United Farm Workers endorses Biden, says he's an 'authentic champion' for workers and their families

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 633 points –
United Farm Workers endorses Biden, says he's an 'authentic champion' for workers and their families

The United Farm Workers on Tuesday announced its endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection, saying that the Democrat has proven throughout his life to be an “authentic champion” for workers and their families, regardless of race or national origin.

The farm workers’ union was co-founded by Cesar Chavez, the late grandfather of Julie Chavez Rodriguez, who Biden named as his 2024 campaign manager. Her father, Arturo Rodriquez, is a past UFW president.

Julie Rodriguez and “special guests” were expected to formally announce the endorsement later Tuesday at Muranaka Farms in the city of Moorpark in southern California.


What do you know, you support unions and unions support you.

The UAW visit by Biden is one of the rare trifecta of savvy political maneuvering+the right thing to do + good for the nation as a whole.

Right thing to do and political motivation aside the "good for the nation as a whole" cannot possibly be understated. We NEED less outsourcing and dependencies on foreign entities. The CHIPS act was a great step and I hope Intel continues with their commitments. We need to ensure similar things happen in the automotive space and beyond.

We NEED less outsourcing and dependencies on foreign entities

Do you have any supporting arguments for this? This is the opposite of what I'd like to see.

On a simple matter of logistics it makes sense, simplifies it down a good bit. Also better to not put all your eggs in one basket. Spread out manufacturing and dont rely on a single country or region.

Spreading out manufacturing is the exact opposite of concentrating manufacturing jobs in the US

You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. The US isn't starting out with mostly manufacturing in the US and further concentrating it.

The US currently is far too concentrated in China and bringing more manufacturing back to the US is "spreading it out"

Then diversify away from China, but I see no reason to "bring jobs home." Comparative advantage is a good thing.

The advantage is a diversified economy, we currently have an economy centered around service. Which isnt bad in and of itself but it does create distinct weakness's that shouldn't be allowed to grow too big. Frankly id love a North American equivalent to the EU or atleast the European coal and steel community.

But that still would require a diversity of economy for all of North America. Frankly the world. Needs to relay less on over seas shipping if it can be helped IMO. Rail is optimal and peak cargo transit.

We're a global leader, and an economy that has transitioned to service provides huge benefits to it's citizens. The transition to services provides more wealth and easier labor - I'm all for it.

Rail is optimal and peak cargo transit.

I love where your heart is on this but you've clearly never shipped by rail

Leaving necessary materials or products exposed to interference by geopolitical adversaries is generally not the best idea.

The answer there is to build more connections, not fewer.

Yeah, because that worked so well for Europe with Russia didn't it?

What? That's the "being heavily dependent on a single rival power" thing

Yep, it's a global community, we need to move towards that slowly, but when people can't stop hating their own countrymen I am not holding my breath for that goal

Not that we have solved the problem of despots and dictators taking over countries either, so it really is a long way to go

And yet so many people who would actually benefit from the collective bargaining power will tell that you unions are bad. Wild how people have been convinced to vote against their own self interests.

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Too bad Biden only supports unions when it's convenient to him i.e. train workers.

He spent the following weeks negotiating with the rail companies behind the scenes, and eventually got the workers the things they'd demanded initially, including the paid leave.

Where can I find a list of the things he got the rail workers? I tried looking it up but everything is various degrees of outdated.

I haven't been able to find like a list of bullet points; most of what I've found focused on just the sick days, like this from Reuters. NPR reported on CSX granting the 7 paid days, but I haven't seen much since February.

7 paid sick days is not found anywhere in the linked article. CSX actually gave them 4 paid sick days.

The agreement provides four days of paid sick leave each year at full pay. It also allows members to use up to three personal leave days for sick leave, the two unions said.

Being able to use your vacation for sick days isn't being given sick days.

Go actually research what happened and what Biden actually did not what the propaganda claims.

I mean, back at ya? The IBEW praise posts are basically propaganda. They're a tiny fraction of the rail workers and weren't one of the unions that wanted to strike. They voted to approve the contract with 1 day of leave that was later forced on everyone.

Now go back and actually look at it. Praise posts are not relevant. Look at the actual issues and what was actually done, not what some slanted propaganda wishes you to think about it, just the details.

