When you let boomers run social media accounts

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 793 points –

If you add "ing" to a noun it is the verb form. Thus using Edge is Edging

I totally already use this for work and I work in a VERY serious industry... if anything it's catching on haha

You and your coworkers are all Edging at work?

2 more...

This is gonna be millennials in about 10 years. Gen-Z is already making fun of millennial core.

back in my day, we had to post memes updog both ways

Pfft, millennial slang is so weird. I mean, what's updog?

What is updog? I'm aurtistic so I missed a lot of stuff growing up being a weird self isolating nerd lol


I disagree completely. Millennials on average make an effort to embrace gen-z slang. And millenials actually respect the fact that new gens have new lingo. And they're open to change. Boomers just fucking hate all newer gen lingo and think that their language is superior because boomers only care about themselves. I think millenials will continue to be flexible when it comes to adopting newer slang. Sure. Younger gens will always make fun of the olds, and that's to be expected, and it's understandable, but it won't be nearly as bad as millenials making fun of their boomer parents for being completely tone deaf.

Also, what is updog?

Millennial here. I dislike gen z talk. It adds noise. Fr fr, no cap

Why use many words when few do trick.

And then there's us Gen-X folk standing off to the side watching other generations bitch at each other because they always forget about us. Maybe we just need to be called "The Forgotten Generation".

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May be better suited to lemmynsfw.

It's text.

Unless your boss is actively reading your screen or it makes you so damn hot you can't contain yourself, it's safe for work.

It’s a dumb, hopeful prompt, as usual for social media managers.

Tangentially, I’m not sure I get the continued Edge hate. It’s not as nice as Firefox, but I’d gladly choose Edge over Chrome when using a site that requires WebKit. It at least means tabs go to sleep, and Microsoft gets to remove Google’s tracking (and, admittedly, add their own)

(not trolling, genuinely curious) how does edge help with anything WebKit? i thought it uses Chromium under the hood too

I think you're misinterpreting their words

Edge uses the chrome engine, they're saying that for sites that break on a non webkit browser, they use edge before chrome

Try saying that after the 20th time Windows pops up to "persuade" you to switch back to Edge.

You fucking banned e621 in my state, all I can do is edge now

I have been using edge for more it’s bing chat engine to make the ai make my fetish materials

They knew what they were doing

Last time I used Windows (for browsing) it was still the explorer. Is that obnoxious paper clip still a thing?

Haven't seen it in years. Edge is also a decent browser for when you need it. I use Firefox 99.9 percent of the time but for the odd site that it won't load edge works just fine.

Edge is chromium anyway with some added tracking