What are your favorite can not live without apps?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@midwest.social to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 119 points –

Libby, freaking love audiobooks.

Same. And Manga too!

70 audiobooks, Manga volumes, and more already this year—All free through my library, and all so much easier to find, categorize, tag, and use than something like Audible.

Every book marketplace I’ve used is focused on selling you what they want to sell you, not what you want to get. Libby just lets me keep track of books on my own terms in my own way. It’s a better experience and through my library. It’s great.


I self-host my own instace, save articles I want to read from my laptop, and then they sync with the app on my phone. I read them offline when I have some time to kill

That looks exactly like something I’ve been looking for. I’m going to spin up an instance tonight and take it for a test drive. Thanks!

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Xmanager, newpipe, Firefox with ublock origin and dark reader extensions.

TickTick would be hard to replace. Ive yet to find another cross-platform reminders app that's so good

Most of my other fav apps (Voyager for Lemmy, Bitwarden, NextCloud, NeoStore) could be replaced if I needed pretty easily (altho itd be a downgrade)

I didn’t read close enough and thought you said TikTok. I thought to myself, “TikTok has reminders?!?”

May I recommend Tasks? Not only is it open source and doesn't collect nearly as much information as TickTick apparently does (according to Play Market), but it's packed full of features, and also interfaces with a bunch of other apps, like Google Calendar and Google Drive for backups.

Edit: it also is still maintained and updated regularly

I will check it out but, unless I'm just missing it, it doesn't seem to have an iOS/iPad app. That unfortunately might be enough to be a dealbreaker

I've tried to get into Tasks.org a few times, and I really like just about everything about it, but the deal breaker for me is that is seems like it doesn't have any collaboration features - can anyone tell me otherwise?

My partner and I have been making really good use of Todoist and its (admittedly limited) collaboration features - we have a 'household' project, and anything on that list is visible to both of us and can be assigned to a person.

I'd really love to get on a proper FOSS solution, but so far many of them are missing collaboration. Vikunja is really cool and has collaboration, but doesn't have any widgets atm (important for my scatter-brain). Still on the hunt!

Hmm, it says it can synchorize with your Google account - that's Google Calendar I think, isn't Google Calendar collaborative? Or if you're degoogled - are any of the alternatives collaborative, like EteSync or CalDAV?

Yeah to some extent I suppose a calendar colab would get some of the way there, but I don't think it gets as far as sharing to-do items between two different users. Maybe there's a way to set it up to work that way, but I haven't seen it yet. I'll look into it!

Hey, sorry, I realise this is like, a month ago… but I thought I would be able to help you out! Tasks are actually just IMAP items, just like emails, meetings and notes. The way to collaborate with an IMAPS Tasks list is to share that list with another user - your underlying provider should have guidance on how to do that. Usually the way it works behind the scenes is that a “guest” account is created for the person you want to share with, unless you’re both using the same platform, in which case mailbox access permissions can simply be added. But you don’t need to worry about the specifics, really - the important takeaway from this is that tasks.org is not responsible for sorting it out, it’s down to your caldav provider - usually, your email provider!

A few I haven't seen mentioned:

  • Moon+ Reader - My favorite ebook reader of all time.
  • Tea Time - Simple timer widgets
  • Simple Time Tracker - Track what you do
  • NES.emu, Snes9x EX+, M64+ FZ - Emulators
  • Thunder - Lemmy
  • Root Explorer - file explorer
  • Lichess - Chess, free of ads, no fees. Almost entirely FOSS.

Also +1 to the usual favorites: Firefox, Termux, Nova, etc.

Ok, I saw Lichess and read that entirely differently the first time.

Sync for Lemmy, Voyager and Summit, if I need to narrow it down to three Lemmy clients.

Google Photos with Pixelifly 🏴‍☠️

Telegram to discuss about custom ROMs and talk with my gf.

Spark Mail because I love Inbox Zero, also has some nice team features.

Spotify for music, ViMusic as a close second.

Google Chrome (looking to replace it with Ice Raven, Firefox when it gets full extension support).

Feedly and Feeder, the one to discover and manager plus multi platform, the second because I think it is a superior RSS app, used along with Discovery Killer to replace cringe Google Discover.

Bitwarden (Vaultwarden) for password management.

Showly synced with Trak.tv to manage my TV shows/Anime and Movies.

Todoist (looking to replace it with Tasks.org, but I really need this to be multiplatform, just as with Feedly), also testing with Ruppu for simpler stuff.

Droidify to handle all these awesome Open Source mess ;)

Smart Dock

Classic PowerMenu

Ice Box and App Manager/SD Maid

Franco Kernel Manager and Magisk.

Runners up:

Download Progress ++ and Media Bar

I think this would be the summarized list.

