'They've Taken Away My Right to Speak,' Trump Says While Ranting to Reporters

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'They've Taken Away My Right to Speak,' Trump Says While Ranting to Reporters

The former president got very mad about his inability attack witnesses and jurors before reportedly dozing off in court again

Donald Trump claimed on Friday that he has been stripped of his constitutional right to speak to the press … while ranting to a giant gaggle of reporters. 

The former president took time before entering court in his criminal hush money trial to once again complain about a gag order barring him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors, court staff, and jurors involved in the case. 

“The gag order has to come off. People are allowed to speak about me and I have a gag order,” Trump said. “They are taking away my constitutional rights to speak, and that includes speaking to you. I have a lot to say to you, and I am not allowed to say it — and I’m the only one. Everyone else can say whatever they want about me. They can say anything they want, they can continue to make up lies […] But I’m not allowed to speak. I want to speak to the press and everybody else about it. So why am I gagged?”


Corrected headline: Trump complains he cannot baselessly slander and instigate violence against innocent people connected to his court cases.
Meanwhile he is still allowed to do it against everybody else.


Conservative voices are being silenced

😂 Her character was an absolute spot on portrayal (I have a hard time calling it a parody)

I wasn’t expecting that from Lisa Kudrow but she’s really good 😂

Her scenes in Death to 2020 just couldn't have hit the nail on the head any better. I kept getting riled up and had to remind myself it's satire.

The big news here is that we have finally found a line that Donald Trump will not cross. He continued to defame Carroll after massive judgements for defaming her, but that was just money after all. Being in contempt of this court might send him to Rikers, though, and no amount of money will fix that.

I've always said he wants to be thrown in jail, because he thinks it will play into his followers' persecution complex and lead to lots more fundraising. But Rikers is notorious, I bet he would do anything to avoid going there.

Speaking of: what's the deadline of the collection on that one?

I used to think he was intentionally coming up with the wildest shit ever because deep down it's his way of being a loudmouth jerk to convince people not to vote for him, while still showing he's a strongman/ 'speak his mind' because otherwise he'll look like a pussy for backing down. But now I just think he's just a gigantic asshole.

He probably won't go to jail no matter what he does. House arrest is most likely.

With our luck, he'll be sentenced to live in public housing in DC for 4 more years

I mean Trump in gen pop in a prison is a gang war waiting to happen.

He wouldn't be in the general population at Rikers. They put his CFO in an isolation ward originally built for contagious prisoners. Still, all the facilities there are decrepit, and NYC is actively looking close it down and replace it.

I've always said he wants to be thrown in jail, because he thinks it will play into his followers' persecution complex and lead to lots more fundraising.

This scares the shit outta me. It's literally straight out of the Hitler playbook. As much as I want to see him get his comeuppance, any persecution he faces is also going to cement him as a martyr and embolden his supporters. Sending him to jail is a lose-lose.

This is also why, IMO, judges bend over backwards to be lenient to him. Any petty criminal who continually circumvented a judge's directions would have been held in contempt long ago.

Then what? We keep treating him with kid gloves and getting away with it? It needs to happen and the sooner the better so we can move past it. The more we try to place nice and given him passes the worse it’ll get. Its not just gonna go away on its own.

Oh, I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean it's not still a potential lose-lose.

Best case scenario in my books is he becomes financially insolvent, he can no longer find any backers to finance his campaign, and he falls into obscurity. Basically the Alex Jones path.

Second best situation is he's convicted of something serious and put away for a long ass time.

Second worst scenario is he gets a year or two in prison and it whips his followers into a frenzy.

Worst case scenario is he faces no legal repercussions and is able to act with impunity.

I think your best case scenario needs to play out and then he gets locked up.

Isn't alex jones still avoiding paying his settlement, and simultaneously making money off of it? You may not hear of him as much, but his former listeners are still throwing money at him.

He was trying to file Chapter 11 last I heard in January, which is basically just "ok I'll restructure my business to make less money". It looks like settlement discussions were supposed to start up again back in March after both parties were able to solicit votes for their plans - Jones was trying to put forth a $55mil settlement, and the plaintiffs were trying to force him to pay in full.

