Reddit Warns That r/WallStreetBets Could Wreak Havoc on Its Stock Price

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 466 points –
Reddit Warns That r/WallStreetBets Could Wreak Havoc on Its Stock Price

Reddit Warns That r/WallStreetBets Could Wreak Havoc on Its Stock Price::In its IPO documents, Reddit said the price and volume of its stock could “experience extreme volatility for reasons unrelated to our underlying business.”


Excellent! Should we invite them to setup shop here?

Yes definetly they are one of the community i miss dearly in here .

I tried early starting a lemmy instance focused on this. There was about 0 exodus from that community. was the domain.

WSB without the daily thread just doesn't exist. I'm also convinced that community is 85%+ bots.

In other news, I actually started making money since leaving reddit/wsb.

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Can you expand a bit as to why? I wasn't part of it, but saw the same snippets we all saw during the Gamestop shit, and it seemed pretty toxic and a place for naive folks (me if I followed the advice lol) to lose a lot of money.

Definitely not a place for legitimate financial advice. Not OP but what I got from it is financial memes and some comradery hating rich people, at least at the height of the GameStop craze.

They seemed to love rich people, few times I was there.

Yeah they are a riot and its fun to watch. But yeah don't always follow their advice

Whatever bro. I made a shit ton betting on a goldfish there.

Whatever bro. I flipped a coin once and it came up heads, just as they said!

After GameStop is when it went to shit. You came at the worst possible time.

If GME was your first intro and that caused you to think it was toxic...

if you don't long for days of disappearances and dogs shitting the backyards, I don't think the lifestyle is right for you.

Fuck that. Maybe old WSB, not the GME cultists. They can fuck all the way off.

Yeah, the GME cargo cult is pretty tired, those people don't get it.

I just want to see people losing their life savings after betting on melons having to drink piss from champagne glasses.

you can eat my ass shitbird!

How do I gamble on this?

go to computershare website, there you can sign up for a direct account and get registered shares in your name that the DTC can't use to FTD and reset all teh bullshit things they got going on... i wish you well citizen

Bro fuck GME and its idiot cultists.

Yall are dummies and boring.

FUK ME YOURSELF YOU COWARD edit its hard to hate on such a username.... please fuk me

You wanna fuck with that missionary ass GME play? Bruh I'm 9 dicks deep in a fucking canoe!

Hop in, were going to the moon.

Brah I'm from MN, i was born for this canoo shit!!!!!!! consider you conaoo 10 dicks now

Nah fr though, I want to buy about 5k - 10k more shares. Its utterly shitty the bed right now, but I think mid year we'll get some good news stories and see it climb to ~0.25+.

They basically don't exist in the wild, so like yeah, its gonna struggle. Its at least gotta be better nikola, I mean they actually do have a product.

they are literally about to have their first positive quarter, they could have done it last quarter, they have like a billion of cash on hand and showed a 5M loss last Q, i am guessing they are waiting to bust the damn bear case on it wide open, when that first positive earnings comes out I hope all those automatic investing machines make their choices and start this fucking shit show. but i have no faith in RC he is a billionaire taking gambles with plans and personally i find his shit dumb and lacking any virture or principal...

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No, no. Let them cook. Let's see what happens before they inevitably get banned.

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Wrong. It is related to your underlying business.

Also, unfortunately WSB was a one-off. It's a highly monitored and bot infiltrated wasteland now. I hope someone is able to screw the reddit ipo, but it won't be WSB.

Apparently reddit hasn't been following wsb... it's likely to help the IPO from regards trying to time the market.

Ya if anything I would have expected Robinhood to have been destroyed by WSB but it's still kicking at $14.48/share.

They did do a number on it though since it IPOd around $60 and even almost hit $90 there briefly before plummetting to around $8.

Reddit will probably do the same thing, start in the middle but a brief high and then plummet before finding an equilibrium about 1/4 of what reddit initially thought it would be worth.

I've been planning on doing like a 6 month short on it if I have the money because it is going to be tanked hard.

Don't worry everybody. Our IPO might seem bad, but it's just because our users have absolutely no faith in us.

As someone who made about $400 on AMC, I wholly support the apes in their endeavor to pump and dump Reddit’s stock into oblivion.

i doubt retail has any actual power, they will pump and dump with behind the scense dark pool trades while making WSB look like a pack of apes playing their option card. but the derrivates market is like 500T - 1 quadrillion fucking dollars, and also,

Also i must point out you paper handed bitch, talking about a 400 AMC gain like what the fuck? I love you but man thats dumbest shit i've ever heard anyone be proud of.

Also ignore me I'm just angry and hate all the fucking elites and all the markets and fucking hate RC and AA and carl ichan and warren buffet and ever fucktard on the GME board that uses 100,000 word tweets to say "deep things" a 10 year old could say in 10 words....