Just as an FYI - tasks.org and iOS Reminders are compatible if you use a CalDAV provider as the underlying source. EteSync also works, but not very well, so I’d suggest CalDAV.

I saw something like that when I knew about tasks.org, unfortunately I don't have my Mac right now to test it, but I will once I get it back!

I have had it set up and working, let me know if you need help :)

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Alarmed (iOS only, unfortunately). It allows you to set nagging reminders with notifications and has great features for snoozing a reminder or setting up routine reminders.

It’s great for ADHD. I basically use it for my schedule I’ll have it remind me the morning of something (or the day before depending on the event), when the reminder comes up, I’ll snooze it to to just before I have to leave.

I had been using apples “reminders”, which just seem to disappear into the ether if you happen to miss the notification.

Google Calendar - I live my life by this calendar. If it's not on the calendar, I'm not doing it

Audible - Audiobooks by Amazon (I know they suck, but it's a really decent service)

Tachiyomi - Manga and Comics manager and reader

Libby - Books and Audiobooks for free from your local library

Youtube - I use this way too much. I learn everything from here

+1 for Tachiyomi. Absolutely incredible app to manage my collection digitally :)

Nextcloud (connected to self hosted instance), Obsidian (combo with FileSync app for free syncing to my other devices), Wifiman by Ubiquiti

Jalapeño Poppers Wings Clams half shell Drunken clams Calamari Potato skins

Translation for the non-yanks: Americans call starters "appetisers" and then shorten it to "apps"


I have this but never use it. What do you use it for?

I use it for lots of things. I'm not a coder, so I can't make my own apps from scratch. With Tasker I can make my own apps. I've made tons of them.

I still have a Reddit account because there are some core subs that haven't migrated, but I don't have to official app installed. I use Tasker to check Reddit and notify me of posts.

My memory is horrible and my schedule is varied every day, so I can't set alarms for certain times. I made an app where I can say something to my watch and it will remind me depending on my location. For example, I can remind myself to get paper towels on my way home from work. When I leave work, it will send a reminder to my watch.

I use it for call screening. I only let calls from my contacts ring. It sends all other calls to voicemail.

I use it to run scripts in Termux.

I have a routine that will tell me why an app was closed.

I have it POST things to the timeline on my watch with JSON.

I have it reassign functions to my phone's buttons. I made an app that turns on the flashlight when I shake the phone.

I have it put the battery level of my Bluetooth devices in my notification bar and on my watchface.

I have it gather weather and notify me conditions and severe weather alerts.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. You can do just about anything with it.

"FitNotes" the workout app, because i've been using it for 7(?) years now to track my workout progress over the years and love the data/analytics. pretty user friendly, not super powerful, but great for tracking exercises.

and since google no longer supports music player apps outside of youtube, i guess Spotify, cuz that's the only way to listen to music nowadays. shout out to a friend who added me to his premium years ago

Plexamp and NewPipe for sure. Especially now that Plexamp doesn't require a Plex Pass.

So many:



proton vpn




nova launcher

simple gallery

simple dialer

simple contacts

simple calendar







infinity for reddit revanced




youtube revanced

the score

foss telegram



kde connect


remote desktop client




bubble upnp




native alpha+

Librera FD


Magic Earth







youcut or capcut

picsay pro


xbrowser sync



neo backup


imgur viewer







That's cool, but can you maybe provide a one-sentence summary of what each does for you?

Someone recently recommended Keyboard Designer to me. Now i can type on my phone without my hands going numb in under ten minutes.

For my GTD routine

  • Reminders
  • Notes

For my feeds

  • Reeder
  • WefWef (can’t find an as good native app for the moment)

For my diary

  • DayOne

For photo editing and graphics

  • Photos
  • Preview
  • Affinity Designer

For my work

  • Safari (I just love WebKit’s developer tools)
  • WebStorm
  • XCode
  • Calendar

For music practice (hobby)

  • GarageBand
  • Stave’n’Tabs

For 3D printing modeling (hobby)

  • Shapr3D with an edu account from a friend

I tried tons of third party apps (Omnifocus, Ulysses, Agenda, Things, Fantastical, Pro Tools…) but always end up using Apple’s stock apps because I love simplicity and I discovered that with my overthinking bad habit, having a good but simple/limited app is more efficient than an overkilled one.

WefWef as in the Lemmy client? It's been renamed to Voyager, and I believe there's an iOS app too. I'm using it on Android now, and it's great 👍

If you’re on iOS I’d give Memmy a shot. It’s very similar to Apollo, and I’m really liking it. The devs are great too

Thanks for the advice but I already tried Memmy and a bunch of others and I always ended up back to using WefWef webapp, so I’ll stick to Voyager

That’s fair. It all comes down to preferences in the end.

