Some impressive level up to Lefty – 324 points –

LEMMY is how I find out there’s a new hbomber video? Not my fucking YOUTUBE SUBSCRIPTION ALERTS??

Thanks, Google!

My YouTube alerts come days after the actual video release dates. I'm not even sure how they manage to get it that delayed.

my people, check out Newpipe (Android, download through F-Droid) and Freetube (desktop) - your feeds will be chronological, no black-box suggestion algorithm. all videos from all your subscriptions will be shown to you (you can even group your subs to customize how they show up)

you'll avoid some of that surveillance capitalism

Laughing at one weird bald misogynist

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?" - Blight

Did I mention that they have a pet skull...hmm, no I doubt that helps either.

Perhaps they enjoy scotch and cigars as well, maybe that'll... Ah, never mind.

At half the video I knew the main culprit was about to be revealed, then he put the "contrapoints" lighting and I was like please don't be contra, and he starts talking about how that person was stealing from smaller lgbtq creators and I was oh fuck, is contra, but then it was actually that guy I didn't even knew existed and was a relief.

Given the amount of time between Contra videos, I would be really surprised if she was plagiarizing

TBF James Somerton does often imitate the Contrepoints aesthetic.

I was also thinking Contra was involved, but when he pulled out the lighting I thought it was something someone had done to her. I'm very glad it just turned out to be Somerton, who failed the sniff test the first time he was recommended to me by the algorithm.

OOTL here and my googling has come up dry, whst happened?

It's a long video posted by YouTube creator HBomberguy regarding plagiarism on YouTube. If you watch/listen to video essays on YouTube it's worth a play.

TL;DW- it's a longstanding issue of ripping practically verbatim sections of other people's work without proper sourcing. There were a few larger named channels put forth as evidence. I know at least one of the plagarist has since turned off comments on his videos.

From looking, his recent video is retreading drama that had happened over the last several months but OP is claiming bald man did all the work.

I dunno about the other 2, but the iilluminautii segment in the video has been done dozens of times at this point and involved half a dozen creators that were direct associates of her bringing her down. But, nah, all bald man.

edit: I forgot but she also partially took herself down by posting one of her editors notes containing suicidal ideation because of her in her video defending herself against that editor…

He covered at least 5 content creators, so it's not just 'the other two'. This is purely anecdotal as this was my personal experience.

I definitely knew about the illuminati drama, but none of the others. I've seen video essays from every creator covered (except for Phillip) and had enjoyed having James S in the background in particular. It looks like he's turned off all comments in his videos post plagiarism video. For the record I hadn't seen any other hbomberguy videos prior to this.

Im gonna go on a bit of a logical leap here using current information regarding The Completionist. Karl Jobst and SomeOrdinaryGamers released their initial findings regarding the charity fraud in their own videos. As they have each found info that develops the situation, they release another video pointed at that specific information. Karl does a high level whereas Mutahar does deep dives so his videos take a couple days longer to emerge.

In this instance, they are releasing one video pointing one finger at one issue at one creator rather than a 4 hour compilation at nearly half a dozen people covering dozens of complaints. Bald mans video, at the very least, has hallmarks of a compilation rather than any actual investigative value.

Did we watch the same video? Did you watch the video? I'm aware of the charity situation but that wasn't referenced in the video.

If you're this invested, watch the hbomberguy video. I think you'd like it.

If it started with him, then I guess the dominoes make sense - it wouldn't be a claim that he did all the work, just set it in motion.

I have no idea though, I am OOTL also and haven't looked at the video yet.

Nah, I can absolutely confirm in at least one of those cases he is several months behind the curve and just tacking it on to pad video length.

I understood his video to be primarily calling out rampant plagiarism on YouTube. Illuminati was a small portion of the video and helped him convey the issue with content farms. Also, just because you're aware of the issue doesn't mean everyone else is.

You think he’s tacking content on to increase the length of a four hour video?

Well yeah, hbomb is very well known for making short videos, so clearly he's just trying to pad his runtime for views and that sweet, sweet ad revenue he's making from these drama videos.

Should note that right at the beginning he jokes about how long it took them to get this video out (notes the writers' strike as "ongoing").

Also, I knew none of this stuff. His long-form video essays are always a great watch because they aren't shot out 5m after something happens and consist of mostly opinions.

Looks like some people don't get the meme here. The first domino refers to the first hbomb video against aurini. Please don't make me explain the joke

No you gotta explain it to dummies like me. Which 3 established YouTube careers?

Yeah I’m way too old to know who these YouTubers are lol 🥲

I really need to watch more hbomb videos

I would have but it's 3+ (some people are saying 4) hours long. Ain't nobody got time for that!

THIS video is indeed 4 hours long, but he has shorter ones. And longer ones, for some odd reason.

Just restarted again today on my drive to an appointment. Don't worry, the screen is off and I'm just listening to his bald, low-T sexy voice and thinking about twinks (video reference for those that haven't seen it).

Oh, and run-time is 3 hours and 51 minutes. So, yeah, basically 4 hours!

