Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Kasparov On Terrorist Charges

The Picard to World – 421 points –
Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Kasparov On Terrorist Charges

For anyone unaware of who Kasparov is, he's a very famous chess World Champion from Russia who held the title for 15 years.


Watch out, the 61 year old chess grandmaster is going to commit terrorism.

I've heard he's been witnessed using some sort of board to plan out his tactics.

His whole purpose is to assassinate the leaders of his opponents.

Exercise extreme caution, he is always thinking several moves ahead!

After a while, the rush from Chess-Boxing wears off, and you need to escalate to Chess-Bombing to get that adrenaline pumping again.

First vibrators up the butt, now bombs? These chess boys are gettin rowdy.

Is that how that one person cheated and Magnus refused to play or something like that?

It's a hilarious theory with zero evidence to back it up, but equally zero evidence to refute it. There's beauty in its possibility and ultimate unknowability

Putin strikes me as the kind of person who'd lose against a bongcloud opening.

I bet he takes back his moves.

And probably shouts "four of a kind, checkmate" randomly while waving arrest warrants in the hopes of distracting his opponent.

I think his opponent would just fall out a window.

Putin strikes me as the kind of person who'd get angry if they couldn't mate you with the scholar's mate.

I'd guess he would be a mediocre player I would lose to. Chess was actually highly regarded as a mind sport in the USSR and even taught in schools. And even if Putin is stupid, there are ways he can ensure I would never win (placing the chessboard on his side of his long table and getting me shot by security if I attempt to approach it).

The only winning response to the bongcloud opening is a double bongcloud opening

That's why he wouldn't risk it and either fix the match or have the opponent player jump out a window and drink some Polonium tea.

He has already left Russia 9 years ago fearing his life. He actually was a presidential candidate in Russia until he encountered logistical problems that he blamed on official obstruction

To be fair, he could be a serious contender to replace Putin so it is not a big surprise that he is in danger

If republicans had any integrity at all, this would make them dislike Putin. But, of course, if they had any integrity they wouldn't be republicans.

Can we not make everything about US politics?

Just as soon as the fascists are gone. They won't go away on their own, and merely hoping they do is to enable them.

"Can we not make everything about German politics?" --guy in 1938

From the article...

A city court in Syktyvkar, the largest city in Russia's northwestern Komi region, is charging Kasparov of "creating a terrorist society, leading it, financing terrorist activities, and publicly justifying them," according to Kremlin-backed outlet TASS.

Its getting rediculous how countries trump up charges against their enemies.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

Why is there a license in your comment?

A lack of understanding about how copyright and licensing works.

It's like the people who used to put messages about preventing Facebook from using their content in their profile descriptions. It probably won't actually do anything, but it's a nice thought and more power to them if it makes them feel better.

"more power to them" it it makes them feel better.

What a funny statement. "More power to them" while it won't do anything because they dont have the power to prevent facebook doing what its doing so its just making them feel better.

You only believe that because you are a brainwashed imperialist.

  • probably, idk

Looks like he lives in the US. He'd better be careful if the Cheeto takes power. Donny would love to send him to his Russian piss buddy in the Kremlin.