If you like Memmy id recommend giving Bean a go too.

I tried bean in the early stages and didn’t really like the interface. I’ll try it again now that it’s out of test flight but I’ve really enjoyed Memmy so far.

Swift Backup, i just can't imagine using my phone without that app.


Google solution is not a solution at all, one of the biggest reasons I root as well.

On my android phone: keepassDX - password manager w/ autofill Aegis - 2 factor authenticator Joplin - markdown journal

Great thread btw!

Weawow - the greatest weather app ever created. No ads 4.9 review in the Play Store, highly recommend it.





Files by Google - actually it is pretty good and allows you to transfer files peer to peer with other devices

Anytype - Notion alternative

DuckDuckGo - for app tracking and blocking of tracking requests


ZeroTier One




Infinity for Lemmy

The rest were already mentioned here


It's a metasearch engine (aggregates results from several engines and feeds then back to me). It also filters out sites I don't want, and redirects Reddit to the old interface.

  • Iceraven
  • Newpipe
  • Foxy Droid
  • Bitwarden
  • Termux
  • RVNC
  • Showly
  • Librera
  • Simple File Manager
  • Simple Gallery
  • Syncthing



VLC Media Player

Visual Studio Code

Qt Creator


Home Assistant




Bottles (manage Wine installations/run Windows software)

Squeekboard/phosh (Linux phone UI/onscreen keyboard)

Hacker's Keyboard (Android onscreen keyboard)


Librera Reader Bromite/Cromite adaway

Top for me have to be the combo of Aniyomi and WVC.

Aniyomi is a Tachiyomi fork that adds anime extensions. Tachi is great as is, but after Anyme shut down, I needed something to watch and track anime with MAL integration. Plus if you read manga, I'd assume you watch anime too. App and extensions receive regular updates.

WVC aka Web Video Caster. Chromecast any video. I have watched soooooo much stuff on my TV through this. Great controls and features, frequent updates, and they're on Reddit to talk to directly if you have issues or feature requests. Great team of people and wonderful app. First premium app I bought.

Bring! is a close third. Works on Android and iOS so me and SO can both share a shopping list every since Google screwed theirs up. Was great when Google Assistant was linked to it, but Google broke that too. Still a great app though. We get notifications when the other person adds an item in case one of us is running errands already.

  • Sleep as Android
  • QP-Gallery - QuickPic, modded to be good again
  • Tachiyomi - Manga and Comics manager and reader
  • Audiobookshelf - Self hosted podcasts and audiobook player with progress sync
  • FolderSync - Just filesyncing, since the nextcloud app sucks at it

Musicolet my local music player. It has the fondamental feature of switching between playlists without losing the position of the last played tracks. A feature that no othercplayer has

Audiobook Shelf - self hosted Audiobook server with a really excellent UI and very reliable

Tody - a habit tracking app specifically built around house chores, with functionality for multiple family members sharing the load

Sync for Lemmy - self explanatory

Tusky - also self explanatory

Nova launcher (super customizable and clean and you can unlock premium with revanced Manager)

KWGT (allows you to create custom widgets for your phone and has a very good editor so you can jam pack all the info you want into one widget)

Revanced Manager (ad free YouTube with extra features like return dislike and sponsor block and more)

Xmanager (free Spotify premium)

Vlc (best way to play video and audio files)

Fdroid (alternative app store which allows you to basically find a clone of most apps but open source and privacy friendly, plus a ton of other privacy respecting apps)

Aurora store (Google Play store but more customization and less Google tracking stuff attached)

Seal (allows you to download videos and stuff from basically any big site)

  • Markor - amazing android text editor.
  • Symfonium - music player that I can use with my selfhosted navidrome.
  • Vivino - wine rating app.
  • Deedum - gemini browser.
  • Fluffychat - matrix chat app.

On Windows, my absolutely vital stuff on the gaming rig are:

  • Discord
  • Firefox
  • Keepass - KeepassXC in my case, but that's because I also use it on other OSes and well, same UI; otherwise on Windows itself I'd recommend the actual Keepass.
  • MPC-HC, a media player that has a tiny install size and easily outperforms VLC without even breaking a sweat
  • Playnite, a multi-library game launcher.

steam, moonlight, newpipe/freetube, mullvad (vpn and browser), bitwarden, signal

Jellyfin, nextcloud, Conversations for Android paired with Prosody, Joplin, auxio, and homeassistant.

I use Slidepad on my Mac every day. I have it mapped to a button in my mouse. It’s an embedded browser thing for web apps. But you can also put files there like pdfs and stuff which is handy when when you need to review something and don’t want another window always on your screen.