'What about Project 25?' John Fetterman turns the table on Fox News over Biden questions

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 453 points –
'What about Project 25?' John Fetterman turns the table on Fox News over Biden questions

Fetterman really is a mixed bag, and to be honest, I kind of like that. Life should be full of nuanced characters, I shouldn't have to decide between the same cookie cutter pieces of shit we have every election.

He's a piece of shit for supporting Israel so staunchly, don't get me wrong, but there's also plenty to like about him.

When I worked for Allegheny county I ended up in a number of meetings with him, and have spent time speaking with him casually. What he did in Braddock was top notch governance. He pushed a very progressive agenda, and fought with everyone in the local government over it, but he mostly got his way, and stopped Braddock from being a food desert, increased the graduation rates, and a number of other major QOL metrics. He is very pro-labor, and pro-labor organization.

He did support Israel, but he admitted that a lot of what was happening there left a bad taste in his mouth. I don't if it was the stroke, or he sold out to AIPAC, but he has turned hard line on that, apparently. I

Even a stopped clock can be right twice a day.

Its more like, even a decent clock goes off during daylight savings. Or something idk

If a clock was a muscle car, and the american election was the engine, the minute hand would be the bumper stickers and the hour hand would be a bald eagle

This is the greatest thing I’ve ever read.

If anyone cares to read "Project 2025," it's a blueprint for creating a Judge Dredd universe, where the only people still living in it will be the Super Rich and the Super F*cking Poor.

That's a bad thing, by the way.

For us folks who doesn't know Judge Dredd, got any summary, links or whatever?

Universe where an armed police force are Judges, Juries, and Executioners.

Following a nuclear war in 2070, the United States is reduced to MegaCity 1, covering the Eastern Seaboard, and MegaCity 2, covering the West Coast.

In between is a nuclear wasteland called "The Cursed Earth".

Fetterman is a good person to go on Fox because he looks like a significant portion of their viewers

He also shares a very large portion of the core beliefs of the old Republican party. In the 1960s he would've likely been considered center right.

It's crazy that endorsing medicare and social support structures makes him a Democrat now.

It's not crazy, it's intentional. Poor education combined with the lack of social structure creates a voting population ripe with anger over the shitty system and looking to blame someone instead of learn why it's like that.

Conservative media is specially made to take uneducated and rage blind voters and churn out Republican candidates who pretty much only hold office because of manufactured spite towards democrats.

Yes, informed voters are less likely to vote against their own interests.

Yeah he’s no democrat anymore. Since he hit his head he’s been sliding to the republicans

This is a ridiculous viewpoint, the Democrats are a center right party. Here in Canada they would be considered conservative.

He supports healthcare and workers' rights, he's a Democrat.

Or at this point the Republicans are so cracked that straight up "if he doesn't support Project 2025, he's a Democrat"

No he literally had a stroke, had brain damage, and stopped being a progressive. I'm not talking figuratively here or being like "hurr durr non-progressives are brain damaged", the stroke figuratively turned him into a different person, he became significantly more conservative.

Which really is a shitty situation all around, it's really unfortunate.

He's referring to:

The liberal comedian then asked Fetterman whether his shift in various policies had anything to do with his recovery from his 2022 stroke, asking if > his near-death experience had given him a "freedom."

"Absolutely," Fetterman responded. "There's a line from the first 'Batman,' Joker's like ‘I’ve been dead once already. It's very liberating.'"

"It's freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really [want to] be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be > afraid of if there's any kind of blowback."


Some of the most progressive and left parts of the Democratic Party are standing for the kind of side that have kinds of organizations like Hamas

He basically broadly cast Palestinians as "because Hamas is among them, they earned their situation.

So nominally Democrat, but he's been called "Republican's favorite Democrat" and has been espousing some more right wing sentiment this year particularly.

Brain damage from a stroke is well known to possibly cause major shifts in personality and beliefs too

Dude went from calling himself a progressive at every opportunity pre-stroke, to going on a rant about why he has no idea why anyone would think he was a progressive and how angry it makes him

Being confused about things and responding with belligerence is also normal following things like strokes or the normal effects of aging.

