The Senate just voted 72-11 to kill Sanders resolution to have the State Department report Israel's human rights abuses against Palestinians to politics – 543 points –
Senate Kills Measure to Scrutinize Israeli Human Rights Record as Condition for Aid

Senate Kills Measure to Scrutinize Israeli Human Rights Record as Condition for Aid

Sen. Bernie Sanders forced a vote on the resolution, which would have opened the door for Congress to freeze U.S. aid to Israel.

Prem Thakker January 16 2024, 8:54 p.m.

On Tuesday, the Senate voted down a resolution that would have set the stage for Congress to place conditions on U.S. military aid to Israel — quashing what has so far been the most serious effort on Capitol Hill to hold the U.S. ally to account for its brutal assault on Gaza.

Introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in December, the resolution would have required the State Department to submit a report to Congress about allegations of Israel committing human rights violations, and whether and how the U.S. played a role and responded to such acts. If the bill had passed and the State Department failed to submit the report within 30 days, U.S. aid to Israel would have been frozen. If the State Department had submitted a report to Congress, however, U.S. aid to Israel could have come to a vote, giving Congress the option to condition, restrict, or terminate security assistance to Israel (or to do nothing at all). Such votes would have required only a simple majority for passage.

When it came to a vote Tuesday evening, the Senate voted 72-11 to table the resolution, effectively killing it.

“It’s frankly historic that this vote took place at all,” said Andrew O’Neill, the legislative director for the political advocacy group Indivisible. “The number of senators willing to take a vote like this even weeks ago, on the face of it, would have been zero.” DEIR AL-BALAH, GAZA - NOVEMBER 7: Civil defense teams and citizens continue search and rescue operations after an airstrike hits the building belonging to the Maslah family during the 32nd day of Israeli attacks in Deir Al-Balah, Gaza on November 7, 2023. (Photo by Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Read our complete coverage Israel’s War on Gaza

Israel receives billions of dollars per year in U.S. aid, making it the largest recipient of American security assistance in the world. In the wake of Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, President Joe Biden asked Congress to approve an additional $14 billion in aid to the country, whose retaliatory war on Gaza has killed more than 24,000 Palestinians.

Sanders’s resolution was based on the Foreign Assistance Act, which prohibits the American government from providing security assistance to any government “which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.” Section 502B(c) of the law empowers Congress to request information on a country’s human rights practices, which Sanders took advantage of to force this vote.

“The Senators who lent their support to this resolution did so in spite of enormous political pressure,” O’Neill said, noting that, for decades, there has been a bipartisan status quo of not scrutinizing assistance to Israel. “The 502B process had never been used before, and now that tool is on the table. These are lonely votes, but votes that can be the start of something bigger.”

The votes in support for Sanders’s resolution came almost entirely from Democratic senators: Laphonza Butler of California, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, and Peter Welch of Vermont. Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote against tabling the resolution.

Van Hollen told The Intercept that it’s important for the Senate to get the information required by the proposed report. “That’s important for transparency and I think taxpayers have a right to know how their funds are being used.”

Speaking with reporters ahead of the vote, Warren said, “Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to understand that he does not get a blank check from the United States Congress.”

She continued: “The Senate has had a role in overseeing our military involvement overseas running back to the drafting of the Constitution. We have a responsibility to stand up now and say that given how Netanyahu and his right-wing war cabinet have prosecuted this war, we have serious questions that we are obligated to ask before we go further.” Most Read OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” Sam Biddle At The Hague, Israel Mounted a Defense Based in an Alternate Reality Jeremy Scahill In Genocide Case Against Israel at The Hague, the U.S. Is the Unnamed Co-Conspirator Jeremy Scahill

Some Democratic senators who voted to kill the resolution told The Intercept they were concerned about Israeli human rights abuses, but they did not think Sanders’s proposal was the way to address them. Others, mostly Republicans, deflected from questions about Israel’s conduct during the war.

