Do you have any "quirks" when you're drunk? to – 138 points –

I'll start. I have to be careful drinking around other people, because I can get intensely motivational.

My neighbour used to be depressed and stayed at a cruddy job, despite poor pay. I was 17, and he was in his 40s. Well, one night we happened to drink together. It turned out he only stayed at that job in hopes that he would eventually get his parents approval, and that they would finally be proud of him. The job made him miserable.

I spent hours convincing him that he was worth more than his parent's approval, and that he deserved to be happy. That he was the one living his day-to-day life, and that he should live it how he wants to. Many tears were shed that night. Dude quit before getting any new job prospects, and ended up working in a completely different field. He said thank you more than a few times, after everything was said and done.

That might not sound bad, but it was far from a one-off scenario. I eventually started to wonder what would happen if I accidentally helped lead someone to make a bad decision. It's not like drunk people are known for making good decisions. So, I only drink around certain people now haha.

On a side note, a crazy number of people have problems with/from their parents.


I don't drink anymore, but when I did I would get more witty and talkative until about 6 drinks in at which point I would just become obnoxious and weird. Then I would get upset that everyone didn't think I was absolutely amazing and get self conscious and angry. Then I'd go home and drink more by myself until I blacked out.

So quirky!

Ah, a classic. All throughout my 20s, I put myself into this same pitiful loop as well. I cringe thinking about my behavior and relationship with alcohol during those days.

I become an engineering genius . I mean i'm no slouch normally but i will start fixing things for people - and properly

You wake up the next day .. "why is there so much duct tape on the fish tank? ... Oh no."

No, i'd somehow find the one hardware store open at 3am, and would be relocating the fish and actually using marine expoxy to repair that.

I'll go to the hardware and grocery stores to gather supplies if I plan on day drinking. 10 out of 10 times my workshop and kitchen will be full of activities for the rest of the day.

Get a 3d printer, you'll never buy another christmas present

I would LOVE to get one of those. I make a lot of custom rack mount panels for audio and video carts for film/television production and there have been too many times where I thought of some special part that could open up a whole world of entirely new build options for me but that thing/part just doesn't exist. One day I'll have one to play with... it's high up there on the list.

Network engineer: yes. Yes, and fuck yes they do.

Oh you're a nice person.

The only "drunken quirk" so to speak is that when I am drunk I'm very aware of that and that I will go above and beyond not to appear drunk. That's it. It's not as wholesome as your story ofc.

I have the exact opposite problem, I end up telling everyone that I’m drunk repeatedly.

I kind of get the urge to talk to a lot of people about it

My eyes blink at different intervals like some Thom Yorke motherfucker.

I will also say more stupid shit.

Edit - added more. I already say stupid shit.

I talk a lot when I'm drunk. I over-explain and over-share like crazy. My 10-year old also does this on a regular basis.

On an unrelated note, I seem to be missing a bottle of vodka. If anyone sees it, please let me know.

I seem to be missing a bottle of vodka

Maybe your 10 year old has it?

No no, clearly the 10 year old would share if he had it

Yeah, I don't drink because I'm a seriously happy drunk in a far too gregarious way. It gives off the wrong impression to people, and I can't back it up with my sober personality. It usually leads to regrets, and I sort of despise overly familiar people in my daily life. I also get adventurous with vehicles and go on side quests in a Hangover movie way that scares me and causes problems. Never again.

I become highly suggestive. Up for cocktails later? I'm down. Ask me to buy a pitcher for the table? Consider it done. Start playing the MetalGearSolid theme? I will crawl under tables and hide in cardboard boxes, later ambushing you in the gents where I will punch, kick, and choke you from behind until you climax.

Not quite the same sort of thing, but I have an annoying tendency to forget I'm wearing glasses and headbang them off. Had to start wearing contacts instead.

I have the most embarrassing quirk when I drink. I get super emotional and start giving out hugs to people I would never hug sober.

As long as you're not forceful about it and can take a hint, everyone could use a couple extra hugs in life in my experience.

I guess I should clarify I start offering hugs to people. I would never just wrap my arms around someone unless I knew it was ok.

I used to do the same thing when I first started drinking. Now drinking just makes me slightly more open but also gives me a headache (even after 1 beer)

Drinking 1 or 2 actually takes my (sober) headaches away. Maybe this is not good lol

Have you tried alternating 1 drink and 1 water?

I've known two people who are extremely quiet and shy sober but become loud, social, and "larger than life" when they drink. Like a massive personality change.

