If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk

GatoB@lemmy.world to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 627 points –

We can make this a great interesting place and more people will join


I'm a bit of an introvert, even online. But HEY look at me participating here with my first ever lemmy comment! Small steps, right?

Same with me. For what it's worth, the people here seem genuinely nice. :D

This is my first comment too! I'll try engaging with others more despite the fact I also lurk a lot on Reddit :D

I am too but hey, look you inspiring me to comment too! Honestly I do try to comment but I'm more determined than ever to lurk less and engage more!

Also...DON'T MAKE TOO MANY COMMUNITIES!!! I know we all have our favorite niche subreddits that we'll miss, but we need to reach a critical mass with a core set...and then organically break out communities into more niche communities.

Yes, this is key, fewer but more vibrant communities rather than many mostly empty ones.

That, and please stop talking about reddit so much, dear god. My feed is filled with reddit news, rather than the respective topics of each community I'm subscribed to.

I couldn't agree more. I understand a lot of us moved here from reddit, myself included, but I think we have to stop talking about it so much.

First comment on Lemmy, I'll try my best not to lurk! Really hoping to see this thrive.

I always mostly lurked on Reddit for years from fear of being judged, I struggle with anxiety and feel like I won't contribute anything.

Even commenting and upvoting is something

So far people have been much nicer here. And besides, who cares if someone judges you or feels like you didn't contribute anything, that's their problem not yours!

I feel you.

I am currently also just on reddit for lurking or searching things like "best maple-sirup which could be bought in germany".

However, if my wife can move from france to germany because of our relationship, I can move from reddit to lemmy.

Absolutely this!

I constantly feel as if my opinion is too worthless (or even plain wrong) to leave comments literally anywhere. And while it is great to know that I'm definitely not alone and there are people who feel this way, it is very sad and unfortunate that we even have to worry about it.

First comment!

I have always felt exactly the same way. I almost never posted or commented on Reddit for the same reason, constantly worried about negative or aggressive responses. Didn't have to spoons to always spend ages typing and re-typing a comment to make sure it came across exactly as I wanted it to and add something of as much value as possible x___x

I like the philosophy of beehaw and hope that it will help me start getting over this mental blocker. :)

Another lurker here, but somehow it feels like it has been a lot easier to post on here compared to reddit. Hopefully Lemmy continues to have good discussion without devolving too much into reddit meme comment chains and the like.

More importantly, talk about stuff besides Reddit!

I tried using Voat 6(?) years ago when there was a similar (but smaller-scale) protest. The fact that a lot of Voat users were those chased out of hate subs was part of the problem, but the other part of the problem was that half the content was "look how much better we are than reddit".

Discussion about reddit is fine (it is still a big site), but we need our own content too.

I tried to move over to Voat but it very quickly turned into a cesspit.

It's almost as if making a site dedicated to people too racist, sexist, antisocial, etc, for even Reddit's lax moderation policies, was a bad idea.

And that's before it became a central hub for literal treason.

I forgot all about voat.

I'm hopeful that large scale subs going dark will help us. That and being forced off of 3rd party apps.

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It's definitely tough to break the lurking habits.

I created a community based on one of my hobbies to end my lurking habit: https://lemmy.world/c/backcountry

For now, I am just posting about one photo a day from my collection with some text that tries to drive interaction. There are 15 people in the community so I am hoping things start expanding at some point. All it costs me is a few minutes a day to choose and post a photo.

Yes! That’s what I did as well gemstone faceting check it out!

Nice! I am glad I'm not the only person trying this strategy. I do need to admit I am completely unfamiliar with the wold of gemstones. Do you just go out and look for the initial stones?

(Btw I think you have a typo in your link? https://lemmy.world/c/faceting )

Argh! Thanks, fixed the link.

I generally buy the rough from dealers or gem shows. My bucket list has a couple of line items to visit some mines and buy direct.

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I was excited for a backcountry sub but I see it’s just for winter skiing and snowboarding. That name is kind of confusing. I was hoping it was for backcountry camping and hiking like on Reddit.

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I don't lurk just to lurk, I just have nothing to say most of the time. Still waiting on the niche reddit communities I was a part of to make it here, if they ever do.

Same here! Though, I'm also a chronic upvoter, so I hope that makes up for it.

Upvoting is also important to make the best content appear on top

Upvoting isn’t working for me. I click it, watch it change, then after about 2 seconds the upvote goes away.