Ok. The unions wanted 15 days of sick leave, they would have been happy with the 7 most Democrats tried to give them, and Biden got them 4.

And all that ignores that the fundamental issue is that no third party negotiations can substitute for workers being able to choose whether or not to accept a contract and strike if they don't. They could have been given all 15 days (not their only ask) and it would still wouldn't make up for removing their right to refuse a contract and strike. The point of organized labor is having the power to be able to organize and deny your labor so that you can force your boss to give you what you want. They both didn't get what they want and are in a much worse position should they demand more in the future.

"Most unionized US rail workers now have new sick leave" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-have-new-sick-leave-2023-06-05/

What else ya' got?

You ignored most of his comment.

Because inane whines are not addressable en masse and must be divided into steps. Then you take the steps one at a time to achieve an actual goal. The failure to understand that does explain the complaints about Biden's performance however.

He addressed your points. You ignored them. Now you're doubling down on the condescension because you don't have an actual reply to the valid points you ignored.

Standard centrist.

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What do you think that has to do with this conversation thread?

It directly contradicts your first claim.

My first claim is: "The unions wanted 15 days of sick leave, they would have been happy with the 7 most Democrats tried to give them, and Biden got them 4."

Is the masterstroke contradiction you're speaking to that some actually got 5? Or that they can give up their vacation days to be sick? Because that's not a paid sick day.

This all continues to ignore that other people giving what they think you deserve IS NOT WORKER POWER.

And shows Biden is still fighting for them. While you are sitting idly by condemning the victory. See Four is greater than none. This is what is called progress by folks that are not so pure as you and thus understand you must lead and accept compromise rather than stamp your feet and whine while accomplishing nothing.

Getting something is 100% the actual goal and your childish tantrum would achieve nothing. There simply were not the Votes for anything else.

He literally didn't need votes at all to do the right thing and let workers retain their rights.

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is Biden showing the Democrats how to be the party of Labor again? can it be THIS EASY?!

Gotta admit this was one hell of a PR stunt! Impressive it actually worked. Considering democrats as a whole are center right on an international scale it couln't have been easy to convince working class folks they actually give a damn.

But PR stunt aside, it still is one hell of a positive message in this incredibly fucked political landscape. Kudos to Biden.

Gotta push that Overton window to the left a bit, slowly but surely.

All of politics is PR. But you have to consider our US politics not on a global scale, but on a local one. These unions aren't going to say "you're not far left enough for us to support." Just like pretty much everyone else who votes non-Republican, they're going to vote for whoever matches their ideology the closest, even if it's not as close as we'd like it to be.

I won’t hold my breath but if he starts pushing for some of the policy decisions he claims to stand by I am an independent progressive and I don’t have anything personal against Biden. But I don’t like neoliberals. I need more than words to support Biden at this point… and trump? What the actual fuck who is this asshat? Would never even consider voting for him under any conditions, ever.

It totally took me by surprise to see him out there picketing with the workers.

Inb4 someone explains how this proves Biden is bad somehow

Id rather see him championing a massive hike of the minimum wage to help everyone and not just specific labor groups, but I'm not saying this is bad.

You win battles where you can. Union wages puts pressure on non-union companies to raise wages and tends to attract the best workers. The greedy rich hate unions and manipulate their workers. Divided you beg. United you bargain.

Minimum wage was in Biden's proposals but got defeated in the senate. Remember Sinema giving her stupid thumbs down? He can't raise the minimum wage by fiat. He did raise the minimum wage for all federal workers, which is something he can directly control. If you want a federal minimum wage increase you need democrats in control of congress, and you more conservative and corpo democrats like Sinema primaried out for actual progressives.

Spreading union sentiment will help workers across many different fields in ways beyond just pay scale, and strong support of unions will encourage more and more workers to unionize so they can reap the benefits. Beyond just encouraging more people to form unions, unions help even un-unionized workers, as now other companies need to offer similar benefits and pay to what unionized workers get to remain competitive in hiring.

Remember Sinema giving her stupid thumbs down?

Yup. She sure let us know what Democrats are all about when she did that. When do you think Democrats will try to raise the minimum wage again?

"Sinema represents all Democrats" is the most braindead take I've read all day, but it's still early.