Always wondered whether their drunk selves were closer to their "true" selves, but they suppress it in daily life?

I somewhat feel like I'm being addressed here. I can only speak for myself but I'd agree, that this is more like being myself. Yet things/reactions that happened in my childhood/youth are ingrained so deep in my brain, that barriers where formed and the true self is somewhere in there.

Drinking partly breaks down those barriers. Good friends I had for a few years now also helped with this, so around them it became easier being "myself".

I knew a guy who was a very outspoken but peaceful vegan, didn't want to harm anything. Animal rights activist. Super nice guy, when sober.

But he also had a drinking problem, and totally flipped when he drank, you could almost see the switch happen in a few seconds when he was at 4-5 beers. His drunk personality was angry, paranoid, quarreling and violent, and he would often get blackout drunk and get into fights and whatnot. Got himself banned from several bars.

I didn't know him well, but he probably had some trauma/bad shit in his life. He never talked about his family, except his grandmother who apparently had raised him, more or less.

I'm a bit like this, like less extreme at either end but I'm much more confident when drunk, I feel good about myself, I take pictures, I laugh loudly at jokes, I tell my own jokes. I think it's closer to my true self. As a kid I was very outgoing, I'd talk to anyone, I was a theatre kid and did solos in the choir. Life has made me a much more reserved person, slow to speak and more happy to listen. Not a bad thing really but probably not my natural personality.

As a shy person, I hope that drunk me isn't the true me. That guy was an asshole

When I still drank I was very much like this! It's not that I actively make a point to "suppress" my personality when I'm sober, it's more like when I would drink every thought that popped into my head suddenly seemed like a great idea lol

If I had to put a name to this phenomenon, I'd say drinking just turns off the common sense filter in my brain

Social anxiety is a bitch but a little bit of booze washes that little crippling demon away.

Yeah it's probably the case. The alcohol sheds their filters and social reservations that other people don't have at all in the first place. At least I feel like that when I drink. I don't do parties without a few drinks for that reason.

My wife can tell I'm drunk because I start repeating everything I hear. For example, I'll be watching a sports game and just be repeating everything the announcers say in a very excited tone.

Me too brother. I don't realize I'm doing it until she pauses whatever we are watching and say, "look, I can listen to you or I can listen to the TV. I cant do both." The guilt sets in and I, for the 6th time in the last hour, apologize for being a little chatter box... until something happens that I once again i must proclaim aloud to my wife who knew full well my apologies and self awareness dont mean shit in times like.

I lose all filters and chaos mode engages. If I see a button I push it, if something takes one little nudge for it to fall over I nudge it, pranks, fire, just any kind of chaos you can think of. It’s especially prevalent if I’m drinking Jager.

Yes, I would drink even more until I physically couldn't anymore. Very quirky.

That neighbor being in that situation at 40 sounds miserable - at least they were able to find some happiness thanks to you though 👌.

Pretty valid concern there about someone possibly making a bad decision based from advice when drunk... seems risky depending on where the other individual is/feels regarding life

When I'm drunk I ask stupid questions and that's it really 😂 things I usually keep to myself are all asked without any care in the world. Almost like the filter is removed

When I get drunk, I constantly evaluate how drunk I am and accounce it to everyone around me. You'll see me stand up to do something, sway a little too much and then declare "okay, I'm at, like, a four." If I notice I'm getting a little too smashed, I'll try and slow down or eat some bread or just generally try to take care of myself. Still having fun, though.

Mine was that I don't get hangovers pretty much at all so I never had an internal sense of "I'm going to feel like shit tomorrow if I keep going". Anyway I don't drink anymore and my body and relationships thank me.

I am like a homing pigeon. I might not know where I am or how I got there but I can sure as hell navigate a city well enough to get home safely.

I usually end up walking around in circles until it's been long enough that I've sobered up a bit and can remember where I am lol

I'm flirty, thankful and sometimes say stuff I regret the next day (usually dumb jokes). Pretty good overall.

You did a good thing! alcohol can lower the shields for good or ill. Sometimes it can allow the facade we all carry about different aspects of our perceived selves to fall away and we can truly see what we need to do.

My poor wife if she gets too drunk just cries and cries. She has had such terrible loss in her family her entire life and when she drinks way too much she just sobs almost uncontrollably. It's terrible. Because she remembers her brother, her dad, her grandpa, all gone tragically. She hasnt done that in a few years because we are getting older and drunk stupidly less but it was a thing for awhile.

Alcohol is weird man.

I liked to text my coworkers pictures of my cats.