All this shit is logical, except where we pretend they're normal and the same as elected.

I don't pay attention to american individual politicians as much but maybe he'd be a red Tory? Morneau was a grit cabinet minister and he's solidly centre right, LPC tends to be neolib

Honestly for his region in Pennsylvania, he's to the left still.

It's a shame he went full Zionist over donor money.

But Project 2025 is just basic conservatism. It is a wishlist that should shock no one for existing because it's pretty much verbatim what right wingers have demanded since pretty much ever.

And it's not like it's trump specific.

They've wanted to do this shit longer than even Biden has been alive.

If trump dropped dead right now, the replacement would do the same stuff. Whatever republican running in 2036 will still want to finish up what hasn't been done yet.

trump is a symptom, he might be the symptom that kills us, but just removing trump doesn't solve the underlying problem.

I'm inclined to think that his brain damage was the root cause (which led to accepting the bribes donations) - the timing was right, and only the brain-damaged would be Zionist at this point.

Just because someone with access to intelligence doesn't believe that what's happening in Gaza amounts to genocide does not mean that they are some religious fanatic zionist.

You realize virtually everyone in Washington agrees with Fetterman about what's happening in Gaza? You realize most Western democracies, their heads of state, along with their state and national security apparatuses, all agree that there is no genocide happening in Gaza?

Maybe you simply have the calculus wrong? Have you considered that possibility?

Because 40 thousand dead out of a population of millions equates to genocide. The number includes the savage Hamas terrorists you love so much as well. Maybe you just simply don't understand the calculus or what a genocide truly is. Thank Israel they don't show you.

Bald death tolls say nothing of whether or not something fits the statutory definition of genocide. People die in wars. Innocent people die in wars.

Hamas started a war on behalf of all these victims that they could not possibly win. The de facto government refuses to surrender or release hostages. They refuse to wear uniforms. They employ child soldiers. They build tunnels under dense population centers to use the population at large as human shields. They refuse to let their own families evacuate. They pay people to die as "martyrs." That's why there are 40,000 out of 5,000,000 Palestinians dead, 0.8%.

That death toll, in these circumstances, is not evidence of genocide, it is actually evidence that Israel is pretty careful and actually not trying to kill civilians. Any other Army in that region of the world would have murdered every man woman and child in Gaza after about the tenth suicide bombing, forty odd years ago. It's 40,000 out of 5 million in the face of the fact that Israel could easily turn all of Gaza and all of the West Bank into a sheet of glass in three hours, and have not done so. They could have let no food or water into the country, no medicine into the country. But they have not done so. Rather, they have been consistently ramping up their capacity to inspect shipments going into Gaza since the war broke out. They could have not evacuated anyone. They could have not called anyone on the phone, they could have sent zero text messages, instead of the millions and millions of phone calls and texts that they've sent. These facts, obviously none of which are reported in the Qatari media you no doubt have been gorging on, fly in the face of your bullshit reasoning.

Then you have to wonder if the Palestine state will install another government similar to Hamas when Hamas is eradicated. As well it's not true Hamas started this war on behalf of all the victims because the majority of Palestine voted in Hamas which ran on a destroy Israel agenda. It means the majority of the victims would have supported this war. Was their lives truly that bad if they are able to have and feed millions of children? That they were desperate to start this war? It does not make sense. There are western countries struggling to have more kids than older people and they were thriving.

I don't wonder that. They aren't able to feed millions and haven't been since I've been alive. The only thing stopping Gaza from a calamitous famine has been and remains western charity. Gaza does not literally have the tools, resources, or skilled people needed to govern itself, or even to physically rebuild itself.

What I do wonder is, if the people of Gaza had to bear the actual price of its antisemitic terrorism--which has left it completely isolated, except from other far right religious dictatorships--would the people there allow Hamas to exist?

They only tolerate it, I believe, because they know no hope. It's been so long since anyone there thrived, the only thing they have to celebrate is death and killing, martyrdom and terrorism. Hopeless as they may be right now, as you pointed out, they are, relatively, fed.