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., said he was opposed to the resolution because the timeline for potential congressional action would have conflicted with the aims of Israel’s war. “It doesn’t make a lot of sense to be conditioning a military campaign engaged in by an ally,” he said. He added that “there’s no question if there are allegations, they will be the subject of scrutiny and review,” but said he doesn’t think the resolution is the right approach.

Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., explained his opposition to the resolution by pointing out that 502B(c) has never been used in its 50-year history, and that he prefers a measureOpens in a new tab introduced by Van Hollen. That amendment would require weapons received by any country under Biden’s proposal for supplemental aid to Israel and Ukraine to be used in accordance with U.S. law, international humanitarian law, and the law of armed conflict.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who has a record of scrutinizing human rights abuses by U.S. allies, voted against the resolution. He told The Intercept that he supports Israel’s right to defend itself and that he has deep reservations about the way it has conducted its campaign, but he doesn’t support measures “potentially designed to cut off funding for Israel.” The resolution, he said, is a vehicle toward completely cutting off aid to Israel. “I don’t think that’s the right move for Congress at this time,” he said.

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., told The Intercept that he is “sensitive” to the allegations of human rights abuses by Israel, and that he understands Sanders’s sensitivity to “trying to keep the collateral damage down, and I think everybody would be for that.” Still, he said, he opposed the resolution “because I think it then draws attention away from how it started, and how it has to be litigated, and that’s not easy,” referring to Hamas’s attack on October 7 and Israel’s stated aim of rooting out the organization.

Asked if he thought Israel was doing enough to mitigate civilian casualties, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., told The Intercept that “they need to kill every Hamas member and anybody that dies in Gaza is a result of Hamas.” He voted against the resolution.

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., referred to Hamas’s attack on Israel as he explained his opposition to the resolution. “To give them respite would be to allow them to do it again,” he told The Intercept. When asked whether Israel is doing enough to protect civilians, Cassidy repeated a frequent Israeli government talking point about Hamas, saying that “when you build your tunnels with your commanders beneath mosques, hospitals, and schools, then you have created an environment where it’s difficult to prevent civilian injury.”

On his way to vote against the resolution, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, told The Intercept that he has been consistent with his position on the issue. “Of course it does,” he said when asked if he’s concerned about the number of casualties in Gaza. Asked if Israel is doing enough to mitigate the casualties, he responded simply: “Good talking to you,” as the Senate elevator doors closed.


A Jewish man with a family full of holocaust victims says we should try to not support genocide and gets brutally shut down. That's some fun irony

The people shutting it down don't care about the genocide but the money from military industrial complex.

A Jewish man with a family full of holocaust victims says we should try to not support genocide and gets brutally shut down. That’s some fun irony

And Israeli lobbying companies!

Dont forget those.

Yee, wouldn't want to out yourself as an antisemite (someone who opposes Palestinian genocide) and lose that AIPAC money

Many American Jews, including myself, stand with Bernie and I hope that's more widely-known than I think it is.

Yeah people conflating being against Israel and being an antisemite, it’s disgusting. Love my Jewish bros, hate this fucking death machine apartheid 2.0 shit Israel is.

It's not surprising in the slightest, considering the one official Jewish state is the one committing genocide.

If you need any evidence that both sides are fully capable of cooperating to pass legislation and that their animosity towards each other is theater, look no further than the bills they quickly push through together with little to no opposition.

They are holding the bill for helping Israel, because Democrats tried it with Ukraine help, which Republicans desperately want to split so they could pass the one for Israel. So there's that

This just in: 72% of the senate don't give a fuck about the lives and human rights of innocent Palestinians, more than half of which are children.

These despicable genocide apologists need to be confronted about it wherever they go. They should not have a moment's peace until they stop enabling the war crimes of an apartheid regime that brutally terrorizes every man, woman and child in Gaza (and most of those in the West Bank) every moment of every day.