I was having the same problem, but if you refresh the page it should stay blue :)

This also works if your comments aren’t appearing.

And comment if you even have something remotely decent to say. And add a profile picture.

Be the change you want to see! In one week I've made more comments on here than the last two years on Reddit. If the communities you want don't exist, start them up and post the type of content you'd like to see.

One un-ironic way to have a boom in content and users is expanding the amount of porn on the fediverse. That had a massive contribution to tumblr and reddit

Moderating that can be hard but idk

Well i had an account just to lurk on reddit, but like anything else in life things eventually come to an end. I don't know what kind of content can be easily imported here. Years ago, i would post about a variety of things, but recently the content that i see is much less varied than it was, so posting has become less interesting. Guess searching stuff on google earth is just as fun as it was than instead. It's interesting to see all this activity without gpt-fied comments tho

Same, I was mostly a lurker. I just joined Lemmy to check out the alternatives while the blackout proceeds. I'm curious - in which subreddits did you see most of the gpt comments coming up or was it mostly an all-around thing? I didn't think I saw too many in my feed. Still, it might also be because feeds I like such as r/crochet don't really need to gpt-ify most of their comments. I'd assume that would more be in AITA or those types of reddits that lend themselves to spinning fictional yarns.

Big ones. Such clean academic answers left instantly to casual comments, that was weird. I was in smaller subs and never a problem, expecially the pixel dungeon ones and the roguelkes in general. Plant id and similar subs were good too, but i did not depend on those alone, there's so many resources for that.

I checked in on the trash fire yesterday, and the smaller hobby-oriented subs I'm on were heavily targeted, possibly to keep up the illusion of engagement during the blackout. I didn't dive into what's happening on the comments side, but sorting by New was a trip. But outside of the blackout, yeah, usually I steer clear of the big communities and life isn't too full of bots.

My content is pretty shit, but I'll glady support and comment on you more interesting folks' stuff!

At least it's pretty! I'm sharing my stupid things IDGAF let's go!! Share it!

I've been lurking on Reddit for years now but now that I've switched to Lemmy, I'll probably participate in discussions more. Plus, the vibe is so much more positive and welcoming here than on Reddit!

I see a bunch of "community squatting" - people creating communities but not contributing, hoping it'll take off.

As good etiquette, I'd suggest that if you create a community, try to post something yourself!

I’ve been participating a lot more here because it feels like my contributions have more impact than they did on Reddit.

The people here is way better than there rn

We need accessibility first, honestly the site is kinda confusing and acts weirdly on mobile and the official app is the same, both of these two need to use simple design, the android app is focusing on material you theme but most of the people here I believe the want usability rather than asthetic, I know it's free and hard work that I'm criticising, but we simple users need to build and make the communities better while the developers working on the site and the accessibilities, together we will break the chain of proprietary.

I love the feeling that I can post here without feeling insecure. Everyone seems well meaning and welcoming

I've noticed that too. Nobody has tried to show me up or assumed bad faith on my part so far. That's picking weird for the internet.

It's the emergence of a new community. When things get big, people feel less individually responsible, and that's how trouble starts.

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I was mostly a lurker at reddit, but I'll definitely try to be more active here, especially in this early phase of migrating away from reddit

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I was looking for a reddit alternative that was similar to how mastodon works and found lemmy. I don't like mastodon very much, but I thought the mastodon concept works much better when you have smaller communities decentralized over multiple instances. Kind of like all those bb-forums back in the day, but through a single interface/client.

So naturally, I do like Lemmy but it still kind of has the same problems I have with Mastodon. I want to go into detail in a full post at a later time, but in general it comes down to the user experience not being great. I have quite a lot of ideas for improvements

I'd love to hear your ideas on improvements. I've got one or 2 myself and just like hearing other people's perspectives.

Alright, I usually lurk, but I started off here by creating a community of my favorite game.

yes! (and memes are the tip of the content spear)

Reddit-lurker for 9 years. Starting off with a comment event before understanding how this thing works. The sky is the limit from here on!

You lurked for 9 years without commenting? That's dedication - I think I broke somewhere in my 3rd year of redditing lol

Haha, I don't know about dedication, just never found the need to engage over there. Reddit is (was!) a source of entertainment, news and information, not conversation for me. But already from stalking a bit over here I find the conversation more positive and on point, so things might change for me

Let's face it. without shitposters and casuals a social network can't thrive. You need the chaotic energy it brings.

i'm going to start adding this lemmysub to my pic posts every friday for sure.

