it could happen to you rule to – 290 points –

see if your instance is one of them here:


who the dick would want to see Threads posts

There are lots of people on there I would like to follow, but they wont be joining the fediverse and I don't want to make a Threads account myself either.

Lots of illustrators and writers have Threads and Instagram because it's where the money is. They rely on that kind of exposure to sell and show their work. Following from Mastodon without a Threads account would be awesome.

Not to mention that many Mastodon users are ridiculously "purists" saying that no ad or sell should be on the network, ever, and are actively hostile to the small guys trying to make a living here. I agreed that big corps can fuck off because they overdo ads, but the small guy selling his weird contraptions or custom phone cases should see Mastodon as an alternative. But the truth is that they won't.

I assume that people with those attitudes "miss what Twitter used to be."

Miss me with that shit, Twitter was always a shithole and Jack Dorsey was always a Nazi-protecting piece of shit.

Zuck and Meta ain't no better.

Saying federation is the same as bootlicking is fucking bullshit. I want my insurance to defederate, but this is ridiculous exaggeration

i like ridiculous exaggerations though :)

by overthrowing her punches the rhetoricist ensures her punches land with all audiences

3 more...

I don't need any sort of isolationism pushed on me. I wouldn't sign up for an email provider that blocks GMail because "we're not corpo bootlickers", or a phone provider that only lets me call the coolest fellow comrades. If an instance wants to be its own little island with its own ideology, I'm cool with that, but it's not for me - I'm looking for an instance that behaves more like an un-opinionated public utility.

i think i’d 100% agree with you if: a) the fediverse wasn’t majority public facing b) meta’s past failures hadn’t impacted the material conditions and safety of real people

i get your comparisons to gmail and phone providers, but to me those two differences are fundamental. gmail is private, your phone is private, but social media is public and can be used to stir up massive misinformation campaigns, harrassment, or calls to violence.

on the same level, if any evidence that gmail or my phone provider had willingly participated in calls to violence which resulted in rape and murder, i also would want that institution to be excluded in order to guarantee the safety of my local instance’s members as well as to stop letting them profit from my existence on a federated platform.

these are the key differences that i am taking into account when i call for not federating with meta on a majority scale. what are your thoughts on them?

I think these are fair points. and I can't say I blame anyone for wanting Meta/FB out of their life entirely. I see value in both options - the option of having maximum connectivity to others, and the option of having only parties that are considered to be in good ethical standing. And I'm glad the fediverse can offer both options to everyone. For me personally, having communications cut between users based on who is hosting their instance is a last resort.

I see your point but I think you might not know all the reasons for defederation. There is nothing wrong with wanting to interact with people on other platforms of course.

However, Meta is a huge company and it is not in Meta's interest to have an open fediverse with many diverse platforms. Platforms like instagram are notoriously predatory walled gardens. They grow until there is tons of people on them and they have a quasi-monopoly, then they crank up ads, force people to make an account and/or download an app to see content. Their content cannot be seen from elsewhere.

If their services have been closed off in walled gardens until now, why would they suddenly shift and want to support ActivityPub? Mastodon is big but not big enough that people feel they are missing out by being on other platforms. I doubt they expect to attract significantly more users that way. They want to create a way to become part of the fediverse through their platform. Given the sheer amount of money Meta has, they will then make Threads the most bestest and easiest way to do microblogging on the fediverse. Find a mastodon instance? ugh what a hassle, just join Threads. Then they can start adding features that mastodon and firefish don't have. People will switch to threads for these features, and voila, the age old strategy of embrace-extend-extinguish is done.

Even if we assume that is not their motive, the fediverse is about open, democratic and collaborative social media. Those values are directly opposed by Meta's entire business model (and their business itself which is generating shareholder profits). Now if some small company was part of the fediverse who cares, but Meta is a huge behemoth and IMO we're better off building a world without them, rather than inviting them into it to compete against largely volunteer-built software. Let's learn from the past.

I probably wouldn't use an instance if it wasn't federated to Threads

Same. I’m glad the ‘default’ instances are federated, since I want to follow a bunch of folks on threads. And I’m glad that I dont have to give up my personal info to zuck to do that.

Wasn't federated, or was federated?

