TikTok has been pushing Chinese propaganda to millions of users in Europe: analysis

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 610 points –
TikTok has been pushing Chinese propaganda to millions of users in Europe: analysis

TikTok has been pushing Chinese propaganda to millions of users in Europe: analysis::More than 1,000 ads from Chinese state media outlets have run on European users' TikTok feeds since October 2022, according to the platform's latest ad library update that was analyzed by Forbes.


The NYPost (low-quality tabloid) is just echoing an actual article at Forbes, which can also be accessed in archive form here.

In general, when a low-quality tabloid site merely reports on the existence of research done by actual reporters, it's better to follow the links and post the researched article instead of the tabloid one.

Spread the gospel! Cite the primary sources as much as possible.

Though the secondary sources are equally important (adding some commentary can be very helpful), the secret is to be critical of whatever you read.

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NYPost is owned by the same company that owns FOX News.

I have been seeing some really low effort propaganda that verges on trolling from Forbes on YouTube.

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Downvote everything from that fuckin rag. Don't post NYPost here. If there's a story, find a news source that doesn't itself have an outrageous history of propagandizing.

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See that other article on the NYPost next to this one? A guy turned himself into a border collie? He's a dog now and it only cost $20,000.

Great news source. No problems here. Not click bait garbage at all. Nope, not meant for maximum sharing. Thanks L4sBot for your contribution.

$20,000 to become your fursona would be a fucking steal to most furries, they would sell everything for that.

In the first paragraph:

TikTok has flooded millions of Europeans with ads from Chinese state propaganda outlets on topics like COVID-19 and tourism in the troubled Xinjiang region, according to an analysis of a recent ad library conducted by Forbes.

I'd still object to NYPost being used as source for anything outside shitpost or a degen meme community like NCD.

This is one of the huge reasons why online privacy is so important, even when you "don't have someting to hide." Those big tech data hogging shit companies manipulate you without you knowing.

But honestly, if you use TikTok unironically, this is totally on you.

Do…people use Tiktok ironically?

Jokes aside, I’m going to go against the grain a bit. I liked having Tiktok during the pandemic, it probably saved my mental health. The algorithm showed me videos of people having the same experience as me with the lockdown, or just stuff about my hobbies (I never got the horny stuff people always complain about).

But I uninstalled it after social distancing rules were relaxed in my country because I started getting more and more polarizing and political videos, even though I wouldn’t engage with them.

It could honestly be a great social media platform if it was based in a more privacy respecting country and we didn’t live in a capitalist hellscape where everything has be for profit.

It's not that special is the thing. Any tech company can replicate what tik-tok is doing it's just that they don't have inertia that tik-tok does.

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Yeah well Orwell's 1984 was way off then. The government does not even have to force people to install devices in their homes that blare government propaganda 24/7. They are doing it willingly, enthusiastiacally even, and they don't even have to be citizens of that government lol

Who would have thought?

Breaking news! Chinese company runs ads paid for by Chinese government! Did anyone think otherwise? All governments pay for ads. Who in their right mind would think a Chinese company would refuse their government as an ad customer?

Ads are one thing but state propaganda is something different. In a US political context this would be like the State of Florida running "Ads" on Facebook discussing how slavery was actually beneficial to the slaves. Get it now?

In Florida the people who own the politicians own the media companies, it is probably worse because people like you can't tell the difference.

Right. It certainly happens to the West. But the governments in Western democracy have to be a bit more subtle when it comes to their propaganda and not run this stuff directly.

Arguably, more effective, due to their subtlety

I think they're sadly quite effective on us. But I think the Chinese "Communist" regime's propaganda is quite effective within China. It just doesn't work well on us.

TikTok is garbage, but perhaps we should look at all the ridiculous right wing propaganda pushed by YouTube, Facebook and Twicough X

YouTube is absolutely dreadful for it. I have literally zero interest in American politics, I'm interested in world events but frankly couldn't care less about another country's domestic politics yet it's pushed almost every time I load the site.

I mostly watch things like travel vlogs and trip reports, yet get endless spam about right wing American politics. There's nothing in my search history that would suggest I'd care about it.

The advertisers cater adverts to target demographics and search/web history. While you may not be interested in them, they are certainly interested in you for some reason. They could be bad at their jobs, but it's more likely there is some overlap there.

It's the YouTube algorithm that's pushing this garbage and it's blatantly obvious, the actual adverts largely line up with my interests. If I don't watch a YouTuber for a couple of weeks they disappear from my reccommed. I never watch anything about American politics, barely watch any American YouTubers yet there it is every single time without fail.

