Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. to – 172 points –

And when they perform raids, they should be required to shout "This is a F.A.C.T. jack"! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Counterpoint: Neither of those organizations should exist at all.

Yea, they take up too much funding that could be used for other orgs!

hah, I read that as "other drugs" and was confused to your point.

Cops are always power tripping. Would be good to have less law junkies.

Yea, useful ones like medicare and social services, right?! ... right..?

Woah there buddy, if you want housing, food and healthcare, go get incarcerated like everyone else.

You misspelt join the military.

It’s honourable to escape poverty by being a paid killer.

Less than 15% of the military see actual combat.

Most people end up in a support role that helps facilitate paid killers.

Cannabis should be regulated by the FDA like any other vegetable. I should be able to buy weed at the farmer's market. Nobody says "oh you can only have two and a half ounces of kale at your house", "oh you can only grow so many tomatoes", "oh out of state residents can't buy more than a 12 pack"

Waaait if I am a US resident and go accross a state line im not allowed to buy a 30 pack of beer? Crossing a country border doesn't even prevent that.

But different areas do have weird restrictions on what you can buy and when. I live in Massachusetts so am familiar with blue laws, but …

On a trip to Pennsylvania a year or two ago, I had some microbrews I really liked and wanted to stock up from the local businesses, but apparently Pennsylvania law limits me to two six packs? wtf? Maybe I’m an edge case driving through and wanting to buy some for the next several weeks or parties but wtf

From last time I was in Pennsylvania, the laws were the weirdest I've seen, though who knows, maybe other NE states are the same. You can buy six packs at bars, which I guess seems more normal now in the age of brewpubs, but if you want more than that, you have to go to a 'beer distributor', who only sell cases.

check out some of the nations dumbest laws relating to Sunday

Up until 2003, Delaware banned the sale of liquor on Sundays. Today, alcoholic liquor can only be sold in specific establishments between 9 am to 1 am.

Some Florida counties prohibit alcohol and sex toy sales on Sundays and during certain hours of the day.

In Illinois, horse racing is prohibited on Sundays unless authorized by the local municipality. Car dealerships are closed on Sundays.

Indiana restricts Sunday alcohol sales to between noon and 8 pm.

In Maine, (...) hunting is illegal on Sundays.

Maryland law restricts professional sports games to before 1pm on Sundays. Except in Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George's counties, a new or used car dealer may not sell, barter, deliver, give away, show, or offer for sale a motor vehicle or certificate of title for a motor vehicle on Sunday.

In Michigan, it is prohibited to buy, sell, or participate in the trade of motor vehicles on Sunday.

In Massachusetts, certain businesses have controlled hours of operation, and the blue laws require that some businesses (retail establishments) pay their employees extra compensation on Sundays and some holidays.

Mississippi prohibits the sale of alcohol on Sundays statewide.

Nevada residents cannot purchase vehicles or water their grass on Sundays.

As for New Jersey, Bergen County practices one of the only remaining Sunday closing laws. Shopping for clothing, electronics, and furniture is not allowed on Sundays in Bergen County, which has four major malls. In Bergen County, Paramus has stricter blue laws, which ban all types of work on Sundays except in grocery stores, pharmacies, hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality workplaces.

New Mexico law states that on-premise alcohol sale is allowed from 7 am to 2 am and off-premise until midnight and no alcohol sales on or off-premise on Sundays or Christmas Day.

North Carolina law states that lcohol sales are prohibited between 2 am, and 7 am Monday through Saturday and between 2 am and either 10 am or 12 pm on Sundays, depending on the county. Gun hunting is prohibited between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm on Sundays.

In Oklahoma, Car dealerships are closed on Sunday. Selling packaged liquor is prohibited on Sundays. Alcohol sales are prohibited on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

Pennsylvania's law states that hunting is prohibited on Sundays, except for foxes, crows, or coyotes and car dealerships are closed on Sunday.

In Tennessee, alcohol cannot be consumed on-premise between 3 am, and 10 am on Sundays. If the local government had decided against extended hours for alcohol sales, the prohibited hours are 3 am to noon.

Texas law states that car dealerships must close on either Saturday or Sunday and have the option to determine which day. Any retailer with a license can sell beer and wine for "off-premises consumption." Beer can be sold from 7 am to midnight Monday through Saturday and from midnight to 1 am and noon until midnight on Sunday. Wine can be sold between 7 am to midnight Monday through Saturday and from midnight to 2 am and noon until midnight on Sunday. Liquor must be sold at specialized stores. Liquor cannot be sold on Sunday, on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas, and between 9 pm and 10 am.

