Which communities you feel lemmy is lacking?

Vcio@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 125 points –

as a reddit refugee i mostly use lemmy, but sometimes i go back by a lack of alternative to some subreddit, which one you feel there is a need ?


Lemmy currently lacks the userbase for niche, specific communities, or subregional communities

Yep. It's never an issue to fill a message board with memes and cats, the hard part is filling the niche communities. I hope it gets there.

I really miss r/askhistorians

oh i feel this so hard. i hope the mods are collating their best answers and saving the info to somehow bring over here.

You should send the mods a mail to see if they have any Lemmy plans. It's worth it just to know. Sometimes they don't have a plan but they do know of a good alt community for you to try out

I believe you can just create your own Magazine (sub) if there isn't currently one out there! Start that bad boy up!

Yeah this is fine if you have time to moderate a community or don't care about it being moderated.

that's a great idea. they must know about the fediverse's existence, but they may not know that Lemmy is actually viable.

OP, please don't go making empty ghost communities based on the feedback here. That would be worse than no community at all. Communities should be created by topic enthusiasts.

Lots of individual game subs

Yeah, sadly I don't think we're at the size required to make a vibrant community for all but the biggest games. I miss the Oxygen Not Included sub most.

Yes, I haven't found a final fantasy XIV community here and I always have questions I search on Google that link back to reddit.

I feell like that the problem is just discovery

I agree, the communities are going started but there’s no way to organically find them

I used lemmyverse.net to find communities from the subs list I had on reddit, but I'll just have to remember to keep searching after some time has passed since my I won't have my reddit account for reference

Among what the others have mentioned, there is also sub.rehab - some results include communities that are not on Lemmy/Kbin however.

Some of the apps in development like Memmy have search functions

There are enough communities, there just aren't enough posts and comments.

Most posts on the communities I see are just links with one or two comments.

One that I miss is "r/sex" for discussions and support about sex.

r/Sex is a good one, however 90% of questions could be answered by "talk to your partner". I'll agree that it is a positive community for general discussion about sex though.

It shows that these are the communities of geeks, doesn't it

I think there's a sub like that on the nsfw instance

I look at it as Lemmy isn't large enough to support smaller communities unless they come here as is.

r/HumansBeingBros is what I miss a lot... or am I missing something...

I'll say it for everyone (and myself), NSFW communities. Reddit is still effectively king for that, at least for now.

There is a fair few out there, one main issue is that you can't even get a list of nsfw communities without being logged in on the instances they're created in.

IIRC the only instance that patches that check out and is remotely discoverable because of it is lemmynsfw. Whatever communities other instances have are basically hidden to all but the select few who know about them / have an account there and goes to look them up.

I may be in the minority here, but I don't miss the sexual NSFW content from reddit at all. I was getting tired of seeing OF accounts posting semi-flirtatious things in completely unrelated subs in order to garner attention.

It was totally new to me that people use Reddit for porn. Actually, I only realised that because they were complaining about the supposed lack of these communities on Lemmy. So, you aren't really speaking for everyone...

come July 1st, i think you'll find a lot of people making that final push to come over here, try to figure out what the fediverse is, and moderate (or create from whole cloth) the communities they used to have. i certainly don't have the time nor expertise to moderate any community, but i know lots of folks will come over here. July is gonna be huge.

now fix the bot problem and we're gonna be ok.

Something I think is genuinely useful about Reddit that I don't know if Lemmy has replicated yet is the whole genre of "The entire world is here, someone will recognize what you're talking about" subs. What is this thing, what is this bug, tip of my tongue, tip of my joystick, ask historians, ask mechanics...I'm not sure we've established that brain trust here.

Lemmy drama, I want to gossip about other communities and read people fighting for stupid shit.

I was sure there was a community for Lemmy drama but I can’t find it rn

I miss some dedicated meme subreddits:

  • prequelmemes
  • sequelmemes
  • lotrmemes

They were always good for a laugh.

Oh! And highqualitygifs.

personally i'm missing all the horror content. there's a nosleep replacement here that's gaining traction but stuff like /r/wtf, /r/oddlyterrifying, /r/creepywikipedia etc are sorely missed right now

what was r/creepywikipedia? it's private right now

pretty much exactly what it sounds like. people would browse wikipedia and post the creepiest pages they found. like, for example, the aztec death whistle.