Not even remotely surprising. Imagine if China had a CCPPAC American lobbyist group that lobbies aggressively for Chinese Communist Party interests and is one of the biggest players in DC. Unlimited bribe money for politicians.

That’s what AIPAC is. Israel’s lobbyist presence in DC, and they support both parties. The money flows forever as long as you toe the line for Israel no matter what.

The money flows forever as long as you toe the line for Israel no matter what.

And the moment they deem you not deferential enough to the apartheid regime, it flows to your main opponents and ads by AIPAC itself attacking you as an "enemy of Israel" or whatever bullshit they come up with.

Since we are talking about parties, if you check, there were no exceptions from the Republican side, all 11 people who voted with Bernie were Democrats.

Also current aid to Israel is held in the House, because it is tied to Ukraine help. Republicans actually are demanding to split it separately, because they only want to find Israel.

there were no exceptions from the Republican side

"Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote against tabling the resolution."

You didn't even have to open the article man.

Since we are talking about parties, if you check, there were no exceptions from the Republican side, all 11 people who voted with Bernie were Democrats.

Surprisingly, though, 15 abstainees were republicans. I think those are the people who wanted to approve but didn't want their party to eat them alive. Not trying to defend the GOP, but that detail deserves to be brought up.

So they're cowards? Not really any better.

Yeah true. Just mentioning that it's not like Republicans unanimously rejected the proposal, for the sake of intellectual honesty.

AIPAC is nowhere near as powerful as you are claiming. 21.6 million in contributions since 1990 and 58.5 million dollars in donations since 1998. That's absolute peanuts. From 1998 to 2023, about 74.8 billion dollars were spent by various interest groups on federal lobbying in the US. AIPAC constitutes a small fraction of a percent. That is far from unlimited. At most, one might argue that they are using their limited funds effectively.

The actual reason for why American politicians are overwhelmingly pro-Israel is that the two countries have strong economic, military, cultural and scientific ties. It's a symbiotic relationship that has flourished since the late '60s, after a somewhat rocky start in the 1940s, when on one hand, America was the first to recognize Israel's statehood, but on the other hand enforced an arms embargo against it (which the young nation had to find creative ways around). It's no coincidence that Intel's influential Israeli subsidiary for example was founded in 1974, as the US-Israeli relationship was deepening. Today, the American military is for example using missile defense systems invented in Israel, from the Iron Dome to Trophy.

These objective reasons are important across the political spectrum. The far-right also has an irrational obsession with Israel due to their belief that the end times will start there, but that's secondary.

Nice human response. AIPAC formed a SuperPAC that obscures how much money they use to bribe American politicians

The outright bribery of public officials is technically legal and basically everyone with wealth and privilege does it.

What’s weird about AIPAC is that an overtly state-sponsored organization is allowed to do so brazenly. There are usually shell companies and plausible deniability involved when state actors bribe US politicians.

What’s weird about AIPAC is that an overtly state-sponsored organization is allowed to do so brazenly.

After Citizen's United, that's just fine, unfortunately. Putin himself could fund the Russia Controls Republicans Super PAC and that would be fine.

"Today, the American military is for example using missile defense systems invented in Israel, from the Iron Dome to Trophy." I just looked this up and it seems you are right, they created the system of defense but also had over 2 Billion in investment for the system. Would that defense exist without the support given? It's a complicated issue but the brutal response doesn't seem appropriate.

Found the shill. I hope AIPAC or whatever other de facto part of the fascist apartheid regime is at least paying you well.

I'd hate for anyone to work that hard at licking fascist boots for free, and every Shekel going to superfluous propagandists like you is a Shekel not going directly to trying to eradicate Palestinians.

since it's not otherwise listed, the 11 are:

Butler (D-CA)

Heinrich (D-NM)

Hirono (D-HI)

Lujan (D-NM)

Markey (D-MA)

Merkley (D-OR)

Paul (R-KY)

Sanders (I-VT)

Van Hollen (D-MD)

Warren (D-MA)

Welch (D-VT)


Surprising to see a republican there

Don't worry, it's Rand Paul. His vote falls squarely under "stopped clock" territory.