In Utah, bars, clubs, and taverns are allowed to sell alcohol from 10 am to 1 am. Restaurants that serve alcohol are allowed between 11:30 am to 1 am, and the alcohol must be ordered with food. Additionally, alcohol sales have to remain under 30% of the restaurant's total sales.

amazing, the stupidity of other people.

That's what I'm saying, nobody does that because it would be insane. But an Iowa resident coming to Illinois can only get 15 grams of weed at a licensed adult use dispensary. Opposed to an Illinois resident who can get 30.

Crossing a country border doesn't even prevent that.

Really depends on what countries you're talking about.

At the very least, you're likely to need to pay taxes on the goods, which is part of what the state laws are about. Confederacies like the EU maybe excepted.

You can't do that with tobacco, why allow it with cannabis?

In fairness, I think I should be able to get tobacco at the farmer's market too. But regardless of my personal feelings, I can buy as many smokes as I want in Iowa and they're like half the price of Illinois smokes.

There is no state in the country where tobacco isn't age-restricted, which is what I'm focused on here. It's incredibly normal and routine for us to restrict certain things behind being a legal adult.

Making cannabis or tobacco equivalent to zucchini would be a complete sea-change in how we think of minors and their decision-making abilities.

There's no reason that I couldn't check someone's ID at my hypothetical farmer's market stand. And the bigger ones around here have dudes that sell like microbrewed meads and shit, so you can't tell me it's not already happening.

There's no reason that I couldn't check someone's ID at my hypothetical farmer's market stand.

No reason other than discussing in good faith, which means not moving the goalpost. You set the original hypothetical of cannabis being legally equivalent to squash, not me.

And the bigger ones around here have dudes that sell like microbrewed meads and shit, so you can't tell me it's not already happening.

Again, you set the original goalpost of discussing legal status.

My original comment was mostly an unhinged rant lamenting the current state of legalization more than an actual policy proposal, but I do think I should be able to buy and sell cannabis at the farmer's market.

Sure thing that "legalized everywhere" you talk about:

They mentioned the ATF. It was explicitly US centric and while a bit hyperbolic it is becoming more common there.

Maybe OP is incredibly imperialist and wants the ATF to police weed use everywhere on the world.

You mean ATF as in the automatic transmission fluid? No it was not explicitly US centric. You thinking a three letter acronym has to be about the US is just further evidence of the same assumption being the basis for all your thoughts.

That's a you problem. You need to learn to Google stuff in context. "ATF" alone might not tell you what it is, but you had "cannabis" and "dea" as 2 other keywords you could've used. That's like putting "right" in Google translate and complaining that it sucks because it gave you the word for "just" instead of the opposite of "left"

As if I did not use a search engine to find the result about automatic transmission fluid just to make a point. Funny you try to belittle me for not being able to understand what the post wrote when what actually happened here was that my point went straight over your head. To put it in plain words for you: I understand the post is about the US. OP talks like the US is everything, like many people from the US do, and the stupidity of it is tiring.

I got your point. You pretended to be dumb to make it, good job. And now you're pretending to be a victim because I pointed out that using Google wrong is not op's fault. Me explaining how to Google is not "belittling". Didn't call you any names or anything.

Back on point: I actually agree with the base idea that many people from the US talk as if they're the center of the universe and everyone should know what they're talking about, but c'mon... Let's not pretend that we're not watching films and series made there and we don't know what ATF and DEA are. Make these points when they're valid, not every time an American speaks.

I am not hating on Americans here. You did say I could not Google though, which is just plain wrong.

Idk if you can Google but you sure as fuck can't shut up

Lmao, thanks for contributing to the conversation. Also, how the fuck do you think you are in a position to tell me to?


This might be the dumbest retort I have seen in a while. Also, the way you turn someone off is by blocking them. Let me demonstrate for you.

I personally had no idea what they meant when I entered this thread, it's not pretending, there's a lot of projection going on here

I had heard of the DEA, but not the ATF, to be honest. The problem is that three letter acronyms are hardly unique unless context such as domestic to the US is being provided.

Map no longer accurate, Minnesota legalized recreational this part year 😁

Also here in belgium, it is only decriminalized up to 3g.

