No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. to – 177 points –

Weren't there some people worried about the end of the world with the most recent solar eclipse?

Sounds reasonable. If the sun gets stuck behind the moon there we'd be toast because we need light to see stuff and where we're driving.

Jesus. You can't even see a solar eclipse everywhere when it does happen. Travel really does broaden the mind, I suppose.

Interestingly, there are actually weren't any such people. AFAIK

I wish they were right because it would be awesome if all religious fundies were taken somewhere else. Too bad they often aren't good people and many, if not most, would end up being left behind. Imagine the tantrums when they realize they've missed the rapture. I bet we'd see a rise in Satanism that wasn't just a front to challenge Christian bias in religious rights but instead a rebellion against a god that spurned them. And then I wonder if they'd be surprised that atheists still want nothing to do with them.

I was in the path of totality. Which was amazing, but there were a LOT of people crowing about "something" happening during/after the Eclipse.

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well *gestures at everything* isn't it just kind of common knowledge now?

Well I did notice it's been hotter lately

Guys! Guys! I just figured it out! The last couple years, we've been living in a Monthy Python sketch! Now it all makes sense!


May we burn her? By making our habitat unlivable for us by putting soooo many green houses gases into the atmosphere!

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Cause it ended in 2012, remember?

Remember? Before the fucking fever dream reality we entered?

We need to find in ourselves the permeability to pass through a great invisible filter that separates the past and the future of humanity. We are collectively at the kind of moment that only happens once for a species.

If by "a while" you mean 1 month, then sure. There were tons of conspiracy theorists saying that the world was going to end on April 8th due to the solar eclipse.

They were going to fire up the LHC to open a dimension, which can only happen when the moon is casting a shadow 6000 km away. Then aliens... or something.

It already happened, we are living in the end

It's not a shocking attention grabber anymore. Most people are well aware that the world is in a bad spot. Some idiots still argue about why, but most of us know why. We're in the end times. It's not biblical and no great battle will be taking place between good and evil. It's happening slowly, and increasingly hotter. The end is no longer nigh, it's here. I used to hope that we'd be better, and put in my part of the work. Now I still try, but I no longer have hope for humanity as a whole.

So how long until the end is over? If the end is now, when does it seem like the actual end?

We are living it... You don't predict what is happening already... :)

The religious groups still do, just less loudly.

Religious fanatics more like it. I remember when some guy in Russia declared himself Jesus and started a cult

Do you mean correctly? If not, there have been several predictions this month.

There was a lot of talk relating the eclipse and Israel to the end times, and then last week there was this: A screenshot of a Fox News tweet saying that biblical numerology predicts the end of the world will be April 23rd, 2024. A date that is now a week past.

OP: "No one has predicted the end of the world in a while" Lemmy: "It's the end times, the end times have come!"

We're big on subscription services now, can't sell subscriptions if the world is going to end.

I mean we’re kinda already living it.

  • climate spiraling out of control
  • resurgence of authoritarianism worldwide, including lots of Nazis and racial/religious supremacists (white supremacists, for sure, but for instance, Modi has done some fairly appalling shit in India with pushing Hindu supremacy over the last several years)
  • late stage capitalism
  • collapsing societal and social contracts
  • etc

Well the virus was a hoax. (do I need a /s?)

Don't underestimate the scale of human stupidity. Most definitely need a /s.

We're already riding it it I reckon. Should be like a deep breath out, but I think we'll eventually recover.

Hah, I agree. No need for the nutters to predict it when civilization is dangling its toes off the precipice. You can see it on the horizon. Global instability, wars, anthropogenic climate change. They’re holding their breath like the rest of us.

How can you predict what's already here?

I don't really think that the author of this book believes the world will "end" this soon but anyways. This is a post apocalyptic dystopia that sets it's scene in Moscow 2033:
the book metro 2033

::: spoiler spoiler about the metro series In the later books it kinda seems like that it's only Russia that has been nuked out of existence so really the world hasn't ended. But if you just read the first book you would not get to know that :::

You don't have to when you have the data for the end of the species, we know the rock we are on will still be here just we won't.

The human species will not end, we are way to many people for that. Even if 99,9% of people die, the remaining 8 000 000 people are more then enough to allow for stable populations even if those 8 000 000 are spread all over the globe in smaller communities.

assuming society collapses before nuclear war.

Even a nuclear war is highly unlikely to eradicate the human species as a whole, the sheer numbers of human beings makes us, as a species, extremely resilient against extinction.

That should not be understood as me saying that we can do whatever we want, not at all. On the contrary, we should do a lot to restore the damage we have done to the earth as fast as possible, or at least reduce the amount of damage we still do to zero if possible.

I think it’s mostly because we are in a bad state already. Things don’t feel like they’re building up for it to pop, it feels like more like a slow decline.

We've realized it's not going to be a sudden apocalypse, but a slow one

The concentration of thinking the world is gonna end has diffused evenly across the population now.

End Timers on youtube are alive and well, they have all just started saying it's "imminent." instead of throwing out predictions.

End Times youtube is one hell of a rabbit hole though. Would recommend!

ITT: everyone predicts the end of the world