I said she demonstrated what Democrats are all about and I meant it. When Democrats have a chance to do something for poor people that they don't want to do, they find an excuse and find enough votes to go along with that excuse.

There were eight Democrats who voted that workers in this country aren't worth one penny more than $7.25/hr. So let's say some Republican who agrees with those 8 filibusters. In order to get to the 60 needed for cloture, Democrats would need 68 seats in the Senate. Do you think "shut up, be happy, vote harder" is gonna get us to 68?

And let's say by some fucking miracle we increase the majority by a whopping 18 senators. Only one of them needs to be a Sinema-style centrist to vote against workers and we'll be back to "Oh well, Guess we didn't have enough senators lol. Now let's throw half a trillion at the military to celebrate!"

Democrats will not increase the minimum wage. Too few of them want to.

She's not even a Democrat anymore. I personally think democrats need to just tank the filibuster at some point. Some democrats fear what would happen at some future hypothetical Republican senate without a filibuster, but I personally think that's silly, as Republicans will probably just get rid of it whenever they feel it's advantageous to them.

Democrats are clearly better than the alternative party (and the third party candidates haven't exactly been stellar), but we also need to be active in the primary elections and keep getting more progressives in there and boot people like Sinema out.

I personally think democrats need to just tank the filibuster at some point.

They should have done so already. They won't. They love their procedural excuse for inaction.

I don't buy that one bit. Politicians want to be re elected, and it's far easier to run on a record of having done something. A lot of people voting hardly even know what a filibuster is or why it would have prevented something from happening. In one Monmouth survey linked below, only 19% of people called themselves very familiar with a filibuster. It's not exactly going to help them to get re elected by failing to do anything then appealing to a vague parliamentary procedure most people are hardly aware of. Do you seriously see campaign ads going, oh look at the good things I was going to do but didn't but it's okay cause parliamentary procedure made it hard, vote for me again. Theory makes no sense.


And again if you want the filibuster elimated, you're best bet is on the democrats. They almost managed it for the voting rights bill, with 48 democrats for making a filibuster exception, only 2 against, and every single republican against.

Do you seriously see campaign ads going, oh look at the good things I was going to do but didn’t but it’s okay cause parliamentary procedure made it hard, vote for me again.

No, I see them being like "our opponents are fascists and you have no choice" with heavy overtones of "shut up and be happy, peasant."

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If they get control of the house and retain the senate next election, as well as Biden winning again. Unfortunately Republicans are dead set against any minimum wage increas so not gonna be possible without a Democrat trifecta most likely.

At least Sinema kicked herself out of the democratic party so they didn't have to bother primarying her out. Hopefully someone more progressive will be able to replace her now.

At least Sinema kicked herself out of the democratic party so they didn’t have to bother primarying her out.

If she had stayed in the party, the party would not primary her. The party protects incumbents from primary challengers.

The party doesn't primary her, another candidate does, and then we all vote on it. I'm not disagreeing with you here, and of course a party generally protects incumbents, they're easier to get re elected. Doesn't mean people still can't vote against them in the primary anyways and defeat a party admin preferred incumbent. I would also argue that Sinema leaving was an admission even the party admin was going to say, no fuck you. But again it's the primary election that decides, so go support progressives in the primary so you have a good candidate to vote for in the general.

I’m not disagreeing with you here, and of course a party generally protects incumbents, they’re easier to get re elected.

The party supported an anti-choice candidate over a progressive and used incumbency as an excuse. If they have no standards at all beyond "support incumbent" then that's what I will continue expecting them to do.

Doesn’t mean people still can’t vote against them in the primary anyways and defeat a party admin preferred incumbent.

The deck is already stacked against the challenger because incumbents have advantage. The party doesn't need to weigh in, but challengers tend to be progressive.

But again it’s the primary election that decides, so go support progressives in the primary

Did you laugh like an atheist in a Jack Chick tract after typing that?

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Most auto workers already make more than minimum wage, so that wouldn't help them particularly.

I mean not necessarily, rising tide and all that, a living standard minimum wage gives non minimum wage workers much more power to buck bullshit from the owner class.

Why put up with being an overworked underappreciated office worker when flipping burgers could pay your bills just as easily?

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And so here you are hauling water for the Republican Party. Seems counter productive to me.

