pretty shameless so far and there are plenty of ways they could quietly shape federated content by running a malicious fork. It already seems like they don't federate much of their modlog, for example.

How does that work? Which server banned you?

not sure about OP's case but I've seen the .ml mods/admins censoring info about which mod did what mod action. Even called it "doxxing" (like wtf it's public info to any other instance admin and users depending on the instance settings) so I could see them banning someone over that

.ml is pretty widely known to be a shitty instance.

Which one? They're both pretty bad.

Edit: lemmy.ml and lemmygrad.ml are the two I was talking about.

Nah it was literally making a joke about how Lemmy user engagement was up so .ml needs to turn on the ban hammer to tamp down the enthusiasm.

Wow the server software banned you? That's pretty impressive considering you're currently using it and that feature doesn't exist.

I see censorship on Lemmy approaching Reddit levels more often than I'm comfortable with. The same mods moved here unfortunately.

Let's not pretend the mods that were already here are a lot better. But being able to shuffle off content onto separate instances does have the upside of at least being able to avoid instance admins who just don't quite like the content in your community.

Then go to other instances. Lemmy isn't censored, the instances you visit are. You are free to start your own instance without any censoring if you want.

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Lemmy is not a single platform. That doesn't make any sense.

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you sound surprised that western governments censor things in their news.

Looks like the Nordic countries have some of the best protections for their press.


The U.S. is ranked around 45th which is disappointing considering the first amendment is supposed to guarantee freedom of the press.

But in general western countries are far better than places like Russia, China, India, the Middle East, etc.

You're completely ignoring self-censorship practiced by the press in favour of financial gains. "Oops, looks like Nestlé just paid us a lot of cash for an ad. I guess that story about their security force beating up a bunch of slaves won't be getting a page after all".

"Nestlé also p̶a̶i̶d̶ gifted/lobbied someone in congress, we can't be making the politician/billionaire look bad. We might lose our money tree"

People are fed so much clickbait/propaganda by their news, they end up believing ratings made by themselves.

Nestle is worth to be automatically boycotted. Find any alternatives to their products. A lot of alternatives to Milo in my country are available, including Energen Champion.

The U.S. is ranked around 45th which is disappointing considering the first amendment is supposed to guarantee freedom of the press.

Not really disappointing looking from the outside. Clickbait constitutions are good for propaganda for the populace. They tell you you're living in the best country in the world while the politicians propose death sentence for women who have abortions. Cause war crimes the world over while populace thanks them for their service.

"Disappointing" is putting it lightly to the amount of disgrace it has caused.

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