what are some advanced linux distros that don't have me compiling everything?

wtry@lemm.ee to Linux@lemmy.ml – 51 points –

I've installed arch Linux and liked it, but lfs and Gentoo would be too time consuming compiling everything and not doing anything during and after install. Are there any distros like arch that don't have me compiling everything?


A linux distro is a linux distro. It’s you, who invests the time to experiment and understand, who unlocks advanced features. There’s no shortcuts to learning Linux than to use it and read about it and install it many many times.

Exactly. You can use Ubuntu in a noobish way, or you can do crazy things with it. It's not the tools, but the craftsman that makes the difference.

That said, distros each have a niche, so find the one that's closest to the types of problems you want to solve. For example, if you're making a kiosk, you're probably better off pushing out your own images, so a distro that's designed to build small images is probably desired over one that seeks to pack in every library and application under the sun.

If you don't know what you want, pick something well supported and dig in to whatever interests you. Want to learn systemd? Pick a distro that uses it and write your own service files (e.g. maybe a Minecraft server, or perhaps synching). Want to learn to build software yourself? Grab a tarball from the project's page instead of installing through the package manager. And so on. If you start from something unfamiliar, you'll have to learn a lot of irrelevant things, which may not be what you want.

NixOS or GNU Guix are your best options for advanced distributions. Guix is a much newer project so theres a lot of ways you can contribute.

Have you at least tried to install Gentoo? Everyone has to think they can, and fail, at least once in their lives.

It's a great way to polish you sysadmin and troubleshooting skills, that's for sure.

What do you mean? Arch doesn't have you "compiling everything". It's a mostly binary distribution. The Arch repositories are binary, and more than a few of the packages in the AUR are binary as well.

I'm also not following "not doing anything during and after install" - what do you mean by after install in that sentence?

I'd love to help, but I can't figure out what your issue is. If you're looking for something like Arch, but faster and easier to set up, try Endeavor - it's basically Arch with a graphical installer and some neat extra tools.

I'd also suggest looking in to Void, since you don't appear to be afraid of the command line. You'll find it similar in approach to Arch, but everything is binary packages; there's no compiling unless you grab dev tools and pull the source from Github or Codeberg or whatever yourself.

I’m also not following “not doing anything during and after install” - what do you mean by after install in that sentence?

I made the mistake of trying to pacman -S librewolf not realizing it was going to compile from source. An hour later (on my Ryzen 7 5800X) it wasn't finished, so I killed it and installed librewolf-bin.

librewolf is not an official arch package it is in AUR. So you couldn't have just typed pacman -S librewolf to compile it; and if you really wanted it without compiling libreworlf-bin.

You're right, I used yay. I used pacman to illustrate the point.

My personal journey was Arch > Void > Gentoo > Arch > Nix > Void again > realizing there's nothing really like Arch and going back for good. Hope this helps!

What do you mean by “not doing anything during and after install” re Gentoo?

Your computer isn’t held hostage during compilation of that was your impression

Until it hangs because I tried to play Classic Doom.

I like Void, it feels a little more like a BSD. But I’ve only really used it for experimentation, no idea what it’s like as a daily driver.

You could also try an actual BSD. OpenBSD has a very clear style and direction which I like but be careful when partitioning, they have their own ‘disklabel’ system. Updates are really streamlined with syspatch and sysupgrade.

NetBSD had a nice TUI installer. It may appear a bit less focussed on its aims but has a lot going for it: many supporter platforms, a friendly community, etc.

There’s also FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, possibly more but I don’t have much experience with those.

The FreeBSD handbook is amazing for this! IMO the best guide out there for an operating system

NixOS! I can't for the life of me figure this shit out. It just won't click for me but I get the advantages so I wanna use it so bad

I completely agree with this, I want to use it so badly but I think the documentation and other video tutorials aren't explaining it in a way that clicks for me, maybe?

What do you need that Arch doesn't provide?

OP is probably complaining about AUR packages needing to be compiled most of the time. In that case, use the chaotic AUR. If you don't trust it, then compile the software from the AUR yourself.

Are the AUR helper applications still not well documented these days?

Why would a wrapper around pacman need documentation? Anyways, --help and the Arch Wiki have it too.

not doing anything during and after install

You know that those of us who use Gentoo as a daily driver don't just stare there and watch things compile, right?

Maybe once during the initial install but on a modern system kicking off updates before bed and coming back in the morning to an updated computer isn't unusual (just read any news and postinst messages).

When I was using it, every two or three months. And even then, kick off an update or install, go to the bathroom, get some coffee, come back and it's ready.

nixos is a personal love of mine.