Exactly. It’s all propaganda, and to say “oh well Facebook is ok, so why pick on TikTok” is the hottest of takes.

They’re all garbage and we should ban all of them.

Only use Twitter reddit. I’m getting pissed off eith both. More shit. I understand they are all “free”, but I still want a basic standard.

Propaganda is alive and well in the USA too, especially if you consider it in the most liberal sense.

There's an incredible amount of advertising in the media telling me what I need to think about any issue you can imagine. Most people just ignore it, but it annoys the crap out of me. I'll make up own damn mind, thank you.

This is a modern development, you never saw that crap forty years ago. I'm old enough to remember the before time. Most of it I can avoid simply by not watching commercial TV and blocking ads on the internet. Though sometimes it squeaks through on the TV and it makes me want to throw a chair at it.

When I do have the misfortune of seeing that garbage it's usually on TV and has an Ad Council logo on it. Who are these people and how are they able to egregiously spend the large amounts of money it takes to repeat ads on TV like that. That's a lot of money consumed in a futile attempt to brainwash me through repetition.

They could take that same ad money and actually use it to provide relief for some important social issues, like starving children. Instead they'd rather use it to try and influence my opinion in a futile way. Man that is really fucked up when you think about it.

Most people just ignore it

In a way yeah sure, but the unconscius doesn't forget 24/7 ads. We can't possibly escape them since they're literally everywhere. Whatever you buy, is done under the influence of at least some kind of advertisement (buy cheap/ fancy/ green/ fuckall)

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Oh no, they are polluting our own US and European propaganda.

noooo we have only facts and truth! Only the bad guys lie and do teh ebil propeganda. Oh wait who blew up the Nord Stream? Anyway the us said it was the spoopy russians. Really sorry that german industries got shot in the legs, and don't you look at who stands to gain by that.

who downvoted this ?

And American social media does the same for America. Every dog barks for its master.

You're not necessarily wrong in all respects, but this comment is peak whataboutism. Western tiktok is targeted mostly at children and young adults who are obviously highly impressionable, so I would argue that regardless of whats happening on any other social media platform, this is unwanted and harmful and therefore shouldn't be accepted.

The difference is there is American federal policy being put in place around TikTok specifically that is not being done against other social media apps.

Yea when people organize an attempted coup on Chinese tiktok,, your point may hold more water. Not saying it's a good thing, but it's clear that Facebook et al's primary motive is not promoting nationalistic goals; domestically or aboard.

The right-wing pipeline is well documented in both Facebook and YouTube.

Whataboutism is the correct and logical answer to hypocrites. There is nothing that Tiktok is guilty of that Twitter or Instagram aren't.

For sure. Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are all functionally identical and equally concerning as TikTok in every way, and Xitter is trying to jump onto that too.

Are children and young adults really more impressionable than Fox news, and thereby Facebook's, audience?

I also don't know that I agree with "targeted mostly at children and young adults". There are very large parts of TikTok that would be wholly unappealing to your average kid. Not to mention that American social media started out very much targeted at children and young adults. Or have we already forgotten what the main demographics of Facebook and myspace used to be?

The problem with whataboutism here is that these conversations pretty much always involve TikTok and rarely other platforms until it's brought up in comments where it can be dismissed as whataboutism.

Either they're all a problem (it's this one) or none of them are. We need to stop drawing arbitrary lines between offenders. It's just giving a bunch of shit bags freedom to continue being shit bags.

Are children and young adults really more impressionable than Fox news

Fox News isn't being paid by the Federal or State Governments to run "Ads" that attempt to put a positive spin on negative events.

Suuuure. Not paid directly by the gov, but unless you've been living under a rock, everyone knows that politicians and big corporations (or in this case: Fox News) work hand in hand to push propaganda... Or like you said "put a positive spin on negative events".

People just like to jump on TikTok and be like CHINA BAD!. As if America was an angel lmao.

WTF is wrong with you? China is running ads trying to convince people that they're not really genociding the Uyghur Muslims they're just detaining them to send them all to school!

As if America was an angel lmao.

I never said it was, again WTF is wrong with you in your head? Criticizing one group doesn't equate to support for an opposing group.

Does it count when a major political party, that does that all the time, uses the money it pilfered from that government, or is that different somehow?

What about that the only reason they're not doing it directly from the government account is because of the safeguards against that kind of thing they haven't pulled down yet

A political party is not the Government nor do their ads attempt to whitewash Government misdeeds.

A political party makes up parts of the government and uses their ads to whitewash their own actions within the government.

This division is not at clean as you're trying to make it

Oftentimes they're connected to party members mate. Trump literally spoke to a bunch of their broadcasters daily.

