Nikki Haley to end presidential campaign, ceding GOP nomination to Trump

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Nikki Haley to end presidential campaign, ceding GOP nomination to Trump

A lot of people thought she was going to go all the way to the RNC, but I didn't think she would last that long.

Now the question is what they'll do if Trump gets convicted. Not every trial will be delayed until after the election.


I still feel like I'm living in crazy town knowing trump is a serious contender for the presidency again.

Hence why I think the US completely lost the plot and is an adversary rather than an ally now. The fact that he is even an option is completely ridiculous but I wouldn't even put it past them to elect him again.

If we elect him, then we deserve all the shit that will happen to our country and world. There is no better example of a "never" candidate than Donald Jackass Trump.

We aren't electing him.

23% of the population is electing him. (Not voting age, the total US population). 74,223,975 / 330,000,000. And Trump has always lost the popular vote

It's very much minority rule here.


Jackasses who don't vote don't count.

It's the percentage of people that voted that matter, that's it.

The rest of the Western world is watching thinking "please don't be dumb because we don't deserve the foreign policy consequences"...

Watch Parts Unknown when he went to West Virginia. Heart of Trump country. For good and bad it helps explain why he is the pick again.

Eh, don't believe the polls saying hes in the lead. Everything I've read said that there was significant methodology concerns with that poll and it should never been harped on by the media like it has been.

but the media wants controversy, so they glomp onto bad data because it gives them what they want.. something to drive eyes to them.

The fact that 30% of the U.S. population thinks this dementia suffering racist idiot is their messiah and will save America from downfall should scare the shit out of you.

Even if he doesn't win, there's a non-zero chance there will be violence and attempts AGAIN to overturn the results of the election.

Don't expect a smooth transition of power just bcz you want there to be.

23%. In 2020, it was 74,223,975.

74,223,975 / 330,000,000 β‰ˆ 23%.

So our country could end up being led by only 23% of the population.

I don't think he's going to win the election. That's not gonna stop extremists from acting out.

That crossed my mind to, but the way Republicans are gerrymandering districts and obstructing voting has me really worried.

Are you living in an even crazier town knowing that he will probably become the next president? That's horrifying to think about lol

edit: Downvoting me doesn't mean it won't happen, look at the current chances, he's leading, unfortunately.

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That photo. I believe her heart will go on.

Unfortunately, so will that of Trump, in spite of how he's been treating it for almost 80 years.

He really should have keeled over decades ago. Because of his unhealthy lifestyle choices and because that would have been much better for the entire world.

I thought covid would take him out. Those videos after he left the hospital AMA looked like he was struggling to breathe.

I did too!

He was really looking like he finally had one foot in the grave and then some military hospital jumps in and saves one of the world's worst people with some sort of wonder treatment not available to regular people!

As if there wasn't already enough reasons to detest the US military!

Now the question is what they'll do if Trump gets convicted. Not every trial will be delayed until after the election.

She's fulfilled one of her goals, which is to accumulate some delegates before the convention. If Trump is somehow unable to accept the nomination, she will be the only other person there with pledged delegates. That will probably matter.

Also recall that while she is suspending her campaign, her name will still appear on the ballot, and people are still free to vote for her. If Trump keels over while there are still primaries going on, she will probably sweep any remaining states. It still might not be enough to win the nomination outright, but should prevent against Don Jr. Trying to inherit it.

If daddy croaks, DJTJ would dye his hair strawberry blonde, put on a fat suit, and claim the delegates are his

I am sure he will try to follow in Daddy's footsteps. And then find out that no one man can follow in Daddy's footsteps. It will splinter into more schisms than the Protestant church.

That actually appears to be the inevitable outcome for the Republicans if Trump loses. The entire party will fracture in little pieces, none will win anything for a long time...

If he wins though, then the US will be turned into a dictatorship (mostly Trump's words, not mine)

And all of them to a person would act and talk like nothing was amiss. I kind of want to see this timeline, now.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump has to drop. Since the RNC is in Trump's pocket I wonder if they will push hard on whomever Trump's running mate is while the GOP wants Haley.

Trump will not drop out unless God forces his hand. He will run from prison if it comes to that, and the GOP will let him.

That's too bad. It was so entertaining seeing people rage at her staying.

Farewell, birdbrain!

Odds on how long before she kisses Trump's ass?

Probably when he confirmed as the nominee she will endorse him Probably campaign for him. Our month tops before she is kisses ass.

She stuck it out hoping that Trump would be disqualified and the votes would go to her instead. But with the SCOTUS recent ruling that states can’t remove Trump from the ballot, it makes sense for her to drop out.

To be clear, the SCOTUS ruling doesn't just prevent states from removing someone from the ballot. It also prevents federal courts from removing someone convicted of sedition from the ballot. It was a very broad, bad ruling that essentially says the courts will not do anything about Trump

The courts were never going to save us. We have to save ourselves at the ballot box in November.

Everyone should be running on the assumption that Trump will never face consequences for anything that he has done or will do in the future and that he is a serious threat to retaking the presidency despite the Biden rematch.

Finally Trump can use his campaign funds wholly on his legal defense instead of pesky campaigning.

Most likely she was waiting for a court case to make him ineligible, and SCOTUS giving the finger to Colorado killed that dream.

That had been my prediction. With that, Super Tuesday, and the end of her Koch money all in the same week, I guess we'll never know.

I was starting to think she was staying in just for the sake of staying in.

She was staying in because her billionaire backers were still funding her.

They stopped that like last week.

She was hanging in there on the hope that trump loses his cases and ends up in jail

I guess the SC finding that an insurrectionist can be on the ballot in bold face defiance of the 14th amendment showed her that the SC will bend over backwards to protect him and that any hope she had of nabbing the nomination on his conviction was gone.

I hope Biden finds the federalist society as a terrorist group because they are doing everything to destroy the Constitution of the United States.

Sry out of the loop. What happened to the Death Santis guy?

He's a political cuck through and through, almost as much of a political cuck as Ted Cruz. Cowards who have no back bones.

Honestly, I hate that on a fundamental level more than I could ever dislike someone with a different opinion. I don't hate people who vote red, I hate the people at the top of the pyramid who screech words like they have something to say but are full of shit. I legitimately hate the grifting skin suits that are the vast majority of the GOP. The ones who bow to Trump, especially after being treated like street dogs by him but still lick his boots like they might taste of scraps.

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"Ceding" She didn't "cede" anything. She's "suspending".

Just like every single other politician who supposedly didn't cede.

Well the others formally ended things then immediately endorsed and traveled with Trump.

The "he needs to reach out to those who weren't willing to support him" line sounds like she's fishing for a VP nomination