But it's source-based (with a binary cache)

It takes like 10 seconds to install a package. Get benefits of Source based distros while still being fast af + No dependency hell

That binary cache means you don't have to compile anything the distro provides. Same as any binary distro.

but with a simple --substitute false you can make it compile on install. I love nix

Yes, or if you override something you'll compile that thing and anything depending on it. If you override glibc, you'll recompile pretty much the entire system!

true, --substitute false will compile all dependencies, down to the compiler itself, but a simple (/s)

nix-build "  " [package] --check

will compile just the chosen package, skipping dependencies, and compare it against the cached binary in the repo to ensure they're equivalent.

I could have gotten that nix-build command slightly off as I'm typing this from memory. I am also saying most of this in jest as they aren't really solutions to anything mentioned above and I moreso find them interesting features.

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What do you mean by "advanced Linux distro"?

If you mean starting at a minimal starting point and only installing what you need, then you may as well start off with a minimal Debian netinst, then add the stuff you want once you've got the minimal system installed.

Similar to arch in what way? What about arch don't you like, you can look at other arch-based distros.

Most distributions have binary package managers anyways, so you won't struggle to find some.

Exactly. If it is the rolling nature op does actualy like perhaps opensuse tumblweed is a good one to try?

There isn't anything about arch I specifically don't like, I'd just like to see if there's anything that's better in a certain criteria I don't yet know of.

There are lots of good distros. The question is a bit too vague for useful answers.

Just enable flatpaks or install Pop_OS! and use only flatpaks.

What's the purpose? Which application do you have running on Linux that you think you need to compile everything, configure everything, and that will only run on an "advanced" distro?

Is it some high specialized clustered distributed high performance, high availability computing application where you need your own kernel tweaks in?

Or are you just a distro hopper, tinkering just for the sake of it and for imaginary bragging rights? If it's for learning, try to establish a specific real goal and learn how to reach it.

Are you just looking for something new to explore or are there issues you have with Arch that you hope do not exist on other distros? Simply put what is it you are looking for?

I don't think there is much of a point switching away from Arch if you like it but as others suggested already NixOS seems like what you are searching for.

try nixos. you can write one configuration for a bunch of different machines and carry your user profile around via home-manager. it's great.

What do you mean by "Like arch" exactly? What part of it would you like to keep in your next distro?

I've tried quite a few and have been on the debian train for ~5 years simply due to stability and usability

I like Alpine Linux. You could also try OpenBSD if you want a Unix that just works without as much struggle. NetBSD and FreeBSD are also around and have Linux binary compatibility.

Assuming your goal is to gain knowledge about operating systems

Try arch but without kde, gnome, xfce, lxqt... make your own DE, based on a WM of your choice. That way you'll gain lods of knowledge about how an OS interacts with the user and which applications do what.

After that, you would have to go for LFS or Tannenbaums Modern Operating Systems

I'm pretty sure that runs way opposite to OP's stated goal of "don't have me compiling everything"

Not on Arch it doesn't. Almost all window managers have a package somewhere. There will be a lot of configuring, but no compiling.

If you’re just looking to learn something new, why not try an immutable OS like Fedora Silverblue? It’s an easier install than Arch, obviously, but there’s lots of differences from a standard distro. There’s security upsides but also consequences to work around.

LFS and Gentoo, you have to compile, sure... but Arch? You don't compile the kernel on vanilla Arch, if you mean packages, then just get the *-bin versions.

Edit: misunderstood your post. What's wrong with Arch and Arch-based distros?

I phrased that wrong, I just edited it to reflect what I wanted to say.

Yeah sorry I misunderstood, have you looked into NixOS? It offers quite a different workflow. I use arch and there hasn't been a time where I wish I have it differently, except the occasional temptation to try Nix.

Do you mean you want something like AUR but binary ? Fedora Silverblue can answers that question because their only packages are Flatpaks. MicroOs is similar.

You don't really compile anything during or after install with arch linux unless you find something on the AUR that needs to compile? If so, just look for .

Otherwise, a really nice system is NixOS.

Another is GNU Guix.

I spent so much time compiling my own stuff, it was horrible at times, hours and hours. Now I'm using MX Linux and that's it. LFS is fun to learn a lot of things nonetheless.

use the chaotic aur repo for Arch

Automated building repo for AUR packages


It's not safe to use because it just compiles AUR packages. However, it's good practice to have your data like personal info, game saves etc. in a encrypted vault away from the devices you use everyday. Even my boomer parents get this, I tell them their NAS needs be open like a safe with their Yubikey.

The AUR itself only got malware like once or twice. If you don't trust binary blobs from some strangers then why do you trust my advice?

I have to shamelessly plug for Arch Linux here. I think Arch would be a great way to get into the more advanced side of Linux without quite delving into the complexities of LFS.