I've always got to invert the double negatives to parse crap like this:

I probably would use an instance if it was federated to Threads.

Not exactly the same meaning, but it gets you on the right side of the negatives.

Yup, that's what I meant, but like you said, it doesn't carry the exact same meaning if I wrote it like that

I understood the meaning. I was clarifying the point OP was trying to make because I 100% disagree with it as worded.

Best way to address this is to reword a bit:

I probably would not use avoid using an instance that wasn't federated to Threads

Using "not" twice in a single sentence is generally something worth avoiding IMO.

As I still see that didn't block Zuck, it seems that it's time to change instance

Threads and Lemmy will barely interact unless someone on threads deliberately tries to interact with Lemmy, calm down 🤣

I did the same. I had been donating to Ruud since just before reddit destroyed the 3rd party apps. I stopped that and moved to for now. Chose them because they are defederated from Threads, allow downvotes, and community creation.

Edit: Was unhappy with due to their federation with tankies. is the only instance I could find that was defederated from Threads, lemmgrad, and hexbear.

I'm apparently of the minority opinion that the user should be allowed to choose what instances to block

Meta is trying to extinguish (part of) the fediverse. If a user wants to participate in that, they are not welcome on my server in the first place.

I disagree, so we shall battle to the death by making passive aggressive blog posts to each other

There is no other way. may the weakest man lose 🫡 (women and non-binary people always win)

i honestly don't get the hate. i love the fact that i wont need two apps anymore to see the more mainstream people i used to follow on twitter. tje worst part about twitter going under is the fragmentation.,_extend,_and_extinguish

It's happened so many times, and every time people thought "this time it's different".

but that doesn't really happen in a decentralized model.

That's exactly what happens in a decentralized model.

Stop posting this unless you have an actual argument as to why it's not just FUD. This dumbass blogpost has been debunked over and over and over again.

Google Talk didn't kill XMPP.

XMPP didn't have a significant user base, Google Talk did, so while Google Talk supported XMPP, other open source XMPP clients got to ride their coattails and interact with a huge community and it felt like XMPP was thriving, when in reality Google Talk was what users cared about, not whether or not it connected to the rest of the minor XMPP networks, so when Google Talk decided to stop using XMPP, their users didn't care or switch and XMPP died.

But that's fundamentally not because Google killed it, it's because Google was the only thing keeping it alive.

the internet/web itself is a decentralized model and yet think of how often you see a website that “only works/works best on Google Chrome”

That's because developers making websites don't want to bother to test their thousands of lines of application code on a bunch of different browsers.... is your argument that Threads will join the fediverse and then people arent going to test whether their 150 characters of text will work with Lemmy before posting and then all us Lemmy user's are going to quit because it's simply too much for Lemmy to render 150 characters of text and maybe an image?

there are very few sites that work on chromium but not on gecko or webkit, though.

I don't think I've ever seen that though. Can I get an example?

Gov websites

Which ones? I’m on the VA one and USAjobs quite a lot and have had no issues with Firefox.

A link would be helpful.

But tbh that’s not a great example. If we’re talking an about orgs like the DoD, they have a horrendous track record. Some of their shit still required IE after it was deprecated.

I was in the Air Force and worked as a contractor for years after.

I only ever see it on Google's own websites (who woulda guessed) e.g. Google Earth

Try setting up a personal email server in 2024 and tell me afterwards how fun the experience was

I understand you, but I specifically went to lemmy to not have any of that bullshit from Musk or Zuck or Spez. Facebook is a toxic dumpster fire(on purpose because money) Twitter is a toxic dumpster fire (because Musk is an asshole). Reddit is basically the same but the ceo is still an asshole. And I am sure that after a few years threads will follow this trend soon.

idk there are a handful of Reddit communities I miss, I would love to be able to follow them here, ad free, without a Reddit account.

true but you wouldn't be interacting with it unless you follow specific users or go into the global timeline

You don't need two apps even if your instance defederates

Ignoring the context, this image is quite hot. I hope there were no actual Nazis involved.

Apparently someone already pointed out that this image comes from a porno, so I guess your not the only one.

Bootlicking is cool. I always say I'm into the good kind of bootlicking, since it depends on whose boot it is. Not into licking the boot of someone who would want my rights taken away though, that's cringe.

