GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general to politics – 397 points –
GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general

Rep. Paul Gosar said that the "homosexual-promoting" general "would be hung" in a better society.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

In his newsletter this weekend – published to his Congressional website – Gosar accused Milley of being a “homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist” who delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot. An election denier, Gosar has in the past claimed that he “started the revolution,” referring to the insurrection.


I would like, if I may, to ask the distinguished gentleman from Arizona, exactly what better society he is referring to here? I can only think of nations like Russia or Saudi Arabia who would do such a thing so I would like the gentleman to clarify which nation he thinks is better than the United States of America.

I would also like to inform the gentleman, that to be hung, one would need to be a portrait or a porn star. A criminal would be, in fact, hanged.

The modern GOP in a nutshell: come for the bigotry, stay for the Freudian slips.

The guy running against Gosar having all of Gosar's immediate family in an ad saying Gosar sucks will always be one of my favorite campaign ads.

And yet, he was still elected.

Given my experience in the district, he almost seems like a moderate compared to a lot of the residents.

I had completely forgotten about this, thanks for the pleasant stroll down memory lane!

T - 8 months until Paul Gosar is found with child porn on his computer.

Didn't he vote against an anti-sex trafficking bill, along with Gaetz the Groomer and other Republicans?

Neither Gosar nor Trump have served in the military.

That pretty much goes without saying, but bears repeating anyway.

So ... Milley is a "BLM activist" (etc.) ... who delayed the miltary's response to Jan 6? That doesn't even make any sense.

It does if you're trying to pretend it was antifa.

Ohhh you meant if GOP Congressman Crazypants was trying to pretend it was antifa. I was confused. Let me try and get it straight:

Milley, a BLM activist, delayed the military response to Jan 6, because the real perpetrators were antifa, and he wanted to protect them so that they could make the right wing look bad by ... doing exactly what the right wing wanted done?

would be hung

This is the the Free speech the right so desperately fights to say in the internet discourse. Either thinly veiled threats or dogwhistles.

Unfortunately for them such speech has consequences for them outside of their small bubbles.

Maybe by hung he meant cock size like if he wants a general in the army to blast him in the butt he wants them to do it with a hog leg.

Somebody get Chuck Tingle, I have a million dollar idea

Not Getting Pounded in the Butt by the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Even After I Attempted a Coup to Get Him to Notice Me.

Truly, this is one of the ways of all time for one to Prove Love. His trot is truly unlike any other.

Thinly veiled? He's saying the quiet part out loud.

What's up with all these pro life conservatives wanting to kill people? /s

who delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot.

So Jan 6th was a riot now? And those were in fact insurrectionists?

It was a riot caused by anitfa pretending to be good upstanding Trump supporters on a tour of Congress.

I believe that covers all the bullshit excuses these fuckle heads have come up.

Republicans love America so much that they want to murder it's top military leader.

This is treason, right? Feels like treason.

This is awful, but treason is really narrowly defined. He also didn't say "hey followers, go kill this guy," he is speaking in hypotheticals that are free speech.

He still sucks massive donkey farts though

Actually, even that wouldn't be treason.

Treason is actually the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution, and it requires either levying war against the United States, or adhering to enemies of the United States and giving them aid or comfort.

He still sucks massive donkey farts though

I've been looking for a replacement for "that sucks dick" and any variation. It's homophobic. Now, donkey farts, That's gonna be new go to! Thx

Treason in the USA is specifically giving aid or comfort to enemies of the United States. As far as I am aware there are no official enemies of the United States, so technically it is not possible to commit treason unless the United States wants to officially announce a foreign power as an official enemy of the US, which would be a possible casus belli against them. Treason is a tricky charge to try.

Treason requires a real, declared war iirc.

Yeah, at the very least I don't see how the US could declare someone as their enemy without declaring war on them. Declaring someone as your enemy is basically saying you are going to war with them, even if it is a cold war.

"Hung" lol

Isn't hung penis size and hanged correct English?

For executions, hanged is correct. If I was to place a painting on a wall, it was hung. Or if I ended a phone call, I hung up.

Oh look, nothing will happen to him. No punishment for calling for his death.

It's time to start arresting some of these terrorist members of the Republican Party.

Wait are there no hate crimes on the federal level?

I thought there was actual legal reason they don't loudly proclaim their homophobic tendencies.

There certainly is the Matthew Shepherd act

… and now this man should probably go into protective custody because Trump’s little army of MAGA-fucktarded minions will probably take this as a call to arms.

Against a general… Someone who commands a literal army.

They’re that fucking stupid.

Is sodomy that thing Paul Gosar's mom does nightly with the entire town?

Edit: my mistake, it's called 'Bingo'

His siblings seem pretty cool. No reason to slander their mother.

GOP: "We support our troops" [by executing them]

Gosar is severely mentally ill, and needs to be institutionalized.

His family has been warning US for years.

Ok who the hell summoned gosar from the ghost dimension this time?

I agree. Well, in a better society, everyone would be hung. :DroolEmoji: