Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try

bighatchester@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 115 points –

Alot of the time I'll be playing will be in-between calls at work so being able to pause any time is important. The only one I've played is god of war but I never finished it .


Titanfall 2 has a great gameplay and surprisingly good story with the added bonus to not try to lock you in for 300 hours for no reason with stupid boring side quest or "activities".

I would start with that.

Titanfall 2 is an amazing game. It's single player is one of the best - it never gets stale as there's always a new mechanic, both as a 'pilot' (soldier) or in a titan, to master or a twist you didn't see coming. The story itself is top notch, and it's length is good.

If I remember right, you can pause at anytime, even in cutscenes. They're not long though.

Plus, the multiplayer has been fixed just recently so you can vs others in some of the best feeling combat any game has to offer.

I've never played the others though, so feel free to go with them.

I’ll second this. The gameplay is super tight and intuitive, and easy to play in bite-sized chunks. The story is more thoughtful and interesting than it has any right to be. I was really shocked how much I enjoyed this game, it completely took me by surprise. Only downside imo is that the actual storyline is short, like just a few hours. Pretty good replay value though.

Only downside imo is that the actual storyline is short, like just a few hours.

People tend to understate how short the campaign is. Phrases like "it never gets old" are used, but it's true because, as you mentioned, the campaign is one of the shortest you'll find in anything close to a AAA game.

Edit: Not to say it's not a great game, because I think it is. But it's a great game that you'll finish in potentially a single sitting.

Wow I didn't realize titan fall had a single player that sounds great

Titanfall 2. Its the only game I've ever played to successfully integrate time travel in a way that makes sense and feels good. They could have built an entire game around that mechanic alone and you only get it for a single level.

Also, the campaign in general is top-notch storytelling for an FPS.

Titanfall 2 might fit that scenario the best. Great story but easily payable, lots of quick action, not crazy long and pretty much on rails unless you're a collectible completionist.

Wow, surprised nobody recommended God of War. It’s by a mile better than any other game in the franchise, won game of the year if memory serves right. And then when you play that one you get to roll into Ragnorok which is arguably even better.

Do you need to have played the earlier games for it?

I got this with my PS4. I already had the GOW 1&2 collection for PS3, so I figured I'd beat those and maybe get 3 first. But the first game is... rough. I'd say it hasn't aged well, but honestly I don't think it holds up to its contemporaries well.

I played it on-and-off for a few years now and finally beat it a couple weeks ago. I'm debating if I even want to bother with the 2nd game now.

I would say no. The earlier games are very very different types of games. If you played the earlier games, I think you'll appreciate Kratos' journey more but it's not necessary, imo.

Definitely not, I played GoW 2018 first. I loved it so much that I went back and played every other previous GoW before GoW Ragnarok came out. The others are very different (but still very fun) games, and it definitely makes you appreciate Kratos' story better, but they are by no means essential.

Like everyone said, nope not at all. I played a couple of them, but there’s a nifty YouTube video chronicling his journey in Greece!

It's not required to play the previous games, there is some reference to them and the emotional impact of one scene may be diminished but that's about it. I'm sure there are video recaps you can watch if you decide to skip the previous titles

Titanfall 2 is an absolute gem. All of those games are great, but my love (and vote) falls on titanfall

Horizon: Zero Dawn is an incredibly good game. The story is amazing. I think you should play it next. I haven’t played any of the other games, though.

I will second this. I am a casual gamer - it is very uncommon for me to 100% a game. I put 120 hours in this game. It thought it was brilliant. Shooting arrows just feels great, Aloy is an awesome character, the world is dope, and I really enjoyed the unique story line. There are so many secrets and things to find. I highly recommend

Thanks for all the great feedback. I'm going to start with titan fall 2 and if I don't have armoured core 6 by the time it's done I'll probably finally play through god of war.

BioShock! The others are going to take 10 years to get through, even though they’re all a good time. 😅

I wish I could play BioShock again for the first time. It's an incredible game and absolutely holds up.

I liked but also kinda hated bioshock. All of them together. They are good games but all three show their age already.

Horizon was enjoyable enough but it's the same post apocalyptic plotline I have seen in a few other games and movies, one I could list without having to look up if I knew how to spoiler tag.

GoW is excellent and it's all about Mimir. I legit want Ragnarok on PC just for more Mimir. Please and thank you. My only gripe with the game is I went to do a bunch of side quests during the chapter where Atreus had his little shit phase and the dialogue became really weird and his attitude kept doing all kinds of flips and shit. My rec is progress main until he gets over himself before any backtracking.

Titanfall no idea, never heard of it.

I'd start with Bioshock. It's definitely worth playing, but probably a bit dated feeling now. I really like HZD, it's excellent, but God of War is by far my favorite. Combat is incredible, story is an awesome "not revisionist history" of mythology, and Chris Judge as Kratos is just 👌

All good choices but I say go back and finish God of War first.

I vote for GoW, but if you are looking to snowball it, play TF2 first since the campaign is short but awesome! Then GoW. It's decently long, but mostly linear. Then after that, probably Bioshock for similar reasons. Finish it off with Horizon, which can be as wide open as you want it to be, but you can also mainline the main quests to get a more streamlined story experience.

Also, I'm the lead mod over on !playstation@lemmy.world so come join us over there if you haven't already!

Horizon Zero Dawn is a good game in that it is pretty, has an interesting world, and has good combat mechanics, but it is open-world in the worst way possible. It has hundreds of meaningless side quests, the rewards for which are literally just loot boxes of crafting components (often times just containing more loot boxes). Also the voice acting for most NPCs is inexcusably bad and breaks immersion, but that's a minor gripe.

If you play Horizon, I honestly recommend sticking close to the main story and making a b-line for the end. It is a hugely bloated game.

All amazing. God of War has such a wonderful moving story and great combat. Horizon Zero Dawn is an expansive open world game with also a great story. It also has a lot of additional info in discoverable content, like logs to read and sound clips. So, it depends on how deep you want to dive, but I'd recommend both those games. God of war is more challenging on higher difficulties. I loved them both. Probably Horizon Zero Dawn just a little better than God of War, but then, I loved God of War Ragnarok more than Horizon Forbidden West.

Damn. I loved horizon, but gow... Now you're making me want to play it again and all you had to do was show me the box. I have like 1,000 hours and ten playthroughs of horizon 1 too. Aaaa I'm trying to finish cyberpunk

I have only beaten the original, yet I can't wait for Norse mythology Kratos to grace my controller

titanfall is god tier, others have covered that.

horizon zero dawn i finished recently on my steam deck while travelling, it's great and you basically can pause at any time except in cutscenes, which is a bit annoying when something comes up during important story points.

bioshock i guess is not really my cup of tea, but i didn't find that i was able to put it down and pick it back up. the game overall is quite slow, and all the branching paths means you can easily waste a lot of time.

Bioshock aged poorly. Controversial take I know. Bioshock 2 has pretty slick combat still but aside from that narratively they aged like milk and BS1 combat is only fun if you do ice wrench build lol