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But. . . my content is terrible. . . It's like stale chips. You'll eat them if you have to but you won't enjoy it.

I though the same and I got in the third post in the front, just try it, dont understimate your content

While I only lurked on reddit, looking forward to a fresh start without all the bots. Planning to start contributing and focus more on hobbies than doomscrolling and nonsense

I wish I could just share my enthusiasm with everybody, but I get very anxious that what I'd find interesting people will find dull or maybe even troll... that's something I experienced with actual Reddit, I guess, and now it has carried over pretty much everywhere. I'll try my best because I want to contribute to a better experience not just for me but everybody!

People here is so nice I dont know why but the problem is when more people join It will be harder to keep the peace so more mods will join and keep the peace

It's definitely going to be harder when there are more different personalities mingling together. It doesn't help some people just want to see the world burn no matter what the cost... while I want to say, "Enjoy it while it lasts!" I don't want to have that kind of scenario be the default. At the end of the day, we gotta make sure we contribute into making this space the space we want it to be, and that means reporting whatever we can that break the rules, posting quality content, and just being a decent person in general. We got this, internet friend! :)

Dear Faye, thanks for sharing because I feel the same way and have the same type of anxiety when it comes to posting. Many times I finish a draft and then delete it instead of posting because I think "who cares? Someone else said something similar."

But your post has motivated me to contribute more. Thanks!

I'm very very happy to hear that! I look forward to seeing you around :D

I spent 12 years of my life reading walls of text on Reddit because I knew they were authentic pieces of someone else's life they were sharing on the internet.

The most interesting posts are the ones that go in depth on some random niche topic that you'd expect no one to care about. Be it an Indie game with 5 players, or a random reptilian species with a cool ability.

So yes, I care! I doubt I'm alone in that regard. Please do post your thoughts 😁

Sidenote: this was before the era of ChatGPT, but I highly doubt a significant number of people are going to intentionally waste others' time by posting ChatGPT generated content.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I just got into an argument with someone complaining about the blackouts (trolling I guess) on another community. So exhausting. These will always exist, I guess.

Some individuals just get off annoying people, unfortunately. Ignore, report, and engage with somebody else seems to work most of the time! I hope this won't wear us down!

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Was a total lurker in reddit. No accounts, nothing. Just browsing the subreddits.

But I joined lemmy just to help the cause. And put up a good fight.

Yeah. I'm seeing myself using it more and more.

I'm really liking it, too. I was fairly active commenting on Reddit, was a user for over 15 years, but this feels good.

It's way better participating. I lurked on Reddit and things like it for years before I got the courage to speak up. I was so afraid of saying the wrong thing. Eventually I realized I'm not nearly the dumbest one, who cares lol.


For me it wasn't about fear. I was just too lazy to make an account XD

But yeah, participating is more fun than watching for sure.

I've been a lurker on reddit for the most part and it seems easier to talk on Lemmy. I guess because it's a smaller community, or because your instance feels a little more private.

Yeah, it definitely feels like there is less pressure in commenting

part of it may be that reddit has become so big it's almost like shouting into the void.

Once a post has >300 comments, the only way to have a meaningful conversation is to add to the top-level comments. And soon the top-level comments are all nested with relevant and irrelevant comments.

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Easier said than done. Every time I try to post something it just hangs.

I'm finding that often (not always), the little submit icon just never stops spinning. I can open the page in a new tab or browser, and the comment is there, so obviously it did finish submitting, but in the original tab/window, it just spins forever.

Same thing is happening to me. I am assuming it has to do with the amount of traffic the instance is getting. Wonder what can be done to help alleviate the issue as it's been happening to me since I joined a few days ago.

I think this is my first post?

But yeah same here, most of my issues come from stability as of right now, otherwise Lemmy is fantastic.

Woohoo... First comment :)

Welcome, hyperslob!

Thanks cookiecollision.

I've just discovered the app Jerboa. It's available for Android, don't know about Apple. Not shilling but it's a great experience really. I was using Relay for Reddit and I feel right at home. Really have to recommend it!