I do not have the skill or bandwidth to mod a community, but if someone makes creepywikipedia I would absolutely contribute to it!

Intellectually, I think lemmy already has a good grasp on topics...but I do miss the daily video content of r/crazyfuckingvideos, r/publicfreakout, and r/idiotsincars.

Lovecraft and Cthulhu Mythos



Web Novels

Light Novels translation

Anime and Manga

i also you like a comics community.

For me economics, finance, and investing subs are the ones that I got back for. Other than that most of the subs that I liked are mostly here

Just from the top of my head r/BoneAppleTea and r/AmITheAsshole

Both of these are on lemmy.world. Might not be quite as much content yet though.

r/frogs and r/orphancrushingmachine


I... What? Do I want to know?

It's a a send-up of the supposedly "feel-good" stories about people that go above and beyond to make the horrors of some societal problem (usually capitalism) less horrifying for somebody. Like, when a child holds a 48 hr lemonade sale marathon to erase the lunch debt of his/her peers. Yeah, it's a nice thing to do, but it should NOT be necessary.

The idea is that we would see stories talking about how great this person is for slowing down an orphan crushing machine, without questioning the need for an orphan crushing machine in the first place.

It still is terrible but a different kind of terrible compared to what I was expecting. Thanks!

I really miss r/hfy (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!) A sub which writes about humans doing awesome shit in space etc.

Thanks for reminding me about this! I need to continue where I left off with The UWS Alcubierre. Do you have any favorites on there?

Someone did make goblincore, but it’s still mostly empty and I’m not talented enough to contribute lol

I loved looking through all the mossy green nature pics, tiny ecoscapes, mushrooms, frogs, and forest-witch style craftsmanship from people much more creative than myself

I'm into conspiracies and occultism, while Reddit wasn't perfect in that regard, I would enjoy either one having a bigger presence

If we are going to have one from occultism, we're going to need one for lemmy drama because occultism drama is the tastier of all.

The whole Grusch saga has reinvigorated my interest in UFO nonsense, so I've been posting to !UFOs@lemmy.world but there's really not much discussion there yet. Happy to take my posting somewhere there would be if you know of one! I loved conspiracy stuff years back as well. The goofier, the better. "Why yes, I would like to read about the family bigfoot started with a hiker on vacation. Surprised it took you so long to ask."

I think I've found most of the communities here that I subscribed to when I left reddit. There are a couple I wish were here or more active.

Daddit was a great group of dads that were supportive and welcoming where we could vent, share memes, and just have general discussions about being a dad. They were really welcoming of moms too, as there's not always a dad present for the kids.

An easier way to link communities. It was so simple on reddit just typing r/sub but here it's more complicated

As far as I can tell, Lemmy server update 0.18 will improve upon relative linking of instances so that a link such as /c/community@lemmyinstance (or the even simpler !community@lemmyinstance) will take everyone to their own instances' version of community@lemmyinstance (see this comment for a more detailed description)

The average person won't jump through these hoops just trying to subscribe to a community. I can clearly see them on a list, but still not able to join a bunch from my instance (lemm.ee). Are they too small? Nobody from my instance on them? Whatever.

I think that if there is no one from your instance (which also happens to be my instance) is subscribed to a community on an instance other than your own then you have to search for it in the search bar (using the url or !community@lemmyinstance) before you will be able to interact with it. Lemmy doesn’t synchronize everything between all instances by default, only what is needed to save on resources.

No one on your instance has subscribed to them, but you still can. Just copy the full link of the community on the instance and paste it into your instances search bar and it may lag but give it 30 seconds or so.

The after that everyone on your instance can discover it more easily.

Parenting communities. The culture can be very hit or miss, but that might apply to most communities. I just want somewhere to commiserate with others without any judgment or the usual dramatic bullshit.

I agree. One of the first communities I looked for was a substitute for daddit. Let us know if you find / end up creating something.

I’ll edit this to provide a link at some point, but dadsplain might be what you are looking for.


As a Matt, r/matt was a community for us Matt’s to do what us Matt’s do. I’m a little “homeless” here on Lemmy, but I get by.

You could always change your name to Lemmy?

I’m still looking for a true crime / unresolved mysteries community.

I used to browse /psychedelicrock , /krautrock and /nearprog fairly often as a source for new music and I haven't found anything to replace them yet.

Someone did make goblincore, but it’s still pretty empty and I’m not creative enough to meaningfully contribute.