37 Democratic Senators are on record as being to the right of Rand Paul on genocide.

He's a contrarian at heart and an absolute bastard separate from him being republican, don't read into it

Every once in a while, the Libertarians of the world stand up and meekly say "hey.....stop that....stop that genocide.....they just want to be free. guys?"

1 more...
1 more...

“It doesn’t make a lot of sense to be conditioning a military campaign engaged in by an ally,” he said. He added that “there’s no question if there are allegations, they will be the subject of scrutiny and review,” but said he doesn’t think the resolution is the right approach.

"Hey, I just saw your brother murder someone, we need to call the cops!"

"Oh no, that's not good! But we can't call the cops, I've always supported my brother, I can't stop now when he is in trouble already!"

Your brother needs more guns to defend himself justly against possible retaliation

tfw face when there are absolutely no human rights abuses going on here, just the most moral army in the history of the world doing only what's necessary and certainly not needing any sort of oversight or accountability. they will take more of your money, though.

Though I have to say that democrats adopting the old republican talking point about segregation is an interesting development. "I'm not against what you're asking for in principle, I just don't think this is the right way to do it." to be deployed any time you need to seem in favor of something but also stop it from happening.

Though I have to say that democrats adopting the old republican talking point about segregation is an interesting development.

Though not a recent one.

10 more votes than expected.

Then you obviously know little about who is elected. It would be downright shocking if it was just Bernie’s single vote

He must have missed the PSA in the 50s about chosen people choosing genocide.

The Biden administration is really trying their hardest guys trust him. Bibi just asked for a small extension, until 2025. All Palestinians should have starved by then.

Congress votes on something.

Idiots: Look what Biden made them do!

yet another crime of genocide joe, the only politician on the planet supporting israel.

There are literally 72 senators who voted against calling it a genocide dude... But everything is the president's fault, eh?

They're astroturfing. Genocide Joe is the right's feeble attempt to get moderates and Leftists to not vote because we're such bleeding hearts. Trump supports Israel as well, as much as every other president since 1948.

do you think I meant that statement above? i understand the idea of sic but common i said only politician on the planet in my comment.

I wonder how leftists think Hamas should be removed from power?

I know, right? How are they expected to dethrone Hamas without destroying Gaza; starving, and humiliating it's people. Imagine having to report every war crime you committed, I wouldn't have any time for myself.

Not really an answer to my question. Which I think the evasion is itself an answer

Of course military action is the answer, but military action against Hamas isn't the only thing they've been doing.

80% of buildings in Gaza are destroyed or damaged, on multiple occasions we've seen the IDF destroying or tampering with property of Palestinians for no apparent reason, and we've witnessed the soldiers in Gaza rounding up civilians to "surrender" and trying to portray them as Hamas fighters. How's that necessary?

It seems like their goal is to make Gaza unlivable by destroying it's infrastructure and unleashing their rabid pigs on it's population.

Of course military action is the answer

Gonna have to strenuously disagree with you there. Fighting terrorism militarily has invariably led to MORE terrorism as all the death and destruction makes it that much easier for them to radicalize and recruit the people whose loved ones go from human beings to collateral damage statistics.

I'm not sure I know what IS the best solution, but military action is objectively a not just ineffective but extremely counterproductive "solution".

Military action has it's downsides, but the government of any nation would need to do something in a situation like this. Otherwise they'd be effectively encouraging the attackers to repeat their attack.

Taking steps in the past to make the situation better in Gaza, and in turn give people less reasons to join and support Hamas would have been better, but that ship has sailed, and they didn't want it anyways.

