What are your favourite open source games?

sleepybisexual@beehaw.org to Free and Open Source Software@beehaw.org – 146 points –

I'm looking for recommendations for my Linux setup. But shattered pixel dungeon is amazing on android


Mindustry is neat if you like tower defenses and factory/automation games.

[edit] Though this isn't exactly a game, I thought I'd mention it: The Powder Toy. Really fun physics-ish sandbox game if you like just playing around with little particles or making electronics or nuclear powered fireworks shows, etc.

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of the post. Mindustry is awesome, I got so addicted to it for a bit haha

Mindustry is great! I've put a ton of hours into it and I've gotten my kids into it. Super active dev and good community.

I prefer it to factorio

Not a very original answer, but I still enjoy The Battle for Wesnoth after many years.

I'm surprised hardly anyone else has mentioned Wesnoth yet. I last played it over a decade ago, so I'm not sure if it's still as well-known now as it used to be, but it's one of the highest-quality open-source games out there.

It's a turn-based fantasy strategy game that feels like a combination of Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, and D&D. And I suppose it was a lot more unique back in the 2000's when there weren't a dozen indie games out there that fit the same description.

Nethack! It's basically the original roguelike, if you liked shattered pixel dungeons then you'll like nethack. There are also several other open source rogelikes to check out as well... including the original Rogue!

Currently Endless Sky! Although I haven't gotten far, and playing without mods, I love the vibes

Mindustry and Shattered Pixel Dungeon, I played those a lot of my phone but haven't done so in quite a while! I think both of those are available on desktop Linux too, Shattered Pixel Dungeon even works on my Linux phone.

Yeah, Mindustry is cross platform and available on Linux too. Love mindustry, such an awesome game!

It took me two or three attempts to really try and grasp the scale (one of the most complex games I ever played on my phone) but once I did I played it for countless hours! :)

It's pretty basic, but I'm going to say SuperTuxKart as a must if you are into kart racers (especially since I don't know any others).

I also recommend the still in development SuperTux Advance by Kelvin Shadewing. It's similar to just plain old SuperTux but has unique levels and more playable characters that will have different abilities (probably still mostly locked behind debug for them).

Beyond All Reasons. It’s a spiritual successor of Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander using the Spring engine.

It’s also a great game in its own right, especially the various advanced unit positioning and selection features had me amazed. The graphics are good and the performance with many units is finally very good too, after some patches last year (or two years? I don’t remember).

I need to get into this -- I was a massive fan of TA

It's honestly so good, it's peak on army control, huge online community, and active balance/development. Can't recommend it enough.


Doesn't that need the original, very much not open source, data files?

In terms of games I actually play, Cataclysm: DDA (even if I still suck at it after hundreds of hours).

In terms of technical/visual impressiveness, Veloren.

Omg I looked at veloren and I'm going to have to try that... I spent so many hours in cube world when it first went early access (before the dev went radio silent for 5 years and then released on steam, lol)

I haven't played in over a year, but I really spent some hours in Veloren the last time I picked it up!

Xonotic is one that i would reccomend heavily, and it's an arena shooter

I remember trying it a long time ago, and it was pretty fun.

Xonotic was awesome. Warsow (Warfork now) was super fun back in the day. There were legit tournaments that went on with twitch sportscaster calling the play by play on 1v1 tourneys. Not sure how big the player scene is these days.

ScummVM works really well in linux, if youre a fan of classic point and click adventure games.

Running on that VM, I really enjoyed Flight of the Amazon Queen a few years back. Warning: it's an oldie containing lots of sexist moments - I'm not sure I would enjoy it as much today.

I really enjoyed Minedustry. Also, does Katawa Shoujo count?

I've dumped more hours into OpenTTD and Zero-K than I care to think about

If Roblox counts as a game instead of a platform, then I guess Minetest also counts as an open-source game.

Roblow isn't a game. Minetest is an engine (providing it's own APIs that game developers use to develop games), and a platform to distribute them. In a sense, Minetest is like Unity or Godot. Games built on Minetest include MineClone2/5, Nodecore, Exile etc.