Raising minimum wage would not help "everyone" as the pay of the vast majority of workers is not tied to minimum wage at all.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United Farm Workers on Tuesday announced its endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection, saying that the Democrat has proven throughout his life to be an “authentic champion” for workers and their families, regardless of race or national origin.

Julie Rodriguez and “special guests” were expected to formally announce the endorsement later Tuesday at Muranaka Farms in the city of Moorpark in southern California.

The UFW endorsement came as Biden on Tuesday flew to the Detroit area to join a picket line with United Auto Workers members who are on strike against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.

The farm workers’ union endorsed Biden in 2020 over Republican President Donald Trump, who leads the field of GOP candidates vying for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination and the chance to challenge Biden.

Julie Rodriguez said in a written statement that the UFW’s organizing has always been about fighting injustice and supporting working people, values that she said are at stake in the election.

She was a top White House adviser to Biden before he named her as campaign manager earlier this year.

The original article contains 350 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 47%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Authentically authentic candidate per the Dem guidelines. Didn't stand up for rail workers then got heat for it, now he is a workers champion while also being business friendly. Incredible.

We need to vote for people that will actual codify real change and stop straddling the line. We need representation that is not some rich family's kids.

He worked with the railworkers after Congress broke the strike. He got them what they wanted and they even credit Biden for putting the political pressure to have this happen. They railroad workers are okay with him

Lol 4 days off a year vs 15, how the fuck can you say they got what they wanted? Btw, I'm prior class I freight conductor, with ton of friends still there. They are NOT ok with him.

Are you able to speak for all the railroad workers?

I'm not the one who made that generalization, the person I replied to did. I simply replied that they aren't speaking for all railroad workers. And they are sure as shit didn't get what they wanted, that's a fact.

Btw, I’m prior class I freight conductor, with ton of friends still there. They are NOT ok with him.

What this your comment?

He barred the workers from striking and gambled with their well being. He had no guarantee of succeeding in getting sick days (which they did not even get as much as they demanded), and if it didn't happen to work out the way it did, the workers would've been fucked with no legal recourse.

Is it perfect? No. He shouldn't have blocked it. But I will say we live in a very tricky political time. What we need is to make sure the Republicans and their fascism doesn't make it to the President's office again. I do believe Biden blocked it as a political move, because if the supply lines stopped EVERYONE would have hated him. I will grant him that understanding.

But through action he has shown he is willing to work with unions and actually be seen with them. This is huge for a president during these times of political unrest and where people are feeling emboldened to strike and unionize.

Is Biden a leftist? No. He is a Neolib. But i will take this as a victory. Even a small one.

Reminder: Slick Joe fucked the rail workers.

No he didn't. The strikers got what they wanted afterwards

He pushed for and signed a bill taking away their right to strike.

Don't be a shill for him.

It's like the only thing I can't get past. Am I right in understanding it's also what caused Lebanon or is that propaganda?

No, that train derailment is just the normal lousy state of our infrastructure.

Is this the same farmers' union that Louis Rossmann said was sus?

I need to see Biden passing 15$ mjnimum wage before I vote for him. Or universal health care lol. Or anything close to what fdr would have gotten according to the news I guess I dunno

This "take" is what's wrong with American politics. If Biden can't push either of those through an opposition House that would never do anything he wants, you will actively enable the other side, who would undo all of the good done, to win?

"I will not help us achieve progress until we can achieve more progress".

Let’s see what Biden delivers on…. Which isn’t much so far….

Him showing up on the picket line is a good start, but it’s also just a political stunt.

Let’s see him fight for some of the progressive policies he claims to care about.

Calling Manchen my good friend is not fighting for your agenda.

Leftists: "The beatings will continue until morale improves"

Your take is actually what’s wrong. I’m not voting for the other guy just because I’m not voting for Biden

What’s wrong with our politics is the fucking corporate boot lickers like you who watch politicians like Biden and most others receive legalized bribes and yet you continue to suck his dick.

get that old man cock out of your mouth it’s not a good look

Biden has literally gotten nothing done. But you treat him like FDR

Quit smoking crack

For those curious about political/propaganda meta-conversations in threads like this, look at this dude's comment history and contemplate why they say what they do, and at what points in a conversation they decide to open their mouths and say it, and what the probable intended result of what they're saying might be.

