Fox News host Jesse Watters thinks men who vote for women ‘transition’ to women to Not The – 366 points –
Fox News host Jesse Watters thinks men who vote for women ‘transition’ to women

Bunch of fuckin weirdos

Who thinks like this? And why? Tbh I don’t really care why

They can’t get trans people out of their minds, they’re obsessed. It’s very weird, and pretty creepy how much time and energy they spend thinking about trans people’s lives.

Imagine meeting someone and one of the 1st things that come to your mind is "I wonder how their genitals look like"

Bunch of weirdos.

They spend more time thinking about trans people than actual trans people do. They can't get enough.

Oh it's that easy? No hormone therapy, no surgeries, just vote once. Glad to see Fox news being pro-trans

Does that work the other way around too? Does that mean all the women voting for Trump are turning into men? What are the scientists saying?

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All this shit does is prove how fucking stupid Republican voters are. These clowns wouldn’t say this shit if they knew it wouldn’t work. And the dumber the shit is. The more it reveals the stupidity.


You call that "thinking"? There is no "thinking". Doesn't matter what these shitheads pump out, it's a mental sewage circlejerk that changes every two minutes, reality is meaningless, trying to keep track and "correcting" them is truly a soul-sucking fool's errand, meant to keep the "correctors" always reacting, never on the initiative.


Now this is oniony enough to make grown men cry.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some work to do in my bombshelter.

I…I don’t know if I’m supposed to laugh at you for having a bomb shelter

I mean, it was mostly a joke.

I wish I had a bomb shelter, though. The way the world is going… it’d be nice to just hide for a decade or two,

That's the weirdest take I've heard in a long ass time. WEIRD!

I try to imagine the mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion... but no.

Well I have voted for several women, only thing I noticed is my hair is to my ass... oh wait its been that long since before i could vote, nvm

If your cast vote is influenced at all by a candidate's physical attributes (such as gender), you're doing it wrong.

"Why do we need XYZ candidate in?" "Well, because he looks like meeee!"

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How many Republican women are running for office currently? Seems like a relevant question.

all those poor Republican men in Oklahoma, I guess they don't have any balls anymore ?

See, where I'm from, Jessie is an old lady's name

He might be on to something

Where I'm from Jessie is a friend, yeah, I know, he's been a good friend of mine

This clown goes on teevee to explain how homesless is a choice to boomers...

Regime whore

Idk sounds like projecting to me

How much makeup was he wearing when he said this?

Mr. Twatters seems like a poster child for post-covid brain fog.

geez I did not really want to but I guess if jesse says it im going to have to go out and get the surgery.

I can’t help but notice only one word got surrounded by quotation marks.

So … what did he actually say?

"And to be a man and then vote for a woman just because she’s a woman is either childish — that person has mommy issues — or they are just trying to be accepted by other women,” Watters said. “I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman.”