Ironically it's in large part the charity that keeps this system in place.

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Wtf did I just read? This is what counts as journalism?

"How about Biden?"

"Oh yeah? How about project 25? Donald Trump likes it"

"Dominion lawsuit cost fox a lot of money"


...JFC what was that?

About the same time Fettermen stopped saying he was a progressive and started getting visibly confused and angry when people called him a progressive, his ability to speak coherently and use critical thinking also disappeared...

Total coincidence it was after a major stroke...

But since he also became a shit ton more conservative, the moderate wing of the party is trying to pump him up as an alternative to The Squad.

The part where he mentions "project 25" is basically an attempt by Fetterman to get out of the confusing word salad he was in. Dude is doing a Biden impersonation during that section of the interview.

Are people actually still listening to 'I had a stroke now Im right wing" Fetterman?

How is he right wing now?

He's full blown Zionist, so yeah

Doesnt make him automatically right wing.

That would be a much better argument than your prior one however your link isn’t about policies. It’s about your previous point

Maybe lead your claims with a link in the first place.

Either way, people are nuanced.

Fucking dude had a stroke, got brain damage, and became republican.

That's who he always was, he knew he could get into office following the VBNMW bullshit train.

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Yeah, why talk about the ancient brain mush guy who is going to lose to the fascist when we can talk about how fascist the fascist guy is?! Look at how fascist he is! I know we're going to lose to him but we'll yell about the fascism the whole time!

ancient brain mush guy who is going to lose to the fascist

"ancient guy" is only 2 years older than fascist guy. Also, I don't understand what's happening, the world seems to be having shared amnesia about the fact that Trump has been spouting senile and incoherent nonsense for years now?

Hes probably to busy jerking off to all those homoerotic AI generated images of Trump being super muscular, shirtless and sweaty (and possibly embracing Putin in romantic fashion) to realize Trumps actually a senile old man who cant even control his bowels, much less his impulses.

So, which would you honestly rather have? Someone who may or may not be in cognitive decline or someone who wants to become a fascist dictator?

I'm not saying that Biden is in cognitive decline but I am saying that Trump is a wannabe fascist dictator.

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When people talk about that Biden is going to lose and blame it on him, I really wonder if they understand what our system is and what the stakes are. We only lose if people decide not to vote for Biden. There are things that a good candidate can do to excite their voters and motivate people, but at the end of the day, anyone can see the options that lay before them and choose regardless of what the campaign does.

You can wish that the campaign/candidate were better so that it made the job of motivating people easier. But if you are worried about the consequences of Trump winning this election, then you should be trying to motivate people to vote Biden. The article is to remind people that while Biden fared poorly at the debate, Trump was actually worse and is always worse. It seems to me that this is an honest point that underscores the need to vote Biden in this election, despite any of his shortcomings.

We are driving down a road and a semi is coming straight at us at 100 mph. We can either veer off the road and damage or even total our car on whatever is there, or we can say “I shouldn’t have to veer off the road, there should be a shoulder”, or even “I didn’t even want to take this route in the first place but my wife insisted” as the truck hits us head on. There’s no good option, but there’s a clear survival option.

To me it makes more sense to blame the weather than any person when it comes to voting patterns. But it would also make more sense to blame the Democratic party as a system than a single politician for a presidential loss.

Doesn’t it make the most sense to blame our election system that makes people feel like they don’t have enough choice or the ability to express their actual preference in an election?

The Democratic Party is a product of this flawed system. You can make things a bit better, but at the end of the day, you have to have a party that is a coalition of disparate groups that choose a single person who has to win it all. So, a candidate that super excites and energizes one faction of the coalition is likely to be very unappealing to other factions. And most of the time you’re going to end up with someone who nobody is actually excited for. It would be great if Democrats had a preferential/ranked voting system for determining that one candidate, which allowed for many candidates, and for those candidates to stay in the race without the risk of cannibalizing others (e.g. having both Warren and Bernie wouldn’t detract from either one). However, even this isn’t determined centrally by the party, as each state gets to do voting the way they want to. So, it’s not an easy problem to solve.

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