linux rule to – 1085 points –

Why would someone recommend an OS that everyone already uses?

Why would someone recommend an OS that sucks

You don't know a bad OS until you've tried something like TempleOS

I wouldn’t call TempleOS bad, it’s just designed for a different use case. Most OSes are designed to function for productivity. TempleOS is designed to display schizophrenic delusions

An OS is about compatibility and function.

TempleOS has neither.

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Hey, don’t talk about Linux like that, no matter how true it is!

At Linux is my garbage contrary to Microsoft Windows which is just garbage

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Everyone obviously uses Linux, but does everyone use arch?

Not enough. Spread the word.

I'm doing my part!

I can only use arch at so many places simultaneously

True. However, thanks to the magic of virtual machines you can run multiple instances of arch on each device! Just be careful you don't run too many overlapping arches or they'll transform into domelinux and the HOA will fine you for architectural mismatch.

Hey Steve, have you considered wearing pants?

Background Penguin in speedo looks on disapprovingly

There's this great new invention. It's called soap. Have you heard of it?

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This meme is so old I can see the crust on it

The demotivational format is one I'm thankful to be rid of. They were good for like 5 days when they would actually parody the original posters. But then it was years of it being an absurdly awkward caption format

I've used Linux since 1996 and don't recommend it to anyone. They might want help with something.

If you ever get these after a contacting customer care, here is how they work:

10/10: ok. No need to reprimand employee

9/10: acceptable every now and then

Anything less than 9/10: talk to employee about their low performance and lacking commitment

This applies to all questions asked, including “how is the weather?” and “did you sleep well tonight?”

So here is how I answer, knowing how it works:

Employee helped me or at least tried to (and was hindered by company bullshit): 10/10, no exception. Yes, I will sacrifice my firstborn on your corporate altar and will build a shrine to your CEO in my bedroom. Of course I will recommend [product] and to anyone and everyone I will ever meet and praise [company] with my dying breath.

Mediocre service: no reply

Truly awful service, employee was a dick: 2-4/10, so it does not look like petty revenge, but is still bad

Why even have a 1 to 10 scale then

You have more understanding of this situation than the brainless executives demanding that the survey be included.

I hate that

On the occasion I don't give a 5 or 10 or whatever is the max I explain in the comments that n is perfection and very difficult to achieve but n-1 is still very good, but I also never give less than max to the employee, I apply your same logic (disregard the survey)

Linux users.... The vegans of IT.

And just like the real world, as annoying as vegans are, they ultimately are ideologically right

Eh... both are questionable. Morally superior, maybe, but definitely not right.

Could you explain the difference?

Both aren't really sustainable. Open source doesn't pay live-able wages without some kind of proprietary component and going full vegan is very detrimental to the health and sometimes even the cause itself. I'm not a dictionary and english isn't my first language, but in my understanding, the "right" thing should at least be viable, without taking compromises from the other side.

To clarify, I'm not saying that open-source and veganism are bad or we shouldn't aim towards those. What I'm saying is that, while half-opensource like redhat and half-veganism (on supplements) is viable, so is all-meat diet and all-proprietary software, but not going full RMS opensource-only and getting rid of all animal-based products without causing even more damage to the ecosystem with the alternatives. Maybe we're missing some puzzle pieces (like properly implemented communism) or the end-goal is a bit off, or, maybe, going half-way is actually the "right" thing all along.

as annoying as vegans are, they ultimately are ideologically right

about what?

The meat industry overall is bad for everyone, the amount of food it requires to feed the meat we eat is extremely wasteful. From an economic standpoint, meat is "bad", let alone the lobbying done by the meat industry.

Eating meat increases the chances of heart disease. Some protein is good, but we eat way too much. From a public health standpoint, meat is "bad"

In general, it's good to lessen harm. Factory slaughtering living things that grew up in what's effectively a prison is not lessening harm.

But, I do like the taste of meat unfortunately. Ill splurge on lab grown meat when it becomes available, but even though I'm a hypocrite for liking the taste of meat doesn't mean vegans are wrong because they're annoying to deal with

the amount of food it requires to feed the meat we eat is extremely wasteful

a lot of what we give livestock are parts of plants that people can't or won't eat. that's the opposite of wasteful.

Parts of plans that were specifically grown for livestock that we won’t eat, that is. At least a big part.

i'm talking about waste product from our crops, like cottonseed from the textile industry or soymeal leftover from making soybean oil or silage.

And he's talking about crops specifically grown for livestock. Of which there is quite a lot. Hell, even pets that aren't considered live-stock outright, like Horses, consume tremendous amounts of feed that isn't just by-products.

And he’s talking about crops specifically grown for livestock.

what i said was true. what they said wasn't nuance, it was stated as a contradiction. your framing of it as nuance is a red herring.

Factory slaughtering living things that grew up in what’s effectively a prison is not lessening harm.

you can't know that. consequentialist ethics run into this all the time: you can't actually know what the future holds, and it may be that without the current agricultural system, even more harm would have been done.

I see your argument that thinking how a pig in a meat factory feels is just speculation, but there is a point where we have to think about the future and speculate what could be and how possible it is. If we have better options now, and, maybe not as a single human, but collectively can act to stop this harm with a great possibility, I think it's worth it to speculate. I don't no where you draw this line, but it is beyond mine, so I am willing to speculate that this is the better way.

thinking how a pig in a meat factory feels is just speculation

that's not what i'm saying here. i'm saying that they could be experiencing an immense amount of suffering, but we can't know if that is saving the world from an even greater suffering sometime in the future.

And I would say that I am ready to speculate, that stopping this suffering does not conclude to more.

you can't really know, though. the model you presented for right behavior precludes you from ever knowing if you're doing the right thing.

So majority keep it to themselves, and those who aren't vegans bother them about being vegan?

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Friend always talks about talking about linux with girls, acts weird and stuff. Its so dramatic, I wonder if he is being sarcastic. On the other hand, he is the only person I know outside of the internet who talks about linux while using a windows laptop as a daily driver

haha that second part is hilarious

Damn, I used to be that guy too (the one who talks about Linux whilst using Windows). I actually posted my Windows rice as a Linux rice in unixporn a while ago…it really did look like Linux.

I use NixOS now, but I keep Windows on a separate drive in case I ever need it.

I use Linux btw.

Gimp is great and free btw.

I can just compress that video with a single command btw.

You want to resize that image? Let me pull up a terminal. This is Linux btw.

( Even though not all of us are using Arch, we all have little Arch trolls inside us)

I love my purple Arch, and I will indeed recommend it to people

This isn’t true either, because when I’ve built computers in the past, we go over which OS is trash.

This is like when I download an app for work or other such function and they ask me to rate. RANDOM PEOPLE WOULD GET NO USE OUT OF THIS APP, WHY ARE YOU ASKING IF ID RECOMMEND THIS APP?

"Bro but OSX has Final Cut Pro and is the end all be all of music production!"

I butt chug Panera charged lemonade, by the way.