Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in January 6 case to – 787 points –
Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in January 6 case | CNN Politics

A leader of the Proud Boys who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was sentenced Wednesday to 17 years in prison – among the longest sentence handed down yet for a convicted rioter.

Joe Biggs was convicted by a Washington, DC jury of several charges including seditious conspiracy for attempting to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.

The government wanted Biggs to serve 33 years in federal prison. That's 15 years longer than the longest sentence in a Jan. 6 case to date: the 18-year sentence that went to Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, also convicted of seditious conspiracy, after prosecutors sought 25 years in federal prison.


This guy used violence and terrorism because he didn't want my vote to count simply because he didn't like the way I voted. Fuck this asshole. I hope he commits more felonies in prison and gets more time tacked on. 17 years isn't enough for this fascist asshole.

He has a young daughter. Poor daughter having such a shit father.

Honestly, she's probably better off without this failure of a human being in her life.

I agree with the rage, but I personally -- snowball in hell it may be -- hope he and the others that participated in this come to realize why what they did is wrong and come to eventually speak against it.

He claims, " I’m not a terrorist, I don’t have hate in my heart.". Unfortunately, I don't believe him, and I don't think the judge did either.

He either has hate, or he’s happy to exploit the hate of his followers for personal gain.

Either way he is in fact, a terrorist.

I look forward to seeing if he takes this approach 17 years from now.

That would just be further "proof" of the deep state they think runs the country

It’s not do that he thought that he did not like your vote, but because he thought your vote does not matter. A tiny but important difference, I think.

Now that the seditionists are getting prison terms, VOTE VOTE VOTE. The next Republican president will pardon all of these assholes instantly.

The next Republican president will pardon all of these assholes instantly.

Only if they can afford to pay for it. You shouldn't let them get their hopes up on false promises.

Imagine throwing away your life because a different party is rightfully elected. Your wife is gone. She's not staying around, because in 17 years you will both be different people. Your kid is gone. You will never know your kid, even when you get out.

It's stupid, because presidents promise so much, but do so little. You threw away your life for pretty much nothing.

Fucking idiots lol.

They don’t think they did anything wrong.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking people like this can be reasoned with. They can not.

We are better off executing people like this. Prison for life is a close second.

Keeping them alive only emboldens others to follow in their footsteps until they succeed.

No I am not ‘stooping to their level’ in suggesting that traitors are executed.

There’s a reason treason carries the death penalty.

17 years for OrangeLeader, who likely doesn't even know who Joe Biggs is. He'll be 55 years old when released (assuming full term).

And hopefully never allowed to own a gun, vote or have internet access

never allowed to own a gun

Somehow I doubt the guys convicted for trying to overthrow the government are real big on following laws.

Did Joe Biggs ever regret listening to Trump's lies? Has he said anything?

Biggs grew emotional as he talked about his daughter, swearing on her life that he intended Jan. 6 to be his last event with the Proud Boys.

“I’m done with it. I’m sick and tired of left versus right,” Biggs said. The only group he wants to be affiliated with, he said, is his daughter’s PTA.

He's an asshole. And he is sorry; sorry that he got caught. He's sick of it now, but wasn't then. He makes no statement about the victims of his violence. He makes no statements about the millions of nameless victims whose votes he wanted overturned.

Even if he had said he regretted acting on Trump's lies, it wouldn't mean a thing. He is just upset he got caught and punished. He's an asshole.

“I’m sick and tired of left versus right”

He hasn’t learned a thing. This is not a “left versus right” thing.

He’s in effect saying: “In the fight between democracy and justice versus fascism and tyranny, I simply want to say both sides are bad and go to my daughter’s PTA meetings to force my backwards views on children.”

Here’s hoping he can be reformed but if not, rot in prison dickhead.

It's how entitled people deal with consequences when consequences finally hit them.

He’d turn that PTA into a racist shithole given the chance.

Fun fact: some of these dinks are going back on their regret statements, claiming they were a strategy to avoid heavy fines or jail or some such. What they don't know is that this claim then opens them to re-prosecution for the same offenses they may have been acquitted of 😏

"...the last event with the Proud Boys" Joe B.

This statement seems odd to me. Like he was doing something bad and so far hasn't got caught. Anyone know what he ment by that?

I hope once or if, Trump is in jail Trump loses his influence over his cult. Trump has used and discarded so many people. In Trump's world only Trump matters.

Right? It's like the career criminal doing one more robbery. They tell themselves it'll be the last time they do it because they know it's wrong. Except it's not the last time. They'll do another later on and call that one the last time. And again and again.

Idk what he meant by it, but he ended up being right.. he’s certainly not doing anything with them from prison :)

Being one of the leaders of the group of people who attempted to overthrow your government and peaceful democratic systems is only 17 years in prison?

