Every time

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 897 points –

"You see, the short hair means she's a no-nonsense badass, but the long hair indicates she still has a soft, vulnerable, feminine side that can be won over by the male interest leading to the obligatory gratuitous sex scene, right before he is killed by the aliens."

See also: Karlach in BG3

Nah, Karlach doesn't have a soft feminine side to be won over by a male protagonist just before they die dramatically

She has a golden retriever side that can and will hump the leg of anyone who's down soon as you get her engine insulated.

Bobby is such a good character, the actress nailed it.

When I first saw her casting, I was doubtful. But she was spectacular and completely flipped my opinion. Same with Amos. They producers really did a great job finding great actors.

Avasarala was perfect from the first frame. She walked off the pages of the book.

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Where is she from? TV or movie or what?

The Expanse. Spectacular books with an excellent 6-season TV series.

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Bobbi Draper is exactly what a hot badass should look like.

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I've seen her somewhere, but I can't remember the move title ๐Ÿค”

Thatโ€™s it. It was from Baby Got Boobs 14. Thank you. It was on the tip of my tongue. And I just rewatched it like last week, too.

Does it hold up after a rewatch?

Yes, but not as well as Christy Gets Spanked Smacked Fucked Sucks and Sucked In The Wood Shop. That one was touching.

Oh shit! She was in 2 Chicks Same Time 15545?! I loved the 15500s, what a legendary run! Once the series got into the 15Ks, the cinematography and acting really picked up! Shame about the crash of 16169...

I really tried to pack this into a witty joke comment, but... that's Christy Mack. I don't think she's been into space yet tho.

Well, I mean...

Does THAT count, or...?

Meme is funny, comments take it too serious. Like all the time.

What is up with that? I sometimes get the most serious, pedantic comments on shitposts.

I dont know, has some serious reddit vibes for me. It was all that animosity i fled in the first place. Not sure what to do at this time because normally enjoy reading comments but not like this. I hope it gets better.

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Movie barber

Back when Burger King had crown shaped nuggets, I was drunk in the back of my friends car, and I called them king hats as he pulled out of the drive thru.

He slammed on the brakes, turned around with a twisted smile, and repeated back to me eagerly, "King hatsโ€ฝ".

I guess that's another reason why I like "Edge of Tomorrow" so much

Care to elaborate what this is about?

The character described is often given the haircut in the image.


I must admit - it does add to the tough look... ๐Ÿค”

Found the movie barber.

Could also just be the general audience. There's a reason they sport that look

Every single time there is a โ€œbadass womanโ€ fighter character, especially in space/bounty hunting/an apocalyptic future, she looks just like this. This haircut, this face, neck tattoo, etc. it gives her a reason for being fit/skinny with huge boobs and to wear torn clothing thatโ€™s always torn to show a little cleavage and midriff.

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