X user “super pissed” that Musk ordered takeover of his @music account

soyagi@yiffit.net to Technology@lemmy.ml – 534 points –
X user “super pissed” that Musk ordered takeover of his @music account

Archived version: https://archive.li/Yg8r8

My favorite part:

But while his reaction the day after learning that X was commandeering his handle was extreme frustration, Vaught told Ars that the platform will remain his primary form of social media.

"it's highly annoying, but Twitter is still my preferred social media," Vaught said. "That's how I communicate and learn my news about what's going on. Nothing else compares."

His only "minor protest" to X's action, he said, was to cancel his Twitter Blue subscription.

Vaught is mostly a Musk fan, as he's interested in Musk's electric cars and space developments. He said that this experience with X hasn't tainted his opinion of Musk or his relationship too much with X as a platform. He's holding out hope that Musk has a long-term plan for where Musk is taking X, but like many users, he's struggling to adjust to the rebranding.


Musk screws him over and yet he continues to use the service?

People are so stupid these days.

the alt-right movement is like an abusive relationship, made up of a bunch of very insecure people constantly seeking approval from an abuser who doles it out with an equal amount of degradation, keeping them confused and isolated enough that they have no choice but to keep coming back because - after having driven everyone else away with their hateful rhetoric - the abusive alt-right is now their only source of “community” at all.

it’s a cult.

More thorough video explanation from The Alt-Right Playbook: Endnote 4: How the Alt-Right is Like an Abusive Relationship (live)

It’s just a username who cares

Apparently Xitter care enough to actually —steal— I mean take over the handle.

If “Xitter” is pronounced “shitter” then I can finally get behind the rebrand

2 more...
3 more...

Vaught is mostly a Musk fan

Ah, so he's an idiot. Well that explains his statements.

Vaught is mostly a Musk fan, as he's interested in Musk's electric cars and space developments.

So am I. But the guy is an idiot. SpaceX in particular is successful because he isn't the person running the day-to-day operations.

You can be excited about the work the engineers are doing without idolizing the bigoted CEO.

I don't see why so many people can't separate the awful business man from the science.

This. I love the science SpaceX is doing. I love the EV momentum Tesla created (even if their own products are proving to be less than stellar, no pun intended).

Musk is a huge tool though.

Right. SpaceX and Tesla are successful despite their destructive CEO, not because of him.

Gwynne Shotwell does not get enough main stream credit for keeping SpaceX (and Musk) afloat. She's OP.

he sounds like a person in an abusive relationship.

"yeah, he hits me sometimes, but Jimmy's a good guy y'all! just need to give him a chance, besides... all my stuff is there, where would I even live?".

"He took my name from me, I'm not allowed to be called by my name anymore. But its ok, I still love him."

What stockholm syndrome does to a mf..

nothing else compares

Guarantee my guy tried 3 other websites before calling it quits

where he gets his news from. Nothing else compares

Uh... How about an actual news site? Maybe the NYT for example? I'm guessing they use too many words he doesn't understand.

Also they are part of the conspiracy to follow the rule of law and not elect the glorious leader.

I’d be equally concerned for anyone who uses the NYT as their primary news source.

Yeah, parler, gab, and voat…

I went on Gab once. They were all accusing each other of being feds (Terry Davis style)

This is the best summary I could come up with:

"16 years ago, I created @music and have been running it ever since," Jeremy Vaught, director of engineering at the nonprofit Life Happens, posted on X.

But Vaught never had the time to focus on leveraging the @music audience, only ever benefiting from the account when companies occasionally sent him free perks like headphones in trade for promotions.

Vaught said he was never interested because he knew that selling his handle violated Twitter's terms of service, and he figured there was more value in keeping the account.

To "minimize any inconvenience" from having his account handle taken away, X defaulted to changing Vaught's username to @musicfan, which he described as "probably the least worst" alternative the platform suggested.

But while his reaction the day after learning that X was commandeering his handle was extreme frustration, Vaught told Ars that the platform will remain his primary form of social media.

"Twitter's not dead to me at this point," Vaught told Ars, even if "it's a super huge bummer" to lose the @music account.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I will never not call it Twitter

If that doesn't taint his idea of Musk, then nothing will.

My only thought (plausable excuse) is that he is possibly sucking up while expressing discontent under the false pretense maybe Musk will pay him losses. Whether he likes him or not, he should know someone thay disagrees with him will not get paid but rather sued for existing.