Hey man. It was $400 more than I had at the start. I threw $50 at a joke and earned $400 net from it. That’s what I call fun.

sorry, its been a hard morning for me and i'm leaking toxic... so fucking mad at the reddit bullshit...

Understandable. Sending a virtual hug and fist bump, and hoping you have a better rest of your day! 🤜🤛

I made about double that on betting that Donald Trump would lose the election after he had already lost the election. Now that was something I'm really proud of.

Pretty sure they don’t need any help to make that IPO a disaster.

Watch it just KILL

I’d be so hopeless… more than I already am.

This article was removed from r/wallstreetbets by the mods…

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I'm looking forward to shorting the shit out of this stock

I'd stay away from it entirely. If the total valuation is only a few billion, there's people and organizations that can easily keep the price artificially inflated if they want to kill off some short sellers. And no one will step in to change the rules to save them in this case.

I think the price will go down in the long term, but it's completely unpredictable in the short term. Especially if WSB vocally tries to take one position. I bet there's some big money that still wants to hurt them after the whole GME thing, even though I think most of WSB that tried to get into that also lost money.

If you must get your feet wet, my guess would be that the opposite of what the sentiment of WSB is will make money if you time it right and get out before they realize their losses or their options expire.

And whenever you're trading options for shits and giggles, remember that the market can stay irrational far longer than we can remain solvent.


You don't think wall st would enjoy short squeezing WSB if they see shorting a particular stock is popular on there?

ah it doesn't matter, at the end of the day it's all blood money laundering...

One thing I saw after the GameStop thing happened that gave me a bit of perspective: when you buy and sell stock, your risk in the worst case scenario is that a company goes down to zero and you lose everything you put into it. That "everything you put into it" is the limit of your losses. When shorting, there is no practical limit to your losses because there is no upper practical limit to the share value.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in the fuck Spez camp as well (hence me being here). But there is virtually unlimited potential risk to being wrong about this, so keep that in mind.

Look, when you lose 70% of your investment, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT. Please blame retail investors that can afford $1k worth each. That $200m that spuz will be dumping and the 8% that computercuck boi has, well that's nothing. Forget about that. It's our own users fault.

I’m starting to think this is why they’re giving shares to Redditors, it’s someone to sell while the options are flying.

Reddit seems like a prime target to short IMO. Not even as a screw Reddit move. I just would never consider investing in them in their current state. Going public was a terrible choice for them.

For who? I bet it was a good enough choice for a few people to get very rich off of before it burns to the ground.

So the extremely overissued IPO shares given to institutions may eat their faces

Got it

Knowing Reddit, they will likely just find a reason, however valid, to make the sub go permanently dark just before IPO.

Either that, or send a ton of bots that like the stock for a bunch of reasons as written by chatgpt.

I'd love to see Ryan Cohen short sell the Reddit IPO. What would WSB do?

WSB will short I guess

That's what they want them to believe, that they are very important. Good for the stock price.

How would convincing people that their plan to short the stock might be a legitimate risk (encouraging shorts) be good for the stock price?

Asking about the value of reddit on reddit seems like it would contribute to the value of reddit...

If the resounding answer is "we should short it", then the contribution would be negative.

They initially did try to get WSB on board w/ the DSO, with a cheeky "why let institutional investors have all the fun ;) " but as far as I understand it, WSB isn't biting.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Put simply, the company warned potential investors that one of its subreddits, the infamous r/WallStreetBets, could make its stock price and volume extremely volatile—and there’s little Reddit can do about it.

It’s entirely possible that the everyday people on r/WallStreetBets, a subreddit of 15 million retail investors who refer to themselves as “apes” and “degenerates,” and other online forums could do the same thing with Reddit’s stock, the company stated.

The volatility could cause people to lose all or part of their investment, the company explained, if they are unable to sell their shares at or above the IPO price.

The long-term effect of movements like those propelled by r/WallStreetBets is already documented, with the takeaway being that surges of interest and heavy investment don’t necessarily bring success to companies over time.

Furthermore, shares purchased by users and moderators will not be subject to a lockup, the period after an IPO where insiders and early investors are banned from selling their stock to prevent the price from going down.

The top post on the subreddit on Friday morning—“Reddit lists WSB as a risk factor for its IPO 😏”—had thousands of comments as of the publication of this article.

The original article contains 542 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 63%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Okay so Wall street cucks is full of bots and paid for shills. Fucking spazy boy spez is creating a narrative to fullfill. We all fucking know by now retail has no fucking way to move this shit stock anymore, retail has not enough power when the derrivates market, the calls and puts and what nots, is estimated up to a Quadrillion fucking dollars. That is what is moving this shit bird not us little shit seeds out here in the trailer park...

The float of shares compared to how much WSB will short this is going to be interesting.