Finding it challenging to get my head around this federation concept but I have a kbin.social account also. Hopefully someone will make a good YouTube introduction to the whole affair. Happy to be here, and hats off to the Devs.

Day one here for me, also using Jerboa on Android. So far it's working perfex@!+/"""

I use the web version because the app has some bugs

I just don't like using web versions of stuff. I like apps. Jerboa isn't bad, and I imagine it'll improve if/when more people start using it. I just started, came from Reddit when the subs went dark, but so far I like it here, and I like Jerboa.

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I went from 15 years of lurking to making several communities and modding a couple others. This is definitely the most I've ever been engaged in online communications. I love it!

I just created my own personal community since I don't want to jump right into posting in others' communities without lurking for a while.

Folks are welcome to check it out: lemmy.world/c/utopianfiat

Cool, just dont forget to upload content

I think we stand a chance of bringing over the best parts of reddit while leaving behind all the negative aspects, I think a lot of people who lurked before (myself included, <4000 karma after 10 years) will be much more willing to engage here.

It feels they way to me already. I think assholes are more likely to stay on reddit tbh. Lol

But if my asshole stays on reddit, then how will I get reddit out of my system?

Absolutely. This feels so much better. Hopefully we dont mess it up as it grows.

I'm just chilling and getting comfy. then I'll start contributing after I feel out the vibe here.

Honestly, after spez described this protest as "noise".... I said F- that. And, now I host lemmyonline.com.

Cheers to the movement.

Did you guys keep your Reddit name to be recognizable or did you make a new one to start over??

I used my Reddit username, but only because it's the same username I use for almost everything.

When sites allow spaces in usernames, I go by "TTK Ciar", otherwise it's "ttkciar".

I'll probably get around to making some of the communities that I miss. I don't know that I have time to moderate, so it's still up in the air.

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I agree- but, I really wish some of these bugs were ironed out.

If, I was not getting random errors popping up every few minutes, and tons of latency, I would be much more willing to start putting a lot more content here.

Also, still learning how the federated communities works...

Full-time lurker here, I'm trying, but going from content consumption to content sharing is a weird mindset change.

Try starting small. Reply more. Little things like that. Everything helps. Remember that we are interested in what you have in your life that you would like to tell us about.

Remember that we are interested in what you have in your life

This really hits. Cool to be a part of a small community like this:)

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If we comment even when we have nothing to say we end up with comments like 'this'

You can't tell me what to do! (Wait...)

Just joined today but currently loving the default browser layout, will see what communities are available and start making content.

i'm heeeeeeeeeeeere! I wasn't aware there were tons of people already here!

I'll start posting content as soon as the server stops being overloaded ;) My first 3-4 attempts at submitting a post timed out so far. For some reason comments seem to work fine, though.

Are you coming from lemmy.ml ? If so they been having problems for the last 3 days. Probably the influx of users coming from reddit

Its a hard habit to kick, especially for the casual user.

I am with you on that one. Reddit was getting pretty damn toxic towards the end but without any alternatives where could you go? I am glad to see so many picking up on LW.

I'm not a particularly entertaining or creative person outside of my music (which I don't think anyone would care about), but I do like to post and interact with text posts like AITA/NoStupidQuestions/ChangeMyView/etc, so I look forward to taking part there.

As someone who makes music people don't generally care about, I'd love to hear what you're up to. I also mix/master people's music for free, so if you want something touched up send me a message.

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Hello everyone! I must say that it's a bit confusing and all, especially finding new communities. But it seems like it has lots of opportunity!

Noticed the same thing. Finding instances seems easy, but not sure how to find communities within said instances.

You can use the Lemmy Community Browser. On the left you can open a menu and deselect instances where you do not want to look for communities (why, though? xD). It sometimes can take a day or so for new communities to appear in the browser.

Is there an iOS app?

I used Safari to β€œAdd to Home Screen”. It isn’t a real app but it has it’s own icon and acts like one.

This app doesn't have a layout for iPad yet. I hope lemmy gets better clients soon

But it's not on the app store (yet?), it's on testflight which is intended for beta testing.

I made a bunch of communities and subscribed to others on different instances, hope other people will post as well!

Got links? Was able to click your name to see them. Great job!

Yes, for sure we need content, but it's not helping for all us Reddit refugees to start spamming crap. What's needed here is good content.

