Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins? to – 65 points –

I will cry with relief. I just can’t do another four years of him again. My stomach is in knots already. I have a LGBT kid. I can’t have her growing up oppressed. Having a rapist for a president is a joke.

Exact same here. We’re working out a contingency plan, actually.

Take us with you? I need to at least head back to a blue state.

A blue state? I'm going to try to get out of this country. Everywhere that's not a financial or educational hot spot is deep red.

FYI, it's not easy or simple to move to another country and is, frankly, unrealistic for most people.

I know. I feel like I've missed my opportunity, but have been trying to do so for a while now. COVID fucked everything up last time.

Funnily enough, my wife and I along with some friends have floated the “compound” idea in the mountains or somewhere like that. We’d each have jobs and grow food and such.

But seriously, we’re trying to think of a plan if things go south in November. We’re in a very red state (thanks, hillbillies!), so fuck this place.

What kind of food can you grow in the mountains? Other than berries? This knowledge can become useful.

You can grow just about anything with the right setting. Greenhouses and seasonal vegetables in gardens. I’m not the expert in that, but when we lived in CO, there were plenty of fresh veggies available up there.

I forgot greenhouses exist... I'd be terrible at this. Need a new plan for zombie apocalypse.

If Harris wins, Trump loses. That much is certain. Can't say much about what will happen next, because there's no real way of knowing.

Also, is nobody going to mention how typically, the incumbent stays as the next candidate, while the contender from the last election is replaced, because they were clearly not good enough for a win?

While this time, It's the opposite: the last winner stepped down, the last loser is a candidate once more. Isn't that weird???

It will probably be the same as when he lost last time.

Probably not, but it might be worse in terms of brutality against police.

This time there will be massive security at place in critical locations. So probably no invasion of government buildings, but it might end worse in terms of violence.

In my local area, a lot of the people that were violent went to the Jan 6th and got arrested. So they are still in jail. I'm not seeing the ralleys like I did last time. Its interesting. The signs are still there, but it feels like a more "normal" election. But thats just my local area, no idea what others are experiencing.

it might be worse in terms of brutality against police.

Oh noooo....anyway

I think the bomb threats in Ohio after the dumbass pet eating lies were spread is a preview.

Trumptards already saw their insurrection didn't work and that prison is the consequence. Trump admitted that he lost the 2020 election and many of those cultists are mad about it. So I don't think we will have a repeat of the Capitol attack, instead we may have some assorted terrorist threats and attacks. Hopefully if that does happen, it will further drive them into obscurity because normal people tend to not like terrorism.

Trump will go back to his hole and die angry. Goodbye.

This will be the final result, but I'm just hoping his angry little mouth will say something treasonous enough to get him jail time.

Sry to be that guy but there's currently basically no way for him to get in jail by saying bad things.

Speech is never enough to prove insurrection or similar charges and the supreme court ruling on presidential immunity makes hard to get in trouble, even if there's actions to prove he's inciting something.

What I'd like is for Kamala to get in office and appoint a wicked sharp attorney general who would aggressively prosecute anyone associated with Jan 6 and Trumps many other crimes.

However, I predict Trump will get off scott free as he always has and continue being a rallying focus point for the extreme right wing. But there will be no widespread uprising. There will be legal challenges to the election, which will all fail.

If Trump survives long enough he'll try to run again in 2028, and if he can't run he'll try to mess things up for any republican candidate. He'll continue to throw a monkey wrench into any legislation that would make Democrats look good, either to improve his chances next election or just for spite.

Trump had 61 court cases alleging election interference and voter fraud, and every last one was immediately thrown out during discovery because he provided no evidence. Thankfully completely bullshit claims do still fall flat in the us justice system.

However, the fake electors scheme was a very real coups attempting to subvert democracy, and we have plenty of evidence on it. I’d love for Harris to appoint an aggressive AG who will work tirelessly to ensure this doesn’t happen again because of the consequences for treason.

I read that last election he started campaigning the day after he lost. He’ll do the same thing this time just to keep the grift going.

Plus he’s had how many delays handed to him because he’s a political candidate? He’ll probably pass away as a political candidate just to keep those two things in his grasp.

If Harris ins a small percentage of MAGA doughebags will embarrass the GOP further by getting violent. It will be over after a few days.

Ideally? He flees the country like a coward, and the Republican party implodes under the strain of infighting to be his successor.

If Trump wins, I imagine Ivanka or Eric run in 2028 with the soft understanding that Donald is still running the show. If Donald was younger, GOP might try to remove term limits.

If Harris wins, I expect not much of anything to change. Dems don't have enough of the Senate to enact campaign promises, and if they did, they wouldn't act in it like in the past.

But hey, at least Dems populate government seats with people that seem to want to do a good job. We don't have the owner of private schools leading the dept of education or C-Suite Exxon guys running the EPA or telecom guys running the FCC.

Trump supporters generally are cowardly cattle. A few can obviously be riled up and pushed to do violence, but not enough to do any real damage. I mean in terms of a civil war. January 6th was a unique situation that will be better prepared for next time.