Wow just wow

If I were a traitor, I would see this sentence and think, "yeah, it kinda looks worth it, honestly."

Conservatives get light sentences. It's just a thing we do here, unfortunately.

So many people get longer sentences for smaller crimes. :(

33 years would have been better. A firing squad even betterer.

But nearly 20 years is better than the slap on the wrists that other traitors were getting.

Just FYI, Thomas Webster got 10 years and Stewart Rhodes got 18 years. (So as to say this isn't the first that's actually gotten some significant time behind bars)

Light sentence. 30+ would be better for these treasonous scumbags

Especially for someone who took an oath. We shouldn't go easier because of his service, but harder, particularly regarding insurrection and invasion of Congress. He was tip of the spear in this, and led conspiracy with as many people as he could influence.

Now he'll get to get out of prison and be denied the right to vote lol

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Please double his sentence. He is a threat to society at large.

Man is lucky he wasn't executed.

Has to be war time for that, right?

The Rosenbergs were executed in peacetimes.


Currently, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 14 offenses are punishable by death. Under the following sections of the UCMJ, the death penalty can be imposed in both times of war and peace

SSG Biggs isn’t eligible for UCMJ under current precedent. He has not served enough time, was medically discharged, and is not eligible for retirement benefits to my knowledge.

I had thought the person I replied to was referencing treason in the constitution but I may be wrong about war/peace about that.

Could he not be executed as a civilian like the Rosenbergs?

They were tried for espionage. I haven’t been closely following Biggs, but I don’t believe he has this charge

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Where's your pumpkin spice daddy now Joe?!

With any luck maybe you'll share a cell

Fuck all these people, every last one of them. Keep the convictions rolling. They each deserve it tenfold.

Its fucking insane how prople get so much time for something so stupid in the middle of a year where there were riots all over the US

Why are they all getting basically a slap in the hand?

1.) First of all, fuck Joe Biggs, he's a traitor.

2.) Federal Sentencing Guidelines are a thing.

3.) 17 Years is not a slap on the wrist. He'll be losing his military benefits & retirement as well.

4.) The government may still appeal this sentencing, as they are for Steward Rhodes.

5.) He's subject to USMJ & has been found guilty of Sedition. They can still have a turn with him.

Americans and their life-sentence-lust. Wild.

Even if he serves all 17 years, it's unlikely he rehabilitates and incredibly like he goes right back to it.

People get 30 years for having a couple hundred dollars of weed.

We wouldn't be complaining about his sentence so much if the rest of our sentences were also lesser

Or if the US Prison System was focused on rehabilitation rather than mass incarceration. This guy will find and be welcomed by his own in prison, and his misguided and dangerous ideology will only be enforced, and not challenged.

Fanatical beliefs like the ones this man holds should be ostracized and mocked until they fade into obscurity and irrelevance. Instead, they live on through insidious means like indoctrination, cults/organized religions, and fascism.

People get 30 years for having a couple hundred dollars of weed.

That's the problem, not a 17 year sentence being too light. What's he going to learn in year 18 he didn't learn in the previous 17?

He's a military vet that attacked his country, he's lucky he's not being executed.

Deadass, doing the same thing he did in almost any other place or time throughout human history would've led to an execution.

He literally tried to overthrow the government and overturn the peaceful transition of power through a coup. People died that day defending goverment workers from people who were going around with flexicuffs and blindfolds while other people strung up nooses. They were planning on executing innocent people.

Officers defending them got beaten so badly, they died the next day.

Imagine punishing someone for attacking democracy and attempted an armed insurrection. I don't believe in the death sentence on moral grounds, but life imprisonment is a suitable alternative for the most extreme crimes.

I'm curious how Europe, with its long history of revolution, torture and guillotines, would handle a coup attempt.

I guess we'll get to find out when and if Germany prosecutes theirs. Wiki.

BBC article

They didn't actually get as far as storming the capitol, but it seems like it was in the plans.

He tried to overthrow a democratic elected government. What do you think they would have done have they ran into Pelossi or Pence? They had nooses. It was pre-planned and we don’t even know who in the government helped them. I’m not American btw

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The guy should’ve been executed, but the burden on the prosecution might’ve been a high bar to cross for that punishment. At least he’ll be serving in federal prison, which is far harder time than state prison. Federal prison sentences for example won’t allow him to commute his sentence or ask for parole as easily as state sentences. You often hear about people serving only a fraction of their sentence in state prison; this avenue is not possible with federal charges. The president (Trump or a sympathizer) could commute or pardon him, but I think that’s a bridge Trump wouldn’t cross based on his current track record of pardons. Trump’s pardons were largely political gains for him (self serving) and I don’t think a troublemaker would in the end help him very much.

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