Treat it like an English assignment, folks. Except it's in the wild and not sanitized in a book, it's trying to work on you in real-time.

What do you think this person's purpose for speaking up is?

You’re the one spewing corporate media talking points. You trying to say I am proganda is laughable nonsense

100% voting for the other guy if you don't Vote for the sane option of the only two offered.

Biden has literally gotten nothing done. But you treat him like FDR

Quit smoking crack

Imagine being this unhinged lol.

Leftism truly rots your brain.

I need to see Biden passing 15$ mjnimum wage

Biden cannot pass anything. Only congress can. Obviously if such a thing passed congress Biden would gladly sign it. But since the GOP controls congress, it cannot happen until Dems win it back. That's basic politics.

Biden could fight …… for anything.

They gave up on their “signature issue” of 15$ the fucking first month in office.

Biden has the bully pulpit free media attention whenever he wants it. He can fight for his agenda.

But he has no spine and does not fight for anything that his corporate overlords do not approve of.

Dude is basically Regan after Alzheimer’s

Biden could fight …… for anything.

He literally just joined the UAW on the picket line. There is no point in fighting for a $15 minimum wage if congress will never go for it. And they won't with its current makeup. It's a non-started. He's not stupid and he's not going to waste his time on fighting for things that won't happen.

Anyway, people shouldn't be fighting for any minimum wage. They should be fighting for a UBI.

Poor helpless Biden has no power to persuade anyone

He did an amazing job when Dems had a 1/2 vote margin in the senate. But as long as the GOP controls congress, raising the minimum age is literally an impossibility.

Fdr fought for social security and Medicare and workers rights….. he called out senators who disagreed with him by name.

He did not call folks who shut down his policy proposals “my good friends”

If amazing job means calling senators who voted against your policy platform “my dear friends”, then okay I guess….. he did an amazing job at capitulating without putting up an ounce of fight. He didn’t call out anyone.

He didn’t actually want the policies he claimed to stand for. He lied to us. He is a corporate neoliberal. He wouldn’t be a democrat if the republicans weren’t actually racist fascist sons of bitches. But they all take legal bribes….

He didn’t call out anyone.

You think all a prez has to do is "call out someone" and then magically get Republicans to vote as Dems? LOL. Yes Bernie would have tried harder. But Bernie would have gotten the same results. Bernie told you that again and again and again when he said we need a "political revolution" to change the entire congress, not just the president.

He didn’t actually want the policies he claimed to stand for. He lied to us.

No, you lied to us with this false statement. The policies he has already gotten passed have been amazing compared with all previous presidents. That you weren't paying attention is on you, not Biden.

I don't know that I've ever seen a more blatant example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I hope you enjoy the increase you'll get under the Fascists.

Corporate oligarchy or facism….. if those are the only two options, I no longer give a fuck and my ballot will be blank under the options for president. I vote every year but I don’t vote for neoliberals or asshats.

You don't see how fascism would be significantly worse for certain groups of people? LGBTQ, Jews, people of color, etc?

shhh the white straight "leftists" are explaining to us ungratefuls how it's not bigoted for them to hinge their helping to secure our rights on meeting their increasingly niche demands.

These folks never seem to have figured out that collective bargaining is meant to be a "punching up" move. Or that "working class solidarity" is a lot easier to achieve when the entire working class has a common experience to rally solidarity around as opposed to a lot of them wishing they only had working class experience problems to stress over.

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if those are the only two options, I no longer give a fuck and my ballot will be blank under the options for president. I vote every year but I don’t vote for neoliberals or asshats.

Then your opinion also doesn't matter. Also both options are not anywhere near the same to any sane person.

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I mean whatever he does it'll be better than Trump or whoever republicans are gonna nominate.

I’m done voting for the better of two evils. I will not vote for politicians who do not support policy I care about. And right now Biden was right. Nothing has fundamentally changed. His corporate donors approve, but that’s not how you get my vote. And I know I’m not alone.

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And that's why you will never get those.

He can't do any of that unless the Dems take back the house and have 60 seats in the Senate.

And it's almost certain that the Dems will actually lose the Senate this cycle. This is the 2018 "Blue Wave" crop up for reelection.

Even if the Dems win 2/3 seats this cycle, the Republicans will retake the Senate.

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