hot dog to Lemmy – 806 points –

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

All of you were working on the train!?!

It was a train conductors' meeting, they hold it on board a moving train, which is scary because all the conductors are at the meeting so nobody's available to actually drive. Entire generations of conductors have been lost this way.

Did everyone slide forward down the aisle when they hit the brakes?

How else would you draw a female hotdog? No tits and it looks like another dude just like all the ones I've eaten before

Do hot dogs need genders?

Listen bud, English might've lost it's way but we've still got Indo-European roots, so even rocks need genders.

Is nobody going to mention the face, stilettos and hand bag this business weiner is also carrying?

Well I didn't notice the stilettos, but now I'm even more confused by that stance she's taken. I don't want to question hotdog anatomy but who walks around like that?? (Crabs- crabs do.)

It's also hotdog-spreading, I mean, look at that legs opening.

Probably better than putting a vag on her. Good call.

Along with other stuff, vag is also processed within that dog.

Kobayashi: [trying to impress date] yeah, I eat vag like a champ.

Wait, shouldn’t it have 4 teats on it? That’s usually how many cows have. Or… is it made from people?

Real hot dogs have between 6 and 10 nips, otherwise they are called sparkly wieners.

And they can only be marketed as a 'hot dog' if they are produced in the Titiller region of France

Why is the kid's forehead melting?

That's Alvin, of Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Why is Alvin, of Alvin and the chipmunks head melting?

poorly drawn hair from a shoestring budget cartoon that only existed to sell toys

I thought it existed to sell music with singers doing helium covers?

Eh, my word choice there sucked, more to sell merch. There were toys, records, clothing, bed sheets, posters, and on and on and on

That shade of brown isn't helping

It looks more like shit than a hotdog

let me get this right ...

the hair, the eyes, the mouth, the arms, the legs ... all ok

holding hands, wearing makeup, wearing a bag, wearing shoes ... sure no problem

but omg! omg! omg! TITTIES???

It would be better if not for the fact that her "clothes" are the bun and condiments, so it's nekked titties. At least give the poor thing a mustard bikini top.