It got to be a bit much, and started to be referred to as me getting drunk and sending pussy pics.

I haven't sent one in months :( kind of miss it lol

Depends on what I’m drinking.

Champagne? I’m an obnoxious asshole but but god do I love mimosas. They just taste so fucking good that I don’t even notice how many I’ve had. They’re like fucking candy or chips that I can’t stop shoving into my mouth.

Wine? Sad and start crying…the irritating sob story kind.

Rum/Vodka? Loud, happy, chatty, everyone’s BFF.

Tequila? Can go a few different ways.

I don’t drink beer or do shots though, so idk about those.

Can anyone convince me that the whole "different drunk from different alcohol" has any real scientific basis? I've just never really felt like I act any different on different types of alcohol. No matter the type of liquor or beer, I just lose some social inhibition and motor function, I don't really feel emotionally any different than I usually do when I'm drunk.

I could only explain it as such that we may drink different drinks according to the setting and mood we're in. I would never drink tequila at a formal work function, where champagne/bubbles is totally acceptable. And I have to be in the mood for hard liquor, so I most oftenly go for wine/beer. So perhaps that determines the way we act, rather than the sort of alcohol.

I can definitely see how the settings that are more likely to have one kind of liquor over another could influence the energy and what level of drunkenness is acceptable, and how that would relate to feelings people would relate more towards certain drinks. Thanks

I haven't done formal research on the topic, but as far as I can see this is correct- alcohol just lowers your inhibitions and makes you more suggestable, therefore easier to influence by your enviroment- you're way more likely to be depressed and sipping whiskey slowly by yourself than partying with Coronas with lime.

It would be interesting to look at regional ideas of what different alcohols are appropriate for and see if the "effects" change with it

After I've had a bunch of jaegarbombs I hurl so bad that policy in my house was written. Does that count?

It’s probably more to do with how strong each one is - wine vs liquor, for example, and if you drink them faster or slower and if there’s a mixer with one type vs wine, that’s drunk by itself.

So not so much the what, but the how.

That's true, I always assume the same level of drunkenness when people talk about different liquor, but maybe people get different levels of drunk and end up feeling one level more than another depending on drink

People can form strong psychological associations with alcohol too. Get blackout drunk a few times on tequila in college? That person is more likely to tell you that tequila hits them harder than other liquors, or that they can't drink it because it makes them sick.

I get louder, and I lose much of my profanity filter. Which people used to think wasn't possible. But that's it.

I'm the apologetic drunk. I am SO sorry to everyone. Usually apologizing for being drunk or just my existence in general. Also, before I get to that point, I usually test to see if I feel (or don't feel?) my teeth.

Once I get a few in me, even if i feel super drunk I just want to continue drinking. We might be out with friends getting hammered, and when its time to go I just want to go elsewhere to continue drinking

I think that's normal. For me the danger zone is at about four pints, where things go from "a nice buzz is plenty" to "more alcohol is a great idea!!!".

That actually might be a sign of a proclivity toward alcoholism

I have a similar quirk to you, though it's usually more being a therapist aligned.

Oh, and many accents creep into my voice from the great many I can do

I'm a very quiet drunk. I kinda just sit there and think about absolutely nothing- drowning and zoning out literally everything around me lol. Hard to have a conversation or even have any kinda fun with me when I'm drunk cuz I'll just kinda become a vegetable.

Oh man. I love to be tinkering in my workshop on whatever project I got going, listening to music, singing to myself and hitting some fresh ganja. THEN, and the wife's favorite part... I get to cooking a kickass dinner. I only like to drink a light beer and starting in the afternoon. By 5pm, I'm 4-6 deep, big time stoned and chef Emerald is in the house baby! I stick to water after that because if I go to bed all drinky, I'll feel like shit the following day. I dont like listening to other drunks or their shitty ass music when I'm feeling the vibe so i almost exclusively drink when I'm having me time/alone, able to tune my system up/wife not home yet and its sunny outside. That is a perfect day for me. It doesn't happen often but when it does... man I really enjoy it.

I used to have a major problem with alcohol in my 20's and it caused me untold damage. I quit partying for a good number of years to get my shit together and regroup. Now, I can actually enjoy it without going way overboard and making choices and actions that severely negatively impact my existance, it's an entirely different thing for me now. Moderation and a little bit of discipline did me a world of good.

If you're drinking with me, you will be hearing about either a large portion of highly detailed military history, or the premise for a cool magical girl Manga I've been thinking up.

It isn't your choice which.