Military action has it's downsides

Yes, most people would consider "needless deaths of civilians while causing more terrorism" a pretty significant downside.

but the government of any nation would need to do something in a situation like this

Of course, but "something" ≠ military action.

Taking steps in the past to make the situation better in Gaza, and in turn give people less reasons to join and support Hamas would have been be better

Fixed that for you

that ship has sailed

It most certainly has not.

they didn't want it anyways.

Hamas may not, but the Palestinian civilian population which are the main victims in this most certainly do.

Yes, most people would consider “needless deaths of civilians while causing more terrorism” a pretty significant downside.

Realistically speaking: the people were furious after the attack took place, telling them that you can do nothing about it is a pretty bad idea. Besides, these side effects could have been avoided if they weren't the main objective of the IDF.

Of course, but “something” ≠ military action.

What is it then?

Fixed that for you

That could have been done in the past. Imagine Israel giving aid to Gaza right after Hamas attacked them, LOL. And to address your last point: I meant Israel never wanted a stable Gaza, not the Palestinians themselves.

telling them that you can do nothing about it is a pretty bad idea

Again, a military action is not the only possible response. Your "military or nothing" false dichotomy is beginning to grate..

What is it then?

I already told you I don't know. Luckily, you don't need to know what DOES work in order to know that a military response categorically DOESN'T WORK unless your aim is to cause MORE terrorism to happen.

Imagine Israel giving aid to Gaza right after Hamas attacked them, LOL

That would actually be a great idea. Would show Palestinians that, unlike Hamas, Israel cares about the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

They don't, of course, but pretending so could have gone a long way towards reconciliation and the erosion of Hamas' influence in Gaza.

Israel never wanted a stable Gaza

Which is objectively stupid of Israel, unless they have genocidal intentions and don't care much about innocent lives. Which they've of course demonstrated is absolutely the case.

drone strikes, small teams, espionage, choking of funding, offering of jobs ( A lot of people join terror groups not because they actually believe the shit, they don't have a lot of opportunity, read the book "Children of Jihad"), winning hearts and minds with propaganda, social services.

All invasion and decimation does is create terrorists. Israel is make ALL the same mistakes my country did after 9/11. All we did is destabilize the region, create more terrorists, and waste a ton of money and lives.

Because I can guarantee that if you invaded my home, killed my neighbors, god forbid my child, you can bet you'd create another terrorist for me, and my future generations will hate you too.

Oh sure, by killing all the civilians. Duh...

Israel is doing a shitty job of killing all the civilians then.

What makes you say that? They are setting historic records with the rate they are killing children, medical staff, UN monitors and journalists.

This is one of the safest campaigns in history. In one of the densest environments.

It's pretty amazing actually.

First step would be to stop killing civillians which creates more hamas fighters. Next step is to stop treating people in gaza like garbage so the hate to israel decreases.

I'm not a military strategist, but I think that it is very, very likely that there are ways to do it without killing thousands of children.

Israel has one of the best intelligence networks in the entire world. It's kind of their thing. They also have some of the most advanced weaponry and military hardware on the planet. Indiscriminate bombing is caveman mode for them. They have the intel. They know where Hamas is. They can go and get them Seal Team 6 style if they really want to neutralize their enemy.

They're not indiscriminate bombing though. They're using very precise strikes. Often they purposefully hit a side of a building specifically to limit casualties. Its probably the least discriminate campaign in human history.

Precise and accurate are two different things

The weapons are precise, the targets are not accurate. The civilian death toll is substantially high vs the number of Hamas fighters they have eliminated. Multiple journalists have also been targeted and killed despite being in areas deemed "safe" as israel.

Also they haven't been hitting to reduce casualties. Most strikes have been very direct as seen in all the uploaded footage, an overwhelming amount of Gaza is permanently destroyed.

Its so blatant they already killed multiple of the hostages, including the ones who actually escaped only to be shot by the IDF.

I propose flooding hamas' tunnel networks with sea water...