Was the US Federal Government paying Fox News to run ads talking about how the mass murder of American Indians was a good thing?

No? Then GTFO out of here with this whataboutism. It's fucking gross.

The same people fund both the government (through elections) and the news media. I guarantee you Murdoch is friends with many of his fellow billionaires.


Moreover, how is anyone sitting in America (or a country with American bases) primarily concerned about the Chinese government? We have endless military and culture war/ propaganda barriers erected against them; we're basically untouchable, unless we plan on physically going to China.

(The answer is related to the propaganda barriers themselves -- it's acceptable / encouraged to criticize China).

Can you describe what "propaganda barriers" means? From my perspective, it's absurdly easy for foreign governments to bot-farm posts in an attempt to sway public opinion in the US.

And of course it's acceptable/encouraged to criticize China. But it's also acceptable/encouraged to criticize Joe Biden, Donald Trump, AOC, DeSantis, Obama, and on and on. There's not really a shortage of hateful and divisive content out there right now. The rage-bait about what The Other Team just did and how America is in terminal decay are the biggest propaganda wins of all time. And news orgs, desperate for revenue in an age of digital media and ad blockers, will chase whatever is stuck in people's heads so they fuel it even more.

Well, even still, the US government and corporations have by far the upper hand. They control or heavily influence the school curriculums, for starters, in addition to most news media. Essentially, the lion’s share of information that reaches most people throughout most of their lives.

Any social media -based sway from a foreign actor will be comparatively marginal, and will be at very best at an even keel with domestic.

Facebook ran ads paid for by Russian propagandists which IMO is far worse than a Chinese company running Chinese ads.

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There is no currently no actual evidence that TikTok is a threat to national security, but consider this:

  1. TikTok is owned by Chinese company
  2. All large Chinese companies are required to have Party members in the board, making them defacto state-run
  3. PR China is currently committing genocide, large-scale espionage, subversion of foreign countries and all sorts of fun stuff associated with authoritarian fascist dictatorships

have you seen what videos are posted there? Fucking social media like this, reddit, twitter, instagram and facebook is a huge issue for everyone 😅

we definitely would be better off without them

Those 3 points sound like a reason to be a threat to national secuirry for any nation that's not golfing buddies with China.

Are you worried about your rising cost of living, decreasing living standards, wages and the total global catastrophe that is climate change?

Don't worry about that prole, worry about aliens and tiktok!

Not saying it's a lie, but sourcing from NYPost is automatically a huge red flag.

I'll put more stock in this when it's reported by reputable outlets.

It's literally linked in the first paragraph.

TikTok has flooded millions of Europeans with ads from Chinese state propaganda outlets on topics like COVID-19 and tourism in the troubled Xinjiang region, according to an analysis of a recent ad library conducted by Forbes.

Yeah, yeah, it's Chinese government propaganda, but isn't all advertisement basically propaganda? "Everything is rosy in Xinjiang" is a harmful lie, but so is "if you buy a big-ass truck you'll be a manly man" and frankly I think the latter is causing a lot more damage because it's one that people act on.

We could focus on the problems of our own country, and maybe try and solve them in some capacity. But why do that when we can look far away, at problems that don't affect us in the slightest? Usually it boils down to "I'm not doing good, but they are doing much worse". It's a soothing balm, that takes away the need to go irl and do something.

TLDR: we're lazy.

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From the original story in Forbes: „Both Meta and Google label content posted by state media outlets, and in January, TikTok announced that it would join them in doing so. (Twitter formerly labeled posts by state media outlets, but discontinued the labels under Elon Musk.)“

Isn’t that what Hollywood did for America and democratic values?

No big surprise here. It's been their agenda since the start. Only consumers are fucking stupid for taking it in.

And yet, smart geniuses like you take nypost articles in...

Propaganda is propaganda, no matter how smart you feel reading something you agree with.

You don't like the nypost source but when a better one is linked all of a sudden no source is now good enough.

I mentioned nypost, because OP linked a nypost article. And yes... there are no sources or sides or whatever good enough. The Chinese don't give a fuck about you. So does nypost or whatever source you blindly believe in. It's just that the latter does have something to gain from your belief.

No one is allowed to report this story, got it.

I never said this. You can read whatever confirms your own belief...

Looks like a bunch of 'genuis' like us schooled you lol.

Please tell me exactly your gripe with the Forbes article? Specifically which paragraph?

Don't need nypost articles. This has been common knowledge for years now, basically since it's been knowledge that it's been Chinese. Just look at the whole huwei incident.

How to detect if it's propaganda : I push propaganda you will not push propaganda we push propaganda they will not push propaganda.