It will happen as all the new users get settled and comfortable. If Reddit is an example, there will always be fewer people who create posts than people commenting, and fewer people commenting than lurking. It's human nature.

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It was the same for me at Bluesky. I rarely actually post because it was like entering a party that had already begun, and you had those cool guys that already knew each other mingling! But Lemmy World has a different tone to it haha, I'm sure that will help. #WalleyWorld

I'm trying to comment more often, but I have anxiety issues. Baby steps.

How dare you talked? Do you have no manners? /s

I didn't comment/post that much on reddit either, it's tough.

Same here. I'd often type out a comment just to delete it with the assumption that I'll get downvoted or that it'll start a comment chain of arguing.

It's been nice to see other's perspectives on this.

So far the culture on Lemmy has been so much more positive. Maybe this is just a side effect of eager early adopters using the platform.

Definitely. All we have is us here and we play a very risky game. If people get hurt they will leave or lurk which is what we DON'T want. So yeah, hopefully there won't be much issue here for a while.

What I learned over the years on Reddit is do not engage the assholes. If they comment and it’s hateful or they’re being a jerk in a reply just don’t reply back and if they just won’t quit the block option is your friend.

Also to only sub to mostly positive communities. Places like idiotsincars end up with more argument/pedantic comment chains. Not worth it.

You control what you see.

I had almost a universally positive experience once I figured that out.

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I think the hardest thing to overcome will be community duplication across instances. When searching for my old subreddit subscriptions' parallels, I had to dive into the duplicated communities a few times to see which one had more posts/were more active.

Of course, the gentlemanly thing to do when creating a community would be to check first, but that's obviously not happening all the time. Then there's what to do if one gets created; should the instance admins get reports and yeet them if it's determined to be a copy?

I think the fediverse is inherently different than the "normal" Internet. The way I'm thinking about it now is that each instance is a bit like it's own town, and the activitypub protocol is the road infrastructure connecting each town. There may very well be a group of technologists in Town A, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making their own group in Town B.

That being said, it's very beneficial to be able to gather all of these disparate communities into one place, and going back to the analogy, this would be something like a city center, where many people from smaller communities come together.

Perhaps in the future, we'll be able to create our own feeds (i.e not just subscribed, local, and all). I think that would be a solid way to handle things. Bonus points if those feeds can then be shared with others, so that they don't also need to go through the work of finding and subscribing to the individual communities that make up the greater feed.

Yeah, this mirrors my thoughts. There should be a way to combine subreddits with the same name, from the users' perspective. Kind of like making a multireddit for yourself.

I have no idea if the technology allows for an implementation of that multislice with multiple slices with the same name but different instance, but I hope it does because it sounds interesting. At least from a user perspective.

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undefined> subreddit subscriptions’ parallels

But for example, /c/chatgpt community on infosec.pub instance might have different conversations to other /c/chatgpt communities on other instances, as (I presume) there's a lot of industry/tech/infosec heads on that instance. So someone looking for a community can see them all and decide if what instance's community right for them.

Whereas on Reddit, there can be only one /r/chatgpt, so you have to find adjacent subreddits.

I've seen that as well, but that existed on reddit and even IRL - religions and clubs nearly overlapping due to either disagreements or lack of awareness of each other predates the internet by centuries.

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I have been trying to upping my game from Liking to Commenting. Still didn't have Idea to post though, lol...

I lurked reddit for years before I made my first comment. Some of the larger subreddits still feel so hostile I rarely posted on them. Enjoying the feel of this place though.

Yeah I feel this place has more of a community vibe than reddit.

good point. For the first time ever I am now a mod - wish me luck. Re-introducing: /c/theyknew

One of my issues is I can't just click that in Jerboa. And if I could, what instance is it even on? Hmmm.

Mine too. And I wish I could have tapped on your reply to get back to the context of the thread. Early days I guess.

Anyway i have included the full link now - thanks for pointing this out.

I found some instance settings mean that not all communities in other instances show up in jerboa. If thats the case then going to your instances home page on the web, searching communities there by url and pasting the full url of the community on the other instance may fix..

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I'd also like to post more but worry that I'm being narcissistic...Not everyone likes my weirdly-tuned ukulele music.

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I've already been enjoying posting to Lemmy/etc much more than I ever did Reddit.

