Do what you love

The Picard Maneuver@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 928 points –

You block ads because of privacy.

I block ads to cause the greatest amount of financial damage, purely out of spite.

We are not the same.

I also block ads because I want a clean page, plus the economical damage.

Yeah that’s my whole thing with ads, I understand monetization is necessary but it’s gotten so far out of fucking hand

I agree. Small, non-intrusive banner ads with an easy close button are fine. They get the message across without getting in anyone's way.

The problem is the ads that stop you from doing anything for the best part of a minute. I don't see how anyone has ever been convinced to buy whatever product is being advertised by these, but somehow, they're the ones that are everywhere.

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Steal. To take another person's property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

Take. To remove someone or something from a particular place.

I’m not taking anything, I’m merely creating a copy of it. I would 100% download a car if that meant cloning someone’s car for free and without damaging the original one.

This doesn't get said enough. Piracy is only damaging if I would have paid to get the thing in the first place. If I'm pirating something that I would have avoided entirely had I needed to pay, literally no one is taking any losses.

I don't understand your logic. You deem piracy to be "not theft" if it's so low quality that you would waste your time watching it for free.

That's not what I said at all.

If I’m pirating something that I would have avoided entirely had I needed to pay, literally no one is taking any losses.

What does this statement mean then? Why would you pirate something if you had no interest in it? If it's interesting enough to download, it must have been worth something to you.

I think everyone here is just trying to justify piracy because it doesn't meet some archaic definition of the word "theft", when in reality, the definitions of counterfeiting and unauthorized access to intellectual property are 100% met.

Yes, but for me it's just not worth the price that the official distribution channels are asking for it. If I didn't have a free way to consume the content, I would skip it, and I wouldn't lose anything by doing that. There is plenty of other content to consume, a lot of it legally for free.

I'm not saying that piracy, as a general concept, results in zero losses for a company. There are people who would have paid to see a thing, who won't thanks to piracy. I am saying that there is also a ton of stuff I would never pay to see, but would happily watch if it were free. Having some interest in a thing isn't the same as being willing to pay for it.

Hell, there's also stuff that I saw thanks to piracy that I wound up liking so much I went back and paid for a copy. In that sense, companies can make money through piracy. The point is that piracy isn't taking something like theft is, it's copying something.

What does this statement mean then? Why would you pirate something if you had no interest in it? If it's interesting enough to download, it must have been worth something to you.

Sure. But it doesn't mean it's worth the asking price to me. Because I can't negotiate on that price, my interest is effectively worth nothing to the company.

Let's pretend for a minute that piracy wasn't an option. In that scenario, I simply wouldn't watch it. Therefore, there's no potential that the company will get money from me, and there's no opportunity for them to get money. Because there's no opportunity, there's no opportunity cost for the company to me pirating the content.

That's what people are talking about when they talk about the company losing money to piracy. They're talking about the unrealized potential income of people that would have paid for the content, but didn't because they pirated it instead. The counterpoint to that is that there's no way I'm going to pay for it. Therefore, there's no unrealized potential income. They're not out of anything by me pirating their company.

id download a car if it specifically took a car from a rich person

If it creates a copy of it, like a car-sized star trek replicator, sure. It wouldn’t matter who’s car you’re cloning as long as no harm is done to the original car.

If you wrote a book, and I photocopied it from the library and redistributed copies to all my friends, you can't be mad because nothing was taken from you.

I don't understand the downvotes. I'm justified in making copies and distributing those copies to my friends without paying the creator. Nothing was taken.

Wrong, I could get mad, just wouldn’t call it theft because it’s not.

I hope your friends like it enough to buy it if they get the chance uwu I’d be doing my best to provide a better product/service than the pirate alternative.

I'm mad about these pinko libraries existing in the first place. That's lost sales!

I don’t know why some people sugar coat it.

I’d pirate anyway because I don’t wanna spend money, and so would a lot of people who instead choose to hide behind excuses.

I have seen these big long winded speeches about how immoral it is to sell copyrighted material and how some dumb shit like spiderman should fall under the 'free sharing of ideas to better humanity' and blah blah blah.

Bro. We are thieves. We are stealing because its easy and the products cost too much.

It also depends on who's behind the product. Good indie game with one or a few developers - never. Adobe - I consider it a moral obligation.

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Bad news: piracy isn’t theft if buying isn’t owning

In what world is getting something for free that the original owners are charging money for not theft?

You engaged in a TOS with a service provider. The terms of your ownership were not negotiated and yet you tacitly agreed to the contract.

The one we live in, where software is being sold to consumers with terms of service that say customers don’t own the software they bought.

Right. You license it. Owning something isn't the be all end all of commerce. Just admit you like getting free stuff.

Do you complain about the Theme Park getting to keep all of its rides when you leave at the end of the day? You paid money to be there, surely you should get to take part of the park home with you.