Look you say "X user" and im thinking X11 Windowing system. Stop trying to make X happen.

Hahahaha this dude is such a little bitch about it. It's honestly adorable.

Musky simp lol.

“I know he’s crushing my throat with his boot, but he sure does have nice boots, doesn’t he?”

Leopards ate my face :(

I am a bit annoyed that the leopard has eaten my face but not enough to move away from the leopard or do anything at all.

Not true, they did something to stop the leopard face-eating, they stopped giving the leopard money! Take that leopard!

Except he's thanking the leopard. Crazy stuff

“Twitter’s not dead to me at this point,”

At this point I'm cheering Musk on.

Anyone who is still on Twitter ~X~X^X^ deserves this.

Should have never stopped calling it twitter, if only to annoy the muskrat And the URL is still twitter too

If Musky was half the genius he thinks he is he never would've tried to change the name. Everyone know the name Twitter. Freakin world leaders send out "tweets" to their followers; the brand recognition has to be extremely valuable right?

He bought the company and is apparently doing everything in his power to fuck it up. He's either stupid or this is all part of some illuminati-type plan and he's playing kal-toh.

Tweet literally got a word in the dictionary, no other company has that kind of brand recognition

It just shows how detached billiknares cam actually be, he ruined arguably the most recognizable social brand that ever existed

What's the top three worst things Musk has done? I don't really follow celebrity news so I'm a bit confused about why everyone seems to hate him all of a sudden. I'm genuinely asking

IMO: —

  • Being a very shitty boss

  • Being transphobic when he has a trans daughter

  • Calling that rescuer a paedophile

Well he's clearly a jerk who doesn't know when he should just stay silent but I guess this can partly be explained by the fact that he obviously has some form of autism/asberger or something.

I just don't see anything that major in there. I can think of several worse people who don't seem to be getting this level of hate so I find it curious what it is about Musk then that he does.

Firstly, being on the autism spectrum (not saying he is or isn't) doesn't give you the right to be an asshole, and I'm sure many people who are on it and aren't assholes will tell you that this take is insulting.

Secondly, when you say there is nothing major on there, you have to keep in mind his level of reach and influence. If your neighbour says "this new Covid thing is going to just blow over, there'll be no cases soon'", you can say "OK buddy, hope you're right but it's not looking likely". When Musk says it, he directly contributes massively to the misinformation that has killed a lot of people and changed the whole damn world for the worse

Yeah I agree that with a platform of this size it comes with huge responsibility aswell knowing your words have a real world consequences. Maybe that's the explanation to the widespreat hate. People much worse than him generally don't shitpost on social media so we're not thinking about them

I'm starting to suspect you weren't just 'genuinely asking'

I genuinely don't know what started all this. He used to be quite popular person but then something changed and seemingly everyone started hating him. I couldn't explain why and thus my question.

Yes, he was quite popular at one time. It was clearly a well-groomed bit of PR that he was this eccentric billionaire who was using his wealth to forward science and technology for all mankind.

Then it turned out that he's a narcissistic man-child. The mask slipped for me personally when he called that diver rescuing the Thai kids a pedo. His outrageous manipulation of crypto markets came next (exploiting the lack of regulation). Since then, his purchase of Twitter and treatment of Twitter employees has been a staggering shitshow from start to finish. It has absolutely shattered any illusion that he is a good businessman and he's certainly not a good person.


The diver was my point also. Nobody that primarily cared about the well being of those kids would behave way Musk did. All he cares about was trying to play hero for the optics and when it went wrong, for his ego, his mask came off.

I don't know if he's "always" been on the right politically but he's definitely been way more outspoken since he acquired Twitter. And it's not just a matter of "we hate him because he's conservative". No, we hate him because, like any modern conservative, he openly denigrates trans people, blames Fauci for the pandemic, and he continually overlooks or forgives users for racist and hateful remarks.

Before I left Twitter I also saw a few examples of the "fact checking" system calling out tweets from liberals (for very minor distinctions) and not adding disclaimers to easily debunked claims like hiring 87000 IRS agents.

Because whenever there's a fire, he throws gasoline on it like it's his life goal to butt heads with the world. And he shows no respect to others, like suddenly taking a user's username without asking and breaking stuff with no remorse.

Is he statistically the worst person in the world? Probably not. But he does his best to make people feel like he is.