I loved looking through all the happily amateur mossy green nature pics, tiny ecoscapes & terrariums, all the mushrooms, frogs, and foresty crafts & creations from people much more talented than myself.

The issue isn’t that the rooms don’t exist in this house, but more that the smaller niche ones are still just a couple shy people early to the party, waiting for the extroverts to show up lol

/running /bikewrench & /cycling /askscience & /science /autisticwithadhd /onguardforthee /ontario /kingstonontario /ontariogardeners /canadianinvestor /cozyplaces /ifyoulikeblank /notthebeaverton /oddlysatisfying /plantclinic /renovations

Also Select a Set was a very cool little music themed sub that I enjoyed participating in.


Scrungycats! How did I forget that one? I was going to say all the very specific cat subs (watercolor cats, tucked in kitties, pointy tailed kittens, Halloween kitty combo, black cats, one orange brain cell, sic, cats are aliens, cat dimension

Also book and bookclub subs, velvet hippos and food and sad dogs

Fighting games. I wasn't too surprised not to find communities for specific fighting games (other than Guilty Gear which I don't like) but no general community either?

A non-pornographic femboy and/or femboy discussion community (a pornographic one exists.) I'm still deciding whether I want to go back to Reddit or not and the thing that almost prompted me to go back right then and there was wanting to ask a question about fitting into women's clothes. This I think might be too niche to be useful on anything other than a big site.

...still waiting for whenthe community to get the ball rolling on Lemmy

Specific musician ones. At the moment there's a bunch of Jeff Rosenstock teases happening and right now is when I'd be going to that subreddit to see others discussing them. But it's gone and at the moment there's no replacement.

I also miss the specific opening weekend discussions on r/movies. I think there is a movies community somewhere but I've not seen it pop up on my "active" feed.

You could always make a post on the general music communities and see if other folks want to chat in the comments? I think we just need to embrace making posts about specific things in communities that feel “not specific enough” but that have enough subscribers that at least one or two care about that subtopic of the larger whole.

Oh shit, I've been getting back into listening to Jeff recently.


L4L (or, R4R). It went private on Reddit and is still dark. Probably not enough users on Lemmy for it to be viable here yet though.

I didn't see any communities about manga, though I know there is one about anime.

/r/askscience /r/askmen and the ones for the TV shows I watch.

Second the TV show communities. Always enjoyed the post-episode discussions.

The various personal finance related subs. There are some communities with similar names, but the depth of experience is lacking.

It’s the off-season right now, but I’m hoping a successor to /r/icecoast gets established by October or November. (East coast skiing and snowboarding.)

I do not miss the circle jerk subs. I admit some were funny, but most were just mean-spirited and ended up becoming worse than whatever it was they set out to make fun of. For example, the books circle jerk sub was full of snobs who snarked at people in the books sub for...gasp... liking popular books.

There's just something inherently pathetic in using a platform to make fun of others on the same platform. It's like going to a dance party solely to stand on the side and make fun of the way people dance.

I hope that sort of thing doesn't catch on here. But the "asshole filter" could creep in if lemmy reaches a high user population.

DepthHub & RBI were good at times.

Although the obvious answer for me is the already niche subs on Reddit for software/TV shows which have just a few hundred people there. There'd be 10 people at absolute max on here and the community would not last.

It's the lack of really small, niche, but still relatively active communities that is the biggest loss for me (so far). For example, I want to to talk about Brentford FC, a tiny English football club which was only promoted to the Premier League a couple of years ago. But we're a million miles away from that when there are exactly two communities for general soccer and one community for Liverpool FC, all three with exactly one subscriber.

Any other Bees fans out there? This Flekken guy seems pretty promising, even if I had hopes for Alban Lafont.

I'm missing pretty much all the "League of Legends Mains" communities, especially ADCMains and SamiraMains. They were one of my absolute go-to subreddits and the only reason I haven't fully deleted my account yet.

Other then that it's mostly niche things, especially very niche wholesome fem-oriented NSFW subs

Edit: they have been added, I'm thrilled r/lockpicking or room porn if they haven't been added.

I miss /r/opensuse and an active Java community. There are a few Java communities on several servers, but they are all basically dead.

Communities that are focused on a broad topic and full of obscure knowledge. I'm really missing r/ToyotaPickups, r/atming, and r/KnifeMaking right now.

Scribus. I still use the open source DTP at work even if I have InDesign installed.