A better comparation would be this: you paid for Dondurma and after the guy is done with the tricks he moved on to the other customer so you asked where's my ice cream. And he says umm actually if you scanned the QR code of the menu you would have known, after watching 2 ads, that you are paying for the tricks not the ice cream

As someone who has literally never bought any software at all, ever… I just get the stuff I need whether it is free or not. I don’t care if it is freeware or not actually

The key part of theft is taking the object away from the original owner, which doesnt happen with Piracy, its more akin to forgery than it is theft

I used to NOT advocate for piracy. I still pirated shit because I did not want to pay but I never suggested that it was the right thing to do. But the way that these corporations try to fuck their customers more and more I feel like paying for something is basically tipping a billionaire. Their pockets are bottomless and they will figure out a hundred different ways to make sure they don't pay taxes on those billions while the rest of us have to pay a third of our hard earned cash in taxes. Piracy is not only OK, I think it is warranted at this point.

You're not entitled to media. Just own the fact that you like stealing media.

The billionaires are not entitled to our excess labor value.

And billionaires are not entitled to fucking tax breaks every year. I'll start paying when they start paying their fair share.

Also I literally said that in my comment. But you were too busy sucking off a billionaire.

Don't worry, I've been following his simple minded, tone deaf train of thought for several posts.

He's too busy posting to respond (rather than replying to discuss) to remember to cup the balls.

Its not theft its copyright infringement

“Copyright infringement”: when a shitty set of laws, known collectively as copyright laws, infringe not just on people individual rights but also on the advancing and progressing of society.

300% real definition

I just enjoy having 1 app to browse the content I want to watch instead of a dozen different apps that suck in their own special ways.

plex won't download properly on my phone, but it's not because some big company decided that I'm not allowed to do that, it's just cause the devs suck.

The crazy thing is that you’ve been tricked into thinking piracy even is theft

When subtraction is equivalent to addition because capitalists needs to justify owning the means of production.

If those corporations are allowed to do it, then so are we.

Even the corporation that made all those "You wouldn't download a car" ads are now downloading actors for their movies.

obligatory "if buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing"

and also there's a moral argument for data preservation here somewhere

I love stealing~

I like taking things~

its very cool and funny to do crimes, actually

Copyright infringement isn't a crime though, only commercial copyright infringement is.

I just like filling up hard drives and sitting on top of them like a dragon hoarding ones and zeros

I think piracy is the inevitable result of restricting access.

Given that music services like Apple music, Spotify, YouTube music, and others, all have access to just about anything you might want to hear as soon as it's released, no matter what service you use, you get access. Pick your favorite.

Meanwhile in the world of TV and movies, everything is everywhere. If you want to pay for access to whatever you want to watch, you're going to be subscribing to just about every video streaming service in existence to achieve it, because everyone has exclusives. Don't like the website, user interface, search system, algorithmic suggestion system, mobile app, webpage, price, etc. Of a service? Too fucking bad, they're the only one who streams that show you like, either pay too much for cable and sit on your couch every week at the same time to watch it there (if that's even an option... and over pay for it), or use the stupid streaming service you hate to watch it. Your alternative? Piracy.

IMO, piracy is inevitable as long as access is this limited.

I don't know anyone who pirates music anymore.

I know of plenty that pirate TV and movies.

Believe it or not, but piracy with principles is much more fun

Why not both? I dont NEED 90% of the forgeries I download, but a good 60-80% of them I'd still pay for if digital media ownership wasnt such a fucking shit show right now. Treat me with respect as a customer or I'll fucking fly the flag, I'm not a sack of money you can punch to get money out of it because you're too fucking lazy to get some respectfully

I literally got a movie called "Cocaine Shark" like last month because of the title alone lol. It's a terrible movie, but hey, it's about a killr shark high on coke.

Have you seen cocaine bear? Are we getting a Cocaine Cinematic Universe?

As far as I know, it was made as a ripoff film, like how Asylum makes shitty movies thst are like popular properties, but not quite.

I figured, but to be fair, Cocaine Bear was basically just a well done B movie, so it could only be a TECHNICAL difference! =P

I enjoy copyright infringement because I hate late stage capitalism.

Pirating because you didn’t know that money can be exchanged for goods and services

It's not theft though, never was. Wasn't even a crime until a few years ago.

Well, since Pirates copy rather than take, surely they're creating value everytime they make a copy of something (were you had one, now you have two), unless that something had no value to begin with.

Be a a Pirate: It's good for the Economy!

I pirate because I like it when I have movie and money at the same time

it doesn't matter why you're doing the moral and correct thing, only that you do it.



The avoiding payments is immoral. The owning what you copied part not.

If I can download a game or a movie and then watch it offline without the possibility that the company I bought it from deletes it at any time from my hard drive then I would pay for such a service.

Steam is close but in theory they can delete your game once they decide that you shouldn't have access to that game anymore.

Thinking of all the shit I buy from the money I did not spent, because I chose to sail the 7 seas instead.

I pirate games because the idea of a poor, overworked developer go homeless gets me hard.

I just like training AI.

Kinda. I'm terrified how everyone seems to be in favour of having significantly stricter copyright protections because of scary AI.