What does "Limited" and "Fedipact" mean on that list exactly?

Limited means the instance has done something not quite to the level of total defederation, but still limits the presence of Threads users. For example, making it so you can only see a Threads user if you actively search for and follow them, removing all Threads content from the global feed by default, preventing Threads users from following your users, etc.

"Fedipact" means that the admin of that instance has signed on to the informal agreement of the same name between instances that pledged to defederate from Threads preemptively.

Oh then i'd like to be a instance that is limited atleast but they chose to federate (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

I’m excited for Threads to join the fedi… except all my family and friends are still on twitter.. damn

Ok obviously no zuck, but that image do be kinda hot like yes make me lick your boots zaddy 🥵

I don't think there's a good reason to avoid threads so long as it contains good and interesting users, and isn't making huge demands from your users.

the “huge demand from your users” will immediately be having to deal with meta’s attrocious history with moderation and user safety being repeated.

honestly my threads feed is pretty good and i havent noticed too many issues with the things that plagued twitter. the trans community is pretty big on threads too which is nice.

It doesn't though? Facebook's employers and users are 100% garbage people.

If you think everyone who uses facebok is garbage then the problem is you, you're a misanthrope.

I probably am a misanthrope, but that doesn't change the fact that anyone remaining on Facebook, Twitter, or even Reddit at this point, are bots, corporate shills, misinformation campaigns from enemy nations, or the idiots who have looked around at what's going on with their platform and went "Yeah I'll keep using this."

lol so my grandma is a garbage person because she hasn’t rage deleted her facebook account and setup shop on some federated instance where absolutely none of her family and remaining friends are while having to learn some completely new & often actively hostile interface. alright

Exactly. And if they can't behave, we can always defederate later. I don't see the rush.

They want people to validate their boring moss posts and clever regurgitation about enshittification

yes but i will not stand for this moss slander though, im such a fairy-pilled moss-cel its not even funny😤😤

I should probably migrate my account, even though I barely use Mastodon. Any recommendations for cool servers with cool people?

i see a lot of fun over at

Run your own if you can and use something like Akkoma that's lighter on resources

I just see so many disadvantages on running your own instance:

  • First and foremost, you need to rent a webserver and a domain.
  • Then, you need to setup SSH and TLS, and to configure your server as to lessen the chances of you getting hacked/DOSed, and setup some failsafes in case someone still manages to hack you.
  • Then you finally install the Mastodon/Pleroma/whatever and configure it to your liking.

And after all of that, many issues may still pop up at any time. What if your instance can't federate with others? And what if you get DDOSed? Lots of things can happen, and none of them seems fun.

Woe is the individual who likes government agencies and celebrities I suppose.

The irony is govt agencies running on commercial social media they have little to no control over

People keep parroting that Threads will kill us all but won't explain how it could happen to the fediverse. As in, actual steps. Because Flipboard federated and I'm not flooded with news posts. Mastodon is used for Nazi instances and I'm not flooded by Nazi content, even if the maintainer don't block that particular instace due to not knowing it exists.

No, XMP is not a valid example. It requires specific people to be on that specific platform for you to connect with them, like iMessage and WhatsApp. The fediverse is nothing like that.

Can someone explain exactly how EEE will happen? Technically? Other than FUD?

EDIT: thank you all for the replies, there's definitely some good points that are worth considering that I couldn't find elsewhere.

Here's an example I can see happening.

Threads will want to implement post reactions to maintain parity with Facebook. Threads expands the ActivityPub spec to include reactions.

Now, every other instance will not be compatible with reactions. Users complain they cannot see reactions.

Admins have two choices now:

  • Refuse to implement reactions because they are not part of the spec. Users leave and join threads.

  • ActivityPub adds reactions to the standard, all instances must now support reactions. Meta has now started dictating the spec.

I feel the XMP fears do have some sentiment, and it's really a matter of how the broad username interprets these issues (including the Thread users which would be family and friends).

I don't think so. There are tons of ActivityPub implementations out there already that don't even support all parts of the official spec (Lemmy can't display attached images, for example). There are also implementations that have tacked on additional functionality beyond the official spec (again, Lemmy's downvotes).

