And it went Gold

𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒 to Lemmy – 847 points –

Daft Punk - Around the World

It really is a great song, while the lyrics are repetitive, listen to everything else

Is there anyone on the internet who doesn’t know Daft Punk or at least this specific song 🤔

Not a single one. I just set my grandmother up on the internet and wouldn't let her on the laptop until she'd listened to this full album.

You're right, the people who do already know deserve to learn something special too.

Here's my personal favorite mix that they've done. Not a lot of people who know them have heard it, but it's absolutely stellar.

I 100% expected that to be a Rickroll 😄

I miss the days when preview/thumbnails hasn't ruined a great thing

That's very nice. Gripping from the start. Do you know which songs are in the mix?

Is this what you are asking for?

Yes sorry, I overlooked the dropdown button

No worries. Nice to have a question answered without being told you should just go find it yourself. Sure you could have found it yourself but spelling i also clicked the link didn't take much to help out.

So as i dont think it's needed, no sorry accepted lol

Edit: spelling. Is autocorrect/predictive suggestions getting worse?

I guess I was using the information contained in the meme to formulate my response. Also, plenty people probably haven't seen the video

"Around the world" aren't the lyrics, they're just another instrument. You wouldn't say that the drum beat is repetitive, for example.

And here I thought it was referring to "Robot Rock". Though I suppose that's only two words.

But drum is repetitive. That's its function.

Just like it's the function of that sample.

Yes I would. Daft Punk's songs are boring AF, except for their work on TRON Legacy. And their movie scoring was only good because of the movie's editors. The soundtrack on Spotify is boring too.

They're boring by today's standards. Back then, they were slightly above average.

There was plenty of good music in 1997, it just wasn't pop.

Hm that might be the reason. Is there any tracks I should check out around that time?

my name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me... Giorgio.

Holy shit is that a JoJo reference???

But I do actually like "Giorgio by Moroder". It seems silly but it's served me an inspiring monologue to try new things and find something I to be passionate about. And so I bought a few pairs of headphones and schiit amp/dac to see if music making was what I could be good at. It is not. But I found I loved listening to music on nice headphones, and got a pair of Grados to go with the dac/amp

Sorry I know you don't care just wanted to praise the song lol

Don't worry mate, I am a music gear nerd as well ;) I am really into guitar stuff, effects pedals and amps. My latest acquisition is Astral Destiny by EarthQuaker Devices

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it, charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick erase it, write it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick rewrite it, plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, drag it, drop it, zip unzip it. Technologic.

Virtually everything Daft Punk did was inspired by disco music.

What was the first mainstream Disco song?

Donna Summer's Love to Love You Baby, in which she repeats, "I love to love you baby" about a million times.

This doesn't seem right. Barry White wrote Love's Theme around 1965, and released it in 1973. It also reached number 1 on Billboard, so I guess that counts as (US) mainstream.

I've told the story before, but I worked a MarketPro Computer Show & Sale a million years ago and was stationed next to a booth selling mostly speakers and stereo equipment where the booth owner had brought his 10-ish year old son with him. This son preceded to play "Around the World," full-blast, through an enormous stack of display speakers, instantly filling the entire convention hall. Then he put the song on repeat. All day. No exaggeration, he did not play a single other song for the entirety of the 10 hour shift, just "Around the world, around the world... around the world, around the world.... around the world, around the world" endlessly.

That kid is a legend of trolling.

Around the world

around the world

Arrrround the world

Around the world

Arrouund the world

Around the world

Around the world

4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...

Daft Punk weren't really very good songwriters, but they made up for it by being fantastic producers.

And yet it's a million times better than songs like "Gucci Gang"


Robot Rock about to end that 3 word novel's whole career

Yeah but the guitars in that song are fucken deadly

“We should make a song that hits people at the emotional level, but I don’t know what words to use”

“Emotion you say?”

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


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Sendin out an sos, I fukin hate sting

"I've my mind set on you" or Weird Al's take "This song in just six words long"

"This song's just six words long" It's seven words with 'is.'

Definitely part of the joke.

You might want to tell that to Weird Al.

You know, I was thinking that weird Al actually did name the song this. And I was tired. And replied to the wrong comment. Oh well!

Green Eggs and Ham is longer and only has 50 unique words.

Another French band that took the advice literally: Ultra Vomit - ÉVIER METAL - [Clip Eau-fficiel / Water-ficial Video]