Why is my home feed nothing but beans?

WaffleFriends@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 520 points –

Why is my home feed on lemmy and kbin filled with posts about beans? Where did this recent obsession come from?


Don’t question it, just enjoy it. You are now part of the greater Lemmy world. In five years you can break out the ‘I have been on Lemmy since the bean incident’ and all the originals will sound off with you while the new lemmings won’t get the inside joke.

You belong now.

This is the best way to describe it and I'm 100% here for it

Yup or if you really got in early-ish you can say I was there for the poop challenge.

It's been a wild ride so far.

This is how I feel about it - excited to be part of my first inside joke on Lemmy! I have found my people!

This is the best part. Reddit had nice moments like this, back in the day. Now get off my lawn!

I think it’s mostly, if not completely (at least on my end), coming from shitpost related communities.

I’m seeing all of my bean posts specifically come from lemmyshitposts.

Also random, but my city’s subreddit last year actually founded a bean club online and then had monthly IRL meet ups where they would bring bean cans to trade.

The Lemmy front page algorithm still isn't very good. Which results in a lot of shit post quality posts jumping to the top of the "hot" sorting.

That's my favorite part of this site. Every time I open it I'm flooded by the shitwitching hour.

I love it as well. It's great to see the insanity before I switch to my subscribed feed lol. People complaining just need to learn how to manage their feed and enjoy the beans.

I think it’s worth mentioning for folks new here that there is no “algorithm” as people typically think of with sites like Facebook and Twitter. There are no levers or dials being adjusted behind the scenes, just upvote counts and comments pushing content to the top.

If I wasn't wrinkly and old I would shut down lemmy with a naked pic holding a can of beans.

Do it, you coward

I am! I just applied for my first principal job and I would hate my wrinkled ass with a can of beans kept me from it.

If the school doesn't want an administrator who whole-heartedly participated in a niche meme of a nascent retaliatory federation, is that really a school you want to be a part of?

There was a post on Lemmy yesterday that said something like “Lemmy will upvote anything this is just a photo of a tin of beans”. .. and the shitposting started. :)

I’m sticking with ‘subscribed’ for a while

I've started blocking shit posting subs. Nothing against a good shit post but it cleans up my feed without having to resort to subscribed.

How do you block subs? Is that app specific or an account feature? I used to have a good list of blocked subs in Apollo.

I'm using Liftoff but you can do it with the website too. The option shows up on the sidebar of the sub on Lemmy and on the drop down menu on Kbin (the circle with the slash).

It has always bean like that. You are just noticing it now.

I feel like you're gas lighting me, I can't be certain.

Just the right amount of gas, don’t want to over do it

It started here

My app isn't loading your link, but it better be "thinkin about them beans"

Updated the link. Working now?

Wefwef is opening your link as an external webpage instead of redirecting me to the post. That's sad since one of the first response is about porotos con riendas, that's a delicious dish.

Unfortunately I’m still a Lemmy noob so I’m not familiar with link formatting to remain in-instance. Hopefully that’s something that gets automated under the hood in the coming weeks!

No worries, noob here too, it worked eventually. I'm using a 3rd party app called Connect, and it doesn't handle links well yet lol.

That's a little like saying the story of Noah's Ark was the original flood myth. This meme's bean around for a while.

Don't worry. It's just lemmy establishing its lore. Soon the bean arc will be over, like the three-day-no-poop arc before it.

1 more...

It’s weird how different these feeds are. I only have posts about people asking about these beans posts. But no beans posts themselves whatsoever.

because we're taking the internet back to 2003 and that includes omg teh random posts being funny again *holds up spork*

I'm fine with it as long as we move on quickly. The in-jokes get a chuckle out of me for a few days, and it helps build the community feeling. Now if it lingers for months, it's gonna get real stale, but that didn't happen with the no poop stuff so I'm hopeful.

Bean related memes have been around for a bit already in other corners of the internet. We've been graced with more bean memes. Enjoy!

Oh shit, are we having our first post-migration memestorm?

Are we ready? Do we have an OutOfTheLoop community already out here somewhere?

Maybe for the people who just migrated after the API shutdown. We all already held our poop for 3 days a few weeks back.

Ahhh, the no-poop guy, back when I was still lurking trying to figure it all out.

I still wonder why he had to hold it... my guess is spending time with a crush

There was a post on Lemmy yesterday that said something like “Lemmy will upvote anything this is just a photo of a tin of beans”. .. and the shitposting started. :)

I’m sticking with ‘subscribed’ for a while

I haven't seen a single bean-related post. Perhaps you have not been minding your "block-all-memes" mandate. I hate memes and shitposts and block communities and posters that break through at every opportunity.

i unsubbed from shitpost temporarily lol

I just did the same. Maybe it's all in good fun, but I'm OOTL and I think I'll just sit this out.

I’m OOTL and I think I’ll just sit this out.

I'm fully in the loop and it still just makes me think of omg sO teh r4nd0m!! memes from 2005

like, maybe we'll revisit ragecomics next lol

the only solution to the no poop for 3 days meme is beans

Beans are an excellent source of vegetable protein and minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc. They are rich in folic acid, an element associated with the reduction of such birth defects as Spina Bifida, and they also protect against heart disease. Beans are also a good source of non-lactic calcium.

The Universe is telling you to Eat More Beans!

Seriously. I went and played Diablo for like 2 hours and I come back and it's beans as far as the eye can see

Yeah samezies, I don't know what has bean going on but would love to know

Why did you subscribe to so much bean-related content? When one finger is pointing at someone else, you've got three more pointing right back at yourself.