I don't know what this is about, appreciate the contribution nonetheless

been terribly out of the loop lately

Hbomberguy, after doing a video that deleted Tommy Tallarico by exposing a career of lies (even getting one of his world records removed in the process of research alone), put out a video discussing plagiarism where he, with receipts, showed Internet Historian, Illuminaughtii, and James Somerton conducted significant plagiarism. All 3 fan bases went feral over it. Somerton deleted his socials and lost a shitload of his patreon money and IH's fans are having a Normal One.

Somerton was the main focus of the video. He's a gay man who created a series of video essays that are basically all entirely plagiarized word for word from dozens of other queer creators, pretty much straight up stealing money from them. Hbomb has dedicated all the revenue he makes from this video to be split between everyone somerton stole from, which hilariously includes Wikipedia.

I used to watch illuminaughti but don't want to watch a 4 hour video about youtube plagiarism to find out what happened. Can you give me a quick summary?

Multiple times she made videos that were just word-for-word reading out the transcript of a documentary, even going so far as using the documentary footage as background imagery, without crediting the original at all. She also avoided youtube copyright detection by putting filters over such footage. Honestly I'm less upset about the plagiarism (which is bad, no doubt) and more just at the outright clownishness of literally copy-pasting somebody else's work.

Using a pirate link as a source from one of the documentaries is pretty based tho.

damn, stuff like this makes me glad that I don't follow internet "discourse" any more

In this case it's not really discourse so much as plagiarizing minority voices and directly profiting off them. Hbomb describes how a Somerton patreon subscriber discovered him reading her own essay back at her uncredited. She was paying him to steal from her.

Dude's also a misogynist. When he isn't stealing people's words his original contributions frequently attack white women, and he'll also misgender creators that he feels are "as bad as" women so he can attack them through the same lens.

I feel like in discourse you need two sides and nobody is on this dude's side.

get your point, I just can't be bothered with internet personalities.

The world is a horrible place, ik. I'm trying to change it irl rather than waste my energy online

Dude’s also a misogynist.

yea, and it took way too long to come around to this point, which is probably the only meaningful criticism in this whole thing (except the observation that serial plagiarists also spread misinformation in their attempts to cover plagiarism, which is interesting). he could have made this video about misogyny with a side of plagiarism instead of getting his panties in a twist about a total non-issue.

I think I might be in love with hbomberguy. Though it's hard to beat his Pathologic video, that one was incredibly special and I've seen it way too many times.

By the way, did James officially react to this in any way yet?

I knew of the first two because their videos were everywhere and Illuminaughtii was sort of in the breadtube sphere. Never heard of James Somerton and it seems like I wasn't missing anything.

Breadtubers who aggregate and present unified information is still legitimate content creation. People dont want to watch multiple 2hour long documentaries and read 10 articles. So if a breadtuber does that and condenses that into a 30min video, good for them. Improving citation is a legitimate point but ultimately not that important for most people.

It's not condensing when it's a) copying verbatim and b) not citing sources.

It's not an issue citation needing to be improved. It needs to exist at all. And the audience's opinion on whether citation is important to them is a total non-issue. Their opinions don't matter in this regard.

You cite sources and give credit, or you don't publish.

You cite sources and give credit, or you don't publish.


Saying that a person's labor shouldn't be valued, and that others should be able to steal your labor without consequence, is an interesting take for a communist.

This point was brought up at the end of the video. You just need to watch it.

And I have nothing against that, as long as they are not trying to get me to believe that they did all the work themselves

Did you really watch all the incredibly flagrant horseshit in this video and come away with that?

probably they didn't watch it if they are complaining about watching 2hour long documentaries, he probably needs a breadtuber to condense it for him

Well despite their recent claim that they watched it (which ironically came in a 4 hour length text wall response), it seems the point was handily missed, intentionally or otherwise.

I did watch it and it could have been condensed to 5minutes.

Youtubers copy paste articles, videos and wikipedia. Should youtubers be held at a normal societal standard for copyright? He didnt have to go to all that detail about every single copypasted sentence that a random youtuber included in their video.

And even in the end he says that he is fine with youtubers making videos of copypasting articles/wikipedia/other languages, because that makes that knowledge more accessible. So his only issue is with citation. And i would argue that an extensive citation would break the flow of a video, so i would be fine with a disclaimer saying "most of this content is copypasted or inspired from other sources, i am not intelligent". Would he be ok with that? Is this about ego?

Ultimately, noone has any original thought. We are all products of our environment. If i make a video about any subject, even if i dont literally copypaste something, what i will be saying is probably something that i read before. Even if i include some of my "own" ideas and opinions, those ideas and opinions are shaped by other people in the past.

Humans are no different than chatgpt. We regurgitate previous input. Ultimately individuals are irrelevant, what matters is ideas and their spread. But since we live in an individualistic, capitalistic society, people go crazy over copyright. Who cares. Does any of the viewers of these videos really care whether the creator of the video is presenting "original" thought or copypasting a wikipedia article? I dont. I am just happy to be exposed to the information.

oh wow, I never even thought about this! probably because it doesn't fucking matter. I can't believe humanity collectively wasted 4million hours on this in 2 days.


hey guess who didn't look at which user made this post before talking shit.