2 more...

He has far more right to speak than any of us would in the same situations. That clown has violated every gag order he’s been given with zero repercussions.

That's patently untrue. They threatened to give him a slap on the wrist. After he only broke the gag order three times!


Lol, free speech doesn't mean he is free from the consequences. The gag order is there to protect him from breaking the law as much as its there to protect the jurors from intimidation by him. Is free to break the gag order I'd he wants, he'll just have to pay the consequences if he chooses that option.

But there are no consequences for him. That’s the problem.

Speech is free. Lies and slander is expensive.

Captain Snowflake is always whining about something, and always has. Ever since at least the 80s. The fact that so many people think he's the ideal of manhood is laughable.

Rights are granted to you as long as you follow the law that grants you them. Once you break the law certain rights can and will be taken away from you because you are no longer following the contract that allows you to have them.

There are certain inalienable human rights that every person should have. Slandering people and rallying up your cultists to attack those people is NOT one of them.

they've taken away my right to threateny opponents and send my cronies after their families

Oh yes, what a loss. Fuck Trump

Didn't he say we'd never see this level of whining, ever?

Maybe just don't use your platform to spread misinformation, lies and thinly veiled threats to everyone you disagree with, then frame it under freedom of speech? Didn't don poorleone here just threaten 3 past presidents in a recent rant?

So anything that can be spoken is legal? Death threats? Insider trading? Collusion? Conspiracy? Bribery? Stolen valor? Classified info? Voter info?

When he was still on shitter, I replied to him "shut up" six times in one hour. My account has been restricted ever since (I can't post). I stopped using it anyway, probably I should delete it

Have you considered that maybe your voice is being silenced?

I legit wondered why you were replying to him while he was on the shitter for a hot minute....

Someone should take a shit down his throat because he’s been shitting in everyone’s ears for a decade

Is he still on Twitter? I feel like people should be harassing him to see if they can break him

No man, it’s all truth social- you know, the bigliest must truthtedy free speech platform with the highest stocks

Oh no, his right to verbally attack people involved in the court case he is the defendant of has been taken away!

Trump being forced to have to sit quietly in company of people who aren't yes-men and stooges is the tiniest bit of relief I get from 8 years of having to put up with this guy in our news.

That family is so pro free speech, untill you use that free speech to ask one of them who gets the first line of coke at the family get together? Or is it a trough like situation where you all get to go?

It's more like the human centipede but they snort it off each other's assholes. Trump somehow always ends up behind Ivanka.

gaggle /găg′əl/ noun

  1. A flock of geese. 
  2. A cluster or group. 
  3. A flock of wild geese, especially when on the ground.

Well done.

Apparently a group of competent reporters is called a mainstream, or else maga people are just idiots parroting complaints. I mean they could be idiots… although some, I’m sure, are good people.

Awww, the broke bitch baby snowflake is crying that he has to follow the law.... Fuck this asswipe, and any dirt bag that votes for him.

You DO have the right to speak.

What you lack is the capacity. At least for productive thoughtful speech.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Donald Trump claimed on Friday that he has been stripped of his constitutional right to speak to the press … while ranting to a giant gaggle of reporters.

The former president rails about the case to the press multiple times a day when entering and exiting the courtroom, and has also been posting his thoughts on the trial with his characteristic barrages of commentary on Truth Social.

On Friday, Trump spent the morning ranting on Truth Social about why he deserved widespread presidential immunity from alleged crimes committed while president — a proposal the Supreme Court is slated to hear oral arguments on next week and which could have profound effects on the various criminal cases against Trump.

What Trump is not allowed to do is use his public statements to attempt to influence, intimidate, or attack those involved in the trial — a standard ask of criminal defendants.

Trump’s actions during the ongoing jury selection process have even led to a reprimand from Judge Juan Merchan.

On Tuesday, Merchan sharply admonished Trump and his team after the former president was heard muttering commentary during the questioning of potential jurors.

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