Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog to Lemmy – 352 points –

Polite sex is when you shake hands before and after.

That can't be it. I never had a son (that i know of).

Oh no, I should make some calls.

I guess that's why Hank Hill had Bobby and not a daughter

I would hope that this is a very well-done satire, but religion rots people's brains, so... I can't be that sure.

That's because you paid for butt sex and now your soul Spirit will disintegrate

Jokes on you, bucko, rats are cute and round and snuggly and soft and cute and don't have a daily stress from the exam season 😭

I'd rather be a rat rn honestly

...Buuut "Bad food in sewer" ! Though to be fair the rats in NYC have a really nice fast food and pizza diet so...

Edit: tbf I don't even know what they ment by that LOL

Entertainer + homo people -> Entertain dog * Michael Jackson *

I mean, I wasnt gay before, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.

Is this like some weird evangelical Buddhist bullshit? Like, any sex that's enjoyable results in being reincarnated as a dog, or insect?

isnt the punishment of reincarnation as animals a hindu thing?

No, that's a core belief of Buddhism. You move up or down as you achieve--or lose--enlightenment, and once you've extinguished all desire, you achieve enlightenment and nirvana. Hindu might also have beliefs in reincarnation, but IDK.

See, this is one belief system that is easy to disprove. Just look at all the people. Can anyone honestly say they've worked their way up? Are humans really the cream of the enlightenment crop?

Huh? No, of course you can't, because you'd first have to be able to prove that any person in question had lived a previous life, and that kind of belief isn't falsifiable.

If the whole thing could be proven or disproven, then it would be science and not religion.

Is this a warning or a manual?

1: weird manual

2: ?????


They should improve the quality of food in sewers so that those who bought sex and thus reincarnated as rats and cockroaches can get a second chance in their next lives

Is this like the Thai version of Dr Bronner's or the Time Cube?

You're spot on, total Dr Bronner-syphilis-riddled-scrawlings-vibes here...

(Jokes aside, I like Dr Bronner soap - apparently they run a decent company too)

This just shows you how many hoops people are willing to jump through to justify their bigotry.

This would be better in the form of a song titled "more sex more problem" set to tune of MO money MO problems.