"We will not stop at Kyiv, Warsaw, Paris. We will stop when we feel secure." - Russian propagandist Solovyov

Wilshire@sopuli.xyz to Ukraine@sopuli.xyz – 265 points –
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Source: https://t.me/pravdaGerashchenko_en/29009

Russian propagandist Solovyov:

"We will not stop at Kyiv, Warsaw, Paris. We will stop when we feel secure."

What is security for Russia? The destruction of NATO?

Russia has been living in "counteraction and struggle" with external "bad enemies" for a very long time. This is how the Russian government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

Therefore Solovyov is right - they will not stop.


Here's a wild thought, maybe the best security comes from being a good neighbor and cooperating with people around you.

Russians can't trust. They grow up in a culture where corruption is common and lies more prevalent than reality. The only way a Russian can ever trust a thing is to do it themselves. The only other option is to remove anyone else who can do it better and then claim the advance as a Russian victory.

Russia can't be trusted by anyone anymore. Russians will be out for themselves, as they always are.

this is russia we're talking about here, they and germany are the bad neighbors of europe

Germany has been pretty damn secure since it started getting along with its neighbours

Never mind him, he's a little daft.

Prevent misinformation. Like the garbage the germany-hater is spouting.

lol. Blyats can’t take Ukraine and NATO hasn’t done more than supply weapons and intelligence.

and not even the best boom-booms, either.

In your opinion what are the best boom-booms of NATO, short of nuclear devices?

AGM-158 JASSM's with CHAMP packages. Stealth cruise missiles with anti-electronics packages. Would bring down the bloodshed significantly while disabling enemy communications, launchers, radar installations, etc. These can be fired by F-16s.


The CHAMP is superior to other electronic warfare weapons because it destroys electronics, rather than jamming which temporarily affects systems that come back online when it stops being applied....
CHAMP is capable of up to 100 shots per sortie.

Known or suspected/hypothetical?

You gotta imagine the US has at least one or two publicly unknown weapon types socked away for a rainy day. At the outside, perhaps something crazy in the vein of Rods from God.

the u.s. does not export 'everything' (even when excluding nuclear devices) in its arsenal.

A single raptor would turn the whole russ*an air force into scrap metal. Like a quarter of the globes airspace would be enforced by that lmao

I suspect NATO would be able to deploy localized laser based anti drone weapons.

Maybe show-off their experimental ship based rail guns?

If the west needs any more encouragement to assist Ukraine, here it is.

The choice is help Ukraine now, or kick the can down the road and lament when Russia is at your borders.

The choice is help Ukraine now, or kick the can down the road and lament when Russia is at your borders.

That might seem scarier if they weren't nearly 2 years into their 3 day war against their smaller, poorer next-door neighbour.

Russia is a terrorist shithole state that needs to be dismantled. I wish my country was doing more than providing arms and training.

1 more...

Because Russia is being invaded so often.

Well, sure, a few weeks ago, Napoleon invaded it. Oh, wait, that was 1812...

It's Nazi Germany all over again. Once you declared "total war" there is no way to escalate further and also no way to back down again.

Then just die of fright you absolutely cowards, if you think that defending hospitals, schools and civilian apartment buildings is a threat to Russia then just die. If you think a free and honest press is a threat to your government then just die because no sane person will look at your actions and let you continue unabated

Do Russians people truly believe they would stand a chance against the whole fucking NATO?

Propaganda is one thing, but that’s pure delusion.

It's why I imagine the Russian government has been trying to frame this as "self-defense" to its own people, when it's clearly the opposite.

They know that people will go to extreme lengths to fight when they believe they're fighting defensively, for their own people, sovereignty, safety, etc. To that end, it won't matter if they can realistically defeat NATO- they just want their own people to die trying.

While I hear what you're saying I have yet to witness where did the Ukrainian people strike in Russian land.

Also, where are we in that "fight against satanistic nazis" story? Does anybody in Russia truly believes that shit, or are they just applying their centuries old coward self-defense skills against tyrant?

From the Russian point of view, Russian speaking Ukrainians are their fellow citizens. The Russians claim Ukraine is mistreating them and invade to protect "Russians" in DPR/LPR. It's total bullshit, but it fits Russian's desire to be seen as both victims and heroes in their own psychodrama about the war.

From the Russian point of view, Russian speaking Ukrainians are their fellow citizens

But they also see Ukrainians as less-than compared to ethnic Russians. No minority in Russia is truly counted as "real" Russian, and they even have a separate word for "Russians who aren't ethnic Russians": россияне or rossiyane, where the word for "real" Russians is русский or russkiy.

You have to have leverage to negotiate. Is losing 500k standing troops a leverage position?

Only Russian aggression has made Russia insecure. Because now their borders are disputed.
Russia could have been perfectly secure, by just being a decent neighbor, and not invade other countries.

Maybe just concentrate on not losing the current war lol

Россия delenda est

I wish. There's not going to be much delenda-ing of Russia thanks to nuclear weapons being a thing

Its predecessor collapsed because of various factors. It doesn't have to be a special military operation.

That's true, I was more going off the original phrase's meaning: "Carthago delenda est" translates to "Carthage must be destroyed", and I didn't take a reference to it mean eg. an implosion like with the Soviet union but an active destruction by someone

I think it'll be a bit of both. The USSR collapse was partly due to economic factors caused outside itself. Russia relies on exporting resources to support itself economically. Even China might see the advantage in the dissolution of the federation allowing it to enhance influence in regional republics in the East. Russia is not self-sufficient in many aspects and sanctions are gradually squeezing.

We must fight wokeness on the beaches, the waterfronts and elsewhere. We shall never surrender.

There was some interesting, supposedly intelligence chatter during the Crimea invasion, that russia was willing to go as far as nuke warsaw to hold their claims. There was discussion that in the cold war in the 1950’s, russia was a victor, and responding from a position of strength - but the men ruling today come from a collapsed country and feel the need to do whatever it takes to feel respected.

The men ruling today are collapsed themselves, this is a pathetic show of hyper masculine murderers who just so happen to be dickless impotent yes men. It's more scary today looking at the quality of leadership

Yeah no. Sorry, OP, gonna downvote that buttface.