Shhhh. Let people enjoy things.

i think the same can be said to the whiner making a 4 hour video about shit that doesn't affect anyone.

Sounds like someone was told they couldn't use wikipedia as a source word for word in high school and never got over it. The less parrots we have saying shit they don't understand to get recognition other people worked for the better. If a four hour video is too long for you, maybe break it down into chunks or use any other time management skill. Or don't watch it still, but you're making the case that you have no attention span and say mean things about content you've never interacted with for jollies.

I think the same can be said to the whiner making angry comments on Lemmy because someone made a 4 hour video he doesn't want to watch.

what makes you think i didn't watch it?

Because you're saying it doesn't affect anyone when it affects a lot of people! Someone was making lots of money out of other's work.

No need to be so negative, stranger. Why don't we stop party popping and try to make the internet nicer?

Why don’t we stop party popping and try to make the internet nicer?

i'm all for being nice, but the 4 hours of snark ain't it. how many parties did hbomberguy just poop?

Someone was making lots of money out of other's work

i don't think this matters. at all. humans share stories and songs and recipes and jokes and tools. the people being "affected" weren't bringing their stories to the audiences the plagiarists were.

You either have a very concerning lack of empathy or aren't even trying, internet stranger. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, but if you are saying that is okay to take credit from someone else's work because otherwise people wouldn't have access, that's very weird!! Its like there isn't a better way like saying where you got your stuff. I hope you're not assuming that you know better and won't expose yourself yo new knowledge but there are a lot of vulnerable people that are more at risk of having their work stolen. There's also another video from Philosophy Tube that talks about this. I highly recommend it. :)

i am of the opinion that plagiarism is a total non-issue. serial plagiarists, eventually, are caught. whether by becoming too prolific and having their "work" discovered by the source from which they are plagiarizing, or by virtue of the fact that there is, genuinely, a limited amount of material from which one can plagiarize, and, so, they cannot actually keep up their publishing until others do the work for them. and once they're caught, it's almost impossible to repair that reputation, and the people from whom they plagiarized may end up getting even more exposure in the fallout of the scandal.

BUT that's only one mole-hill-sized mountain i found in this "video essay". his whole aside about melania's speech writers plagiarizing michelle obama's speech writers does no damage to anyone at all. it's silly drama. the way he whines about people actually DOING the bare minimum research and going to the wikipedia sources is also silly: even though many people (or bots) copy-and-pasted those individual links, the work of reading them well enough to include them usefully in a video is a genuine service.

and all of this sort of talks around my initial point above: the whole point of culture is to share it. the people harassed by the plagiarists' fans are victims, but only of harassment, in my estimation. they can't believe that having their name appear on screen in these videos made by (let's be honest) intellectual lightweights would have added to either their own gravitas or their financial well-being.

there is honestly no circumstance in which you are going to convince me that anyone should be compelled to say anything, even the name of the person who told them something verbatim. and leaving out that name can vary in it's acceptability from maybe-a-little-rude to lifesaving (consider confidential newspaper sources).

If you had watched the video, you’d know that it actually discusses how translating media from one format to another has merit given it is properly cited (or permission is given for adaptions).

Your opinion is morally wrong and it doesn’t matter how many words you use to try to explain it away 🙃

properly cited (or permission is given for adaptions).

I don't need to cite anyone, and you won't compell my speech. I don't need permission to share information.

If you had watched the video, you’d know that it actually discusses

yea. and I disagree with the analysis. what's with everyone assuming I didn't watch it?

You would say this directly to Brian Deer's face?
"Sorry, no one cares that people keep pilfering you for content."

why not? the worst fate that can befall an author is not that someone might steal their work, but that no one will want to.

it's a fucking compliment.

Stealing work for money is good, actually, says user named commie.


Stealing work for money is good, actually,

this is astrawman. I didn't and would never say this. but that's at least partially because I would never call plagiarism "stealing"

calling me names doesn't change whether this is a moral issue: it's not. it's an academic issue.

Academia being perfectly amoral?

This is people's livelihoods. That's covered in the video you implied you watched. You fucking liar.

It's also resulted directly in harassment of people who did all of the work, because of course these thieving bastards will cry crocodile tears and send their manipulated fans after the big meanies accusing them of demonstrably accurate shit.

It’s also resulted directly in harassment of people who did all of the work, because of course these thieving bastards will cry crocodile tears and send their manipulated fans after the big meanies accusing them of demonstrably accurate shit.

and that's bad. but it's not an issue of plagiarism, it's an altogether separate problem.

This is people’s livelihoods.

I don't see where anyone has lost money, except the plagiarists who removed videos or got fired.

That's still covered in the video you lied about watching, no matter who you go tattling to when someone points it out. You wanna know? Go find out. You wanna pretend you know, then demand someone explain it to you? Sit and spin.

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You fucking liar.

when you apologize for your insult and incivility, I'll be happy to keep explaining what a non-issue roughly 80% of this was.

'I'll demonstrate bare-minimum awareness when you stop highlighting my blatant ignorance.'

Either you care or you don't.

You obviously don't.

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