Yeah, but truth is a lot of people do consider it a game.

Only you, it seems. First I have seen this assertion.

I could go into depth on why it's an engine, but you seem to have already made your mind up and are going to stick with it regardless.

Edit: Actually, I'll leave it up to the Minetest project.... "Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation" - https://github.com/minetest/minetest

I also think that it and Roblox should be considered game engines, not games, but they are classified as games not platforms by the likes of Apple and random people on Reddit.

Fair point, it didn't feel like you were in agreement.

Apple has to classify their apps. Do they even have a game engine classification? I'm assuming they cannot class it as a productivity suite...

As for random people on Reddit. We've gone and hopefully can move on from the hive mind of regurgitating opinions and use our brains a little more. We're not hunting karma and upvotes here, we're here for better discussion.

Yeah, let me open up Unity for that vanilla gameplay experience, oh wait...

Also, are wc3 and hl also not games because they were used to develop and distribute games that ended up being more popular?

You cannot play default minetest without a game. It comes installed with minetest game (which is a crappy game and more of a modding base). Delete it and see if you can play, yeah?

What is wc3 and hl?

Sure, it's a crappy game, but when you install Minetest you can play Minetest, and you install Minetest mods to mod the Minetest game. You can't use Minetest mods on Mineclone. If you install unity you can't play unity, you make a game in unity.

Warcraft and half life

Basically, you're saying because an engine also has a packaging element (contentDB is the packaging and distribution part maintained by 1 developer, it cannot be an engine). It is both.

"Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation". https://github.com/minetest/minetest

Historically, when you install windows, it comes with a game. Does that make it not an operating system?

I'm more inclined to believe the team who make it rather than some random internet stranger though.

At what point did I say it's not an engine? I'm just denying your claim that it's not a game...

Edit: I think it's primarily a linguistic issue. HL, TF, and CS weren't made using the half life engine, but source engine. Meanwhile Minetest is made in Minetest and distributed through Minetest.

MTG - Minetest Game is the game. It's in the name. Delete it, and you cannot play Minetest. Minetest is referred to as the engine. They renamed MTG and put it into maintenance mode because of the confusion. It was badly named initially. The team have already made the decision to remove MTG by default so it comes with no games. They are just waiting to redevelop the UI so it isn't so painful when this happens.

Oh ok, now that makes sense. MTG is a horrible acronym, but ok.

I've installed Minetest like a month ago and it came with the Minetest game.

You are expanding the scope of what we're saying. Half Life is not a game engine, GoldenSrc is. Warcraft III doesn't appear to have a public game engine. However, Roblox & Minetest don't really have a bundled game.

Not really, wc3 and hl are definitely more "gamey" than Minetest, but you can still install Minetest to play and mod Minetest.

Minetest is the game that comes bundled with Minetest.

Minetest Game is the game that comes bundled with Minetest, not Minetest. Nobody said WC3 and HL is a game engine.

Horrible naming scheme, and I don't think I've seen the Minetest Game ever mentioned as anything but just Minetest.

It's not a naming scheme, it's just the default and everything makes it clear that Minetest is the engine. It's kinda the example game.

Minetest fulfils the role of platform because of content db, which is a separate thing with it's own name, it wasn't always there, and it's maintained by 1 person. The rest of the developers code the API's which are used for making games. You know what else provides API's for making games? Unity, Unreal and Godot.

No one is saying Shattered Pixel Dungeon?
Because I say Shattered Pixel Dungeon.

I played vanilla pixel dungeon years ago and recently picked it back up. What's the difference with Shattered?