Only about 30% of people even like trump; probably about 1% of those people are able-bodied, have weapons, have nothing to lose, and could be convinced to kill for him. Of course that's still like a million people, which sure as shit ain't nothing, but they're spread out, unorganized, and still very few compared to military numbers. As for the block of people who would identify as not supporting trump, I couldn't really guess numbers, but people are wildly mistaken to think that only people on the right have guns; we just don't have murder boners or make guns our whole personality. I hope I only ever use my guns for target practice, but I'm absolutely ready to use them to defend my home and family if ever necessary, and I'm not interesting enough to have any reason to believe that that's a likely scenario. Honestly, my biggest concern on that threat is a scenario where trump wins and releases voter registration info and SuGgEsTs that the second amendment folks do something about those tricksy democratses. The only other people dumb enough to break in while I'm home are cops, and I know that the courtroom is where you fight that flavor of fascism.

Generally speaking, regarding the big question here of what will happen if Harris wins, I think that the answer is "nothing shocking". There will be claims of an unfair election process, maybe some meek attempts at insurrection, continued prosecution and convictions for trump's crimes (and probably slap on the wrist sentences). The economy will gently recover, the future will be invested in, maybe some rights get legislatively protected. Military and police funding will continue to balloon forever. We'll still fund genocides and fuck with any country that pivots toward socialism. "Nothing will fundamentally change" but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

Then after 4 years of sexism and racism on OAN and Fox News, Desantis or a similar creep wins the presidency in '28. They roll back everything they possibly can and fuck the country up for the profits of billionaires and corporations again. Because reasonable people will get too comfortable to care enough, but unreasonable people can't stop foaming at the mouth over every weekly culture war.

When trump is finally gone, trumpism will still remain. And it will have prettier packaging. That's when it gets really scary imo.

You forget one thing: the bulk of his supporters are old as fuck. They don't have a lot of elections left in them. I would be far less pessimistic about '28. (Not that I think it's a lock for the left, just that if Trump loses this time he has really fucked up the GOP and it may take a decade or two to get back to the power levels they have now.)

1 more...

If it's close the Supreme Court will steal the election for Trump. Kamala needs a blowout victory and I just don't think that's in the cards.

I think there will be some protests, some violence, but it will be much smaller than the protesters want it to be, and any violence will be swiftly met with law and order.

Jan 6 happened in part because Trump was in power. Election deniers in every state tried to gum up the works, and will try again. But Trump is not in power. He cannot exchange favors or offer pardons. People obstructing the democratic process will be arrested and prosecuted.

Whoever wins we're going to have a right wing government with insufferable fans.

Bloodbath? Not sure, depends on how close the election is, because if it's close then Trumps cronies who are in posts of election officials will try to manipulate the votes and it could be enough to call into question Harris' win in the eyes of some, leading to another Jan 6 type situation, but probably more widespread this time around.

If Harris wins by a landslide I think there will be some grumbling and bitching but for the most part people will accept it.

If the election is REALLY close (like Al Gore v Bush) and Harris wins I think things could get pretty dirty in certain states.

Same as ever. Someone will organize protest and then the same bad faith actor will also organize counter protests. Predictably, the police will be on the Republicans side.

There might be another Capitol Riot-style clownshow, but like the first time, nothing of real significance will happen. A few zealots and or cops might die, but nothing rising to the level of a "blood bath", let alone a "civil war".

I don't think Trump was being literal when he said bloodbath though. It's a common English idiom.

Yes, I'm sure he meant an economic bloodbath. 🙄

"He doesn’t think that elections are a real thing. He doesn’t think that elections are legitimate, and he doesn’t want an American form of government in which elections decide whether or not he’s in power because he doesn’t believe election results should be binding."

-- Rachel Maddow

TBH, of there's going to be a right/left battle, the sooner the better - though, i expect there will be some noise, and the Democrats won't change, and the Republicans won't change, and tensions will continue to grow until abated via another avenue.

Another failed coup\fraud attempts not having enough momentum. Mild persecutions for his chuds after a long time. Him dying from something preventable, probably respiratory or blood-related, while his trial is still going on. Republicans coming slightly back to the center because they can't find another idol and want to appeal to a wider voting base, that's until they find a younger Shapiro or Tate-type. Harris and Walz're gonna do some better policies on equality and ecology no one would remember in four years. Ukraine has a bit more funding, Israel a bit less. Democrats won't try to find another candidate because Kamala just worked right, that'd come unfortunate because she and her running mate are elderly know and lost a lot of their appeal.

Surely, being such a stand up guy from the party of law and order and definitely NOT a traitor, he followed up his warning of civil war with a stern condemnation of political violence and enforcement of the law.

Anyhoo. How's everyone's cortisol levels today?

If Trump wins there will likely be a civil war too. People won't stand to see innocent people hurt by draconian laws and attitudes around abortion, existing as a queer person, and racism.

I do believe that there will be violence. Probably some bombs in buildings. Probably some rogue shooters. Disappointed zealots taking revenge. Certainly assassination attempts.

First Trump's idiots will do something stupid. Then Kamala will overreact and do something stupid which infringes on all our freedoms, like extra spying and cracking down on speech and curtailing the right to protest.

We know one thing for sure... Genocide in Palestine will continue as scheduled.

But hey vote my guy, trust me bro... she will deff save the Palestinians. She has no pro israel bias as woman married to a jew