Brazillian medical exception needs a big asterisk. You can get medical permits but you cannot grow and they are not legal distribution neither. You basically have to start growing illegally, then going to the police department close to you with a lawyer signed document saying that you are growing against the law to be able to fulfill the legally medical judge permit. If you're in condition to do that, that mean you have enough money that police are not going to bother you anyways because they only harass poor and black people.

Yea, I have not done any quality control on the image. However the point was just to point out that weed is not legal almost everywhere, contrary to the post title. There are probably lots of inaccuracies, though the main point still stands.

I get you. I just wanted to clarify, in case people thinks Brazil is farther on marihuana laws that actually is.

While it doesn't work as well with or as your joke, the ATF is actually now the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. So we need to add the E as well and we can spell FACET, which is less fun. Or use M for Marijuana and spell FMEAT.

Combine Weed and Tobacco into "Smoking" and make it SAFE

Or MEFAT and lobby to take over FDA

America is not everywhere. At least mention the country where your question applies to instead of thinking you're the center of the internet. Before we try to find a connection between Automatic Transmission Fluid and Data Encryption Algorithm .

They make a North American event and call it the World Series. Hence North America is the whole world. QED.

Not to be pedantic, but neither Automatic Transmission Fluid nor Data Encryption Algorithms have any kind of jurisdiction in any country on the planet. Op provided enough context clues to understand the country they're talking about.

The only crime they committed is not including three words in a bracket to say "everywhere (in the US)" while still mentioning the jurisdiction of the three letter agencies in that country.

Is it US centralism thinking? Sure. But it's not like OP left out all the necessary info to determine where and what they were talking about. Not to mention their entire post is a joke with a clear punchline. I don't think anyone here is too stupid to understand the use of "jurisdiction" in OPs message, or the punchline it leads to, so why are you pretending to be that way to make a point? It simply weakens your point.

Imo there are much better places and comments to point out US exceptionalism BS than a throw away joke with enough context clues to understand it.

Its still illegal at a federal level and I don't see that changing any time soon. You can't smoke your pot and work for the government.

Unfortunately it still falls under schedule 1. Even if states legalize it the federal government still considers it the same danger as heroin.

Don’t get me wrong. It shouldn’t be but until we get a federal law changing that then it’s still going to fall under DEA.

And unfortunately, the scheduling is determined by none other than the DEA itself. So I wouldn't hold my breath on them forfeiting funding and purview over of anything as trivial as medical research or the will of the people. At least not easily or without some other political quid pro quo.

DEA added it by an order from the AG under Nixon.

Biden could get it removed the same way if he wanted to actually hold up on his campaign promise.

Sounds like a good time to withhold funding ☺️

6 more...
6 more...

Fun fact, while working "the season" in NorCal before it was legalized (when it was still crazy lucrative to do so), the ATF and CAMP were the ones raiding the farms, not the DEA.

1 more...

Either hhs or fda.

Speaking of HHS (from NYT):

Marijuana is neither as risky nor as prone to abuse as other tightly controlled substances and has potential medical benefits, and therefore should be removed from the nation’s most restrictive category of drugs, federal scientists have concluded.

The recommendations are contained in a 250-page scientific review provided to Matthew Zorn, a Texas lawyer who sued Health and Human Services officials for its release and published it online on Friday night. An H.H.S. official confirmed the authenticity of the document.

But sadly

Last month, Michael D. Miller, a Justice Department official, defended the D.E.A.’s prerogative in making the final decision on the administration’s position.

“D.E.A. has the final authority to schedule, reschedule, or deschedule a drug under the Controlled Substances Act, after considering the relevant statutory and regulatory criteria and H.H.S.’s scientific and medical evaluation,” he wrote in a letter to Representative Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat who has pushed the D.E.A. to reconsider marijuana.

I see no motivation for the DEA to voluntarily forfeit power and money just because it's the right thing to do. Also think of career DEA guys' pride and ego. They are not going to easily admit they've been wrong and that their rhetoric has been overheated for the past 50 years.

I don't even understand why those 3 things are together in the first place. None of those things go together in any kind of way I can think of that there would be an organization dedicated to them.

Things that are legal for personal use but heavily restricted

Everywhere? DEA? ATF? I really didn't miss reddit's US defaultism

nope. It should be regulated by each state. The federal government should just back off.

Or, we could stop pretending that a plant is harmful to society instead of using it as an excuse to put brown people in prison.

Not seeing the connection here. In my country we consider it's harmful even though we have extremely few brown people

Your country is just as stupid as the US, then.