Shattered has added a lot more polish, some story elements, some more interesting bosses and challenges, and removed the frustrating weapon breakdown element. It's under active development, whereas I think the vanilla game is now a dead fork.

removed the frustrating weapon breakdown element

Ok I'm sold

While vanilla was promising, it always had that "school project" kind of vibe. Shattered, intead, is a full fledged, really polished game with active development.
Among the new features there are new sub-missions (with a new one in development right now), new enemies and bosses, a new playable character and re-balanced mechanics overall.
Stongly suggested, you can even find it on f-droid

I think I'll pick that up. When I quit playing years ago, it was because I felt like I had solved the game. Maybe my strategy wasn't optimal but it was as good as I could get it and I was purely relying on luck to get deeper. If shattered can add more depth then I'm down.

I am on Mobile (aka lazy), so no link. Simutrans for me, beats every other transport sim. The organic growth of cities and industries that happens while you build and optimize your transport systems is one of the many features I like so much.

I highly recommend playing Doom with the Crispy Doom source port and the Freedoom data files.

For something more modern, Xonotic is about the best-looking FOSS game out there and an excellent multiplayer arena shooter.

I'm a big fan of Thrive!

I haven't tried thrive in a while. I hear they've switched engines again, to Godot this time. Is it playable? Is it fun? Do they have more than the single-cell phase?

I've spent a solid 30-40 hours playing it since December last year so I'd say it's pretty fun and playable! IIRC it has prototypes up to the interplanetary phase though only the single-cell and multicellular stages were really playable when I last gave them a go.

Tremulous is a free and open source asymmetric team-based first-person shooter with real-time strategy elements. The game features two opposing teams: humans and aliens. Each team must attack the enemy’s base and team members while defending their own base. https://tremulous.net/

I'd actually recommend Unvanquished instead! It's a fork of Tremulous that has more active development, including a rehaul of the rendering engine. https://unvanquished.net

Reminds me of Natural Selection 1/2. Loved those games and I wonder if this was their inspiration. And of course they ended up making Subnautica with their expertise in creature design.

Warzone 2100. 3D RTS from the late 90s that was open-sourced after the studio went belly-up. Fantastic game, runs on even ancient hardware.

Edit to add: Forgot to mention it is still receiving updates!

@sleepybisexual DOOM! The source code is open source, but the assets aren't. So this might be a bit of cheating reply. https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM

There is a complete set of free assets, in the form of Freedoom. Also, the official Steam version is closed-source, so make sure you're getting a free source port. (Most distros have a few in their repos, and Freedoom+GZDoom is also in Flathub.)

When I did play foss games, I played battle for wesnoth, teeworlds, minetest, super tux csrt and openarena. Lsst one might be dead due to being a mainly multiplayer game.

@sleepybisexual You know what, I could link my articles from a few years ago. It's been a while, so some of newer Open Source games are missing from these lists.

Jeez, thanks for this blast from the past. I remember a lot of these from my early Linux experiments over a decade ago.

I haven't messed with an open source game since early Sauerbraten. I gave up because of the crazy learning curve to git gud.

VVVVVV. It's not GPL though, so technically it's not open source, but source-available.

Note that while the source code is available, the assets is not, so you'll still need to buy the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/70300/VVVVVV/

There are many things that use a license that isn't GPL that area still open source. I haven't looked into this one past the fact that it's a custom license though. So it'll probably depend on your definition of open source.

  • Asuna
  • Lord of the Test
  • 0 A.D.
  • Xbill
  • SuperTuxKart
  • Sonic Robo Blast
  • The various Doom mods
  • Konquest
  • SuperTux
  • Endless Sky

Another shout-out for Sonic Robo Blast! I absolutely love that game.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is pretty astounding, offering an incredible level of detail and degree of freedom, plus just lots of zombies to fight.

Cataclysm DDA is amazing if you are into this stuff.

Crack Attack! is a loving parody of addictive tetrislike games that is also an extremely addictive tetrislike game.

Definitely Neverball. My kids and I spent so many hours in it.

OpenTTD is good, so is TuxKart, but both have better closed-source alternatives. I don't think Neverball does.

Other than the Valve made stuff, I think my favorite Source engine game is Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Kicking orcs off cliffs or into spikes is super fun and the basic movement on the engine is pretty much the best FPS has.

Think you missed a word in OP's post. He's looking for open source games, not open source games