It's a very flexible protocol that allows developers to pick and choose what features they want to implement in their services.

There are tons of ActivityPub implementations out there already

but none are widely used by such a massive amount of people as threads, and especially people who don't understand/care about spec compliance or even how federation works

honestly, i think in the best scenario, threads will create their own activitypub "fork", and most instances won't want to follow it, forcing the people who were on non-threads instances to chose between going to threads to keep in touch with their threads mutuals, or staying on non-threads instances and no longer having a reliable way of keeping in touch with those people.

worst case would be instances following what meta does and making them the spec dictators pretty much, the spec would become closed source and all other fedi implementations would lag behind in features compared to threads, and they can at any point change the spec and break other instances.

i think the point of defederating with threads isn't just the defederation, but is about sending a message that we don't want to play their game, we want to keep doing our things our ways. if they want to interract with the fediverse, they'll have to play by our rules, we don't want to follow theirs

There is an assumption that any changes or additions Threads may make to their implementation of ActivityPub beyond the official spec will break compatibility with other instances. It won't though, that's the point I was trying to make above.

Any additions they may want to make can absolutly be added on top of the existing official spec without breaking compatibility. Lemmy has downvotes but can still read comments and posts by Mastodon users. Mastodon users can post to Lemmy communities. You can see Pixelfed pictures on Kbin. Kbin posts can be read on Misskey. Misskey posts are visible on Mastodon.

All of these services have features that don't exist elsewhere, built outside of the existing spec, but the core content is all interoperable. Anything Threads may want to add can be done without destroying spec compatibility. Sure, they could still make a change that intentionally breaks compatibility, but why would they? Theres nothing in it for them. No one who's here is going to leave just because the Threads users are gone. The Threads users are already absent and we're all still here.

Sure, they could still make a change that intentionally breaks compatibility, but why would they?

This is the kind of naivety that gets us deepthroated.

If they're "definitely not going to" then they don't need the power to, yes? They should agree to our terms.

No one who's here is going to leave just because the Threads users are gone.

I'm only here, specifically here, because communities I liked on Reddit pulled me. Granted, I like it here, but no platform is worth more than its content. If people get used to threads and threads leaves, people will leave with threads.

i just want to point out that, in the same way XMP is not a valid example of EEE, neither is Flipboard a good example of a massive megacorp federating. Flipboard’s algorithms have never incited violence in Myanmar and that makes 100% of the difference.

my concern is not EEE, and I agree that i don’t get why that’s the focus.

my concern is that we are dealing with Meta—an absolutely massive, soulless corporation which has shown dozen upon hundreds of times that it will prioritize the growth of its shareholders’ paycheck well before the afterthought of caring if its algorithms end up wreaking addiction and violence.

call that FUD if you want, i call it learning from well-documented experience.

Again, you're not actually making an argument about meta doing anything to make the fediverse worse than it is, you're not even arguing that metas actions in those other situations are directly applicable and will happen here, you're just saying "look at these bad things that Meta did before, sure other bad things must happen".

That is the literal textbook definition of a FUD argument.

Well look, I don't have enough insight into the design or backend for Lemmy or mastodon, but Facebook has heavily invested into their network, and likely aims to grow.

How could they do that? All of this seems blockable on the client end (meaning I'm not good/shitty enough to work at Facebook) but imagine:

  • an algorithm takes a selection of high ranking fb posts and cross-posts to Lemmy, far faster and more frequently than regular users. Oh, you'll need to login to read.
  • threads could wholesale repost other users and their comments, but behind a threads login wall

Basically do some scummy behavior using our public statements, questions and comments, all to get more attention devoted to what's happening on their site (and its associated ads).

There's no good product that Meta has ever touched that's been made better after their involvement. Why go for bat for a company that has consistently shown it's goal is to make things worse for the end user?

“the leopard bit my hand the last 14 times i pet it, but it’s FUD to learn from the past so here goes number 15 :)”

Let's flip this around: Show me a thing that Meta has touched that hasn't turned to shit. Why risk the same fate when we don't have to? What is meta bringing to the table that would warrant foolhardiness on our part?

See the opposite of FUD is naivete, hubris, make-believe, not something one wants to be engaged in either.

is have no more backbone than chocolate eclair