I = my country

you = other country

We = my friends and me

They = their friends and them.


I'll simplify :

USA sharing propaganda via it's social media companies to Europe and others = good thing.

China sharing propaganda via it's social to Europe and others = bad thing.

In other terms : how dare they do the thing we've been doing ?

Who in the world said western state propaganda was a good thing? Military recruitment and political ads are pretty universally hated.

I might also add that western tech giants and media aren't directly owned by the state, nor is the state a dictatorship, so it's a little different? You think Elon's Twitter is on the same side as Bidens Executive is on the same side as the conservative Congress?

America not being a dictatorship doesn't a matter to anyone else besides it's citizens. All the fucking world want is for America to not invade, destabilize, destroy the economy of other countries, which surprise surprise it's been fucking doing none stop since the end of WW2 !!

Do you really think the gouvernement doesn't inject propaganda on social media ? Are you this naive ? It's how you call "corruption" and "buying politicians" as "lobbying". They don't control it like a dictatorship would but they do control media.

America not being a dictatorship doesn’t a matter to anyone else besides it’s citizens.

Most American allies depend on the US for defense, the US is the largest economy in the world, and the US is the largest ideological counterpart to countries like Russia - who want to use force to annihilate both dissent and opposition.

It absolutely matters to most well-informed citizens of any country the world over how we conduct ourselves because it does directly impact them. That's part of the reason we should be better than we are.

The... world want [sic]... for America to not...

I mean, you're preaching to the choir. Most folk here didn't want to send their kids to die in 'Nam or Afghanistan. Vets didn't sign up to risk their lives for opium fields. American citizens were duped too.

We're on the same side here.

Do you really think the gouvernement doesn’t inject propaganda on social media ?

I didn't say that, but they take out ad campaigns and use PR firms like a normal company. Twitter does not work for the US government and the US government does not rig the algorithm it uses for feeds. The Washington Post is not controlled by the US government. Amazon is not controlled by the US government.

The distinction between that and what China or Russia does is important. They own the media. They own the companies. They own every method of communication and every interaction between their people. And they leverage that direct power to control narratives to say things like "Taiwan belongs to China" and "Ukraine belongs to Russia" and "Tianemen Square never happened".

Meanwhile, you can see all the atrocities the US government did on Wikipedia. Sometimes even on the websites of the state itself. Reparations are discussed, sometimes won. Protesters fight with, yes, the risk of state violence, but not of tanks turning them into pudding that's washed down the gutters. And with that knowledge, we can shape our own future democratically. Putin and Xi cannot be voted out.

All this is a long-winded way to say:

  • The US government engages in propaganda.
  • The US government's propaganda, compared to authoritarian states, is heavily restricted and far more reliant on consensual participation. It's also widely criticized and (almost) universally hated.
  • The propaganda used by authoritarian states like China is actively leveraged to commit outright genocide and deny atrocities. It cannot be publicly criticized or opposed.
  • Therefore, the scale and impact of propaganda is different and that difference must be considered.

So all those ads that the government poured millions of dollars into which told people to get vaccinated were bad? Or are you saying that Chinese propaganda is good?

Do you realize how much effort the military puts into propaganda programs? They have an office in Hollywood specifically for controlling the portrayal of the military in films. They’re currently paying streamers to simp for them as a recruiting drive, look on kid YouTube and you see them, “I spent 100 hours training with the Army and it was so fun, war is awesome guys!”… Dragnet was literally designed to reform the image of the LAPD, and I’m certain all the procedural crime dramas that exist didnt only get green lit because middle age women like them. It’s everywhere and in everything. We’re constantly surrounded with and bombarded by state propaganda.

Do you think am like some brain dead American right winger or something ?

I meant military propaganda and most importantly the subtle and sometimes on the nose "this country bad and this one is good no matter what they do" type of media. Next time , take closer look at the wording of used in articles and especially the title. It's how you can shift the narrative into anything you want.

Propagandae is meant to control your political views and it's not a matter of whom it benefit it's the hypocrisy of " only us can do propaganda". Of course, your views are skewed toward your country so you'll say "they better have our propaganda than theirs".

ooh It's another american TIktok hitpiece, where Americans blame the Chinese for same exact things that they are guilty of. I still can't believe how butthurt some US elites are about TikTok. The worlds social media monopoly is such precious thing to them.

If there's to be regulation on this, it has to be universal and has to apply to all states including the US, and all social media platforms equally.

Otherwise leave it to people to decide what they want to watch. Louis Rossman's view on the matter (guy on YT who complains about Apple and other bad behaviour by big companies) changed recently. Video: I was WRONG about banning tiktok - here's why I changed my mind