Reddit always felt so set-in-stone and unchanging to the point that it made me feel like I arrived "late" to the party even though my first Reddit account was in I think 2015. Once somebody claimed a subreddit with an easy-to-remember name that was largely it, and if you disagreed with their moderating style you had to suck it up or make your own with a more obtuse name.

With Lemmy since everything's decentralized it feels much more... I guess open? If someone makes a !gamedev community that has iffy moderation issues or whatnot, I or someone else can also make a !gamedev comm on another instance without it being a problem at all.

Or with a bit of tech know-how and a few bucks, you can start your own instance, with blackjack and gamedev.

In fact, forget the blackjack.

I honestly almost started my own instance a while back, I was looking at kbin and the far more obscure lotide. I opted not to though because I already run an Akkoma instance and I don't wanna take on the load of having to maintain and moderate more fedi instances lol

100%. No one is here from my niche interest so I made a community and I'm going to post in it every day.

πŸ‘€ if we just make content about saying that we should make content does it count as actual content?

Hey! I'm keeping this as it's targeted at new users from Reddit. However, in future please find another community to post this on, because it is not related to the lemmy.world instance specifically.

So you were going to remove this extremely important message for Lemmy growth only because you think it is targeted towards Lemmy users? It is targeted toward lemmy.world and Lemmy users thats why I putted it there, the message is more important than just being wrong community. The message is important. It is the second most upvoted post for a reason

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I would post images first and foremost, but I've veen having troubles doing so. Maybe in a few hours I'll be able to post some OC memes or something of the sort

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Time for this to go back to the top.

It would be good if an admin pinned a message like this but temporary, like 1 month

I have always been a lurker on reddit and most social media, but Lemmy does make me want to contribute with posting and commenting.

One thing I miss and intend to build as I get more time is indexes and big posts I saw in subreddits of my interest, it would be a good thing to start migrating to Lemmy, for example.

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Just did my part by posting my pup in the cute cats and dogs thing.

That's what I've been trying to do myself. I'm really not an interactive kind of person on these online communities. I'm almost always a lurker, but I'm really trying to push myself to be more active, because I want an open-source and federated Reddit alternative (and ActivityPub in general) to succeed!

This comment is my first contribution to the platform. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing yet, but I'll figure it out.

My worry is that I only started a year or so ago on that other platform, and most of my contributions are comments and some photos when I can get my garbage podunk internet to let me upload the latest smoked meat or garden haul. I don't think I'm a "laying the groundwork" type of user, honestly. If there are any guides or walkthrough on navigating instances and whatnot, I'm all eyes.

I already reeeeeally miss a couple wonderful communities. But I want the best versions of them here, if at all. I'd love to help expand this place.

I guess there could be worse first comments for an account.

ETA: spelling is hard.

I better start seeing smoked meats posted on this shit. Got any recommendations for quality beef jerky or anything of the like that will ship in the States? You've got me hungry now.

I guess tonight I learn how to make a smoker instance(?)!

Just did a 10lb Boston butt for a cabin trip this past weekend. May have a few photos...

Also, sorry, but zero idea on beef jerky that ships. Are you meaning like a brand of some that can be purchased online? I'll do some research! Orrrrrr... Once I figure it out, you can post that question in the smoker Instance!

Already spammed "shitposting" community with...shitposts. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

i would post but for now i don't have anything to post. I was more of a commenter on reddit anyway

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Hello everyone! I must say that it's a bit confusing and all, especially finding new communities. But it seems like it has lots of opportunity!

I've been sorting by All/New and have found quite a few good communities so far. It's not a great solution but it works pretty well.

First I need to understand how all this works. fedia, lemmy, mastadon, fediverse, etc. I don't really understand what it all is and how it works. Suggestions from one user to another from a different "place" don't translate. Someone told me to look at /all. Like, where is that? I don't see anything like that. It's all a confusing, jumbled mess. It's melting my brain and I don't know if I can stick around. I don't see any kind of notifications either, so if someone responds to me, I probably won't see it unless I remember where I posted and to go manually check.

It's a good mentality to have.

I kept looking for communities and not finding them, so I started making them. Then adding posts to those communities, and to my surprise people do come and upvote and comment.

ads are terrible lurker candy. some are just scrolling ads. they will miss them telling them what to do

Is there a way for people to express interest in new communities, and for people to help set them up and circulate when it's there?

I know it doesn't exactly seem hard, but it's enough of a barrier for someone who's already feeling hesitant.

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